Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate Rule of Might | DE Populate of Aurion | Dark Side Elite

Orsis Academy,
Mid Rim

Empress Teta, Prakith, and the holy Jedi world of Tython have fallen. Doomsday bells rang loud across the Core, heralding the march of the Emperor's legions. There would be no respite, no mercy, for all who stood in the way of a new galaxy, forged from the ashes of the old.

The CORE WARS have truly begun.

In preparation for the inevitable siege of Coruscant—the seat of the galaxy—the Empire has put into motion a series of restless drills across every unit, be it military or administrative. From the lowest of the lowest grunt in the Stormtrooper's Corps to the influential Grand Vizier himself, all were to be made ready, including the Dark Side Elite; or rather—especially the Dark Side Elite.

Without asking too much questions, the headmaster of the Orsis Academy—a Noghri by the name of Krogua the Old—had allowed the Dark Side Elite's temporary enrollment in the institution. Fledgling rays of dawn pierced the twilight enveloping the four dueling rings atop the academy; here, the Dark Side Elite, would test their mettle. Here, in the spirit of fierce competition, the dark side of the Force would anoint its champion.

bracket & rules:

  • weapons used: Sith training saber
  • 5 rounds of posts rolling a d20
  • the one with higher tally by the end, defeats and eliminates their opposition, and heads to the next round
  • soft 48 hr rule between posts
  • bragging rights
  • osris-champion.png
  • a custom dark side trinket, maybe smile
Midnight Mass
Operation: Starbird Snare
Sinestra slipped from her zeyd-cloth robe, revealing the simple breeches and sleeveless vest underneath. The twilight’s chill did not bother her as she stepped into the dueling ring, her eyes sizing her opponent.

Prowler, the ghastly Filar-Nitzan of the Dark Side Elite.

She twirled the training saber in her hand, then settled into the opening stance of Ataru. The seer drew in a deep breath, filling her lungs with air and freeing her body to the Force. The ethereal guided her into a force-enhanced leap, followed by an overhead strike.

The body was a conduit, and its maintenance necessary, but the real battle was won through the Force.

Prowler Prowler


Kaleb was a shell of his former self. The Phobis Device had utterly crushed him, he didn’t possess the same sound mind as before. Ever since the device had destroyed his mind, he had spent days locked within his quarters. Many could hear laughter, screaming, mad ranting. The Jedi Knight who thought himself incorruptible had no mind to distinguish between good or bad. Dark Side or Light. Shadows had covered him in a haze, for Kaleb had no idea who he was but the blade of the Emperor.

The dried blood look of his zeyd-cloth cape would billow as Kaleb would land atop of the dueling ring. He had heard little of Orsis Academy but the dueling ring had felt oddly familiar, as if he had been there before. He smirked as he gripped the hilt of the Sith training saber tightly within his grasp. It felt odd, nothing like the Jedi weapon he carried with him. No matter, he felt calm come to the haze obscuring his thoughts. He looked pensively ahead towards what he thought was his opponent. His eyes blazing with madness as he sized up his foe. He took his left hand and started to point to his head, tapping his head did he say. “Do you hear them? D-Do you hear the shadows speaking? How they sing to me.. Yes… Yes! I hear them sing!! Do you know what they say?!?!”

Kaleb looked feral, the smirk still kept on his lips, his eyes moving to scan the training saber slowly. One quick look was centered on his foe before him. Suddenly the smirk that Kaleb wore would burst into hysterical laughter. Kaleb as he started off into a frenzy taking an Ataru offensive stance. Using the darkness, his haze of fear did he draw upon the energy to send him flying towards his opponent into a single leap. He was sent spinning with his blade towards his opponent giving a feral battle cry that screamed as he attempted to impale his opponent in a singular strike. all part of a technique he had learned from the Holocron’s teachings. “They demand pain… Shadows… Yes! Blood.. Blood everywhere! Yes! I am the Blade!!!” Kaleb would yell in mid strike as he hoped for his fear to overcome all that stood in his path.

Creuat Creuat

He remember quite well about Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker . The man who was driven to insanity by the Phobis Device, nothing more than a rabid dog with a lightsaber in his hand. Creuat had privately questioned the Emperor’s decision to spare the man and be among his chosen. Perhaps he was ignorant to the Emperor’s grand designs and discarded his doubts.

The Nautolan ready in his stance, feeling the flow of his breath in harmony with the Force, received Kaleb’s attack with a simple, yet strong cut to parry away the lightsaber.

“I pray you do not betray the Emperor’s mercy,” taunting the man to hope break his guard. “You do not deserve his compassion. You belong in the gutter.”

The Dark Jedi then approached to cut at Kaleb’s face, though his swing was controlled to then impale at his sternum.

Dice Tally:
1. 7
She twirled the training saber in her hand, then settled into the opening stance of Ataru. The seer drew in a deep breath, filling her lungs with air and freeing her body to the Force. The ethereal guided her into a force-enhanced leap, followed by an overhead strike.
The Filar-Nitzan did little and showed little movement while waiting for the Dark Seer to make her first move. Prowler appeared as a humanoid shape, but shadowed in dark purple and black. His "head" bowed and a single arm like extended down, his right to be specific, held onto the Sith training blade with a telekinetic grip. A ripple in his gaseous form was the first sign to his form that danger was closing in. The visage of a black skull surrounded by purple gas gazed up at the form of Sinestra Sinestra and her positioned blade ready to seemingly bisect her opponent.

And she did.

Prowlers gaseous nebulous form split in two smokey half's by the heavy blades heave before wafting back together into a single mass. Feeling the semblance of a object denser than himself pass through him. The blade and its toxic barbs with the intent to inflict pain, but there was nothing to make contact with here. Might as well try and cut air. "How did you not foresee this?" He scoffed to her face.

With his telekinetic grip on his own blade, Prowler gave a crude uppercutting swing poised at the Seers shoulder.

Tally:[I will roll later]

~finish ‘em Mal~

GEAR: In bio



Had my futile effort back in Vortex just an inevitability, that my lack of conviction, not in the sense that I don’t believe, but that such concept doesn’t exist within me, ultimately preventing me from unlocking the grand prize? Or was I just simply outclassed by the newest addition to our little raiding party?

Jedha on the other hand, was a living proof that the Force is strong within me, that it drives me to places that I wouldn’t even imagine in my simple, twisted daydreams. I let the Jedi Master Efret Farr Efret Farr go for a longer, more intriguing entanglement. The venom has been plunged deep inside her, mortal wounds carved on her bronze, shining skin, and soon I will bear the fruits of my patience. All there is left to do is wait. And yet I can’t seem to get her out of my mind.

This tournament should be a good distraction. Losing the Phobis Device was an embarrassing tragedy, not just for me but for all of the Dark Side Elite besides Creuat Creuat . More than a preparation for the clashes to come, this is about bragging rights. This is about pleasuring our giant egos, that we are the best of the best and we are the one, true, Chosen of the Sith’ari.

Well, that might not be the case for Vorm Vorm . My first opponent might not have that much going on in his little brain than to smash moving things. Still, that doesn’t take away from his absurd physical strength and combat abilities.

Not that it bothered me in the slightest, I love a good fight, I love taking those hard hit and absorb all the torture, and I love making them whimpers for their life.

So I initiated the spar. Training saber on one hand, I used my left foot as a pivot to swing forward at the brute, while still keep some distance, leveraging my longer reach to keep him at a disadvantage.


ROUND 1: 16
"How did you not foresee this?" Sinestra could hear the hints of mockery towards her precognitive skills in Prowler's voice.

Truly -- she had not foreseen this. Or rather, she was uneducated enough on Prowler's rare species. The Emperor would not bestow her with an edge over another of the Elite. The Dark Side rewarded competition, conflict and strife, not collaboration and collusion. No, what little Sinestra had learned on the Filar-Nitzan was from her own readings, driven by her desire to learn about her rivals among the Elite; to expose their weakness.

Now she was learning in practice. Neither the dulled edge of her saber, nor its toxic-filled barbs would harm her opponent. She had assumed the quick strikes of her preferred form of Ataru would catch his morphosis in between phases. Splitting Prowler in two halves of smoke prove her theory wrong. Sinestra needed a new plan.

The seer's clairvoyance may have failed with examining Prowler's racial characteristics, but it succeeded in warding off his next attack. A sharp step to the right escaped Prowler's uppercutting swing, the light stench of the pelko bug toxin wafting through her nostrils, before she swept her left foot behind into a pirouette away from her opponent to regroup.

Sinestra slowly circled around the ring, her gaze examining Prowler, like a predator its prey. He wielded the blade through the Force, leading her to believe he was exerting far more focus on the ethereal than she was. Keeping her protective force barrier alive like second skin, she switched her stance to Djem So.

A smirk full of contempt tugged at her lips as she taunted him to attack.

Prowler Prowler

-- dice tally
round 1: 10
round 2: 19 lmao
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Blade of Wrath


That she had been accepted as a participant in this challenge alone was a surprise, but not too surprising; perhaps the powers that be deigned to separate her from Aphon Aphon and see her worth as an individual. Maybe he was less worthy, or maybe, just maybe he was under less of a requirement to prove himself. Irae knew part of her heritage could be seen as a problem to some in this Empire. She was no stranger to the knowledge of what had happened to the Chiss, and had come to steel herself against whatever this might throw into her path.

But none of those thoughts would serve her here - all was a distraction from the exchange set before her, as she again tested the weight and balance of the blade in her hand, and eyed the woman she'd been put up against, circling her slowly and ever-closer in a well-practised manner. It was rare for there to be a blade that she had ever found difficultly with wielding by virtue of her cultural upbringing - this 'Sith Training Saber' would be no different - and the Force was but one further thing had given the blue half-Nagai a leg up over those she had been pitted against on Nagi, before Aphon had presented to her the choice to leave it all behind... but this was not Nagi. These people were not Nagai. There were few places she could expect her opponents or adversaries to be honourable; knowing had been different from the experience of it, that small number of years since her departure.

But she still paused to offer a short bow all the same; a paraphrased small saying attributed to a far-flung desert people came to her lips, power coiling within her:

"May thy blade chip and shatter!"

Irae surged forth on the springboard of conditioned and empowered muscle, lunging into a strong jab at the former Imperial Knight's chest, all the while keeping aware of what adjustments she might need to make in the split of a second... this would all be just as much a matter of outthinking her opponent as it was outpacing her.

She could do both.

Amena Kader Amena Kader


Round One - 15
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TAG: Irae Irae




Another waste of time.

This was beneath her at her age and skill. There were actual fish to fry out in the Galaxy rather than waste it on the other Elite denizens. But apparently exercises like this were necessary to prepare another assault. As if combat didn't fit her like a second skin at this point with her war-ridden track record. This planned assault on Coruscant was just one more notch on an already full stick of large battles.

But here she was with a child's toy sword in her hand.

Hazel eyes followed the blue woman circling her with almost predatory precision, though the Kandaran was completely unphased. She came from a warrior culture just as this creature so clearly did. Intimidation never worked on warrior cultures. On the contrary, it had the opposite effect.

When the woman gave her a slight, honourable bow, she knew what was coming. Giving a curt nod with the ghost of a sneer pulling at the corner of her mouth, the Inquisitor readied herself for movement, coiled like a desert viper ready to strike. And sure enough, there was her opponent's attack in the blink of an eye.

With a swift parry, Amena moved just as swiftly, stepping around the woman and aiming a slice at her feet in one swift movement to try and disrupt the woman's balance. All the while she kept her senses open for the slightest shift whatsoever. She may be a veteran when it came to combat, but her mechanical hand was proof that she would never again underestimate another opponent, be they a normal colleague or a Jedi.

She'd get a measure of this other Elite first.

Round 1: 14


As he was reading the debrief on the imperial shuttle over to Orsis, Vorm felt excitement. This was exactly the kind of entertainment he preferred. A straightforward brawl to see what the other Elites can take… And what he’s up against, should the Emperor dictate otherwise.

The shadows cast by the arches slipped from the shoulders of the half-naked Vorm as he passed under them, his beloved greataxe left behind. Bathed in the jungle planet’s sun, he soon found himself at the center of a stone-walled arena, face-to-face with perhaps the strangest, most devious of the Dark Side Elite: Malva'ikh Dralidok Malva'ikh Dralidok . The heavy brute looked down, smearing the moist dirt with his foot, considering the options his environment may provide.

Vorm then looked up, cracked his knuckles and unclipped the training saber from his waist, and not a moment too soon, for Malvaikh swung his own weapon at him without word or hesitation. Vorm hunched his back just in time, the tip of his opponent’s sword missing his stomach by mere inches. He stumbles a step backward. The swiftness of this hostile opening left no time for verbal jabs for now. Still, he was at least somewhat glad. He wouldn’t have liked if he’d gotten some lousy opponent.

In seemingly uncharacteristic swiftness, Vorm takes a step to the side and attempts to perform a straight, overpowering kick at the extended weapon.

Round one: 12
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Machines Making Machines



Antipater was present in a little viewing box on the roof. Don't look surprised. Very important business had a habit of bringing him to very important places. The fact that his visit happened to coincide with the Dark Side Elite fighting each other like beasts was a mere… Coincidence.

A twi'lek menial approached him with a serving tray bearing a few glasses of wine. Antipater looked away from the fighting briefly to stare at the tray, then the menial. "Is that a serious proposition?"

It must have been a force of habit. How many droids visited Orsis of their own accord? She blushed and scurried off; Antipater reached out and took a glass as she left anyway.

Krogua the Old made some sort of dry, rasping, wheezing sound. Antipater calculated this noise was some form of laughter, warped by the gruesome organic process of aging. When he was finished, he continued to business. "You didn't answer my question. Where did you get twelve clawdites from?"

"One assumes they came from Zolan," Antipater swirled the wine idly, as he had once observed his former master to do. "I wasn't aware Orsis required ethically sourced pupils. Perhaps I should pay the tuition fees of the Cauldron instead."

Krogua had a rough manner of speech consistent with his haggard, if well-dressed, appearance. "Aheh, heh. No need. Just curious. It will be a few years before they are ready."

"I have time." When he was done swirling his wine, Antipater slowly poured it out over the edge of the audience box. It splattered the ground at the edges of Creuat and Sunwalker's arena.

Krogua furrowed his brow. "And a few of them are older. We usually get them young. They might not all make it to graduation, you understand."

"This was anticipated." Antipater tilted the glass back towards him and inspected the bottom, making sure it was completely drained.

"...Well, as long as you know..."

The wizened headmaster trailed off. The remainder of the rounds were observed in pointed silence.


Kaleb had hoped his spin attack would give him an edge. The Nautolan who had declared the former Jedi Knight as weak was his prey. Through the hazy shroud could he remember those words clearly. He would destroy this being with the same way how Kaleb was torn from within. Fear would act as his weapon, not his cage. Quickly his spin attack was parried causing Kaleb to skid across the dueling ring. He used the Force momentarily to soften the landing in hopes of not falling off the edge.

Kaleb only had a moment to recover, his eyes looked up to see the Nautolan Dark Jedi come at him with the Sith blade. Kaleb got up to try and muster a defense with all his might. As the next blow aimed for his chest, Kaleb moved to intercept the Sith blade. There was a spark as the blades clashed in a lock. Kaleb was gritting his teeth as he tried to prevent the Nautolen blade from reaching his face. Mad eyes stared into his Dark Jedi foe. “Mercy? Mercy is a lie… weakness of cowards, no I ask not for mercy!” He recalled the same words as when he was tortured by the Dark Imperials following Tython.

Slowly did Kaleb try to use his own might, his fear slowly turning into anger as Kaleb was trying to push the blade back, if not inching the blade closer up so where the both of them stood behind a crimson glow so close to them. “Always remember I am filth…. Always remember I am hunter! Always remember I am blade!! Debris… Blood… Yes… Yes! Shadows call for blood!” Kaleb smiled as if a mad man who known clarity. With his free arm do he attempt to slam an elbow into the Nautolan’s gut, hoping to use the stunned reaction to push him away from Kaleb. Kaleb then grabbed his foe and attempted to grapple his arm hoping to throw the Nautolan towards the edge of the dueling ring.

Creuat Creuat


Round 1: 12
Round 2: 8

Their blades interlocked, Creuat tried to angle his blade to get a nick off of Kaleb but failed. There was enough exposure for the human to slam his elbow into his gut. Fortunately, the biology of a Nautolan could afford to tolerate more physical trauma than the average human. Little bruising would be left on his person, though the power from the elbow was enough to break balance and push him away.

The young Elite moved to grab Creuat’s hand, though he quickly centered his gravity to resist the push. Quickly he went to tackle Kaleb, his arms and hands wrapping around the man and begin to maneuver around until he found the perfect footing. He attempted to throw Sunwalker to the ground, hurt his spine on the concrete floor and assault him further.

“You disgust the Emperor,” taunting the man, hoping his insanity would influence his emotions and betray Kaleb with sloppiness in his technique.

Dice Tally:
1. 7
2. 5


Kaleb would try to throw his opponent to the other side of the dueling ring. He didn’t anticipate for the Nautolan to take more of a punch, though his elbow manage to break the blade lock between the two. What he didn’t expect for this taunting Dark Jedi to try and tackle Kaleb to the ground. It worked as the rebound came for Kaleb causing the young Elite to get slammed violently into the ground. He could hear a crack, adrenaline rushed through his system for he didn’t know if it was stone or bone that broke.

When the Nautolan tried to use further taunts was he not met with the desired results. Kaleb looked to his foe and started to howl with laughter. He rolled onto all fours as if a feral creature, his eyes bore into the black void of his eyes as he spoke. “Y-You fail to understand… He speaks to me.. Sees potential. Shadow… No! No! Emperor knows… Emperor shrouds all!” Came the insane cryptic ramblings. Kaleb would react, a smirk spread widely across his face. It didn’t seem clear what he spoke of, dark secrets did he keep to himself.

He looked to the creature, a knee slamming into the Nautolan to prevent further assaults. He felt tempted to use the Force to slam the being into the ground, refraining from doing so did Kaleb was the one to launch himself in turn. This time a feral shriek came from his lips. He would go into a berserker rage attempting to beat the Nautolan into submission. If he wanted a brawl he would get one.

Creuat Creuat


Round 1: 12
Round 2: 8

Insanity eliminated all fear from within the former Jedi. There was no way to reason with him. It would be a danger to all if he was rabid, though the only one to leash him was the Emperor himself. Perhaps this was why the Emperor spared Kaleb’s life. Use him as a dog with no fear and little care to whatever happened to him. The fear from the Phobis Device drove him to the point where he thought to be invincible.

After all was said and done the feral man then launched himself into Creuat, falling on the ground with the man on top. Instantly his arms went to block whatever attacks were made to his face while trying to find a weakness to exploit.

He did, however, found spilled wine in their circle from the few spectators observing the fight. His intuition sparked an idea and with the Force he lifted a few ounces of the win to splash it across Kaleb’s eyes to blind him and disrupt his focus.

Dice Tally:
1. 7
2. 5
3. 3
The seer's clairvoyance may have failed with examining Prowler's racial characteristics, but it succeeded in warding off his next attack. A sharp step to the right escaped Prowler's uppercutting swing, the light stench of the pelko bug toxin wafting through her nostrils, before she swept her left foot behind into a pirouette away from her opponent to regroup.

Sinestra slowly circled around the ring, her gaze examining Prowler, like a predator its prey. He wielded the blade through the Force, leading her to believe he was exerting far more focus on the ethereal than she was. Keeping her protective force barrier alive like second skin, she switched her stance to Djem So.

She was nimble.

The Filar-Nitzan remained still as the Seer attempted to claim his very namesake. I am the only Prowler here. As Sinestra Sinestra took up stance again, Prowlers gaseous form wisped forward with a jerk closing the distant in a blink. His telekinetic grip on the weapon morphing and falling in line for a lunge propelled for the Seers midrib.

Round 1 - 1
Round 2 - 9
Even through her grasp of the Force, Sinestra struggled to predict Prowler's next moves. She had trained against and faced a plethora of diverse foes over the years, but none compared to her present adversary. Sinestra had to admit an actual fight with the Filar-Nitzan could spell catastrophe. Who ever trained to fight a cloud of smoke? And that's what made this current duel so important--she had to learn as much as possible about him.

Prowler's form shifted into a torrent, propelling himself at her with the speed and menace of a riptide. Her precognitive senses blazed; Prowler's lunge at her midriff unfolded in her mind's eye a moment before it materialized in the present. She executed a powerful parry, characteristic of Djem So, aiming to disarm her opponent and force a lapse in his telekinetic focus. If she could create that opening in his barrier, Sinestra would unleash a strong Force push against her foe.

Prowler Prowler
round 1: 10
round 2: 19
round 3: 8

~finish ‘em Mal~

GEAR: In bio



The brute definitely came in prepared as he managed to dodge my seemingly surprising first strike by a mere inch. The lack of chatter leaves the slight sound of the wind, the grunts of fighters, and chatter of the few spectators claim the otherwise empty soundscape.

It’s uncharacteristic for the Nephilim to keep his mouth shut on an encounter, an apparent sign of how much I’m trying to use this spar to take my mind off those distractions, even just for this retreat. The taunts will come later, when I already immerse myself fully, subconsciously in this fight. For now, the effort is put into keeping my focus.

Just a split-second after I swung my practice saber at Vorm and he dodged my attack, the brute launched his leg up, targeting my saber hand. It would spell disaster if the kick landed where he intended, I’m not planning to lose my saber this early.

Realising that the window is just to close and how risky it is to bank it on a full dodge, I decided to shift my body slightly, deciding to intentionally take the kick with my chest instead.

The sheer power in his kick managed to launch me a couple of feet backwards, but that and a flip backward upon impact bought me the time to keep the distance.

Long time no see, brother”, I greeted my sparring partner with a rising smirk on my face.

Turns out a nice, electrifying thump on the chest is all I need to slowly regain my focus.


ROUND 1: 16

Vorm had been to worlds barren and frozen, from shanties to ecumenopoli, but never has he faced an Evereni. His opponent was more than formidable. He was quick in motion and in wit, sliding to take on the impact of the savage kick with his chest, instead of letting his weapon be ejected from his grasp. Still, through a backflip, the pale demon landed firmly on his two feet; creating a breath of space for camaraderie.

Long time no see, brother”, I greeted my sparring partner with a rising smirk on my face.

Vorm crouched to stretch his thighs, his fingertips digging into the wet soil as his voice rumbled. - Yeah. Heard about the Phobis device. - He stands up, gesturing. - Who got it in the end? - Vorm starts walking toward his fellow Elite, keeping his training saber low in front of himself, guarding against attacks to come. He knew he could not best him in speed of motion, for Malva'ikh Dralidok Malva'ikh Dralidok was the perfect counter to the rolling boulder that was the Vorm. A different approach was needed.

Round one: 12
Round two: 14
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~finish ‘em Mal~

GEAR: In bio



Yet another reminder of Vortex and the Phobis Device. This brute knows how to use his words to turn the tide of a fight. Yet he’s not the only one.

The new twi Sinestra brought, beginner’s luck. Why weren’t you there? We missed you.

He also wasn’t there on Jedha, or at least I wasn’t aware of, which raises some questions. Yet there’s always gonna be mysteries outside of your knowledge when you work for the Sith’ari and this dark, dark Empire. Everyone’s kept in the dark, everyone second guess, and everyone is scheming. Well, maybe not Vorm, and definitely not me. Yet it’s still natural to be a little bit curious about everything that’s going on.

Back on the field, another surprise. The freak does fight with some composure, contrary to his build. I would’ve thought that he would rush in to secure an advantage in a close quarter combat, yet I was wrong. Still, he’s walking towards me with his saber ready to thwart any attempt of orthodox offence.

So, instead of taking him straight on, I bursted to his right side just before he entered my striking distance, landing and planting my feet on the ground for proper footing, before attempting a slash to his rear with my training saber.


ROUND 1: 16
ROUND 3: 2
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