Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Sand and Holocrons


It wouldn't be the first time Ghorua had faced armies.

He had been a bounty hunter for thirty years. Through all that time, he had faced every foe imaginable. Jedi Masters, Sith Lords, crime bosses and god-kings. He'd fought in large-scale battles, against the One Sith, the Alliance, the First Order, even against an enormous superweapon.

Through all of that, he'd managed to not just survive, but thrive. Getting to an old age in a profession where men die young ain't easy, and it proved just how good the Herglic was at his job.

But even with all that experience, facing far worse foes, he still felt the butterflies in his stomach before a fight. That little rush that kept him on his toes, kept him humble. He could die. Anything could happen

It was what kept him on the Hunt.

Ghorua was standing casually by Dhal when Jax and Anneliese dropped by- literally. The Shark gave them a winning smile, taking to heart Jax's last words of encouragement. "Good luck."

He winked to the pair of Jedi, before placing his helmet on his head with a k-thnk. And his demeanor changed.

With steady, practiced movements, Ghorua claimed the enormous cannon from his back, reloading it with a sound like thunder. His shoulder-mounted gatler began to spin and rev, roaring like a predatory animal. Gadgets around his suit began to beep and flash, activating and prepping. The Shark's stance sharpened, coiling as if he were ready to strike.

He was kind, and he joked around. But when he got serious, it was obvious just how dangerous Ghorua the Shark was.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -



Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , Anneliese Anneliese

The Church of the Force's defender began to take position over the cliffs and inside the trenches below. Jax blade in hand watched Dhal observe the sand hill with his binoculars. He gripped the remote detonator as war drums were heard in the distance. "Hopefully your troops have spread out," Jax said. "We can't let your people die over something like this."

"The Church of the Force is prepared to die for the Jedi," Dhal said. "We are the descendants of those who have protected the Jedi during the purge, we kept the light of the Force alive and hoped that the Jedi will return one day to bring balance back to the Force. Without the Jedi, there can not be peace In the Galaxy."

Jax was moved, this man along with the rest of his people were not driven by pride nor foolhardiness. They were driven by the will of the Force. "That's another lesson you must learn Anneliese," Jax said. "The Force is not just within the Jedi and the Sith, it's within us all whispering us to its will."

He turned to the young girl. "You just got to clear your mind."

"All right!" Dhal said. "I can see the Tusken Raiders on the horizon as soon as I give the word press the button!"

"Get ready," Jax said holding his Lightsaber, a wave of Tusken Raiders yipping and howling began to descend the sandy dunes riding Tuskens. There had to be a hundred at least but Jax remained calm and waited for Dhal's signal.

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

To Keep the Temple Secure | Tatooine
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark
Anneliese listened to the man speak to Master Thio, and she was quiet honestly amazed. She had been sent to the temple several years ago, and due to her unique 'biology' and the way her species aged, she had started her training late within the Order... but she had never actually gotten to go and be on a mission. But, while listening to the man, and then Master Thio speak on the will of the force and how it indwelled within everything, not just a 'sect' of peoples, there came a moment of absolute clarity, her emerald eyes widening slightly, and a gasp escaping her lips as she quietly whispered aloud to herself. " I hear your voice now, above my own doubts and fears, as I now stand on the precipice...." Ashla, the Force, Magic... whatever anyone called it, she felt how the series of events in her life, and now these people were meant to help her, like puzzle pieces fitting together, it all moved to the will and purpose of its design and she had found herself in this moment of its design. Master Thio was right.... it was in everyone, and everything.

He turned to the young girl. "You just got to clear your mind."
Ghorua was standing casually by Dhal when Jax and Anneliese dropped by- literally. The Shark gave them a winning smile, taking to heart Jax's last words of encouragement. "Good luck."

With battle looming just before her eyes, ready to jump off that precipice, Anneliese tightened her grip on the hilt of her lightsaber as slight tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes, taking a slight step forward, her head nodding as she took on a fighters stance, the force gathering within her. "I'm ready Master Thio, lets do this." Now looking over at Ghora, in all his armaments as she returned his smile. "I'll definitely need it, but save some for the rest of us, eh?" A mischievous grin all over her face as she looked onto the horizon, the horde of Tusken raiders almost at the minefield.


Ghorua shot one last look back at Anneliese, chuckling. "Sure thing, kid."

Jax seemed well put together; it was obvious this wasn't his first rodeo. The padawan was a different story. But they both had fire in their eyes. The righteous conviction of the Jedi. Something Ghorua certainly didn't possess, and something he'd been on the opposite end of before, but also something he admired.

They believed they could win, because they had to. For the sake of all these people.

The Shark raised his blaster cannon, ready to begin his own volley. But he stayed his hand, for the moment, at least. Any bounty hunter worth their salt knew the value of a well-laid trap.

Ghorua growled, a dark, grating sound that brought to mind creatures of ancient times. Not out of impatience, but anticipation.

Any moment now.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -


Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anneliese Anneliese , Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark

Jax could feel the confidence exuding from Annelise, even though she lacked the skill she was ready to take on any Tusken Raider who would dare cross the entrance. It was a good thing too, Jax didn't want to know what lengths the young girl could do to get herself killed and potential put the defenders in an awkward situation. "I sense every Tusken Raider psycho converging on us," He told her and Ghoura, Dhal mean while had his binoculars fixated on wave of Tuskens galloping against the sand creating a dust storm of sorts.

"They're riding on Orbaks," Dhal muttered. "Domesticated creatures from the Ocean Moon of Kef Bir."

"What?" Jax said frowning. "Where the hell did they get those?"

"Possibly ambushed a train," Dhal responded. "It's more common than you think and things just got a little more difficult."

"Only a little though," Jax said though he felt a disturbance in the Force. "I have a feeling that these aren't all of them."

"We've made sure to set charges on all areas." Dhal said. "From the bottleneck all the way to the entrance, they're almost there."

Jax held out the detonator taking a deep breath.

"Do it."

"Kaboom," Jax pressed the tiny red button causing a chain of explosives taking out a chunk of Tusken Raiders in the process. Bits and pieces of Tuksen Raiders came flying as the blood curling screams joined the chorus of explosions. Those who didn't get caught in the blast were bought down by the shock waves some were even knocked from their Orbaks and landed on the ground.

"OPEN FIRE!" Dhal shouted a hail of blaster bolts showered the remaining Tusken Raiders. Bodies were riddled with Blaster holes some tried to fight back but were torn to ribbons by the incoming fire.

"Here comes the second wave!" Jax yelled seeing another group of Tusken Raiders a larger numbering in the hundreds racing towards the entrance. "Get ready!"

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

To Keep the Temple Secure | Tatooine
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark

The blast shook the dune sea as Anneliese felt the echos of it disappear and dissipate into the golden grains that made up the vast sea. The winds kicking up the smoke from the mines, sweeping it away as she stood there viewing the carnage that was battle. Dozens of bodies now lay mangled on the now freshly red painted sand, her stomach churning as they still continued their assault over their fallen comrades bodies… blaster fire and turrets now tearing into the ranks of Tusken fanatics.

It was as if time slowed down as her breathing quickened, her throat tightening. She sensed Ghorua next to her, and Master Thio, but it didn't help the overwhelming sensation and sheer urge to empty the contents of her stomach upon the ground as the grip on her lightsaber tightened. They came closer, and closer until, the war cries and screams of the Raiders were now heard and visibly seen charging the front entrance of the Temple grounds. She took a slight step backwards, her eyes scanning all over the field.

How? How?….. she couldn't register the sheer amount of input her mind was taking in as the sheer horde began to overtake the area, the dozens of fighters that belonged to the Church of the Force now engaged in battle, bodies dropping everywhere, screams heard as Anneliese simply turned, her lightsaber disengaging, and now leaning against a pillar, she emptied her stomach out, the sight of the carnage almost too much for the young Padawan. Coughing in between heaves she stood hunched over, hands on her knees, spitting on the sand. Anneliese now calling her saber to her hand as she clipped it to her belt. Master Thio had been right, accept her own limitations, but this didn't have to be a failure or a reason to run and hide. "Master Thio… I-I can't, it's too much…. I'll only be in the way, I know that now, but… I know how I can help." Spitting on the ground again, hands shaking from the sheer rush of adrenaline, she knew she had made the right decision. Looking over at a few of the Soldiers, Anneliese spoke while pointing to a stone column. "You five, you will be in charge of covering me, completely…."

Turning her adrenaline into a force for her benefit, she blurred off towards the back, her fist tightening as it would make contact with a loud force against a pillar, causing it to crash downwards into a pile of rubble. Stepping around and behind it, she sat down and closed her eyes as she began to meditate, the troops surrounding her in a circular pattern. Combat wasn't her forte yet, but, meditation was, and knew this would be a way she could help. Reaching out with the force, Anneliese began to feel out through the force for all those that fought for Church. She began to project the will and perseverance to fight and live — to return home to their families. The desire to win and protect the church at all costs would connect them all in unity, and, what victory would feel like. She would help support and boost the efficiency of all those that fought to defend the Church.



Bounty hunters aren't soldiers.

That's what the average army loyalist or noble's guard would tell you. Hunters only care about credits, they only specialize in taking on one unarmed opponent, they would say. 'I'd trust a conscript that cared for the cause more than any two-bit bounty hunter'.

The truth was a lot more complex. The great bounty hunters would take on any job, if the price was high enough. They trained to be good at everything. Versatility was the name of the game. Bounty hunters wore many hats, and warrior was a hat that the Shark wore well.

Letting the roar of the Firaxa's heavy fire plug away at the first wave of raiders, Ghorua stayed back and observed the beginnings of the battle. It went well, the padawan's lost lunch notwithstanding. Until the second wave began to form, streaming towards the front entrance to the gate like ants towards a carcass.

It was his time to shine. Ghorua was a warrior, after all. He knew the best way to interrupt a charge was to counter-charge.

He gave one last look to Jax, and shook his head. "'Three mercenaries?' Pssh."

Just as the first few Tuskens made it to the main gates, the Shark stowed his blaster cannon, and his stance changed to a crouch, Ghorua's rocket pack flared, and he flew into the air, careening straight for the front line of Tuskens. The Shark landed on top of a poor man, squishing him into the dirt. Arms outstretched low, the Herglic caught an Orbak by the legs, and flipped it, crushing the rider under it's own mount.

With the gruesome work done, the bounty hunter drew his shortsword from his back, the gatling gun on his shoulder spun menacingly, and his wrist-mounted flame projector prepped, erupted in an orange conflagration.

The Jedi would sense no fear from the Shark, nor any joy. Just duty, and the simple satisfactions of doing one's job well.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -



Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , Anneliese Anneliese

Jax remained still watching the flurry of blaster bolts pepper the chokepoint, the Tusken Raiders continued to push through the barrage some firing their Tusken Cycler Rifles as they rode. Soon many other Tuskens followed suit firing simultaneously before charging at the choke. Many of the Church fell to the volley but otherwise held their ground. The hail of blaster bolts however, just got a lot weaker. Jax could sense Anneliese becoming uneasy he heard her Lightsaber deactivate saying that she couldn't take it. "Hey stay with me!" Jax said while Ghorua used his jetpack spinning around aggressively using his flamethrower and forming a flame wall of sorts.

The Jedi Master turned his attention to Anneliese who said that she could help in a different way. "All right!" Jax said turning to Dhal. "You heard the girl defend her at all costs!"

Jax will just have to trust Anneliese on this, he could feel the Force channeling within her the girl had potential but she needed to stay focused. "Trust in the Force Anneliese," Jax said. "Allow to flow through you remove your fears and your doubts and let the Force carry you."

The Jedi Master jumped out of the trench the redirecting the bolts back at the incoming Tuskens. More and more broke through and began to fire on while riding on their Orbaks. "Somethings not right," Jax thought before slashing an incoming Orbak's leg causing the Tusken Raider to fall off and land on his neck. "They're numbers are starting to whittle down; this isn't the bulk of their forces....."

Though the Tuskens are making progress on getting past the bottleneck, Jax saw their backlines was starting to thin out. There had to be more, but where were they?

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

To Keep the Temple Secure | Tatooine
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark

Anneliese sat perfectly still, eyes closed, unaffected by the battle now that raged around her. The troopers, along with Dahl, continued to surround her and protect her; she trusted them with her life, and knew, as stated previously, as she was so willing to give her life for, they would willingly give theirs to save her. Grains of sand and small rocks that were still slowly being ground down floated around Anneliese and the group, giving them almost, an mystic look. Her forehead would crease, and relax with each and every moment she concentrated, boosting the troops efficiency, feeling their confidence grow greater and greater by the moment.

Reaching further now, she felt the savage, and primal nature that were the Tusken Raiders... she pushed hard, forcing her will onto them, casting the failure of defeat in their mind, weakness, shame, anything remotely demoralizing that she could think of to show them their sheer resolve... but as she did this, she sensed the intention, design almost... but still she felt further... something, just out of reach, but close at hand. She whimpered as she reached out, allowing the force to move, and to do its bidding to its good pleasure.... she was merely a conduit for it.

Her eyes shot open, wide, as she gasped for air, her meditation breaking abruptly as she frantically stood to her feet, clawing and fighting at the sand as she jolted upwards She shoved her way past the circle of men as her eyes scanned the horizon around the temple; her gaze now looking to the clifftops above, then all around as sweat moved down her forehead -- the screams of battle once again amplified in her head. What was this feeling, what was this anxious pith in her stomach, this chill down her back that said, nothing, was as it seemed.... something bad, was heading this way now. Her lips parted as her voice cracked, dry from the desert heat. "Master Thio! Master THIO!....To the horizon and clifftops!" She still couldn't make out what she had felt, but the young Padawan seemed terribly disturbed by something, and just as she spoke, the sound of a guttural, and primal horn blowing would be heard just, on the horizon, almost seemingly coming from all directions at once.



Ghorua enjoyed the simple things in life.

The earthy smell of Sapir tea in the morning. The excitement of an overture at a Coruscanti operahouse. The rush of facing a worthy foe. The moment that pieces of a well-laid plan clicked into place.

Death, he didn't enjoy. He simply tolerated it. But for someone who didn't like killing, he certainly was good at it.

Ghorua seemed to be invincible at the front gate, a black boulder jutting from a fast-moving river of raiders. Gouts of flame erupted from the behemoth, roasting many trying to pass. Those that dodged the flames found a sword in the gut, or a boot to the chest, or a massive hand closing around their head in a vice-grip.

He was too fast for a creature his size, with armor too tough for the simple weapons of the Tuskens to rupture.

Fear gripped the hearts of Ghorua's enemies, likely due to the meditations of a certain Padawan, and they began to retreat as their numbers depleted. Ghorua let them leave without much fuss, running the blade of his sword along a black handkerchief before replacing it in it's sheath with a practiced motion.

Upon hearing the sounds of omni-directional horns, Ghorua narrowed his eyes behind his helmet, and jogged back to the Jedi.

"There's our missing army."

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -


Location: Tatooine
Equipment: Desert Attire, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark , Anneliese Anneliese

Anneliese didn't need to call out to Jax he already sensed it. "We're being flanked!" Jax shouted as he bisected an incoming rider. More Tusken Raiders appeared on top of the cliff to the right spraying blaster fire onto the defenders. Many fell as the desperately tried to return fire but the amount of firepower that the Church of the Force unleashed was minimal due to the limited movement of the Turrets and the fact that there weren't any mines planted across the cliffs.

"How the fuck did they get up there?!" Jax growled backflipping to Anneliese and Dhal's position.

"I do not know!" Dhal said taking out a nearby Tusken Raider. "My people made sure to close off the flanks so we can tunnel them in! They must have found another way through!"

"Yeah," Jax growled batting an incoming blaster bolt and redirecting it to an attacker. "But how where did they-"

The Jedi Master's body trembled another disturbance in the Force. Violent eruptions shook the ground north of where the Church staged their defense. A loud crack was heard in the air as missiles began to streak down and struck the defenders about 15 were blown to pieces while Jax saw more Tuskens descending from the hill. "They're targeting our position with mortars!" Jax yelled. "We need to fall back!"

"Got it!" Dhal took out a whistle and blew indicating the surviving defenders to pull back.

The Tuskens were attacking the defenders on to fronts making it a messy retreat. Jax began to sprint deflecting blaster bolts that came towards him. "Ghorua!" Jax shouted. "Grab a minigun and cover our western flank!"

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

Retreat and Regroup | Survive
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark
"We're being flanked!" Jax shouted as he bisected an incoming rider. More Tusken Raiders appeared on top of the cliff to the right spraying blaster fire onto the defenders. Many fell as the desperately tried to return fire but the amount of firepower that the Church of the Force unleashed was minimal due to the limited movement of the Turrets and the fact that there weren't any mines planted across the cliffs.

Time slowed to a halt, but moved just ever so quickly. Anneliese ignited her lightsaber as the blade moved around her in a flurry deflecting blaster bolts. Screams were amplified around her as she saw dozens of the Church of Force Fighters falling to the ground... they never stood a chance. Tears began to brim in her eyes as the beads broke forth and rolled down her cheeks, a gentle sob escaping her slips as yet another disaster would strike.

Violent eruptions shook the ground north of where the Church staged their defense. A loud crack was heard in the air as missiles began to streak down and struck the defenders about 15 were blown to pieces while Jax saw more Tuskens descending from the hill. "They're targeting our position with mortars!" Jax yelled. "We need to fall back!"

The golden dunes that made up the vast deserts sea shook as Anneliese felt the bass of the eruption within her very chest and body. Retreat... they had to Retreat. Fall back, Fall back now! Her body froze, her fight and flight instincts almost conflicting with one another as she kept viewing the area, blaster fire still raining down on the other soldiers... she had to help, she had to stay, she had to fight. Anger swelled up deep from within her as her jade eyes narrowed. "Stop it..." She spoke into the battlefield as if to someone; screams around her, people pushing past her in retreat... death. "I said.... stop it... please, help...." Her fists formed balls as she violent gripped them, her head down slightly as she walked towards the middle oft he courtyard, blaster firing raining down around her, but never seeming to hit her. Something drew her, something pulsed and chimed deep within the dune sea that called her in her righteous fury... but she couldn't describe who, or what it was... but it felt so familiar.

A disturbance in the air as the sound of thunder would be heard over the seas.... the horizon beginning to grey just slightly.

Anneliese stood directly in the middle of the courtyard as the men and women still tried their best to retreat. Bodies who had fallen from the assault lay scattered on the ground as she saw others cowering behind cover, struggling to stay alive until it was all but too much for the young woman, her breathing unsteady, she spoke aloud. "I SAID --- STOP IT!" Her voice echoing above the sounds of battle as the air almost seemed to quiet down as a force repulse would emanate from her body. Her hands rose into the air as they relaxed, spread open until.... she felt it, the current.. The winds started to kick up in a hurry as the sands within the sea around the temple started to violently groan and heave, the dust off of the sand beginning to form cover, as the skies started to darken, a crack and whip of thunder heard once again. Raiders that moments prior had been firing upon them stood in disbelief as the wind now formed into a violent tempest, a deadly sand storm forming around them, visibility becoming blurred and indistinct. Anneliese looked upwards onto the clifftop, her eyes narrowing as she focused harder -- They were to blame, they had caused this suffering, and so pushing into the energy that had been dormant Anneliese willed it forth, her face straining as a burst of lighting would strike the top of the clifftops and in various other places on the battlefield, sending large chunks of debris raining down into all directions. The sands and wind whipped howled now, almost as if sharing the same emotion the young woman seemed to feel. It fought for them, and it gave them the needed cover for their retreat... but as the storm began to rage, Anneliese stood there straining, the sheer force of the under current overwhelming now as she let out a whimper, fear now replacing the anger... how long, could she hold this?



As Jax commanded Ghorua to cover one of their flanks, Ghorua only nodded once. The time to crack jokes had passed. The fight had suddenly become far more dangerous, and Ghorua's mood changed to reflect that.

All of his pomp and bluster vanished as he hefted a large minigun from a fallen church member, and lifted it towards the group's west, spraying in a long line to keep the Tuskens at bay. At the current range, Ghorua had little hope of actually hitting something, but the more time he could buy for the Church members to fall back, and for the Jedi to pull off something miraculous, the better.

The Shark felt a rumble in the air, and braced himself for another mortar shot. One that never came.

The Sand People weren't the only ones staring in disbelief at the sky. The Bounty Hunter had never seen a Jedi summon a lightning storm before.

Ghorua shook his stupor quickly, and continued to watch his flank, warding off any attackers from the west.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio - Anneliese Anneliese -

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