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Rusty's Custom Firearms and Cutlery


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
If you knew where to look in Breehara, you could find all sorts of interesting shops. Located on a major hyperspace route, Dressel was a busy hub of interplanetary trade, and its capitol, Breehara, was a teeming mix of hundreds of different species and cultures all colliding against one another. It wasn't as rough and wild as many planets further towards the Rim, but the city was definitely lively.

Tucked away in a relatively quiet corner was a squat single story ferrocrete building. From the outside, it wasn't anything special to look at. Not terribly pretty, but not wholly ugly either, on account of a few graceful lines that drew the eye away from the start, utilitarian nature of the building.

The walls were painted a dull reddish-brown that neither stood out from nor blended in with the rest of the neighborhood. There were no windows on the outside, and the door was best described as excessively sturdy. The place had the look of a bunker to it, and that was actually pretty close to its intended function. Anyone familiar with such architecture would recognize that it wasn't designed to protect someone inside from attackers. Instead, it was meant to protect the surrounding neighborhood if something were to go wrong.

Step past the heavy blast doors up front and you'll find yourself in something more akin to a jewelry store than anything. Glass cases showcased a variety of exotic, strange, or downright dangerous looking weaponry of nearly every shape and size. There were a couple of droids bustling around, but the main figure of interest was the thing sitting behind the counter at the back of the room. He looked like a cross between the Grim Reaper and Rambo, but as he absentmindedly fiddled with the internals of the blaster on the counter in front of him, it was clear he knew what he was doing.

Over the counter there was a sign. In plain lettering, it said "Rusty's Custom Firearms and Cutlery."
I had just finished with my latest client, now another dead man in a dumpster. Unfortunatly, some bodyguards decided to chase me through town. I was now completely lost. This wasn't Nar Shaddaa, or even Coruscant, which sucked. I've been accustomed to life in the big city since i was 2 hours old. But Dressel, no Dressel was different, sure i was in a city, but my senses of safety were gone. I ran to the nearsest door. It was thick and stongholdish, but it was unlocked. I dove in, not at all expecting a weapons store. I walked to the shady clerk and leaned over the counter. "You got any spoons?" I whipsered.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Rusty didn't know what to make of the newcomer, but what the hell. Credits were credits, and he had a few spoons that he had wanted to use for a project. They were cheap durasteel ones, designed to take a beating and last for ages. Replacing them would be no problem.

"Here you go, pal. That's five credits."
"Thanks man." I said handing him some credit chips. I ran out the door and began to gouge one of the bodyguards eyes out with the spoon while I stabbed the other one with my dew claw. I left them to bleed outside the front doorand walked back inside. "Hey.. uh.. Rusty is it? You get lots of people in here usally? 'Cuz there's a couple dead bodies out on your front step, kinda gross am i right?" I Chuckled and leaned over the counter again.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
"Wouldn't be the first time," Rusty said in a bored sort of way. "Haul them around back and I'll have the usual cleanup crew take care of it. That'll be 3500 credits, if you please, for the cleaning fee."

The blaster, which had been disassembled moments before, was now whole, and it was clear it wasn't wholly a blaster. Not with a muzzle that a small child could fit their head in. An ominous hum filled the shop as he leveled it at the man with the weaponized spoons.

"After that, you can go about your business."
"3500?! For cleaning? Thank god I make good money." I said, somewhat shocked, then again, I'm not an expert on cleaning blood off pavement. I handed him a few credit chips, high enough in value that it would cover the cost. "Whatever man have a nice day." I said strolling out the door.

Verd Skirata

Fancy flyin' and good fightin' make for a good day
[member="Omi Rin"]
"Hold on a second," the Mandalorian said as he had walked into the store. "I believe he specifically told you to haul them to the back." He pulled out his beskaad and took a menacing pose with the short, but ridiculously heavy weapon. he had his left hand down by his side in case the other had some sort of blaster that he didn't know about. "Isn't that right, [member="Rusty"]?" He had devined the name from the sign that was on the counter.
Vinskk stepped over the two dead bodies on the front of the store. Shrugging, the Trandoshan entered the store, followed by his first mate Free-Eyes. The Gran nearly vomited at the sight of the grisly murder, hurrying inside. The lizard nearly knocked over a human that was running out, hissing at him in annoyance before coming in, passing the armoured Mandalorian before sighting the hooded figure seated in a owner's position, leveling a huge karking blaster in his general direction. Ignoring that, the Trandoshan clicked, "Vinskk needs quality weapons. Gran recommended store. Show Trandoshan wares." Free-Eyes looked at the towering scaly figure and sighed. Clearly he needed to refine his people skills. Vinskk waited for the mysterious figure's response, almost impatiently tapping his foot as the Gran looked around, examining the cased weapons with amazement, his technical mind almost in awe at the craftsmanship of some of the blasters and other cased exhibits...
[member="Rusty"] [member="Verd Skirata"]


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
[member="Vinskk Revamp"]

Rusty ignored the Mando and the guy with the spoons. Either they'd sort it out themselves, or there would be another dead body on the pile and the survivor would be on the hook for that cleaning fee as well.

The Trandoshan looked to be an interesting customer. These types always were. Nonhumans could often handle more bang than humans, but they required further customization to make the weapons usable. This fellow, for instance, would likely need an enlarged trigger guard, beefier grips, and if he went with an optic, something tuned for his version of the visual spectrum.

Most of the weapons on the shelves were simply optimized versions of existing firearms and blades. Functional, deadly, and reasonably priced, but that wasn't the real reason people came to see Rusty.

"Why don't you tell me a little more about what you're looking for, Mr...."
"Vinskk. Trandoshan is looking for propelled harpoon gun. Fires heat seeking harpoons. Made to incapacitate. Not kill." He tilted his head, almost asking with his body language if he was capable of doing that.
[member="Verd Skirata"]

"Look bud, i paid for the cleaning, and the authorities are already on my tail, so i'm sure they'd grab the bodies." I said pushing past him. "But if you want we can grab them toghether and then settle this out back?"
A super fun chance to try and get a weapon actually balanced to her size and body.... That was hard to pass up as the small and petite jedi knight was moving with her sabers on her belt clipped with her force light blaster and small emblem. The tiny shield was amazing but she had to admit she was liking the idea of what she could do with it and there was always something to be said with using non-jedi weapons because everyone knew a lightsaber and could identify you... Made ones you were trying to get information from clam up and not talk, made others go away in fear. She needed to work at it while she was moving and the other thing she had gotten from Damorian for helping them, a lightweight charric pistol for knocking away lightsabers if she encountered dark jedi or sith.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Vinskk Revamp said:
"Vinskk. Trandoshan is looking for propelled harpoon gun. Fires heat seeking harpoons. Made to incapacitate. Not kill." He tilted his head, almost asking with his body language if he was capable of doing that.
[member="Vinskk Revamp"]

Heat seeking harpoons? That might be tricky. If you put any sort of propulsion on a harpoon, it stopped being a harpoon. But normal harpoons didn't have the speed or range to make maneuverability worthwhile. And nonlethal, too. This one would be a challenge.

"Return in three days with a sizable chunk of credits and I should have you something that'll meet your needs."

Quenladose said:
A super fun chance to try and get a weapon actually balanced to her size and body.... That was hard to pass up as the small and petite jedi knight was moving with her sabers on her belt clipped with her force light blaster and small emblem. The tiny shield was amazing but she had to admit she was liking the idea of what she could do with it and there was always something to be said with using non-jedi weapons because everyone knew a lightsaber and could identify you... Made ones you were trying to get information from clam up and not talk, made others go away in fear. She needed to work at it while she was moving and the other thing she had gotten from Damorian for helping them, a lightweight charric pistol for knocking away lightsabers if she encountered dark jedi or sith.

And now over to the tiny female Jedi that had just walked in. Somehow, Rusty didn't think she'd be in the market for a heavy blaster.

"What can we do for you today, madam Jedi?"

She looked up and at the others while she moved speaking and smiling a little. "I am here because long ago I used to have an heirloom, a beautiful blastsword made for me to be able to use. I was hoping to remake it but instead to use this." She moved removing the charric with a small look on her face holding it down while looking around. "While jedi don't usually use other weapons sometimes the need to go undercover is pressing and one can't disguise a lightsaber as many other things."


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Rusty looked at the charric. Of course he knew what it was. The Chiss were crafty little buggers, and incorporating one of their weapons into a blastsword would give it a distinctive edge over a traditional sword.

The Shard brought up a hologram of a short, slender sword that would be suited to the diminutive Jedi's stature. He started making alterations on the hologram. The first, the traditional nozzle of a blastsword, replaced the stabbing tip. The blade was thickened a little to accommodate the inner workings, and the hilt was enlarged slightly.

"For the record, I don't yet have access to exotic materials like phrik or cortosis. If you find yourself facing another Force user, you'll want to break out a saber. With that in mind, I can make it more resistant to blaster fire."

A few more button pushes later, and the blade became bone white.

"What I'll do is give it a ceramic powder coating that'll act as an ablative. Durasteel lives up to its name for the most part, and it can take a real beating. By incorporating higher than normal levels of tungsten and nickle, we can increase its resistance to heat. The ceramic powder coating is designed to burn away when struck by the blaster bolt, channeling away the thermal energy. It's not a lightsaber, though, and you shouldn't try to use it as one. Against normal thugs and criminals, it'll work just fine though, and if you do have to use it to block blaster bolts, bring it back and I'll be happy to redo the powder coat. Sound good?"

Varius Fenelstein: Shop owner of the Cafe across the street

Varius had been watching rusty s shop all day. First had appeared a dead corpse upon the doorstep, which gave him pause. the strange ghoul like man that ran in and out of the shop gave him a second pause and he was perturbed. All this madness was hurting his customer sales! Nobody wanted to buy Caf when across the street bodies were turning up!

Varius simply scrubbed a glass and watched. the shop was dingy, and the alleyway it was in was even dingier. Grey cobblstones, nasty dumpsters overflowing with black plastic bags and a horrid infestation of grey rats roaming the streets. the place was dump.

His coffee shop was dump too. Stains on the tables,grounds pockmarking the floor from where they had been ground into the weak tiles. Varius sighed, stroking his grey beard. He could see into the shop. Rusty appeared to be karking with a saber for some crazy multicoloured haired woman. Adding some kind of white powder to it.

There was a look at him as he was explaining it and working with the blade. She knew ways to help with a saber, ancient secret jedi super knowledge of secrety secrets. Her nod in understanding while he explained about the metal and it was somethign good, even the blade being her saize would be a plus for those unsuspecting. "That will not be a problem, I thank you for this." She was looking at her stuff and withdrew some of the aurodium they had mined and gotten on Cazador, a small fortune for some but a great way since not all places took republic credits."


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry

Rusty gave the impression of cocking an eyebrow quizzically, despite not having eyebrows. Not everybody brought a load of ingots into his shop.

"Uh, right. This is going to take a few days to get built, so come back, say, day after tomorrow with an estimate of how much the ingots are worth, and you'll be good to go."

She gave a bow of her head to that while he worked she could wait with a bow of her head. "Then I shall return, thank you again." She was smiling and going back towards the door while her attention was on the others there to see if anythign happened. She could stay in her ship for a few days there wasn't much to do elsewhere aside from working on her equipment to make sure it was in order and meditating... one always had to meditate.
Varius Fenelstein: Shop owner of the Cafe across the street

There the girl went. She walked right out the door after dropping off some odd looking things. Varius still stood polishing the glass being a nose bucket. He could still see the bodies, just laying there. Diseased rats crawled over them like hornets on a bed of flowers. The man inside was still behind the counter, all cloaked an ominous like.

Wonder what they're doing? He thought to himself

When he squinted he could still make out the ghoul creature, holding his spoons it looked like? And of course the familiar sight of Mando, holding a bi karking sword. Looked like he was about to cut the other guy in two.

"Good grief." Varius said, setting the glass down and picking up another...

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