Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ru Tetsuya

Ru Tetsuya


NAME: Ru be Tetsuya
FACTION: Mandalorians; House Skirata; Clan Tetsuya

RANK: As a member of society, your character might have a rank that exemplifies his or her importance.


AGE: 91
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters
EYES: Amber
HAIR: White and Brown
SKIN: Redish


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

-Easily Poisoned
-Allergic to Kolto

Ru is a tall, slender man with strong Aboriginal features. His mostly brown fur is well kept and groomed in a way that makes wearing Beskar'gam more comfortable, though he often wears his hair in a short ponytail. The fur around his ankles, wrists, fingers, and face is white, alluding to his ancestry which he is very proud of. He also sports sharp teeth and long, dark brown fingernails and has piercing, deep set eyes.

Ru was born on Atrisia to a poor family in the slums of the capital. Born on the rear end of the Gulag Plague he was raised into slavery. Able bodied and with a dangerous independence streak he was quickly taken note of by the Imperial military and whisked away in the night to become one of the many Jar'Kai Nin, a secret sect of the Atrisian Military filled with exclusively Jar'kai whom were brainwashed and tortured into obeying the will of the Emperor. This too would have been his fate had freedom fighters not assaulted the transport he was on and freed him. Young and believing in a future for the Jar'kai, Ru joined the freedom fighters and fought to abolish slavery, instigating slave revolts all over the planet. He became a seasoned warrior and master of espionage during his years as a freedom fighter, but after the Gulag Plague began to disappear so did the chains of slavery. The Kahoshi Dynasty brought about a new era for Atrisia that sought to bring all people together.

This didn't stop discrimination however and so the Freedom Fighters fought on. To quell them the Emperor discretely hired Mandalorians to deal with one of their cells as a message to all other Freedom Fighter cells that the age of civil war was over. The Tetsuya Clan of Mandalore had answered the call of Emperor Kahoshi but instead of killing them, taught them how to defend themselves better. He negotiated with Kahoshi's cousin, next in line for the throne and a man much more sympathetic to the Jar'Kai cause. They orchestrated a removal of the current head of the clan in favor of the kinder man, leading to a series of events that would turn the name Kahoshi from one of scorn within the Jar'kai community to one of love. Ru never thought he would see the day when he would be cheering for a Kahoshi, but there he was.

Impressed with the Mandalorians he left home for Mandalore, searching far and wide for the Tetsuya clan. When he finally found them in Cold Iron City he joined them and began his journey to becoming a Mandalorian. He learned that they were actually decedents of the Atrisian Clan Tetsuya whom had been kicked from the planet during the Gulag Plague due to their opposition to the use of slaves and other political disagreements they had with the ruling emperor. As such, much of their armor, fighting, and values took many cues from Atrisian standards of excellence, honor, and duty. It was as if he was right at home.

After passing his verd'gotten several years later he quickly rose through the ranks becoming Alor of clan Tetsuya at the age of 68, still young for a Jar'kai who live on average (granted they aren't killed or kidnapped) 200 years. For many years he served Mandalore and its people faithfully. However after the disaster on Mandalore that wiped out hundreds of thousands of Mandalorians and destroyed the infrastructure that had been built on for hundreds of years the leader of House Skirata, Gilamar Skirata, fell deathly ill. Unable to lead his House or the clans beneath them Ru was chosen from a panel of Skirata elders to be the new leader, providing Clan Tetsuya with unprecedented power and influence within the House. A native to the Cold Iron City, one of the places least affected by the calamity he along with others helped the evacuation and rehabilitation of the Mandalorian people. With the planet doomed for the foreseeable future and Davin Skirata nowhere to be found Ru made the hard decision like many other Mandalorians, to abandon the planet in character with the Mandalorian nomadic roots. Taking the bulk of the clan in House Skirata's Alor-Class Dreadnaught and taking the remaining Skirata ships stationed throughout Mandalorian space to create the Skirata Flotilla. Wandering from large port to port they eventually found safe harbor in Galactic Alliance Space. Seeing Manda'yaim's fate as a failure of the current Mand'alor Ru allowed House Skirata members to choose to return to the Mando'ade but said he would not follow such an incompetent Mand'alor.



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