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Approved Tech Robes of Rayden Helonus

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  • Classification- Anti-Blaster / Anti-Lightsaber
  • Weight- Very Light
  • Resistances-
    • Energy- Extreme
    • Kinetic- Extreme
    • Lightsabers- Extreme
    • Force Powers ( Light Side )- Extreme
    • Electrical- High
    • Environmental- High
    • Extreme Heat- None
    • Extreme Cold- None
    • Radiation- None
    • Chemical- None
  • Unobstructive-
    • Designed as a set of otherwise ordinary Sith Robes, the armour of Rayden Helonus is differentiated by it's Darksteel armour pieces. Given the incredibly light weight of Darksteel, and the weightless nature of the underlying robes and cloak, the armour is incredibly light and unobstructive of the wearers' movements.
  • Resilient-
    • The physical metal plates of the armour are comprised of pure Darksteel, and masterfully plated with Cortosis. To this end, the armour pieces are as resilient as can be, with the Cortosis outer-layer acting as a counter to any lightsaber that strikes directly for the armour plates. Beyond this, the synthweave robes & cloak which accompany the armour are treated with Norris Root, enhancing the already tough material to allow it a greater degree of protection against blasterfire and lightsaber strikes. Overall, the armour is capable of protecting the wearer from slugthrowers, blasters, lightsabers and almost any bladed weapon.
  • Darksteel-
    • Infused with the living energy of Sith and Jedi alike, Darksteel passively gives off emotions that can harm someone's ability to use the Force if they require 'zen', and improve someone's ability who can feed off emotions. Additionally, due to its extremely taxing alchemic process, the armor is able to withstand Force Light - and in turn, protect its wearer of such. Add in its ability to magnify ones dark side potential, repair itself when it is damaged, and its ability to simply make one stronger in the force simply by wearing it; the material itself is an astonishing example of what Sith are truly capable of creating.
  • Extremes-
    • Due to the light layering of material, and the basic technological composition of the armour, it is highly vulnerable to elemental extremes. The armour is ill-suited for extreme climates such as Hoth or Mustafar,
  • Passthrough-
    • Given the simple, metal and cloth composition of the armour, the force behind kinetic strikes can still pass through the armour - even if the round or weapon itself won't. This can lead to severe bruising and internal injury despite the armour's phenomenal resistance to kinetic attacks.
  • Biohazard-
    • A simple set of armour, the robes of Rayden Helonus offer as much protection to radiation and hazardous chemicals as one might expect from a set of robes with some armour plates- None. While the helmet is equipped with a rebreather and the ability to atmospherically pressure seal itself, the armour lacks any oxygen tanks to support this sealing in the long-term, combining with the cloth and metal of the armour to make it a poor choice for underwater exploration, as well as adventures in biohazardous zones and the outsides of spacestations.
Whilst many Sith would boast that they need only their robes, that they are so strong in the Force or so skilled with a blade that they're untouchable, Rayden Helonus is a realist. Given the Galaxy's nigh-constant state of war, and the rarely peaceful relations the Sith keep with other Galactic Powers, he saw it fit to give himself some protection against the unseen, against what he couldn't fight directly.

The unexpected gift of Darksteel armour pieces from the Sith Emperor, Darth Empyrean, was a fortunate spur. Plating the armour pieces with Cortosis to give himself an extra advantage in blade-on-blade combat, the aspiring Sith added the pieces to his robes to create an iconic look for himself. The result was a set of elegant, yet simple and lightweight, robes which offered immense protection against virtually all threats, and did not open him up to any new threats. Beyond the physical protection offered by the robes, they also strengthen his connection to the chaotic nature of the Dark Side, magnify his own potential in the Force, and passively weaken & disrupt Light Side users.

Of course, robes are still robes. Even treated with Norris Root to make the tough Synthweave and Zeyd Cloth fabrics more resilient against blasterbolts and lightsaber blades, they are nowhere near the level of lightsaber-resistant materials such as phrik, beskar, cortosis, or the armour's own Darksteel. Against repeated assault, the sections not covered with armour plating are the weakest.

Furthermore, the ancient stylings of the robes offer very little against modern concerns, such as radiation and hazardous chemicals. These threats will pass through the armour as if it were nothing, with the same being said for the force behind kinetic attacks. While protected against the weapon itself, it can still leave a serious injury if used with enough force.
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