Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Saved from boredom [Dominic Shiro]

Okami and his companion seemed to almost drift through the void... Though it wasn't exactly a void. He could feel something solid beneath him, some solid ground that he could walk on. Yet it didn't feel like ground exactly... More of just some kind of force keeping him in place. He could still feel Neli on his back, yet he found himself unable to see anything. Instead he could feel her through the force, finding her soul and speaking to her once again. "Are you able to see?" He didn't even know if she could still hear him, for all he knew, she was completely unconscious or possibly even...

No she was alive, he felt her again. He could feel her heart beat. Even so, he could still find a way through this darkness. He gradually took steps forward and after a while he could feel another force pushing him back, almost trying to keep him away from whatever was beyond. He pushed on, finding it more and more challenging as they closed in. Until he found an orb of light seemingly appear out of nowhere. Before a bright flash sent them back to the galaxy they once knew.

This time however...

They would appear only a few miles outside of the town of Mos Eisley on Tatooine...


Why did it have to be sand?

Neli Neli
Neli saw...well she saw nothing really. Just the continuous existence. Or lack of existence? Was black a color or was this the complete absence of seeing anything. Really she wasn't sure that she was even seeing at all. When Okami asked she hesitated. She could still feel the force. Feel that they were moving and going somewhere. But that was not truly seeing was it. "Not...really."

He kept going. She wasn't sure where but they were going, once again. Then suddenly...light. Just light. And bam. HEAT. Plenty of that. Goodness, she didn't realize how burning it was underneath so much sun. Really. She instinctively flinched at it. However, they were alive. She looked up to see a town in the distance. And lots...and lots...of sand.

She let out a confused laugh, jokingly saying, "Wow. Bespin sure has changed." a joke, and still just as cheerful as she was before, even as she squinted beneath the considerable light. "My goodness how do people live here. Maybe I'll get used to it. But I didn't realize it was even possible for something to grow while it was this hot. I really feel sorry for those who spent their whole lives here. No, wait, I take that back. I feel sorry for the people who grow up somewhere cold, and then live the rest of their lives here."

Okami Okami
Okami stood still and immediately took to wanting death. It was so hot, and the sand was all in his fur. Why did it have to be so irritating? He found himself taking a look around, finding the same as his companion, a town quite a way off. He listened in on her joke, finding it somewhat amusing. She was right though, it almost seemed impossible for anything to grow here, let alone anyone to live here. He shook himself off and threw sand over Neli.

He smiled, trying to show he was sorry. Before setting off toward the town, hoping to find someone who might be able to take them offworld. Though this probably wasn't going to be easy, considering the reputation this place has for people with less than gentlemanly Demeanor.

Neli Neli
She watched Okami shake...and got a face full of sand resulting in her cringing at the feeling as it got through into her clothes, "Oh...ew, no, not great." she groaned. Grimacing at Okami but holding up her hands to show she didn't completely blame him for it when he looked a bit apologetic. A little sand was going to be the least of their worries soon enough.

She looked inside to find her lightsabre, unfinished as it was. And started trying to tinker with it as they got closer to the town. If they were going to be on their own, it would probably be good if she actually completed the thing. She knew pretty much what she wanted but simply hadn't gotten around to doing the work for it. She'd need some tools for the completion, it couldn't done at a moments notice. But still, she was so close.

Okami Okami
Okami began to pant as he tried to lower his bodies temperature, he wasn't used to any planet with this kind of climate. Though he pressed on through the desert, being showered in solar rays from the double sun up above. The town was relatively close but it felt like it was on the other side of the planet. He turned back to Neli and asked simply, "I see your point, how could anything live here? We have been here for a couple minutes and yet it feels like an hour in hell."

He looked over to the town and figured if they could get there then there could be a place to buy a drink. With new motivation, he put his tongue away and began to run. This damn near killed him, but he was getting closer. Maybe only another little while and they would be there.

Neli Neli
Neli looked at him both with amusement, but more with pity, due to the panting from the heat. On the one hand, she didn't often see something pant. And so it was just rather amusing. On the other, she knew what it was, and she was definitely feeling the heat herself. So she was absolutely empathetic to his pain. However she didn't had to feel it while being several times heavier and covered in fur. On the upside, at least he wouldn't get burned? She however was pretty sure if she didn't cover up, and thus feel even hotter, she would.

He agreed with her on the awfullness in regards to the tempurature, and then they took off towards the town. Man it was awful, the sun...suns, the sand. Unpleasentness galore. She could only imagine what someone could possible be paid to ever come here of their own volition. "Thank goodness we just had something to drink. It'll take like an hour and we'll need more though." she said. It wasn't a complaint...well...maybe a little. But it was also a pretty practical noticement. There was great risk with dehydration here.

Okami Okami
After a pretty lengthy run, the wolf finally arrived in Mos Eisley and moved into the shade of a building nearby. He sat down and began to pant again, a fur coat probably wasn't the best outfit choice for this adventure. He turned around to Neli once more. "Perhaps we should stay here until nightfall, we may be able to withstand the temperature for more than an hour then." The wolf led his head down and collected more of the coarse rough sand into his fur. Normally this would drive him mad, yet this time. He didn't much care.

He took a few quick glances around, watching these less than respectable people walk through the almost market like streets. Wondering what exactly they had stumbled upon. They looked to be, smugglers and bounty hunters, granted neither had a specific look, but you could just tell when someone appears to be like they could be such an individual.

Neli Neli
Neli stepped on the sandy ground, already she could feel just how much she was sweating. Boy this was going to be an unpleasant place to be if they didn't figure something out. They needed a ship...or something. So that they could take it somewhere else to rest, and all the work wouldn't be on Okami. At least, she thought so. But she didn't really know how good or bad condition he was in.

She nodded as he mentioned staying where they were for now, "Yeah, that may be best." she said sitting on the ground, uncomfortable with the feeling of sweat and sand together. But...there really wasn't much choice. Just tolerate it for now. She found herself tired, more from the heat. Wishing they could just find somewhere cool to be. Maybe tonight would be better. Just be patient, wait for night. She laid a hand on her blaster pistol. It wasn't really a lethal weapon, but it'd do for now. If she needed it.

Now, just wait.

Okami Okami
Okami was less than pleased at the conditions surrounding him, after all that scratch he had received earlier was just an invitation for all kinds of bacteria and infection to form in the gash. He licked what sand he could from the wound and spat out whatever had collected on his tongue, who would've guessed that sand didn't taste all that good?

He looked at Neli and asked simply "Would you like to share some stories to pass the time?" The wolf was fine with just laying there for hours napping, but he thought that Neli would probably object to that, just a bit. Even in the shade, the heat was strong cook a Nydack egg on the wall.

Neli Neli


Zivos came into the system, a ping popping up from one of the locals that had spotted something interesting out in the streets of tattoine. A female with certain features, much like the one in the pictures of the bounty notice. All well and fine given that he wasn't terrifically excited about it being a live capture, but a job was a job. And the price wasn't terrible either. The Skimmer set down, fees were paid and a healthy reminder that most species could not breath the same kriffin air that and ubese had to, and how much pain the little fethin dockworker would be in if they attempted to take his ship for a joy ride.

The bounty hunter insignia was easily visible on the chestplate of his armor, and his visor was set to scan the surroundings as he looked around. His contact was a little ways out also, making life difficult wherever they could. At least this would be a bit easier than that hulking pirate in mall. At least, that was the hope. A striking sight, but no different than other well armed bounty hunters running around, this one just had the proper branding.

Okami Okami Neli Neli

Additional Gear for this Trip: 2 Void Grenades
Neli grimaced as she watched Okami lick off the sand. Honestly, it was utterly disgusting. But what else could he do? She couldn't very well fix it. She wasn't skilled enough at anything to do that. Especially without water. She raised her head from the wound as he asked about sharing stories, which made her smile, "Sure!" she said happily, "Uhhh, shoot. What stories do I even have. I've never really done all that much, which is kind of why I wanted to leave on my own for awhile. I don't exactly consider practicing with the force and all that worthy of a story? Maybe you should start first?"

She was, so far, very unaware of Zivos's future coming. Her mother was fast to put up a bounty once she knew she'd made it off world, but still knew she was alive. And while Neli wasn't an idiot. She just wasn't thinking about someone coming for her other than her mother or Zepher. And even if she was, she'd have no clue what to look for.

Okami Okami Zivos
Okami listened with some interest into what he thought was the opening of one of her stories, yet no such luck, instead he would have to get them started with passing the time. "It may not be one of my own stories, but did you ever hear of the wind walker of Lothal?" The wolf too hadn't really been anywhere all that interesting, though he had picked up on a few stories over the years. This particular story was about one of his pack who took pleasure in terrifying the inhabitants of Lothal by stalking them at night. He was always accompanied by a whistle in the wind, which he created with several small flute like objects he carried with him.

Hokay, I believe his name was... He was strangely drawn to just causing havoc when he could. In the end, the pack got tired of his antics, and confronted him about it. Hokay did not take the packs concerns all that seriously and after some time and considerably more people reporting 'The Wind Walker', he was exiled from our pack. He became enraged at the alpha.... And killed him.... The other wolves attacked Hokay.... And took their revenge on him... They proceeded to bury both... The former alpha now lays atop a mountain in Lothal's southern hemisphere... And Hokay was buried close to a large expanse of sea."

This tale visibly shook Okami, as his ears began to fall and his tail lost it's momentum...

Neli Neli Zivos


The walk to the informant was not uneventful. A beast of burden attempted to relieve itself on him, someone posing as the law tried hustling him. And finally, a street huckster attempted to pick his pocket. Attempted being the key word since the suit had not pockets, and most everything besides the grenades were well secured on him. His credit chit deep within the folds of armor as his heavy blaster rested cozy against the chin of the n'er do well before they were allowed to run off.

Shaking his head and cursing in his own tongue, the garbled static did not translate as he found his person. The process of getting information had begun as he waded through the hmm's and hah's the being made. Well maybe this, or maybe that in regards to detail did little to help the situation as Zivos found his patience beginning to dwindle.

Neli Neli Okami Okami

Additional Gear for this Trip: 2 Void Grenades
Neli listened, waiting quietly, as he told his story. Watching him. The 'Wind Walker of Lothal'. apparently his name was Hokay, which was quite a strange name to her but she wasn't going to judge it. His species was entirely new to her so maybe it was just normal. It wasn't a long story, Hokay was a 'problem child' almost it sounded like, who became simply a problem. But it was clear it was important to Okami. It was like he was shrinking, which was not quite the right expression but the one that she thought fit. Made her just a bit sad too. "That's a pretty serious story." she said quietly.

Still unaware that someone was coming for them. Zivos might get closer and closer. Okami wasn't going to be too hard to notice, though he might not be on the bounty, but could still attract attention. And as Neli wasn't wearing her mask anymore, she shouldn't be difficult to recognize, once seen. It was just a matter of getting to their location.

She spoke, again quietly.
"When I was a little younger. Mom always told us about her trips. Some of the fights she had, people she'd met. Wars she'd fought in. Stuff like that. I remember that one of the things she reminded us of. Which I was reminded of in your story. Never be the outsider. When she was in the military, she was just another knight. Good at what she did, but not ambitious for authority. Just there to fight. When she was a mercenary she, like any other mercenary, was simply another one to the addition. I think she said she only took the position she had now for dads sake. So she could be there. She doesn't jump outside the rules often, she just finds a way to get what she wants anyway."

"I think Hokay didn't follow that. Because he was a part of a pack he should either have found another, or changed. Instead, he made himself the outsider to everyone. He lost his chance at friends because he refused to be a part of anything."
she looked at the people around her, "I'm not saying any of what he did was right. I don't know, it's hard to explain exactly what I'm trying to say."

Zivos Okami Okami

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