Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Sea of Memory

Location: Tapani Sector (Luca's Estate)
Luca Caldogne Luca Caldogne


Angelique mock huffed at the notion of having to clean up such a mess and shot him an exasperated look before it melted into something softer. It occurred to her in that moment, while her fingers wove through his, that this man, this articulate, calculating creature was her weakness. The estate was stunning. The space that he had set aside for her was far more than she needed—But, he had arranged it all the same. She was content, to explore. Content to look around, even on her own, and slowly commit everything to memory…

But it wasn't the same without him. She hadn't known what she missed until it was there. Innocuous. His focus, attention, and even the slight bit of enjoyment he seemed to take in watching her. "When we were young…", she teased good-naturedly, turning, to glance at him through feathered lashes, "Who would have thought you had a career in interior design?"

Who would have thought she would have fallen in love with music? There were so many applications of the skills that could be acquired over time. Why had that stuck? Many Anzati delved into the arts but they rarely stayed with one aspect of it. They tired of it. Grew apathetic with perceived perfection once a masterpiece had been achieved. But, Angelique? The search for that "excellence" never seemed to cease.

She nodded when he admitted to dwelling in smaller locations, perhaps, getting temporarily lost in anonymity. "I had a roommate once.", she intoned, thoughtfully, while he opened yet another door. Angelique had expected to see the bedroom, but instead, a dining area greeted her. Her head tilted at the consideration. As much as her stay was, in fact, a sort of muted sentencing, he was trying to make it sustainable. "In a two-bedroom flat in the lower levels of Coruscant. There was a neon light from a bar across the alley that would keep me awake every night."

"Eventually…I asked the owner if he would consider turning it off when the establishment closed. He refused rather rudely and I admit that I responded in a less than polite fashion. We snipped at each other. Daily. It was quite unseemly. He sent his best and brightest to deliver strongly worded messages on his behalf until one day, out of the blue, I invited him to dinner. To bury the hatchet, of course."

While her roommate slept, blissfully unaware, the Anzati tried to appeal to his better nature. She didn't need thugs pounding down her door in the wee hours of the morning nor did she appreciate bottles being thrown through her window over a simple request. The woman staying with her had been a terrified, pathetic creature. As they all were in the bowels of a necropolis. Her nerves couldn't take being threatened every other day for the sake of a sign-board and the ego of a foul being.

"The proprietor misunderstood my intentions as men, often, are want to do. One thing led to another…", she trailed off, soft enough, to let Luca fill in the blanks. In the end, the only one to be fed that evening was Angelique. It had been one of her first lessons in not letting her anger take over. In not letting the monster behind the mask have its way, take control, and deal with her problems for her. For his hubris; she ate him. For the sake of her sweet, quiet roommate, she disappeared.

"I've always lived alone, after that."

It would speak volumes of how much this was out of her routine. The agreement, to live with anyone else. With that in mind, she more than appreciated the pains he took to give her the illusion of independence. A private sitting room, dining room, an entire estate to roam, and who knew what else. This was still his territory. She could feel him in the walls. In every piece of art—Down to the carpet, the tables, the chairs. And yet, he sought to carve her out a place. It surprised her.

How nice, it felt. Strangely, how safe.

She turned once more after her eyes slipped over the elegant wooden table and reached up to let her arms wrap around his neck once more. "Thank you, Luca.", the words were punctuated with a small smile that lingered at the kiss of her mouth. Her responses to him were as honest as they could be. She had her reservations, but that didn't mean she couldn't find the silver lining. The curving woman had spent so long wondering what it would be like to feel him…It felt almost sinful, to ignore it now.

She leaned up and let her lips brush against his. Barely there, a whisper, that led to sweet words wrapped in honey. "…And behind the next door?"
Angelique Deveraux Angelique Deveraux

He listened calmly to her story, only taking a moment to smile at the interior designer quip, but otherwise let her weave the tale. She had always been good at that. Crafting something so well you could practically imagine it right in front of you. This was exactly the reason why they were solitary creatures, Luca mused.

Could he have stuck it out with a non-Anzati in the same small space for days? Much less years?

Most likely not.

The very concept made his skin scratch in annoying ways. "I don't think I would have been able to hold out as long as you did with a roommate for that long," He murmured bemused before adding- "A non-anzati, of course. I'd be too tempted to... have a nibble at least."

Her arms went around his neck and his went around her waist. Fit to perfection. How was it that they managed to avoid this for such a long time, but now they were here? How many years did they miss because of this? Luca wasn't prone to wondering about 'what ifs', because it was not really conductive when your lifespan was practically undecipherable.

But he was tempted.

The kiss was the thing that drew him off of it.

"Ah, you are welcome, miss Deveraux." Teasing her there as his arms squeezed down just a touch. "Are we going to go through each door then?" Smiling as he kept one arm around her, but used his other one to unlock the door and push it open.

Past it? A reading room. Just as finely furnished, just as beautiful and loaded with books.

"I remembered a few of your favorites through the centuries... decided to extrapolate from there. You will have to tell me, if they fit."

Wasn't it rather scary how Luca's ability in organisation could reach so far?

If not scary, it was certainly impressive. Pulling her with him through the doorstep. "It has a nice hearth as well. For the moments when... well... you feel too cool."
Location: Tapani Sector (Luca's Estate)
Luca Caldogne Luca Caldogne ca


"…You would be surprised what you can do when you've no other choice."

Angelique had learned more than one valuable lesson throughout her tenure living with a mortal. The very first, the most important things, was to understand that no matter how skilled, talented, or unique? They were only human. They were flawed, breakable. They required appreciation in the sunrise of their lives. In that perfect, rapturous moment, because in the blink of an eye—It was gone.

All gone. Nothing more than ash and dust.

With his arms around her waist, she pressed closer to him, easily, falling into the way they fit together so easily. The way she leaned up in her flat shoes to be that much nearer should have told him that she missed him that morning without any words at all. "Besides…I told you. I can control my hunger better than most.", her words were meant to reassure him, rather than seeking praise. His eyes seemed almost black in the overhead lights, but, some subtle gleam always showed up in hazel hues. Like the deepest seawater. Where monsters swim and there were wonders to behold.

When she watched him like that, felt him breathe, move, she got confused. He squeezed her and she was drawn from her own reverie. Angelique couldn't get enough. Whether it was flirting with danger or simply some effect he had on her she felt caught off guard when he squeezed her a little tighter. "Every door…", she repeated, though, the mere fact that he kept one arm around her let things tighten low in her body. So much so, that she had to reach out for the doorframe to steady herself. "...Unless you have somewhere better to be."



She mentally swore and a little bothered, even, corrected herself in her own head. The raven-haired woman schooled her features into cheerful compliance and focused instead on the new room that Luca provided. The books were an excellent way to distract herself, though, the fact that he remembered at all made other things fire in her brain. He paid so much attention. So much care. How had he kept his distance all this time? How had they managed it?

"You have exquisite taste—I'm sure I'll love them."

She leaned toward one of the bookshelves, mostly, because her curiosity knew no bounds. There was only one problem. In order to see what he had collected for her, she had to leave his side. No part of her wanted to do that. It was too soon. It was embarrassing to admit that he had been one of the few things that lingered in her mind for centuries. Having him now, so freely, was too good to be true.

Angelique was waiting for the other shoe to drop. The hammer, the price, that came with all things that were too exquisite to explain or understand. Part of her wanted to stay close in an effort to stave that off.

As if that would somehow, spare them.

Tawny brown eyes slipped over the heath and her head tilted. There was a mischievous expression that lingered on her features, though, she didn't seek to explain. Her hand fluttered to his chest, gently, nudging him through toward the next door. She was caught between several things and the only way she knew to keep her head was to continue the tour.

Let it pass. And it would, pass. Wouldn't it?
Angelique Deveraux Angelique Deveraux

His brows quirked at her loose comment.

"Oh, you have my undivided attention, Angel. I have no other place to be." He murmured bemused at her words. For one such as her? It could be positively identified as an outburst. Could be. Luca was far too charitable for this however. In truth it only made him just a fraction more fond. Which was displayed by a squeeze around her shape.

"Where else could I be right now? If not to show what I have prepared for you and only you?"

A tease as he chuckled.

"I am glad you approve of my taste. It's been quite effective... especially the last few days." Again that tease, that little twist, as Luca played around with her teasingly. Was there any other way to be?

He wasn't certain.

The next room was opened and this time around Luca stepped in first, pulling Angelique with him. "And this will be your bedroom." Gesturing towards the finely-shaped room. It had tasteful art. In fact, some of it was reminiscent of the pieces she drew all those centuries ago, when the flight of artful fancy had taken her.

The bed was large and comfortable too.

"Do you approve, miss Deveraux?"
Location: Tapani Sector (Luca's Estate)
Luca Caldogne Luca Caldogne


How was it that Luca perplexed her—Still. After centuries.

She couldn't tell if he had always been this charming or if it was a new development. Angelique had long since taken comfort in the fact that she had a silent friend among the stars. They didn't speak every day. But, often enough, that she knew him well. Or thought she did. More than once she'd found herself wondering what it might be like to wrapped in his embrace. Equally safe, equally, threatened. Content.

Every time he squeezed her waist, it lulled her. Excited her.

"Just because I've suddenly invaded your castle doesn't mean you have to give up your day to day…", she intoned, lightly, though with some level of seriousness. Angelique still worried that she was causing him difficulties. What he had prepared for her was, in truth, too much. She didn't deserve such generosity, nor, should she come to expect that he would want to be this close. Just because he had once—Didn't mean he wanted it to stay that way. "You're very busy. I know, time is money."

Luca was a connoisseur. A purveyor, of fine, beautiful things.

Perhaps a taste was enough.

Her expression lightened when he continued to tease her and some of her worries were pressed into the back of her mind. Swallowed, by the nearly ubiquitous need to trace the line of his jaw with her lips in mid-conversation. She had never really known him to be so relaxed. Free. Both with his intent and his affections. She was stolen from the much-needed distraction of the bookshelf when a firm hand tugged her toward the final area. The bedroom. Of, course.

Her heart skipped while tawny orbs swept over the opulent décor with widened horizons. They had different tastes. Often, Angelique found herself in an industrial setting. But there was something about the way this estate wrapped around her, a particular air, an aura, that made her feel warm. Cozy, almost. It eased her and told breathed security, despite, the fact that she should have been wary. She slowly pulled away from Luca to inspect one of the paintings on the far wall. Her head tilted while she reached for the frame. That was new. Behind it, a beautifully restored, weathered canvas called and tugged at memories. The pads of her fingers fell to the ridges of the paint, the texture, and she pulled back as if she'd been given a little shock. "Where did you get this?"

It didn't simply look like something she'd painted. It wasn't in the same vein. It was something she had painted many, many moons ago. "I thought it was lost…"

Much of her artistic endeavors had been lost to time, or, burning. The chateau that she'd lived in at the time this painting had been completed had been set aflame by a marauding group of low-life scum that had taken issue with a temporary entanglement. That was how all of her affections had been. Just as humanity was, so could her affections be; merely temporary. This one had been a sweet, brown-haired, tanned, and simple man. He sought a life of goodness. Which meant, fighting for the impoverished. Crossing danger without a second thought because it was what the galaxy required. With zero thought, to his personal comfort or safety. She envied, that. He loved the world where she could not. He died for that.

Burned. With the rest of her art—and her will to paint.

It had been ironic to watch her home burn. Not because she was a monster, but, because of someone good. There was a lesson in there she was sure of it. Merely, she had yet to find it.

She shook her head to clear the cobwebs and her blue-clad form continued to move around the room. Touching this and that. Exploring, before finding the closet. The large and expansive closet that might as well have been a second bedroom. It was mostly full. She had only brought a precious few things with her because her stay was unexpected but…"Luca, how did you…", she questioned, bemused, with a little laugh lingering at the corner of her mouth.

Her hands fell to her sides while she leaned against the door. Her hair pulled back, half up, half down, and wearing a pair of flats with sensible clothing made her seem younger than she was. It was amazing what setting and an hourglass red dress could do. This was truer, more her than the display she put on for the betterment of humanity. More than what she gave on stage.

Eyes swept the plush, thick carpet, and feathery black lashes dusted sweetly against pale cheeks.

"You're too good to me. You've always been, too good to me."
Angelique Deveraux Angelique Deveraux

"Where did I get what?"

Such an innocent question in such an innocent tone from a figure that was more diabolical than angelic. The expression on his face was carefully maintained too. At least... for a moment, before it broke into an easy laugh. "Ah, what can I say, I collect masterpieces. Especially those that have a way of disappearing into the annals of history too soon. I thought you'd enjoy that one."

It was his favorite piece from her.

It spoke to him and that could be seen. The way Luca's eyes were caught by the painting just by her indication of it.

As Angelique approached the cabinet that doubled as a second room? Luca smiled and turned away. To the door... which he closed... and then locked. The click of which might surprise Angel, it might even withdraw her from the revelry of the clothing spread out in front of her.

Clearly Luca didn't believe in half measures.

"Do you like your bedroom, Angel?" Stepping up towards her. Looking past her to the walk-in closet. "And do you like the clothes? Especially after yesterday night... I figure you could use some spares..."

Now the devilish grin was revealed as he wrapped his arms around her waist once more.

"I was gone rather suddenly this morning, wasn't I?"
Location: Tapani Sector (Luca's Estate)
Luca Caldogne Luca Caldogne

Chocolate orbs shot the elder Anzati a knowing glance at his feigned innocence. The laughter that followed caused her to shake her head, slowly, while dark tresses swirled about her shoulders. "You are absolutely incorrigible.", though she did feel a faint flush at the inadvertent compliment that was woven into his explanation. It made her feel nonsensical, young, that he could catch her off guard that easily.

Plenty of people complimented her. She was to a degree in the public eye, though, she never took it to heart because humanity was a fickle being. Luca, was eternal. It was a different sort of appreciation that threw her off balance. The world was tilted, but it spun correctly on its axis when he looked at her. Spoke to her—As if she were the only thing that mattered.

It was bewildering.

The clicking sound of a mechanical lock did catch her off guard. At first, she didn't recognize the sound. So many doors were automated. Dark eyes pulled up from what she'd been looking at, partially, analyzing the fabric and partially distracted by the painting. Her expression was a little wary but curious all the same. The conflicting feelings of feeling safe versus fight or flight made her freeze on the spot. Her instincts told her to run. Her beatless heart bid her to stay. "I do. It's perfect…Everything is…"

"Beyond what I expected."

His arms wrapped around her waist and the memory of the night before surfaced like an unbidden wave. The expression he wore was one she was slowly coming to know and her hands fell to his chest in a way that felt timeless. As if she had done it a thousand times before, only, she hadn't. This was new. When he brought up being gone that morning, she felt color steal to her cheeks for a moment while a coquettish smile flickered across her lips. "Yes. You were. I can't say that I don't wish you had been there."

She hadn't liked that. At all.

The songbird leaned up on her tiptoes and gingerly pressed her lips to his for a moment. It took everything she had not to press harder, though, part of her figured he wouldn't mind. Just before her lips might have parted for him, before, she forgot the morning altogether Angelique pulled back long enough to let her eyes find his. Blurry from closeness, though they may be.

"…Thank you."

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