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Approved Tech Roy Vermilion's "borrowed" sith lightsaber

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  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • -Corrupted Krayt Dragon Pearl: The corrupted crystal house at core of this saber fights against its wielder
  • -Cortosis: Upon contact with cortosis the blade will short out for a short period of time.
This weapon has been used by Roy since He stole the weapon from Elani Zambrano on Yavin IV. Though he has replaced and refurbished many components of the saber the blade remains red as he has yet to find the time to purify the crystal at the heart of the blade.

The components make it a diverse saber more a multitool than just a fighter's weapon to suit the diverse situations the wielder often finds himself in. The weapon often feels heavy or clunky in the hands of those aligned with the lightside as the Krayt Dragon Pearl housed in core is corrupted with the darkside so it fights with the tenacity of the creature whose gullet it was plucked from.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Roy Vermilion Roy Vermilion

Nicely made!
  • You cannot use Elani Zambrano as Manufacturer without their permission, please ask this.
  • Please link the Sith Runes into the materials.
  • And please add to the weaknesses list what happens to the blade if it meets with Cortosis. So please add this standard lightsaber weakness to your list.
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