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Rusty's Custom Firearms and Cutlery


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
One of the armor's greatest weaknesses was that it requires a great deal of precision during assembly for it to work properly. Fortunately, Rusty was a precise fellow, and [member="Laguz Vald"] was an excellent student. It took them over two hours to get everything right, but it was time well spent. He suspected that the shapeshifter might have missed her calling; she had the fine motor control and patience of a gunsmith. This, of course, coming from an assassin who only made guns in his free time.

It was apparent that they made a good team, too. If they could interrogate half as well as they could build stuff, the Shard figured their pet Mando wouldn't stand a chance.

"Alright, I think that just about wraps it up. It's what, 1437 right now? How about we meet at your ship at 1900? That'll give us both time to take care of any last minute errands. For the sake of discretion, I'm gonna use a different chassis for this trip, so I won't look like me when I get to your ship. Look for someone that looks like the human version of me. Gertrude will be a dead giveaway too, so there shouldn't be too much confusion."
Watching the guy work up close truly confirmed her suspicions about his entirely inhuman nature, because even after years of practice, Laguz had yet to come close to that level of precision and control in her movements; and believe you her, she tried! It cleared up some of the finer points of the suit's set-up and also revealed how a few things fit, but that was all just a bonus to the merc. The real reason she'd stuck around for the suit's assembly was because she was rather unwilling to go in blind; she had to see how the man functioned when he actually, you know… worked.

The takeaway? The two of them were looking at a very bright future inded, and for someone who preferred working alone nine times out of ten, that was certainly a rare occurrence.

Was bound to be fun, though.

"Sounds good," she confirmed as she packed every piece of illicit goods back into their resting place, safely tucking her beloved rifle beneath the false bottom of the case before replacing the prop on top.

"See you then… whoever you'll be."

In the meantime: bounties. Dressel was a popular pit stop for people with a dirty credit trail, and if you happened to be a person who hunted those types for a living, the place truly turned into profit heaven. The way they behaved, you'd think the wanted to be shot. And who was Laguz to deny them the wish?



Purveyor of Fine Weaponry

It was a sign that things were well and truly karked when the restraining bolt that normally kept the Shard from cursing was nowhere to be found. Near as he could tell, it was burned off by a blaster bolt that had narrowly avoided striking him squarely in his armored chest plate. Whether or not it would have done any good was still up for debate, but the fact that it had been fired at him at all was enough to set his digital blood ablaze.

Dressel wasn't home. This neighborhood wasn't safe. Rusty knew that, had learned that very quickly.

But there was a difference between not safe to walk at night without a gun and being chased by a squad of very angry mercenaries.


The mercenaries were predictably silent. They weren't paid to banter, they were paid to kill.

To hell with that.

Rusty was more pissed than a shaved Wookiee in a hair salon. He was gonna make these bastards pay.

He had made it through the door at a full sprint and dived behind the counter. There were two things he wished to accomplish from behind there.

The first was to trigger the PA system. If he was gonna fight for his life, he was gonna get some tunes to suit the mood. He flicked a switch, told the system he was bitter pissed, and let the sophisticated song selection program choose the track.

"Perfect," he growled as the thunder of power chords began to rattle the windows of every structure within a one block radius.

The second step was to break out Gertrude. These sons of bitches were gonna pay, and they were gonna pay in blood. He grabbed a battle box of AP Frangible rounds, jacked the power cable into its slot, and fed the ammo belt into the feed tray. All he had to do now was paste the first motherkriffer that walked through the door.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Like any mercs worth the name, the first thing through the door was a grenade.

It was at that point that Rusty realized they were after something specific in the shop. Rather than throwing a thermal det or a concussion grenade, both of which would have probably killed him to death, they led with a flashbang. They wanted something, and they wanted it intact. Whatever it was, they didn't much feel like paying for it.

On organic opponents, the flashbang was a perfect opener. The loud bang and disorienting flash would put any organic opponent on their ass.

Rusty was not organic, however, and he had something much, much better than a flashbang.

The first troopers sprinted through the door, guns at the ready.

Gertrude spat a ball of fire that made the flashbang look like a roman candle.

The second trooper in line dropped to the ground, clutching at his shattered eardrums. The first trooper never had the chance. The AP Frangible round struck him square in the chestplate. It punched straight through before hitting the softer flesh beneath and fragmented into grains of powder smaller than the finest sand. The resulting force rendered him a fine spray of pink mist, showering the shop with little bits of viscera and bone fragments.


The Second Seal, broken.
A thin, emaciated boy slipped into the dusky shop, all big eyes and a curious face. His age would prove nearly impossible to determine, and with the impassive expression plastered on his features, all signs of life seemed devoid from this young man.

It was clear he had a purpose, however. More automaton than a sentient being, the boy would proceed to advance towards the counter, meadering between the various displays and weaponry until he finally arrived before the massive workdesk.

His curious eyes would peer up at the tall man under the hood, but [member="Rusty"] would find them staring right through.

Without any emotion whatsoever, he would then place an order, more robot than the gunsmith himself. There was no change in his expression, no inflection to his monotonous voice as it was formed with a whisper of breath and the contracting of vocal cords. Creepy little karker.

"A slugthrower specialized for close combat. Should pack a punch, and be easily wielded with only one hand. If at all possible, tack dirty tricks onto the weapon. Money isn't an issue, so spare no expense on materials or mechanism," he rattled off like a walking recording, sliding an encrypted datapad with detailed specifications and contact details towards the man.

The boy would linger for a few moments to receive an affirmative response from the gunsmith, and then he would disappear, leaving not a trace of his presence behind.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Rusty nodded. He had just the thing for a job like this. It would take a little while to get it ready, but it would be worth the wait.

"Return in three days with credits. The order will be done."

And with barely three lines of text, the Shard retreated into his workshop.

Standing outside the shop, she doubted for half a second that Eralam had sent her to the right place. The building was little and nondescript. The place was shady. But this was Dressel and she knew the whole place was sorta shady, especially in this section of Breehara. It felt...familiar in a way she could not place, in a way she could not name. Her fingers curled around the door handle and with a jerk, she hefted it open and stepped inside.

The faint air of gunpowder, metal filings and oil filled the air and confirmed that she was indeed, in the right place.

She approached the counter, her crisp aubergine uniform of the Imperium neat and pressed, her boots shiny. She would pull no real attention here, and for what she was asking for, she was assured that he could be discreet.

"I'm looking for [member="Rusty"]."

She slid the flimsi Eralam had given her across the counter, and waited for it to be acknowledged.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Rusty took note of the newcomer. He didn't recognize the uniform, but the styling suggested Imperial tradition. Beyond that he couldn't glean much of use; Palpatine had set the standard, but there were literally hundreds of groups over the years to pick up the Imperial banner, and they all did it a little differently.

"Howdy," he said as he left his workstation behind the counter and walked over. The workstation was only good for small jobs, like the blaster pistol he was currently dropping a binary trigger into, but he couldn't mind the shop from the full workshop in the back.

He of course noticed the note of introduction, and could read it clearly from across the room. He recognized the Old Man's signature. That [bleep] Eralam was a legend in the Shard community, and not necessarily in a good way. Rusty didn't like him one bit, but he knew the guy to be a straight shooter, and if he was sending a customer, there was something special about this one.

As per usual, the Shard was fully clothed, with his usual hood drawn up and his face cloaked in shadow. Only the glow of his eyes was visible. Somehow, this particular female gave the impression that the hood didn't make much of a difference.

"Welcome to Rusty's Custom Firearms and Cutlery. I'm Rusty. What can I do for you?"

[member="Kira Corsai"]
"I'm in need of a special suit and arms for myself. Light armor plating, some environmental systems, the thing needs to be very flexible and durable. Lightsaber proof. I also need weapons that can punch through Vonduun crab armor. A sword and a pair of firearms. I was told you were the best and to let your imagination run on the weapons."

She carried her grey hair like a seasoned warrior carried battle scars. Her eyes were shrewd as she looked him over, not surprised in the least to see the glowing orbs under the edge of the hood.

"Money, of course, is of no concern. Merely quality and function."



Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Rusty frowned for a moment.

"The weapons I can do, no problem. I'm going to hazard a guess and say you'll want a main and a sidearm, both of which can handle crab armor. That's not a problem. I can cook up something that'll do the job easily enough. As for the sword..."

The Shard considered the woman for a moment. She was on the smaller side for a human female, short and slight. But beneath the uniform, he was pretty sure he'd find the wiry frame of a fighter. She certainly moved like she knew how to handle herself. Given her stature, it was unlikely that she favored contests of main strength. He figured she'd be the fast and agile type. There were a few possible choices.

"If you want something stabby, maybe a colichemarde?"

He called up a schematic from a convenient datapad of a sword with a long, thing blade with a diamond profile. It didn't have a full length cutting edge, favoring instead a razor sharp tip. Such a weapon would be ideal for either piercing lighter armor or finding gaps between plates. If that didn't suit her style, they could adjust from there.

"The armor will be the problem. Making a suit of flexible armor isn't, but making it lightsaber resistant is. I might be able to get ahold of some Asheran Armorweave, but I can't make any promises. If I can, it'll be simple enough to make the majority of the suit out of it, with some ballistic plates to protect the vital organs from projectiles and blades. Am I on the right track?"
"Even if the vital areas are the only ones resistant, it would be fine. Collar, gauntlets, chestpiece, leg plates. I'm far more concerned about being able to get away from a potential strike than absorbing it."

She reviewed the blade and nodded. It would take some training to learn to be effective with it, but it would prove invaluable in time she was sure. The rapier would flex and bend, either piercing the crab plates or sliding along them until it found the joint where they overlapped and sliding under it to lacerate the flesh beneath. Throw some lightning at it as well and it should be swell.

"That reminds me, the electrical systems of the suit will need to be impervious to sudden arcs of high voltage. It would not do to short myself out when engaging my foes."

If he had any doubts about her line of work, they were put to rest by now.



Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Now that was interesting. She didn't seem the sort to repair high voltage electrical lines in the middle of a firefight. Almost certainly a Force user then, and as far as he could tell, the good guys didn't go around slinging lightning bolts.

That meant she was probably Sith. Rusty hated Sith.

Still, he was a professional. She was a customer, and as far as he was concerned, she was entitled to the best equipment she could afford.

"The Asheran armorweave has some conductivity issues, but I'm sure I can figure out a way to properly insulate you and the electronics. For that matter, I might even be able to make the thing throw off hostile electrical attacks."

The Shard sketched out some rough schematics for the suit. It would essentially come in two parts: an insulating inner bodysuit not unlike those used by stormtroopers, and the outer armor. The bodysuit could easily incorporate things like climate control, as well as afford a measure of protection from the environment. Insulating against potential electric shocks would be easy enough.

For the outer armor, he added in reinforcements in the requested areas. He wasn't quite sure what he'd use yet, probably plastoid or duraplast. It would depend on availability, weight, so on and so forth.
"As for the fire arms, I'm looking for something to fire in bursts for the main. Full auto is nice, but it'll just waste bullets with me. Side arm can be the more precision single shot piece."

She had let her eyes wander to the prototypes on the wall. Such a lovely room of possibilities.

"All of that seems perfectly fine with me. How much time do you need and what do you require from me to begin construction?"

One nevered asked the price. If you had to ask, you couldn't afford it. She was meaning materials wise. Eralam had warned her that some rare materials might require her personal involvement to procure, but everything would be worth it in the long run.



Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Rusty nodded.

"That's definitely doable. Between you and me, burst is better than auto for most applications. I've recently picked up something called a binary trigger system. Long story short, you get a bullet when you pull the trigger, and another when you release. Takes some getting used to, but the end result is fast, accurate controlled pairs. Or we can go with traditional three round burst. A little slower on the cyclic rate, a little less controlled, but more along the lines of what most people are used to."

The final design of the armor would take some fine tuning, but that was an issue for later.

"I'll need your measurements, for starters. Do you have a preferred material in mind for the sword?"
She nodded to him, fingers reaching to unfasten the jacket of her uniform. She certainly wasn't shy about shedding her clothes, but she motioned to his work area, the front of the jacket hanging open to show a silken camisole under it.

"I assume back there?"

Better shielded from others who might enter the store, she took off her jacket, revealing a mass of ink and scars across her skin. It showed through the thin silk, marring the aging flesh with the trespasses of her youth. Not that she seemed to mind.

"That could be interesting with the pairs. Don't suppose you have a prototype I can test fire with it just to get a feel for it? I would hate to say yes on it and then waste your talents on a weapon I'm not going to use."

She held out her arms so he could get a measuring tape around her or scan her body for measurements, whatever method he preferred to make sure the armor would be a perfect fit.



Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Rusty was familiar with human concepts of modesty. Though years spent living in the confines of the Wicked Grace had somewhat eroded the boundaries between the Captain and him, she had taken care to drill into his head what was considered appropriate and what wasn't. With that in mind, he had invested in a portable scanner that could take precise measurements even through light clothing without requiring physical contact. It only took him a moment to scan front, back, and sides. The data was fed into a computer program that would accurately model the customer down to the millimeter. He learned the hard way not to display the model unless asked; early on a customer had taken umbrage with the rather stark and unflattering portrayal of their body. Once that was done, he motioned for the customer to get dressed and set about programming the machine that would fabricate the bodysuit.

"It's important that the bodysuit be skintight. Not only is it what's going to contain the climate control equipment and the like, it's pretty effective armor all by itself. I make it out of a material called spidersilk elastex. In case you're wondering, I'm making the armor out of two separate pieces rather than just using the stuff as a liner because it's a lot harder to conduct maintenance on the electronics when the lining is near impossible to cut without special equipment. I could build in access points, but access points are weaknesses. Also, it cuts down on chafing when you do it like this."

Once the measurements where in the computer, Rusty fed in the specs for the armor.

"When it's fitted properly, the bodysuit won't move around or anything. It breathes a bit, which I'm told is nice, but it'll be secure. The armor itself will also be tight. Not restrictive by any means, but it'll fit like a second skin. Takes some getting used to, but once you get by the initial weirdness, I'm told it's pretty comfortable."

The orders were placed for both the spidersilk elastex and the asheran armorweave at this point. It would take a couple days for them to arrive, but it would be well worth the weight.

He had already anticipated the customer's request to test fire the binary firing system. It was still new enough that not many people knew what it was actually like, so he had a rifle built already. Outwardly, it was a standard M4 with an aimpoint optic. The Shard grabbed the rifle and a handful of magazines and led the customer to the firing range.

Past experience had told him that there was a fine line between educating and embarrassing the customer. There had been issues in the past where he assumed the customer knew nothing and inadvertently insulted their intelligence, and he'd also assumed others knew what they were doing and handed them a weapon they didn't know how to use. To be on the safe side, he methodically went through the process of loading the weapon and chambering a round, all under the guise of assuring the presumed Sith that it worked just like a normal AR style weapon. He was careful not to be condescending, or overly flattering for that matter.

If she knew what she was doing, it would be a bit tedious but would come across as a sales pitch. If she didn't, it would be educational. Either way, he avoided causing trouble. Hopefully.

"Once the weapon is loaded, the selector switch will function just like it would on any other weapon. Semi will fire one round every time the trigger is pulled, as usual. When you switch it to binary, however..."

Suiting actions to words, Rusty flipped the selector switch to binary and squeezed the trigger.

"You get a round when the trigger is pulled and another-" he released the trigger, and the weapon fired a second time- "when it's released. You can hold off on that second round as long as you like, or you can let them both fire off quickly."

To demonstrate, he fired three more slow, controlled pairs into the paper target fifteen meters away. After that, he slowly increased the rate of fire, until by the last three rounds, it was indistinguishable from a fully automatic weapon. He had purposely altered his point of aim ever so slightly, so as to demonstrate the tight grouping of the pairs. The center of the target was littered with double holes where the bullets had impacted one after the other, in almost exactly the same place.

Once the bolt locked to the rear, he dropped the magazine, slid a fresh one into the well, and let the bolt ride forward before handing it to the customer.

"Take as much time as you'd like to get familiar. Ammo's on the house, and I've got plenty of 5.56, so blast away."

[member="Kira Corsai"]
She took the firearm and sighted down range, the grip a little big for her personal tastes. She had hands on the small side, so the standard grips on rifles like this tended to be unwieldy. She was getting used to it but she would want something a little more tailor made to her hands. She squeezed off a couple shots, flipped the switch and squeezed off several more, taking note of the recoil and the delay she could get with it. Naturally, the more she delayed the let off of the trigger, the worse the aim on the second shot was, however for shots where she was immediately letting off of it, the grouping was stellar.

She set the rifle down after emptying a clip, nodding approvingly.

"I like it. It'll be an adjustment to be sure, but I think it will suffice. I hope it's not too much to ask for moulded grips to my hand?"

She held out her palm so the gunsmith could see that she did have rather slender and petite fingers.



Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
"But of course," Rusty said as he cleared the weapon. "That information was included in the scan, and we'll have grips scaled to match. As far as the sidearm goes..."

The Shard had a few works in progress in an arms locker in the firing range. One of them was more or less finished, he just hadn't brought it out front yet. It was a beautiful old single action .45 caliber revolver. The barrel and frame were made from durasteel, blued and polished to a high gloss, with silver and gold inlaid engravings and ivory grips. He hadn't intended to sell it just yet, but seeing as how this was going to be an expensive project, it never hurt to butter up the customer a little. He doubted she was the vain type, but he'd never met a human who would turn down a weapon that was both deadly and beautiful.


He carried the weapon and its case over to the firing line.

"Single action, .45 Long Colt," he explained as he presented the case. "Incredibly accurate. The single action gives a slightly reduced rate of fire, seeing as how you have to cock the hammer back with each shot, but the payoff is a light, crisp trigger break. Coupled with a bullet that could put down a spiced up Wookiee, you've got a hand cannon that'll put the fear of the Force in your opponent. Recoil is a bit more than some people are used to, but somehow I don't see you having much trouble getting it under control. And the grips are already perfectly sized."

[member="Kira Corsai"]
She took the colt out of the case, admiring the handiwork and engraving on it. It was a lovely piece, almost too lovely. It was very noticeable. If she pulled this out as Sinistra, she could never use it as Kira. She supposed that all the weapons would be easily identifiable but this one was just too fancy. She chambered a round, cocking the hammer back and winced. She felt a fleeting pain in her knuckles but she squeezed the trigger and felt the jarring kickback through her arm and shoulder. She reached for the hammer with her thumb again and pulled it down, the pain this time causing her to suck air in between her teeth. She carefully uncocked the pistol and offered it back to Rusty, grip first.

"I am not as young as I used to be. I'm afraid I would never get more than a shot off with it before I abandoned it from discomfort. Arthritis is a karking nightmare."



Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
"That could be a problem," Rusty said. He took the pistol and put it back in its case after making sure it was clear.

That added a wrinkle to things. The Shard wasn't all that good at telling how old humans were at a glance. If she had arthritis, that would naturally put a limit on how much power he could give her. He would have frowned, but he didn't currently have a face capable of it.

There were a few routes they could go from here. The Shard rummaged through the weapons locker, looking for a very particular case.

"Here we are," he said as he presented the case.


"P38. Small, ergonomic, and extremely accurate. The rounds don't pack as much sheer stopping power as the .45, but they're small and fast and tend to go through things well enough. You might not be able to brute force your way out of situations, but you seem the sort to prefer finesse anyway."

He demonstrated correct loading and cocking procedures, then passed it over.

[member="Kira Corsai"]

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