Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rules / Limits On Swearing

Personally, I use what I describe as 'low leveled' swear words. So S-words, F-words, and C-words are out of the question. Even then I use it in context to the situation. So to me, words like 'hell', 'piss' and 'damn' aren't really the inappropriate (Cartoon Network allows 'pissed off' in kids shows now, did you know?) Kriff is my go to word for an F-bomb equivalent.

so, are those words that I use appropriate? I believe they're used in universe, too.
[member="Faye Terrik"]
Uh. I believe damn may be used in context, such as "They're damned" or "Damning evidence". Things which use the non-swear definition. I'm pretty sure Hell is called Chaos in star wars, canonically, so saying "hell" wouldn't make much sense - unless you're some Corellian from 18000 BBY. Not to sure on the other, but I'd assume not.
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Fair enough. I knew it was Corellian in origin in universe, but didn't think of how archaic it probably is in context. If Chaos is synonymous with Hell in lore, what does that say about what our forum is called :p

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