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Private SCAR in a Bar


501st Legion
Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | Kav Canthar | Open to SCAR
Location: Ravelin maybe?? idk


Finally given the luxury of a couple of days off, she planned to spend the evening in town with what little time she had. It was difficult to maintain any kind of friendships with such a chaotic workload and frequent deployments and while she was content with her own company, lord knew the squad had seen more than enough of each other every other day, she extended an open, casual invitation to the group to meet in a much more relaxed environment. Even their last bar venture had been under the guise of a formal event but now in the belly of the city they could be afforded more anonymity - more freedom.

Katja was settled into one of the booths that lined the walls with a drink on one side and a plate of chicken wings in front of her. Any effort she had made to look presentable was being quickly undermined by the sauce that was smeared on her fingers and mouth as the neurotic vanity of her culture was trumped by her unrefined lifestyle as a soldier. She had been clueless even as to what to wear, having enlisted the help of two strangers that she accosted in the street earlier that afternoon to choose for her so that she didn't have to grace the bar in some sort of military-esque get-up.

She went to wipe her hand on the side of her leg as she typically did when it was covered in blood but caught herself and used a napkin to clean her fingers before tapping her datapad a few times to inform those who had confirmed their attendance of where she was sitting. If anyone else decided to turn up then... she doubted they'd be hard to find.

Kav Canthar

Katja Javik Katja Javik | Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | other SCARs


The nightclub was wizard.

It was fire. Not literally, not like with uncontrolled pyrotechnics, but the place was vibrating. Sentients of all shapes, sizes, types and species were present, just enjoying the music, the dancing, the atmosphere. There were neon lights, lasers, maybe even some fog every so often, amid heat, sweat, smoke and the distinct scent of alcohol.

And after a rough deployment, there wasn't anywhere Kav would rather have been!

The Ragithian moved through the crowd, tall by most humanoid standards, and almost as broad as two people. Dressed in his civvies, Kav might have been mistaken for some budget model, maybe an extra in a holo-series, if only because of his sheer physicality. He was shredded, and not afraid to show it, as he danced across the floor with an unbuttoned shirt, dark pants and boots. A few scars on his skin added some mystery, gave him a bit of a dangerous edge, and some of the other sentients were noticing.

"Hey," Kav bounced to the deep, thrumming beat of the bass, as he looked over some humanoid females. He moved with a drink in hand, as he held it up to avoid bumping into others with the glass. "Lookin' good, ladies."

"Hr'ae hoxêma hr'aeeuzêi dotoma disê qoo'qou, dotoma fwsudie," One of the ladies replied, a Zabrak, as she winked.

"Hah, okay," Kav laughed as he nodded, before dancing further away, leaving the pair. "Definitely don't speak that..."

It took him a few more minutes to reach the other side of the club, where Kav saw the individual he sought. In a different way. Katja was at booth, alone, but seemed to be knee deep in chicken wings. She had sauce on her face, even. The Ragithian couldn't help but laugh before he took a few mouthfuls of the beer and closed the distance. He maintained his dancing pace as he passed more patrons, winking at a few here and there, sowing the seeds for future interaction.

"They have wings here?" Kav asked as he reached the booth and slid onto the soft seat with a thump. His knees touched the bottom of the table, which caused him to adjust. "How'd you get wings? Oh, and - uh - you got a little something there..."

Kav motioned to his lip, as he smirked. The Ragithian put his glass down, then reached over to procure one of the delicious looking morsels, his large fingers grabbing eagerly:

"So, you come here often? Hah. Kidding. How's things, Javik?"


Kelinna Tryn



TAG: Katja Javik Katja Javik | Kav Canthar




The shooting range wasn't cutting it.

Lily had thought that it would - the white noise usually solved it all. But the shitshow on Veroleem had been too much for white noise to white out this time to rely on without help.

So alcohol it was.

Javik had sent out an invitation to the team. Might as well meet up with her and just...drown out the cacophony in her head with something stronger than a bullet to a target.

So rocking up in a low-cut jean and white tank, the Reaper bopped and weaved her way to the bar where she accosted the tender for a whole bottle of Corellian Whiskey.
"That's a big drink for a little missy..." he started before the sharpshooter pulled him closer by his collar.
"Did I stutter?" she asked before slamming the credits on the counter.
"N-not at all, miss." he stammered before she let him go. "Here ya go."
"Much obliged, man." she said as she grabbed the bottle and a tumbler.

Weaving her way to the booth where Katja had said she was, Lily reached it just at the same time as the nicely ripped but incredibly large Kav as he pointed out Javik's smeared face along with a dreadful pickup line.

With a cringe, she slipped into the booth as well.
"We really need to work on your pickups, Canthar." she quipped before pouring some whiskey into the tumbler. "Don't look now, Javik, but that shit's going to make you fat." The smirk on her usually stoic face, however, told the medic that she was teasing.

The first tumbler was downed in a second before she moved on to the second round.



501st Legion
Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | Kav Canthar | Lily Stevens | Open to SCAR
Location: Ravelin maybe?? idk

Her eyes shifted from the plate to the large Ragithian dancing his way across the floor. He certainly knew how to make his presence known, even without an inordinate amount of weapons. An amused smile crept onto her lips; her attention divided between the food and the view. She couldn't decide which was tastier.

He was gleaming with sweat, but the sexy kind.

Katja offered a brief greeting once he neared but his attention was immediately on the food. She couldn't say she blamed him. "No, I brought wings out with me." She replied, sarcastically, though without any ill-intent. The question was obviously rhetorical but he had given her the opportunity.

"Oh." She used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth before picking up another wing, though not eating it any more carefully than the last time. His question prompted a quizzical look from her. "I... ordered.. them." She answered slowly. "Have you ever been outside before?" She raised an eyebrow and chuckled, graciously allowing him one of the wings.
"Mhmm, yeah, good-" She replied with a mouthful, interrupted as Lily made her presence known. She chuckled at the woman's jesting but frowned after the unprovoked fat-shaming. Her gaze shifted between Lily's and the bottle of whiskey several times in insinuation but she said nothing on the matter and brushed it off.

"Doubt it. Not with the amount of running around I have to do after you lot." She replied before taking an unfazed bite followed by a smug smile towards Lily.

"Is any of that for us or...?" She asked, gesturing towards the bottle of whiskey in her clutches. Somehow, she had a feeling she already knew the answer.

Kav Canthar


Katja Javik Katja Javik | Lily Stevens | other SCARs


Kav took the sarcasm from Katja with a bemused look on his face, mainly because he knew the cost of a retort could likely be access to the chicken. So the heavy just let it ride, took the comments with a nod, before snapping up one of the pieces.

"Just surprised a place like this has a kitchen... god I hope they have a kitchen," Kav frowned, but then shrugged. "Nice, thanks."

Kav wrestled the chicken wing into his mouth, as he chewed on the food.

It wasn't a moment later that another SCAR teammate arrived, Lily, who introduced herself with the - apparently typical - dour tone Kav had come to expect. Still, part of the fun of being a tight knit group was the capacity to find amusement at the cost of other member's expense. To which the Ragithian turned to look at Lily, eyebrow raised at her comments, before he plopped the chicken wing bones out between his fingers.

"You say that," Kav said with a smirk. "But they haven't failed yet."

The Ragithian downed the last of his beer, then put the glass on the table, before he rested the bones over the lip - for temporary storage. He then motioned to Katja with his head, as he licked at his sauce-covered fingertips, adding pointedly to Lily:

"Besides, Katja looks spicier than the wing sauce," Then Kav nodded again, in support of Katja's response. "And she speaks true... you planning on downing that bottle yourself?"

With clean hands again, Kav cleared his throat and looked between the two ladies.

"So... I need another drink. I'm starting to think. What are we lining up?"



501st Legion
Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | Kav Canthar | Lily Stevens | Open to SCAR
Location: Ravelin maybe?? idk

"I mean... You asked if there were wings. You didn't ask if they came without food poisoning." She replied, subconsciously pulling the plate closer to herself to avoid his grabby hands from gaining another. One was the limit. "But I like to live dangerously." She leaned forwards to emphasise her words before slouching back into the seat.

Katja chuckled at his comment. "You really trying that on me, Canthar? Run out of options this soon?" She replied with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile as she looked him up and down in consideration.

"Mmm." She interjected at the end of the question to jump in before anyone else could say anything. "I've got this." She told them between licking the sauce from her fingers and them against her sides for good measure. "That's not enough anyway." She gestured towards the bottle of whiskey before shuffling out of the booth and over to the bar.

A few moments later, she returned to the table with a tray of shots of various luminous colours, suspiciously quickly enough for it to seem that it had already been pre-arranged with the bartender.

She picked up a shot and held it out to toast with her squad mates. "Uhh... to the Empire?"


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