Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Same Old Bar, Different Town (Elpsis)

[member="Cora Passek"]

"Sith are monsters. Should shoot the lot of them," Elpsis said, tone turning cold for a moment. It was probably one of the few things where she had something like conviction, though unlike a certain battering ram she had never been the crusading type.

She watched while Cora stitched her leg back up together. The care the blonde was taking did not escape her. For someone who had been through so much Cora was very sweet. Or at least Elpsis thought so. She might be a tad infatuated at this point. "Thanks, thanks a lot," she said, looking a bit flustered. Elpsis was never good with words. Feeling a bit awkward and obviously not much used to kindness, she pulled Cora into a loose hug.
"They really are." She said sadly. "The last thing I saw before I fled the house, the night they killed my family was a crimson saber piercing my six year old sister's belly." Cora reached up, fast to wipe the first trace of tears away before Elpsis could see it. "I got so lucky to make it to the escape tunnel in my bedroom before they found me." She gave a nonchalant shrug at that, "My dad was a bit paranoid too. Clearly for good reason. His, paranoia saved my life. Just not his unfortunately." If only she knew how wrong she was.

"You're welcome, hun. It's the least I can do." The blonde said softly before Elpsis managed to draw her into a hug. Though Cora did tense against the hug a little, before she managed to calm herself. Clearly she truly wasn't used to much human contact these days. Far too hard for her to trust people, especially those she knew so little about. "Why don't we head to my bedroom, and relax for a bit. I think we both can use the rest."

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

"Thought you'd never ask. But do you wanna relax or, y'know, 'relax'?" Elpsis asked cheesily since apparently she was in the mood to use lines that were the height of corniness. Having seen that Cora seemed uncomfortable with the hug, Elpsis released her, feeling a bit awkward for a few moments. She did not really know how to respond to Cora's tale.

'I'm sorry' sounded trite and did not cut it. Besides, Elpsis hated it when people seemed to pity her and presumed that Cora felt the same way. Then she arose and managed to stand, though with some difficulty since her leg was obviously not being that cooperative. "I'm happy you survived," she pulled Cora into a deep, heated kiss.
"I think you know the answer to that without asking." Cora said with a playful wink. "Though it really just depends on if you are feeling up to it, darlin'." It was becoming clear to the blonde, that she was going to have to start adjusting better to being around people. After all, with the time she was spending with Siobhan lately, Cora needed to get used to all the touching and attentions she received, so there would be no awkwardness between her and her mistress.

"Thank you." She said quietly, right before Elpsis pulled her into a deep kiss. Stroke for stroke our favorite blonde did her best to return the affections.

As she pulled away, Cora reached down to take one of the redhead's hands to guide her into her bedroom. The place was a bit of an organized mess, but that was just the way Cora liked it. Guiding Elpsis over to the bed, she first helped to get the girl comfortable and all setup on the bed. On the nightstand beside her bed were two photos, one of a very tiny redhead, and Cora arm in arm, smiling brightly. It was the kind of photograph that one would expect from close friends. Nothing in that image stood out as anything more than that, just two good friends. And then, there was another photograph, of a very naked Siobhan. The two most important women in Cora's life to date.

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

The bedroom was a bit of a mess, but Elpsis did not care. She was not a particularly orderly person, So she allowed Cora to guide her to the bed, comfortable with letting the older woman take charge of the situation and lead her. No, she was not feeling butterflies in her stomach or anything like that because seriously, that sounded sooo cheesy.

Wait, who was that tiny redhead on the photo? It could not be...yep, it was mum. What the feth? Cora and her mum were friends? Were they...more than friends? Because it would be super weird if she was sleeping with a woman who'd had sex with her mother. Well, it looked more like they were close friends, so Elpsis banished that thought from her mind. As for the other photograph, it was Looked like that Siobhan woman. This instantly put Elpsis in a better mood.

And so the redhead stopped worrying and focused on the hot blonde. "Come on, darlin', let's have fun. I want you," and with that she pulled Cora down onto the bed with her. Presumably the scene faded to black and stuff because obviously kiddies are reading this because they don't have homework or household chores to do. Kiddies are so lazy these days,
Cora hardly even gave much of a second thought to the photos off to the side of her bed. Her smile had finally returned to her lips as Elpsis pulled her down onto the bed. It'd been a long while since she'd had such a thing happen, and now it felt entirely too right. "I want you too..." She whispered as she straddled the redhead, leaning down to plant sensual kisses along the young woman's collarbone and neck.

And yes, here the black curtain of obscuring descended and hid everything that happened until our lovely ladies found their clothing once more, and we nicely tucked into bed, relaxing side by side.

Cora shifted, resting her head against Elpsis' shoulder as she slowly ran a hand through the girl's fiery locks, stroking gently through her hair. The blonde could not have been more content, or feeling more relaxed and comfortable than she did in that moment.

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

And so the black curtain of pure blackness was lifted and our two lovely heroines were appropriately covered in order to ensure that no kiddies were harmed. Silly kiddies had nothing to do. Clearly their parents and teachers were useless. Elpsis did not have gravity-defying pillows unlike some of this one's characters because, seriously, she's eighteen and besides not everyone can have melons, but suffice to say Cora would have had a comfortable sleep.

Oh, and she enjoyed Cora's hand running through her locks. She purred slightly and then nuzzled Cora's neck. "Well...that was fun. I'd say I wanna go another round but I'm kinda...spent. You're..very good," she said a bit cheesily, but she was feeling so relaxed and content that she did not care. However, in the same moment Cora's datapad began beeping and she immediately tensed.
"Mmmm, I'd say the same, I'd love another round but you've kinda worn me out." She said with a playful tap upon Elpsis' nose. Then her datapad beeped and Cora frowned. That has hardly was she was expecting. Reaching over to her nightstand she grabbed the datapad and pulled it into her lap. It wasn't any normal communication. Not at all. This time, it was from the old Chaos network. For a moment she wonder who was contacting her, especially now of all times.

The message was simple, a call to bring her back to the Abyss. The secret chatroom that Cora used to conduct her business in.

\\: open chat
\\: command protocol 4532.33.122
\\: security alpha 567
Ele has entered into the Abyss: Welcome Ele

Ele: A new sun rises. Still the dark seems greater than the light. For which side will you die for?

The message's meaning was fairly simple, Cora was only stating that it had been a long while since anyone had used the old chat. That she still had plenty of enemies out there. And lastly.... Nicely put, Cora was asking who the hell it was on the other side of that little chat program. The blonde was hardly in the mood to mess around today.

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

Here they were again. In the depths of the Abyss, the lowest level of the realms of Chaos. The lighting was dim inside the woman's room, but that was fine. At this point she kind of had a working relationship with darkness, even before her parabolic descent into Chaos. She sipped a cup of lukewarm stimcaf before she began typing. It was time to make first contact. With the first person she had deliberately sought out since she had been born again in hell. Long pianist fingers, which had been broken several times over and reforged, danced over the keyboard while she typed.

Ruby has entered into the Abyss: Welcome Ruby.

The side of Red. Colour of sacrifice. We are in Babylon, place of sin. The Morningstar is still bright, but is the faint glow of a candle in the dark. Yellow-Eyes stalks you.
Ruby, now that was a name she hadn't seen in some time. She lifted a brow, wondering. Surely it was coincidence. But there were no coincidences in the galaxy. Cora simply did not believe in such. Not now, not ever. The words even were familiar to her. Certain people, picked certain code words to mean a particular thing. This was definitely Ruby.

Ele: On the darkest night, stars shine brightest. And even in places of sin there is still good.

The reference to Yellow-Eyes left her a bit concerned. The idea that anyone was following her was of worry. But after tonight it was distinctly possible that someone, was after her.

Ele: Shall we dance in the hour of scampering?

Asking for a meeting, though she was still a little cautious under the circumstances.

[member="Megaera Pajari"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

It was indeed Ruby. Just not the one the Angel with a shotgun remembered. The same code words, the same pseudo-religious phrases and imagery. The two of them were not so different, yet there was one crucial difference that would probably only become apparent when they met.

Ruby: Yes. Let us partake in the ghost dance. Obscured by a cloak from Yellow-Eyes. Where do we find the candle in the dark?

Simply asking for a location. The logic was that Cora would probably feel more trusting if she was allowed to choose it herself rather than having one thrust upon her. Of course, this meant that she would have to trust the Angel. But what could happen if things went ill? At most she would die...again. She had been to hell and back, she knew what to expect of it. Her hand shook ever so slightly when she reached for her lukewarm cup of stimcaf and took a sip.
Without a doubt it was going to get awkward when they met. That singular difference no doubt would be clear and with Cora's paranoid ways, there was a good chance, it wasn't going to end well, or the way anyone expected.

For a moment she rapped her fingers against the side of the datapad, pondering a response.

Ele: Where the shadows of corruption have spread deepening across the skylines. Where the Protector, Protects none.

That named Fondor and it's pathetic government pretty quickly. She could have picked another planet. Any planet, and given the heat that might be following her here, in retrospect maybe not the wisest of choices.

Ele: Tomorrow's sun will rise and set. The Hour of the Scampering, Blue Sixteen.

The hour of Scampering referred to midnight and blue sixteen was actually an old burnt out club that no one went near unless they had to. And few knew of the place, which made it even better for Cora's purposes. Now just to get there first and lay out the usual traps. One never could be too certain these days.

[member="Megaera Pajari"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

By now Elpsis was wondering what was going on. Sure, she was not the clingy time, but still! So she leaned over to find out, still only covered by, well, the covers! Clearly this writer is feeling terribly witty at this hour in this post. "Somethin' up, darlin'?" she asked in a husky voice. "Err...are you talking to one of Ferrano's Witnesses?" she added, looking confused at the weird conversation. To her it sounded a bit like two crazy cultists talking to one another.
Cora glanced to Elpsis, and smiled giving her a sweet kiss on the forehead as she leaned over. "Nothing particularly. Old contact, wants a meet." The blonde said with a shrug, "It's all code words, keeps anyone who happens to read the chat log from knowing what we are saying, planning on doing and where. More than comes in handy dear. So as much as it looks like a chat with a Ferrano's Witness, it's not." Nope it was totally logical and done for a reason. Protection namely.

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

Elpsis huffed, feeling a bit annoyed. Clearly she did not like strangers intruding on her Cora time. Teenagers these days. Still what the blonde said made sort of sense. "And I was just gonna suggest going back to bed and having sex again," she stated. One got the feeling she was just as horny as Auntie Sio. "Is it someone you can trust?" Now her tone had turned serious again. After all, she knew her way around the streets.
Cora's grinned brightened, "Oh we have time for that. Not meeting until tomorrow night." She said cheerfully. Then there was the other part of the equation. "She used to be. It's been a while though, a long while. So it could get interesting." Interesting in the 'oh god, oh god we're all going to die' kind of interesting. "So about that going back to bed thing?" She said with a wink, "You still game?"

[member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
[member="Cora Passek"]

Ele: Tomorrow's sun will rise and set. The Hour of the Scampering, Blue Sixteen.

Ruby: We shall meet in the seventh circle of the abyss.

This was a code that confirmed that she would accept the time and place. Having sent the message, the woman logged out of the Chaos system, taking care not to leave any traces that others could pick up on, and then turned off her computer. What was left of her by now very lukewarm cup of stimcaf was drunk by her.

Outside there was still noise. As a matter of fact, she could hear shouts and gunfire. Maybe it was a mugging, maybe the police were dealing with renegades. Law and order on Fondor was not what it used to be, especially in this sector, which belonged to the badlands. It mattered preciously little to her. So few things did these days. Still she remained alert. Long pianist fingers, which looked like the bones had been broken and then put back together, tapped quietly on the desk before she finally resolved to hit the shower and then go to bed.

Tomorrow she would meet the woman believed to be an Angel of Chaos. They had never crossed paths, but she knew people who knew her. She would have been...useful in some of her past endeavours. For a moment the woman found herself wondering how a certain short stack of fire was doing, then she pushed the thought out of the airlock. Attachments were like leashes.
[member="Cora Passek"]

Elpsis, being your typical teenager, still did not like the idea of someone intruding on her Cora time. She expected there to be explosions at some point, partially because that always seemed to happen around her! However, the prospect of sex seemed to improve her mood a lot. The wink brought out all sorts of schoolgirly feelings inside her and she giggled girlishly. "Totally, game for it, darlin," she spoke in a husky voice, probably trying and failing to sound all 'mature' and stuff.

"Now where's that whip...ah, there it is," and so she pulled Cora into a heated kiss and the scene...faded to black.

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