Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rinn Tin-Tin (PM for invite)

Adelram Thul

Azrik The Condottiero
"I Recommend not going down into those tunnels. We'll use smoke grenades and tear gas to flush out these over-sized rats." The Condottiero said over to comm to [member="Priscilla Utorna"]. "But its clear someone else is hear. This threat must be neutralized before we attempts to enslave the locals."

Through the force The Condottiero felt someone trying to make a connection. Despite being a Sith Lord, he made no attempt to form any connection or bond with whoever was using the force to contact him. There was no reason to draw more unwanted attention to himself. "Watch for lightsabers. We have force users in the field." He said over the comms to the Chiss sniper. "I think I can handle them."

As the Condottiero spoke over the comm he made a move out of habit, his gaze suddenly shifted to the location of [member="Orex Mauda"]. There was a tense split second where he realized he could see Orex in his hiding spot, and Orex could see him. His senses suddenly heightened as he reached out to probe his surroundings. There was a sniper with his cross hairs trained on him, a woman was nearby crouching in the shadows, another was nearby in perhaps one of the domes or tunnels.

The Condottiero suddenly fell to his knees, putting himself just outside the view off [member="Lev Orlova"]'s scope. His reflexes, speed, and accuracy were significantly improved by his mastery of the force. As his knees touched the ground, the Condottiero's blaster rifle came up and he fired three blaster bolts rounds at Orex. The first two were aimed right for the man's head, the third was aimed for the armed charge Orex was hiding by. "I need suppressing fire on the village!" He shouted over the comm. The fun was about to begin.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Ronak"]​
Lao heard the shots go off behind him and then explosions. He smiled at the one stopping his Speeder as this one with the three fingers looked away. That was the distraction that he needed. He did not go for his shot gun even though his fingers did caress it moving to his lightsaber. Lao didn't need much time as there were only four there with him in the village including the one in front of him. Lao activated his lightsaber as he leapt off of his lightsaber. The lightsaber erupted in a crimson red beam that crackled as it came alive, and obvious from an unstable crystal if had that particular knowledge.

The first strike was simple enough as he disarmed the one with three fingers at the forearm, literally. His second strike flowed from the first with simplistic grace as Lao went for the second arm as the hulk in front of him went down. Lao then dropped his Lightsaber and it disactivated before it hit the ground, it was Force activated. And pulled his shot gun already loaded with slugs and started to make work of the remaining others with it using Force speed to aim and cock his shot gun. His precision and stance reeked of Mandalorian training and precision as he finished them off.

He hand moved off and away from the hulk on the ground that was rolling in pain with Lao's lightsaber. To take care of the others. It didn't take long. Lao was trained for such things.

He put his shot gun away, not paying mind to his surrounds, as he walked up to the hulk on the ground. He used Force pull to retrieve his lightsaber from the one on the ground. He then used Force Choke to lift him into the air, still alive but choking. And Lao shouted at him...

"Where is she?"

Lev Orlova

An irredeemable soldier haunted by his sins.
Lev sniffed quietly, scrunching his nose up and wiggling it from left to right. His nose itched under the mask. The merc's ears pricked up as one of the Sith looking types spoke into the radio. Lev mostly ignored what he was saying, he didn't really have a good grasp of how the Force worked, so he didn't really understand what the Sith meant by "bring him to my position." He panned the magnification up a couple of levels and muttered to himself quietly in his native tongue,"Come on. Bring your friends forward." He zoomed in on the magnification as he noticed his main target duck suddenly, with no warning and with extreme speed. "Chevo blyad..?" Lev cursed, puzzled at the seemingly random action by this random goon. He was hidden behind hard cover now, Lev had no visual and no shot.

Just as Lev was about to key into his radio, the man began shooting off his blaster. Lev tensed up, grunting as he scanned over the rock to see anything exposing the goon. He zoomed out in magnification and began to scan for incoming enemy reinforcements. "Guy doing recon got spooked by something, he's taking combat maneuvers now. Waiting for a clear shot on his friends," Lev announced over the radio.
"He needs to be more specific..." one of her accomplices spoke quietly, scanning the village for a specific target in mind.

"Well we're being compensated for any ammunition used..." she muttered "Just fire at something, it doesn't really matter what so long as they're not on ou-..." she was almost stunned as she spotted the outline of a rifle peeking out from somewhere. "Right side, pick them off one by one."

Torrents of fire came out from a small, seemingly inconspicuous area in the direction of the hostile sniper. The bullets came in like a tsunami, with seemingly no stopping between the light pellets, though none were enough to outright penetrate the cover the man was hidden behind. At first, it was simply the light arms the rest of her detachment were using, the price of rapid fire ballistic rifles of course being their power. Then, an even larger, enormous barrel made itself visible in the brush, Priscilla taking a guess at whether the man would still be in the location she was going to fire at, or run when he heard the deafening blast she knew was coming. She chose the former.

A howling screech echoed throughout the valley as her trigger was pressed, sending an almost novel sized round straight towards [member="Lev Orlova"]. The barrel was not without any impairment however, it glowed red hot, clearly not able to fire for some time, along with a gust of wind sending twigs and flora into the group's face. Priscilla glared through her scope once more, attempting to check any damage whilst muttering to communicator, speaking to her accomplice [member="Darth Zurvan"]

"I'm dispatching the sharpshooter now."

*Edit: my awful grammar
@Ronak@Orex Mauda[member="Priscilla Utorna"][member="Lev Orlova"][member="Lady Kay"]

Darth Harbinger was quiet wail he listened to his plan, it seemed quite solid to say the Least though and until it was proven otherwise he would follow it. It seemed that the DEAD leader Orex was planning to take the sith alive to use him for his own plans, It was risky but if it worked that would be something of a trump card for him, He had lost sight of the merc with the sniper rifle though he payed him little mind as he doubted a betrayal as long as he didn't attack them...the man most likely was after a pay check after all. Sensing the uneasiness from Ronak he couldn't help but laugh a little. He was always seemingly uneasy after he showed him but an ounce of his ability back in the underworlds when he had made a vendor knock himself out cold against a wall, though he himself thought he had been rather nice, he never did kill the man, in fact, he had even been thoughtful to the urchins wail still achieving what he had come after originally. Turning his attention to Oex he spoke through the comms "if its all the same, I'll back you up...I dare say we would have the best chance against the force user being force users ourselves and I tend to use the force in....abnormal ways...Ronak can back that up i am sure...any objections?" he asked him as he pulled his saber scythe blade out but did not yet ignight the handle. He then used the force and as his cloaking device turned on he vanished in a black thin wisp of smoke, taking position in the treeline before hearing the gun shots and an explosion "My my....this'll be fun..." he said to himself as he began to slowly let the voices in his mind instruct him.


Well-Known Member
We snapped into place and Orex turned his head to see the Sith. What he hadn't expected was that the Sith would be armed with long-range weaponry, and sure enough, [member="Darth Zurvan"] crouched and took aim for Orex almost immediately. Two bolts came straight for his head, and with a brief duck flew through the walls and out the sides of the hut. The third was on a collision course with Orex's sternum. He slid out of the way, only to then realise what the intended target was. Jumping back, but not in time, the charge was detonated and Orex was thrown through the walls of the collapsing hut. Lying on the floor amidst the rubble, Orex berated himself for such a blatant underestimation.

"Detonation at third hut, I'm fine. I'm prioritising the Sith and am likely going to require backup to engage him. He's further away, towards the ridge and I'm guessing we have a concentration of Raiders in that area. Please advise on engagement"

Orex was making an effort to keep calm over the comms. His anger was broiling and his judgement beginning to fade. He picked himself up and ignited his lightsaber. A Black-Red stream of hatred came jetting out of his twisted-metal hilt and he began considering simply sprinting up to the Sith on his own. But Orex grounded himself and awaited any further orders so as to avoid making any dire mistakes.

[member="Darth Zurvan"]
[member="Lao Tzu"]
[member="Priscilla Utorna"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
Darth Harbinger pledged support to Orex which made Ronak feel a bit more confident about the hairbrained idea of trying to capture a Sith Lord. „I can provide back-up with the blaster and keep any of his cronies out of your backs while taking on him. Just need to get out of the tunnels“, he offered his response on the comm, sniffing the air to detect from which direction a waft of fresh air could be smelled. Trying to look for the marked tunnels could get him in the line of fire and would limit his possibilities.

Then several things started happening all at once, moments after Lev‘s status report detonations sounded on the comm, so did blaster fire in the tunnel near him, then an explosion. The dark presence‘s closeness was perceptible for him deep inside his being. The Sith was attacking them inside the tunnels, his mercenaries were on the outside however. Ronak was torn between getting outside – not only away from this dangerous foe, but also to a ground where he had more mobility available and could actually shoot more freely – and staying here to provide Orex and Harli who could still be down here with much needed back-up. Finally, his wolfish loyalty won and he turned away from the tunnel which could lead him outside back to the fray down here. However, he memorised the emergency exit location in case he would need it later.


Lev Orlova

An irredeemable soldier haunted by his sins.
The merc soon found a target in the distance, an unsuspecting slaver lining up a shot on something in the village. He steadied his breathing, sliding his finger over the trigger as he prepared to give a measured squeeze. Suddenly, it sounded like a hundred tree branches were snapping all around him. He flinched and perceived he was taking fire from several ballistics based weapons, a new experience for Lev. The unhappy merc ducked behind the thick tree, turning his back against it as he cursed loudly. He gripped the massive gauss based rifle close to him, looking above as the tree rained leaves and small branches down on him. He turned his anger to his allies on the radio, raising his voice and expressing a level of emotion the others probably would not have perceived possible from the aloof merc. "I'm compromised! These duraki got me pinned with tribal weapons! Anyone else willing to start shooting back!?"

Immediately after sending this message, splinters exploded all around him. A massive branch the width of a man landed a few feet from Lev, as even more leaves and twigs landed around him. A split second after, the ring from [member="Priscilla Utorna"]'s rifle echoed across the battlefield. Letting out another string of curses, he flipped the optics on his scope to the thermal setting. He brought up the scope's view on his HUD to encompass the entirety of his right eye's vision. Reaching for his carrier vest, he pulled a smoke grenade off of it and readied it in his free hand, his trigger hand able to support the entire weapon with the help of his hydraulic powered exoskeleton. He lobbed it over his head, to other side of the tree, and it immediately popped and filled his area with a large plume of smoke.

Following this he turned his back away from the tree and got into a kneeling position facing the enemy, shouldering his rifle and leaning it up against the side of the nearly destroyed tree for support. Combined with the strength his exoskeleton gave him, it was able to offer a very steady platform despite the quick movement and somewhat awkward position he was holding the overbearing rifle. He found a large clump of white heat on his thermals and quickly found the center of the group, squeezing the trigger. The Type-51's electromagnetically accelerated slug pierced the smoke plume, cutting through it so quickly that there was a head-sized hole trailing through it for a moment. The round flew into [member="Priscilla Utorna"]'s group, leaving the Type-51's tell tale reddish trail cutting through the air, tracing back to the smoke plumb where the shot had came from.

Lev immediately stood to his feet, turned and ran. He hadn't intended to stick around, he just wanted to put his assailant's heads down before he could retreat. The unrivaled, deafening roar of the Type-51 rang across the battlefield. It was so loud not even Lev's specially made combat headset could even deafen it to a 'healthy' level of decibels. The walking man-cannon waited for a few seconds after the din of the type-51 had stopped echoing across the small battlefield, announcing over the radio as he ran,"I'm repositioning. They got a big ballistic gun, too." The merc's exoskeleton whirred excitedly as he bound down the other side of the hill, once he was down the opposite side he cut to the left, intending to loop around the entirety of the hill through the brush until he could find another place to strike.


Well-Known Member
Orex was behind several huts, watching as the exchange of fire unfolded. [member="Ronak"] and [member="Darth Harbinger"] had agreed to support his strike mission against [member="Darth Zurvan"] and so all Orex had to do now was wait for the moment to move. If he left cover he'd be located and shot. He simply needed to wait.

On that thought, a flash flew across the bushes and detonated near the ridge, accompanied by the deafening crack of a monstrous rifle. Orex just had to reverse-engineer and sell that. Wow. Ignoring business for now, Orex knew this was time to move.

"Harbinger, I'm at the third hut.. well I'm at it's rubble. This distraction will get us closer to their group. Get yourself to the perimeter of the village, nearest to the beginning of the ridge. That's where they are, and that's where we're going. Ronak, if you aren't busy, trail the forest perimeter down to the ridge but stick to the trees, that's where you'll maintain the advantage. You flank them, me and Harbinger will provide the pincer movement."

Orex clicked off comms and began sprinting, weaving around the huts so as to maintain cover. While he ran, he thought, almost meditated, on his pain. On his memories. He thought of slavers, THE slavers. Thought of these Raiders. He was a boiling pot of anger and he would only slow down when he got to his target. It didn't take long to reach the beginning of the ridge, and although whoever was uphill had the high-ground, Orex was beyond duel-tactics. His rage lay purely on what he would do when he found them.
[member="Orex Mauda"]@Ronak@Darth Zurvan

Hearing the response Darth harbinger began to scan the area around him for anyone though he saw nothing. "Yea, I can do that...It shouldn't be to much of an issue." He told him before he began to walk quickly through the wooded areas towards the sound of firing blasters and explosions were a clear indication on which way to head even with the dark side of the force radiating from another sith. As he made his way through the wooded area he climbed up the rocks slightly and keeled down on the top of the cliff over side, looking down on the village below at the volley or firing. He then leapt off of the ledge and soared downwards ontop of a hut remaining cloaked and keeping his aura concealed. It was then that he leapt off of the hut slightly into the trees and Feeling the rage radiating off of Orex he smiled to himself as he prepared to strike "Better make this count" he said before reciting an incantation and as his cloaking device turned off he made a strange mutilated X type of hand sign and caused a roaring sound to fill the vicinity as raging dark side darkness swarmed into the village like a rolling wave of black smoke that enveloped the village in a ten meter radius to try and cover the sith target inside the waves of darkness. He then ignighted his light saber scythe as well. "Make it count..." he snarled into the comm as he then lifted rubble with force grip and hurtled it at Zuvan before rushing out and slashing towards him with the blade of the scythe as the voices began to degrade his enemy in the darkness,
The mercenary Lev announced his repositioning, hopefully he could take care of the enemy snipers who had attacked him. Orex‘ voice reached him on the comm again: „Ronak, if you aren't busy, trail the forest perimeter down to the ridge but stick to the trees, that's where you'll maintain the advantage. You flank them, me and Harbinger will provide the pincer movement.“ „Roger. I‘m on my way“, growled into the comm curtly, trying to keep his voice low while swiftly maneuering through the tunnels to get an exit leading him close to the tree line. He trusted his sense of smell more than the marks to find a good exit.

There, light again, the rustle of leaves in the wind. The tintinna knew how to hide their tunnel entrances and exits well. From the outside this was almost indetectable, even for his keen eyes. The village was just a few meters from the tree line – and now he could actually see some of the impacts of the fights. In one part, Lao Tzu was slashing his was focussed on a small group of mercenaries, which was decimated by the second. Orex changed his position, sprinting from one hut to the next. Even before seeing the blown up tree, he could smell the explosives in the air, and hear the bullets exchanged between this forest part and a ridge slightly enheightened above the village. He felt a presence nearby, but could not actually spot it. A dark sentinel maybe?

A movement inside the the village caught his attention. One of the mercenaries was trying to get into Orex‘ back. „Orex, behind you!“, he growled into the comm as a warning. Orex could handle this guy and he did not wish to give away his position too soon. Moving through the underbrush with the skill of an experienced forest hunter, he searched for a good position to provide Orex and Harbinger with back-up, keeping an eye at the ridge under fire.

When Darth Harbinger jumped into the middle of the fray inside the village, all hell was breaking loose. Most of the mercenaries had already been scattered by the different combat sites. The ones near Orex and Harbinger who was closing in on their Sith opponent were readying their weapons. This was his time. Aiming methodically at the first man's weapon's arm, he was intent to maim him enough to take them out of combat rather then actually kill him. The blaster bolt found its aim, burning the man's hand who dropped his weapon immediately, screaming loudly.



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Well this wasn't going as planned. Kay was used to her missions being snared by a few bugs. But not like this.

The comms were well enough alive as the tables were turned and her entire team was ambushed. Having small numbers was advantageous at times, but not today. Today they were outnumbered and outgunned.

But it wasn't as though she'd quit.

Kay signalled through her comms. ~Lev, I'll draw some of them away from you. Looks like they are moving to drive us all out in the open.~ And that could be their best shot.

She clenched her jaw and moved quickly up the steps, hoping that her light armour would be enough to withstand at least some of the blaster fire. It was built to absorb kinetic energy and protected her from a harsh fall during the Liberation of Commenor. And now it needed to prptect her while she used herself as bait to draw their enemies' fire.

Barrelling through the door of the hut, Kay spotted some of the mercs and opened fire with her blaster. But only for a few seconds. Then she turned and ran for the nearest cover, the trunk of a fallen tree. She dove behind it and then pressed herself against it, all the while listening as she breathed heavily into her helmet, listening for the tell tale signs that she was spotted.

If she was lucky, she'd soon find her way to where she had sent the HK droid.

[member="Ronak"] [member="Orex Mauda"] [member="Darth Harbinger"] [member="Lev Orlova"] [member="Darth Zurvan"] [member="Priscilla Utorna"] [member="Lao Tzu"] [member="HK-51"] [member="Harli Hayes"]


Well-Known Member
A blaster bolt flew over Orex's shoulder as [member="Ronak"] warned him of the mercenary ambush. Orex spun and deflected the second shot, immediately lifting his hand and wrenching the merc's spine ninety-degrees backwards. They were close to the raiders, all they had to do was complete the pincer. Orex and [member="Darth Harbinger"] could circle the left side and Ronak could surprise them through the forestry on the right. With adequate fire support, the raiders would be attacked on all fronts. But the plan was deteriorating. This ambush wasn't expected and the team was easily out-numbered. Fortunately, Harbinger had provided a smoke-screen.

"Lev, We don't have time for this Ambush. If you can, pick them off through the smoke while my group continues to the priority-targets on the ridge. Harbinger, continue left-most up the ridge, Ronak, get yourself on their right-side through the forest. If anybody can shell the raiders with anything, that would be appreciated."

Orex continued his sprint up the left side, shrouded by Harbinger's cloud. They were better equipped than us but if we executed this properly, it could work.

[member="Lev Orlova"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
Lady Kai after some blaster fire was sprinting to a tree trunk near his own hiding spot from which he shot at the mercenary. Some had actually taken charge after her, right in the direction of his blaster. This was a chance he could not let pass. He let them get near enough to be well within the blaster pistols‘ firing range, then fired aiming for the first ones knee caps. Crying out in pain, the first one collapsed midrun, three of his cronies going down with him as they tripped over his falling body.

A fifth one jumped over the heap of bodies swiftly, a growl exhibited from muzzles baring blank teeth. A scar along the snout which was the only part of the head not hidden by a helmet and goggles. Could this be his missing brother? „Rokar!“, he howled his brother‘s name. The tall wolf-warrior turned away from Kai‘s hiding spot toward the source of the voice. Now that he turned and Ronak could see the grizzled left side of his face as well, he realized his grave mistake. This was not his brother, but a stranger, a wild and dangerous stranger who charged at him with a feral growl.

His two blaster shots were simply deflected or absorbed by the armour and then the bestial warrior had reached him with a giant leap. Years of training with his brother had prepared well enough for dodging the brute-force charge, kicking his opponent into the knee from behind and making him struggle somewhat to stay on his feet. But his opponent was swift, turning around and knocking him over with a forceful hit into the flank.

„Ronak, get yourself on their right-side through the forest“, came Orex‘ command on the comm. The man had no idea what he was currently suffering through. Only barely could he dodge the hit aimed for his head, striking back with the bluster‘s butt and hitting his opponent on the nose – a most sensitive spot for canids. Yowling his opponent was distracted for a moment, enough time to drive a second hit home, this time hitting his opponent‘s chin. But unlike Ronak‘s expectation this did not knock him out. Instead he grabbed the young wolfman at the shoulder throwing him against a tree relentlessly. Desperate, Ronak finally abandoned the idea of not killing aiming for his opponent‘s snout when he charged at him, firing both blasters at once. Mere centimeters in front of him the brute collapsed into a dead heap.

Only now Ronak could breath through, releasing his held breath. Scrambling to his feet, he did not have to check his opponent‘s life signs to know he was dead. Looking at his face was enough. A blaster rifle and something looking like a grenade at the wolfman‘s belt caught his attention. Hadn‘t Orex just spoken of shelling their opponents. Quickly taking a hold of both, he vanished into the underbrush in a half-crouched position. Now, he 'just' had to try and get into their enemies‘ flank and close enough to throw this grenade.

The introduction had gone alright, at least they were not openly suspicious. But it seemed they didn't fully buy the part of him not being able to tell about his "master". "I can assure you I am made to excell in all kinds of combat, both Close-quartered and far away. But I will follow Your wish, and find a good vantage point." HK tried to be as polite as he could in his answer to [member="Lady Kay"], but he did not want to be sent away. And he couldn't protest, as it would make it more obvious that he was his own master. So he walked in the direction he had been pointed.

He found a good Place to sit and observe. The other slavers and hired guns didn't know his plan, or what he was doing, so HK just hoped they wouldn't in any way ruin it. Or shoot at him. It was only some that knew he was on thier side, so his chances of being shot at by the hired guns was quite big. He ran the calculations in his head while sitting there, ignoreing that the fighting had begun. The results came out that he had 86,79% chance to shot anyone before they shot at him, including anyone trying to ambush him.

Suddenly, his attention was cought back to the fighting. What caused him to snap back from calculating was Kay, who HK had spotted running in his direction. And she was persued by some of the mercs working for the slavers. Kay was hiding behind a tree trunk nearby, and HK saw this as his chance to fool her to believe he was on her side. He drew his rifle, and walked in her direction. He came from the side, and saw Three mercs searching. One was killed imediatly, the second managed to look at HK before he too was shot. The Third smarter than the others, diving into cover before he could be shot. But it didn't change anything, as HK ran over and impaled the goon With his wrist-vibroknife. When that was over, he walked over to Kay and said: "Statement: the thugs are dead. You're welcome"

(OOC: sorry that this is only my second post. Had some hard work at School, and didn't manage to Focus on Chaos a Whole lot. But I'm back now)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
((OOC: No worries. Welcome back!))

Kay was glad that [member="HK-51"] didn't move from where she had sent him. And she was equally glad that whomever had sent him did so. Swiftly the droid took care of the mercs that were after her, moving at a calculated speed that droids handled best.


She let out her breath that she had only realized just now that she was holding. "Thank you,
HK. Now let's help the others and see if we can find the ringleader."
Kay stood up and saw more bodies than she had realized. [member="Ronak"] had dispatched some of them, though she didn't see. This ambush was becoming more of a bloodbath than she had figured it would.

With blaster in hand, she moved along the bushes, listening to the radio chatter on her comms. [member="Orex Mauda"] was working on his own strategy. But what about the rest? She signalled [member="Lev Orlova"] ~Are you okay Lev? How many are left?~

[member="Harli Hayes"] [member="Priscilla Utorna"] [member="Darth Harbinger"] [member="Darth Zurvan"]

Lev Orlova

An irredeemable soldier haunted by his sins.
Lev moved through the forest at a quick walking pace, holding his massive rifle at hip level and scanning the area ahead of him through the rifle's thermal sight displayed on his HUD. After a minute of walking towards the enemy, he could see white-hot forms and laser fire in the scope. Settling up against a tree in a standing position, he steadied the rifle and aimed it at one of the hired goons. The veteran merc evenly squeezed the trigger, letting another ear shattering report ring through the village and surrounding forest as the magnetically propelled slug slammed into the hired gun's chest, bringing him down immediately. He retreated back into the thick brush before he could be pinned down, seeking another position to fire from.

The merc briefly replied over the comms,"I'm up. Cannot give specific number. At most 10, maybe 15."


Well-Known Member
Orex worked his way through the surplus Mercs. Some lost limbs, some had their limbs bent to unnatural shapes. All was practice for the fledgling Darksider. Moving further up the ridge, Orex could feel the Sith. His presence was like a growing chatter in his ear. Although the others were nearby, he was his priority. He would test himself against great opposition, or die, and forever eliminate his weakness. While he moved, Orex intended to finally put together the Pincer.

"[member="Ronak"], I'm close to the targets. Harbinger has already engaged Priority Target and I'm about to close the pincer on him. Engage the others as soon as possible. There's a sniper just under a hundred feet from where you should be. Big Gun and Big Rounds, avoid getting shot. Engage them?"

Orex ran into the growing cloud and jumped to meet the Sith from the opposite direction of Harbinger. With a shout, he Ignited his Saber and joined the joint-attack on who he assumed was the leader.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Darth Harbinger"]
[member="Darth Zurvan"]
[member="Priscilla Utorna"]
Following Orex‘ command, he made his way through the forest blending in with the environment, as he had been used to for almost his whole life. The sound of weapon fire made it clear where his targets were supposed to be. A single shot sounded above the ramble all around. Then, Lev‘s signal came on the comm: „I‘m up. Cannot give specific numbers. At most 10, maybe 15.“ Those were definitely too many for a single person to take care of, but he would soon join him.

Trying to get upwind of his enemies while flanking them, he could soon make out the smell of the people close-by. Straining his eyes, a well-hidden mercenary could be seen, close to him to two others were lying hidden. Three on one were odds he did not want to take, but he still had the grenade from the dead wolf-man. This would either kill or injure those three and maybe even get some others out into the opening. „Lev, I‘ll try to smoke some of them out with a grenade. Keep your gun ready!“, he growled into the comm keeping his voice low and readying his own blaster.

Sneaking up on his enemies until he was in throwing range, the grenade flew in a wide parabola landing on a stone next to the first mercenary. An explosion, shouts and screams followed right after, weapon fire sounded in some close-by part of the forest. Keeping his blaster ready to use against any opposition, he drew closer. One mercenary looked quite dead, another badly injured with his left arm missing completely. The third one was just scrambling to his feet reaching for his weapon.

With a single leap Ronak crossed the three metres gap between them, baring his teeth and growling: „Leave it there and surrender!“ Slowly, the mercenary raised his hands above his head. The rope was his only available means for tying him up, before turning to the injured one who had turned dilirious by now. How he wished, he possessed some force healing skill now, but he did not. The best he could do for him, was give him a quick death rather than let him bleed to death slowly. As he had done with the beast not so long ago, he relieved him of his suffering, before turning back to his other taks at hand.

"Ronak, I'm close to the targets. Harbinger has already engaged Priority Target and I'm about to close the pincer on him. Engage the others as soon as possible. There's a sniper just under a hundred feet from where you should be. Big Gun and Big Rounds, avoid getting shot. Engage them?", sounded Orex‘ voice on the comm and he could sense the barely suppressed anger from its tone. „Orex, I just took out three. The rest should have other priorities than you for now“, he barked into the comm, before diving into the forest underbrush again.

Orex Mauda | Lev Orlova | Lady Kay | Lao Tzu | Harli Hayes | Darth Harbinger | HK-51 | Priscilla Utorna | Darth Zurvan
[SIZE=10.5pt]The hunter glanced up, noticing the sound hadn't came from her own firearm, but rather somewhere off in the distance. With a raised eyebrow she began to examine the rifle, the barrel now adequately cool for another round to be fired; but in her instance of calm a screeching whirring made its way past her ear, then a thud into a tree behind her, followed by splinters of wood which littered the back of her body. A scream then emanated from the position, then silence.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]In perhaps the most panicked state she had been in all day, she raised her body to see who, and most importantly, what the rifle had impacted. It was a Twi'Lek, perhaps ironically given their species' history of being slaves and now participating in one such raid. The woman winced in pain, clutching the right side of her head. The rest of the group rushed to see why there was a gush of blood coming from her head, then it was made very apparent that the slug had impacted her skull - the sheer velocity of it ripping through the bark of an exotic tree and embedding into an eye socket. The sanguine liquid caused Priscilla to bite her tongue and then look off into the distance as the sharpshooter made his temporary withdrawal, biting her tongue.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Ensure she sees a medic." pointing to two of the hunters, and then pointing to the remaining two. "You two lay as much suppressing fire into the hill as you can."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Without a word, everyone began to carry out their designated task with the howling of a raider in the background. The Chiss looked ontowards the mountain suspecting the man had moved, a luxury she was aware she didn't have due to the sheer size and weight of her rifle. She returned to a crouching position, looking through the barrel with the eye of an eagle for the assailant.[/SIZE]

[member="Lev Orlova"]

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