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Approved Starship Scrapmetal-class Drone

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  • Classification: Suicide Drone Fighter/Target Drone
  • Length: 10m
  • Width: 8m
  • Height: 3m
  • Armament: Very Low
1 light laser cannon
Internal explosives bay, capable of fitting a variety of different warheads
  • Defenses: Average
​Shields: Very High
Hull: Very Low
  • Squadron Count: 12
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive Class: None
Droid Brain
Maneuvering Thrusters
​Ion Drive

  • Cheap, easy to produce, and capable of dealing a significant amount of harm as a suicide drone compared to the cost put into manufacturing it.
  • Exceptionally heavy shielding for a craft of its size.
  • The droid brains require frequent updates to maintain tactical superiority, lest they be regularly overwhelmed by the same tactic over and over again.
  • Ridiculously flimsy hull, rendering the drone extremely vulnerable to shield-piercing weaponry.
Description: The Scrapmetal-class Drone has been in service for a period of over twenty years. Its simple and ergonomic design was originally intended for use by the galactic power known as the Omega Protectorate as a basic and advanced trainer. The high durability of its shields in concert with its minimal offensive weaponry ensured that it would give novice pilots a reasonable facsimile of an enemy fighter to combat, increasing the quality of training they would receive. For a time the Scrapmetal was offered to various galactic powers before it eventually fell under the influence of the Sith Empire, used predominantly as opposition to training variants of the standard TIE fighters and bombers. Their cheap price ensured their widespread use, with the loss of a Scrapmetal hurting Imperial credit far less than the loss of even a basic fighter.

Of course, this isn't the only use for Scrapmetals. In combat, the drones have had their internal ordnance bays fitted with explosives of various types - often heavy or super-heavy warheads taken from the Empire's fleet-killer bombs - and are used as suicide bombers, their droid brains programmed to enter enemy ship hangars before detonating the warheads on impact, inflicting damage to enemy craft far more quickly than if they were under conventional attack. Their use in this role, however, is limited to certain select fleets, and for the most part they are thought of as trainers, not weapons in their own right.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Vanessa Vantai said:
1 light laser cannon 1 light ion cannon 1 ordnance tube(fitting dummy warheads) Internal explosives bay, capable of fitting a variety of different warheads
For a ship of this size this is most definitely not 'very low' armament. I need you to cut some of these please.
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