Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RHOA: The High Council Meets

Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Marina DeVoe"] | [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] | [member="Tycho Alde"]​
It then seemed no sooner had he spoke that the Queen herself Faith retorted back with a reply.

"Andulf are you being fashionably late?"

One which although was said with a straight face was no less punctuated by her broad smile soon after. One which on all account indicated at the very least came across to his understanding it meaning as partly a jestful nudge at him. Having passingly known each other quite a bit during their younger years. At which time with a slight pause he then replied back.

"Well, your highness I guess...."

He pauses and leaves things at that as he then seems soon enough hear her speak as if to let him off the hook so to speak.

"You are fine Andulf. I was just introducing one of the Alderaan Knights..."

He then notes her highness Faith gestured to a person just to her side before continue on just as seem on cue he glances over to note Capt. Ja'rrod arrival looking somewhat a bit disapproving at his breaking with the protocol for the nth time. But then again once inside the door he no less slowly and silently makes his way to stand close behind him in silence.

"This is Tycho Alde of House Alde. Your Captain might want to work with him in regards to security."

At which time with a nod he then follow thru with the normal protocol of introduction as he then replied notion for Capt. Ja'rrod approach closer.

" It a pleasure to meet you Ser Tycho and ....seeing if nothing else speak of which. I am sure Capt. Categaern here would be quite interested in work with you in regards to the security exchange..."

As soon after from the side another join in and spoke bearing some refreshment of which was no sooner handed over to her highness. To which Andulf turn to reply.

"It a pleasure to finally meet you Duke DeVoe and has indeed been long overdue though inevitable that we should meet. As I did have planned come for a visit and take your son Jerrid up on his invitation given last we've met upon my return but. Duty called and family obligation as it were at this time..."

He pauses for a moment as the realization of what the current state of affairs had been within House Terran as a whole were. Where in thought few knew of it at this time outside that with the passing of the last of the old guards so to speak. The running and obligation of the family rest solely with the two twin sibling. Which at best had been somewhat taken quite a bit of adjustment for the young Count but push that thought aside to carry on the rest of the conversation.To which glance to the side noticing Marina presence on the sideline made him take note as she too in turn him.

"A pleasure to see you again Count Teraan."

In which time he then turn to acknowledge her greeting with a respectful nod as he continued on speaking.

"a pleasure indeed Countess DeVoe...but then again as I was saying, during one those meeting with the Exploration Corp. That among other things Countess DeVoe and I spoke passingly of our overdue meet Duke DeVoe among other things. In regards to other pressing matter at hand, one of which was the subject matter of possibility stepping up to take a position on the Council. Which she had made a compelling enough point regarding the matter of that I felt compelled to attend and contributing as much step up. "
[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Marina DeVoe"] | [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] | [member="Tycho Alde"]​
It was then after take a moment to let his slight annoyance as well displeasure with the Count Andulf pass. For if nothing else Capt. Ja'rrod had been a stickler to maintain the old way and keep to his duties with uttermost seriousness. That the recent events or incidents that Count Andulf had engaged in...wherein he randomly ditched his security details as he did so a few nights ago. Come home as he did wound and a little more than worse for wear that it took him quite a bit convincing to even have him agree to be looked over by the House private physician. At which time while being treated and he presses him on what happened that he merely shrug to say. It was nothing but a bit of an aftermath of too much party on his end which he thought was not that a convincing "cover story" for what he figured had happened. But then again having no choice to press on for more answers other than what was given. He no less had let it slide that is until this morning when thought given how their earlier conversation went that he disregarded the physician order and on top that went off ditch his security detail yet again.

But then again finding a compromise between the Count express wishes and his sworn duty. He none the less came along on his own choice keep a close watch on the Count as he did. And only approaching thought keep a decent distance to let him conduct his duties as he saw fit. Though he couldn't help overhearing his passing words toward Ser Tycho, who if his intel had served him right was in a way a contemporary of Count Andulf. Who is a second in line as far succession goes within some if not all the Noble Houses of Alderaan went. Had been one few things he agreed on with the count.... that he would indeed be interested to work with in regards to security exchange protocol or such.

And yet keep on duty thought he felt tempted to interject or speak he opts not to. Instead of keeping to the Count side he continued to keep a silent shadow detail of his person.

Duke Kyle DeVoe

Head of House DeVoe
"Yes, my son Jerrid had spoken highly of you Count Teraan. Mt Cetril is always open for a visit from House well as House Alde of course." he turned a moment to extend the same hospitality to the young knight at arms.

"If we shall, your grace....perhaps we can begin some discussion concerning some undermining of the Free World Coalition by some yet disclosed enemies." He began, cutting now to the core of what had recently been reported to the queen by her intelligence.
The Duke apparently had his own ravens, as he called them, that were his eyes and ears. Although he reserved them just for the safekeeping of Alderaan, his intelligence had indeed picked up on what the queens and the other Houses had learned of late on the apparent undermining of the Free World Coalition.
One could easily suspect the sith. But the sith were not the only known enemies of freedom and democracy.

As proprietors of the Great Houses loyal the Royal House of Organa, such intelligence had been kept from the common ears and loop as investigators seeked to find the source of these strife and those responsible. As of today, it were still unknown who or how many were involved in these disruptions.
But that was why the Council had once more been unite the Great Houses under the Royal House to find the truth, and make certain that it did not reach Alderaan.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Huh?...had she missed something?

Marina was in the process of enjoying her cup of tea which her father had graciously not only provided their queen with, but he had presented her one also. It were rare for her father to do so, for she always was ahead of him on that...get him his coffee. So him doing so, she was most definitely going to savor her cup of tea...until the bombshell hit.

Had she heard him right? The Coalition was under some sort of attack?
her lips hadn't touched her tea cup, before she slowly put it down. For a moment she wasn't certain if she should even be present, as it seemed there was suddenly the notion of intelligence about. Normally she wouldn't be present when her father was in conference on Mt Cetril with his generals. But she was not really here with her father, but serving today under their queen.
Marina's eyes slowly made it over to Queen [member="Faith Organa"] . She was technically, under her queen's command being an intern.
Even if her father wished her be excused, her queen would be the one to say yea or nay.

Marina hadn't expected this first meeting of the Council to be of anything pertinent other than establishing a Council Leader by vote as was the democratic way under House Organa.
But as she held a bated breath, it was apparently something greater than a Council election that was the proprietary reason for the Council gathering here.

"Y...your majesty....should I leave and secure the chambers?" She asked her queen.
[member="Marina DeVoe"] | [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] | [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] | [member="Tycho Alde"]

Marina asked about leaving, "No dear take a seat away from the table against the wall since you have no vote. You can listen from there and learn how the Council works. Knight Alde will ensure our safety and will see to securing the room." Marina could learn a lot from the meetings. It was an experience anyone would welcome.

Faith nodded, "Yes please let us sit and be to the matter at hand." She smiled appreciatively at the Duke for keeping them on track and reminding them of the business at hand. Faith moved over to take the seat that held the Organa emblem. She reached out and touched it for some reason each time she saw it memories stirred within her mind. She missed her Tia and her Uncle [member="Ordo"] .

She turned quickly and sat down. She couldn't dwell today on those memories. She looked at the faces there around her, the presentatives who had come. Almost all the chairs were taken. A few empty spots, House Thul, House Syrenn, House Rist. All known houses that held grudges against the crown. Against Faith and her rule.

It was difficult to know that these houses could not find their way home.

"For sometime we've looked for the presence of evil on Alderaan, and on the planets of our allies. The Gang on Kuat, the same one that showed on Onderon. Either the Coalition is under attack or Alderaan is.

Duke Kyle DeVoe

Head of House DeVoe
"An attack on the Coalition is an attack on Alderaan. We stand together, even when divided. " The Duke took to reaffirm his stance, as he'd weathered this type of storm before.

"My ravens have nestled in many of our enemy's houses. We've all known this was inevitable, especially from warring clans who've learned nothing from their own past. But we have and we have survived genocide...and a complete obliteration of our ancestral world.
These warmongers know nothing of what makes people strong. It is the convictions and our inability to lay down like elms (lambs) to await slaughter or be enslaved." he spoke not with anger, but with compassion.
Compassion for those many who would never loose their conviction, even if it meant dying for it. For there were things worst than death, and that was to be put in a cage till one lost their spirit and succumb to become an elm (lamb).

Alderaani never bowed down to oppressors...never the true bloodlines of the Great Houses. Even if it meant loosing this surrogate world like their ancestral Alderaan, they would over come. They always overcame the odds. It could be said it was the will of the gods for them to persevere.

"My Queen, there is no doubt our enemies will make for this very palace again. It is a beacon of hope that they wish to burn to the ground. But we've had our Houses and Palaces burnt to the ground before. We've had them become star-dust." he raised his arms half outstreched and looked up to the ceiling a moment.
He was gesturing to their former ancestral world Alderaan and how it had become dust, encircling the same star now like a micro dust asteroid belt.

He then lowered his arms and faced everyone with a passionate smile...a smile one would give loved ones when praising them for their honor and beliefs.
"And here we stand, in new Houses and Palaces.
These are just stone...wood...paint and tapestry. These are not living things, but more like the clothes we chose to wear. And like clothes..they age, they wear out...and at times we stop mending them and walk away.
We have stone masons, carpenters, tailors and tinkerers. These things we can easily rebuild if we have to.
But what we cannot replace, are the lives of our people and those whom we've sworn to protect and aid." he spoke to everyone around him.

The aid to those systems that we've sworn to provide, we still provide." he took a moment to look toward his daughter, Marina. he could see the tears flowing down her soft cheeks. The Duke knew she had no knowledge of what was to transpire here within the walls of the Council. He would have preferred to spare her this, but his queen had thought better. And at this moment, he knew well enough that Queen [member="Faith Organa"] had been right in having his daughter present. She had to come of age sooner or later and face her destiny and that of all Alderaani.
he gave her an assuring smile, before continuing.

"Alderaan stands because we stand. We continue to provide aid and support to those seeking it, despite the battles we fight here on home ground. If we can hold ground, then we hold...House per house we hold.
If a House should fall...then evacuate and let it can be rebuilt. But your lives can't. Don't sacrifice life for property. All good earths are all made of rock. We fashion these rocks into our Houses. They are not living entities, they are one stone atop another stone. It falls, we rebuild it.
But do not let it fall on you. Evacuate if the House is to fall. You'll not be abandoning Alderaan. You will be saving it in the spirits within you that you take away with. Alderaan stands in our hearts...eternally." he then said, giving room for others to speak.
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Marina DeVoe"] | [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] | [member="Tycho Alde"] | [member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]​
It was then during the succeeding exchange of words wherein with the seem favorable word along with the invitation by Duke DeVoe. That he then came think reply but instead left things as they were unsaid as instead affording to give a respectful nod to the Duke in acknowledgment. As he then turns towards those few gathered and came to first address her highness towards the table. As he along with those few that gather proceeded towards the table to then take their place to conduct start what manner of business they all came together for. Knowing time was a luxury so few these day had given as Capt. Ja'rrod had pointed out all too clear to him.

And for the most part had or been part of the heated discussion both had the night prior. At which end with a silent gaze the two conversed as seem they all but had for the most part recently. Where in seem on cue Capt. Ja'rrod stood down and take a step back took his place on the sideline alongside Duke DeVoe daughter and Ser Tycho.

At which time they all settled down to listen as her Highness gave a brief introductory speech to open the discussion. That was soon followed by Duke DeVoe who then elaborated on it and devuldge that which he no less had been taken note off recently thru his time spent. Traveling the realms and system while addressing or attending to the matter of state or home to which he now found himself embroiled in. Seem no sooner had he had come home and had been taken to be appointed to her highness as ambassador. At to which to some extent he privately thought not yet will to admit had seen first hand. The trouble as well the tribulation of which to what extent those that wish ill upon either or both the Coalition or the Alderaanian would go.

At which time thought to seem young and perhaps seen as inexperience in such matter by most the young count no less could help but speak up himself soon after.

"Indeed it seems the more part of what I've both seen and experience first hand on many a tour I had to go on thus far. Our enemies of which the Duke spoke of have been quite busy albeit they try their earnest to seem to try to keep themselves out of the spotlight. Pretending and make it look like as being unconnected and orchestrated by meer thugs, gangs or internal insurgence....but no matter what they do or have planned. Those gathered here along with much if not all of Alderaan I believe will as it always have. Endure and remain standing tall as a beacon of not only hope but much as what it has stood for from the beginning....together."

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
It were an exercise in restraint.

Was she hearing her father right? She was, but his words just wouldn't find mortar to hold it all together. The Free World Coalition were somehow being undermined by whom and for what reason? And how were her father speaking in terms of seeing her home, her mountains her plains and through it as just elements?, stone he put it. All this, the palace her home, her people's homes were just stones?
She wanted to stand up, break protocol that bound her to the side lines and protest. protest against her father's words?

She couldn't. As thus she spoke...she cried out in silence, in the form of tears.

This world was her home, the friends she had here...her family...the people, both Alderaai bloodlines and immigrants naturalized as Alderaani. Both were equal in her eyes. Her bestie [member="Mariya Fleischer"] had been naturalized Alderaani. Her winery, her chateau were more than mere stone and wood...they had to be.

Nut as her father continued to speak, and as her heart sank lower and lower into her stomach...she understood what he was meaning. No life was worth stone. Not if the cost of fighting for it outweighed the stone. Flesh had to be worth more than wood. Blood, more than the waters.
This was what she herself believed, as she realized his meaning. The fighters, the Houses, they would fight to protect the Coalition and their Alderaan. But if the tide was overwhelming, there was more honor in preserving life, than die defending stone.

Marina looked over to her queen, to Andi, to Tycho, Ja'rrod and the others. Then she looked at her father and with that, herself.
What would she do, should the free worlds that had looked toward Alderaan come under attack?
There was no question. She would do her part. She would provide aid to those systems. She needn't speak now. Her actions and conviction would speak for her. She wasn't here serving under Queen [member="Faith Organa"] as eye candy. She was one of the queens hand, extending what Alderaan stood for. And it were not made of stone, nor wood, nor ores. Alderaan was in their spirit...their soul center.

No one could ever destroy Alderaan, for it were not a planet, nor a place or a thing. It were their hearts. As long as one Alderaani stood, be they of blood or naturalized...Alderaan would remain...Eternal.

[member="Tycho Alde"] [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] [member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]
If only they knew how prophetic these words would become in time. She listened to them recognizing the passion behind them, the dedication in those moments Faith came to realize where Marina got her passions from.

"It is possible for us to come under attack. As you say it is as if Alderaan itself bears a mark that draws all that wish to see the end of peace and culture come to an end. I've seen it come to Alderaan twice in my lifetime already." She remembered standing on the edge of the city looking out at the vong formed creatures that had been left behind. She remembered how it broke their hearts at what had happened.

But they would be fools not to think it wouldn't happen again. "While it is our duty as part of the Coalition to protect everyone. I am leader of the Coalition all that happens or does not happen falls on me. But. Alderaan is our home. It is where we raise our children, and hold our traditions. So let us think on how we can protect Alderaan and her borders as we work with the Coalition."

She glanced to the faces around the table some were eager, others had sat back as if waiting for something else.

"Is there something else Duke Panteer?"

The man in his mid 40s his hair already showing shades of gray, his eyes held a glint to them that was hard to figure out. He leaned forward and rested his hands on the table, "Mam, perhaps it is time to think of passing the mantle of leadership of the Coalition to another. Alderaan is in need of her Queen full time, and Laira's Day of Demand approaches something that all of us are looking forward to. The Coalition was born out of a need that in my eyes no longer exists." He looked at her much as her own father had looked at her weeks before.

Her father. Well that was complicated.

[member="Marina DeVoe"] | [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] | [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"]

Duke Kyle DeVoe

Head of House DeVoe
"It is this freedom to be able to speak your mind, your heart and your conscious here that make Alderaan and those who look upon her as a beacon of light, a threat to those who oppose everything we and the Coalition stand for, Duke Panteer" he spoke, nodding his understanding of the many who supported House Panteer.

It were within his ability to fortify and make Alderaan a impenetrable fortress. But then, one would imprison himself in his own built jail.
As thus, Alderaan needed the air...the freedom of a world without armaments at every rooftop. There were many outpost already well hidden within the mountain ranges. If more outposts were needed, they were to be out of plain sight and not spoil the open air...the feeling of freedom on Alderaan.

"I too would wish no more than to put all of my resources in the defense of our Home. But we have welcomed more into our family that we call the Coalition. In my heart, a foster child is no different than one's own.
We do not take in a child to only close the door to it when a storm approaches. We take the child in, shelter it from the storm, like we do our own family. This is who we less.
Should an attack come, we protect all our children.
These are my thoughts, my Queen. I cannot change the structure of a family that I have accepted to love, nurture and protect. If we shut out one system to save another..then the family structure will surely it should." He sighed, for he was not one to let one suffer one for another.

"We here are all Alderaani. Our bloodlines have suffered through the worst nearly a Millenia past. Yet we have thrived. Our hearts have remained strong through many other diversities and it will remain strong throughout many more."
The Duke looked over to his daughter Marina and gave her a hint of a smile. She were his starlight...his beacon that let him not stray from the core values. As much as he was militaristic, his wife and daughters kept his House in balance.
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Marina DeVoe"] | [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] | [member="Tycho Alde"] | [member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]​
It was then sitting on the sideline listening intently as her highness, the current ruling of the Organa family line along with Elder Duke DeVoe spoke. The former and the latter, representing both spectrum of what would seem to be the current underlying thoughts or concerns of both the past and present regarding its future. Which was something not lost on him as he silently ponders each and every word said or point taken? As it seems not only resonated with the young Count as much it seems to mirror some not so bittersweet memories from the past.

Of which its outcome thought he knew all too well could not be taken back nor redone. Could be for the most part be set as an example or the very least a cautionary tale from whom one could hopefully learn from. For although as the thought play in his mind that seems the scars of the past has to seem been healed or mended. The danger still lurked in the shadows....thought unseen for now it still no less made sure to make its presence and reach all too real. And with it, the hard choice of either reeling back or meet it head the fight between saving or secure one home or its people became all too real. As much it had during the final closing era of the once mighty Republic from whose ashes he'd come to understand from since his return and acceptance of serving his current post. Had thought for the most part served as a beacon of hope as much it had been a rallying point from which was now under threat.

And with it the realization of how much things had changed since along with what was at stake.....
She nodded, "it is true all of what is said." Perhaps what none of them understood was juggling both at times put her in conflict with their own culture. But she would listen to the voices at the table. Those that represented Alderaan.

"The Coalition is suffering that much is certain. The small planets that do not have as much as the others are weakened and need more assistance. The Coalition does not have a budget that allows for us to go and help each one in need. The Coalition is an entity meant to draw like minded people together. It seems to be on a craggy edge. Which would mean that we will have to reach out to more and offer something of our own. It would mean asking member words to contribute." She looked at their faces waiting.

"As for our own homefront there is something out there and it will come back when opportunity presents itself. I think we need to use some of the factories on Delaya to help Alderaan, and our neighbors." Alderaan it would seem was going to step out in front again.

Sometimes she missed the peace and quiet of the lake.

"Count [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] you are quiet you are here representing your house I assume....what are your thoughts?" The Count at times was too quiet she just didn't know how to encourage him without scaring him.

[member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] | [member="Marina DeVoe"] | [member="Tycho Alde"]

Duke Kyle DeVoe

Head of House DeVoe
The Duke nodded in the assertion that the system here needed to not only be fortified, but it was time to build up an actual Navy.
They needed offensive armament to avert future attacks on Alderaan and bring the devastation right in the front doorsteps of their enemies. It was time for Alderaan to change it's policies of reactive, to that of counter-strike ...or even to be first strike. But his thoughts and desire for the destruction of his enemies would for now be kindled in his heart.
The Duke knew his queen would oppose such countermeasures still.
But the way the Duke perceived it, Alderaani blood were spilled on their soil in defense of their homes, families and countrymen, while their enemy's world and homes were untouched.
Yes, he were Alderaani bloodline...but the pacifist in the DeVoe male bloodline had died 850 years ago. Pacifistic at heart were for womenfolk..his wife's..daughters. His son Jerrid was like him and that of his father and father before him...peace was only begotten when all of their enemy's blood had dried in under the stars...

He nearly rejoiced when his queen laid suggestion for the Houses to contract with their manufactures actual armaments that could be used in such offensive manner as his heart cried out for.
But he were a man with much self restraint and poise. It were such with maintaining nobility. The Duke held back his rejoice at such a proposal. He and his forefathers had abide their time in the form of maintaining defenses, while for centuries, they had desire to strike at the heart and head of the serpents..the sith and the Empire in all of it's factions.
The time for Alderaan to rise to power was soon in the fold of plans.

"Your majesty..." He spoke in his ever calm, but directive voice.
"House DeVoe will lay it's off-world assets in this endeavor..the building of our fortification by way of Naval superiority." He knew to not show his over excitement at the proposition of finally having Alderaan acquire a righteous military strength Armada to wipe clean this galaxy of vermin like sith. For siths were never meant to hoard in numbers. It had been a doctrine for them to be small and all powerful. But too many, they became a pestilence ...vermin. There wasn't enough galaxy for so many. And he was intent on reducing their numbers. So the galaxy could once again be in balance.

"The current arsenal of Naval defenses have indeed been able to avert total destruction of our world here as it once experienced a Millennium past. But I too find it insufficient to be a deterrent for future invasions. A strong Navy is what our system needs to keep it a sparkling jewel among the many muddled systems...even the ones this world has taken to foster.
If Alderaan is to properly protect it's children and foster must have a heavy hand towards those who seek to disrupt our way of life." He said, taking a moment to look over the Count of Teraan, [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] .
And he had to choose his words well, for his daughter could never know of his their blood oath that had been made over 8 centuries ago. His bloodline had been kept in the balance as it rightly should. The DeVoe womenfolk were and had always been nurtured to be pacifists, while the males were cultured to be quite the opposite....and in secret.

"I support your notion, and put in motion the acquisition to build a proper Alderaani Navy, Queen [member="Faith Organa"] ." He then said, bowing his head in respect and for the moment allotted him to speak.
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Marina DeVoe"] | [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] | [member="Tycho Alde"] | [member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]​
Was then it seems while in the midst of his deep contemplation that he came note that his silence seems not been lost on her highness notice as she came forth speak.

"Count Andulf Nicholas Teraan you are quiet you are here representing your house I assume....what are your thoughts?"

At which time leaning forward from where he sat collecting his thought regarding the matter at hand when before he could speak that Duke DeVoe did well to interject. If seem only keep the conversation going steal a side glance at him while doing so.At which time let him speak his mind and wait till he'd done so that he spoke.

"That I am your highness...and as for my thought on the matter at hand. Rest assure my silence thus far is by no means of ill intent nor fear but that of the contrary. For if nothing else my concern for not only the well being and safety ....of the house gather here as well the countless others for whom we stand within this fight. And as much I can say from what I've heard thus far... leads us but to one difficult choice. Should we stand our ground with the Coalition or with those of our home? With the ever-growing darkness that looms over what bit of light together we all had held on to...hope...freedom and of life itself. The choice is hard if not wrought with its own share of difficult consequent.... and my thought leads me to one possible course of action. This is a coalition is it not? And if so perhaps it is time... that the burden is shared...rather than centralized in one particular fixture.... in that perhaps its time its leadership is passed on to the next... As if a way it's not so much akin to a sprint but a marathon that we as part of the coalition find ourself in. That if it to survive past to the next generation its growth is vital...and it is not to say we are abandoning nor leaving those others. But instead, we are forging and fortifying our stand together in the fight by as quote Duke DeVoe...Shore up our air offense as much our defense with a viable Navy. That could in time safeguard the sky of those in the coalition. And as for our part...we may not have the capability nor manpower of a standing army but what we can offer would be capital to fund projects that would be needed. And maybe...."

He paused hope to give it a second thought before uttering it out in the open. For if nothing else having to gather as much of the munition or armaments he'd had thus far ....held back in hiding by those associated with his past.

"...a decent enough supply of arms to start for those Ser Tycho could find to lead for the initial phase of the defense ."
She nodded and listened to Andulf, as always he was responsive just in his own time. She understood his position, just as she understood Duke Devoe's and his supporters. "I understand what all of you are saying, defenses, watch out and defend our own home, and yet take the fight to those that would do us harm." She looked around, "is this correct?" She didn't really wait for an answer.

She was a person who liked to offer all angles and options.

It was now time to reveal to them something to see what their thoughts were.

"I hear in each of voices not just a call to protect to our home, but to take on those who would destroy it. There is rumor that there is a resistance force that is doing just that, taking on the Sith where they can. If we openly support this type effort it would surely invite attack on our home. But in private in secret we could.....ask what they their cause...but I will not do this without a unanimous vote of this Council." there it was said and she would hear the yes or no to this thought.

If they were going to go against their culture of peace, then let them do it fully not just protect Alderaan but work to remove evil from the galaxy.

[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] | [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] | [member="Tycho Alde"]
After exchanging pleasantries with [member="Marina DeVoe"] and then Count [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] upon his arrival, Tycho had been content to fade back into his assigned role as silent guardian much like Captain [member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]. The Knight of Alderaan nodded respectfully towards Count Teraan's security specialist, knowing Royal Guardsmen to be among the most exceptionally trained warriors on the planet. It was not uncommon for their ranks to work alongside the Circle of the Shield, and if the opportunity presented the son of Alde resolved to inquire if Captain Categaern was familiar with any of his brother order.

Although he remained vigilant, his finger hovering over the activation switch for his light shield in case he needed to shield [member="Faith Organa"] from some sudden attack, Tycho could not help but pay attention to the discussion. The matter for debate had shifted to homeworld defense, a subject he had been very vocal about in his communiques to his superiors. Slowly it began to dawn on him that his role here as bodyguard was merely a pretext, Queen Organa had somehow arranged for his presence deliberately.

"Your majesty," he interjected politely once the topic had shifted to the Resistance, "I trust you are satisfied this room"

Faith slowly nodded, and for the first time Ser Tycho stepped away from his post and among them. He placed a signet brooch down on the table at the center of the room so that it was plain for all to see. It was ornately crafted, the symbol of an eye superimposed over the House Organa crest. It verified his identity as one of the Royal Eyes, an elite intelligence unit within the Knights of Alderaan very few even knew existed and who reported directly to the monarch.

"We are now able to confirm that a new Dark Lord of the Sith has been proclaimed in the east," he began, seamlessly shifting from stoic defender to perceptive intelligence officer, "A knight of my Circle witnessed the aftermath of their attack on Thyferra. We believe in their zealous nature the Alliance provoked the assault, so this proposal is not without risks, but there is a very real chance that to remain wholly neutral as is our custom could be equally dangerous."

"My son, the policy maker."

"Father," Tycho almost exclaimed in surprise, so absorbed in his briefing that he hadn't noticed Count Alde's late arrival, "Only trying to inform the Council of all the facts."

The Count raised a hand to his son indicating peace, before bowing low in greeting to Faith, "Queen Organa, it has been too long."

Feeling compelled to respect courtly customs, Alde the younger gestured from his father to the rest of the assembled nobility, "May I present Count Horis Alde, Warden of Juran."

[member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"]​
So Garith had not been making his presence known as much as he should. He was debating this as he walked down the hallway to the council room. He was also debating turning around and walking the other way. He knew what the truth was. Since coming back from his sojourn into the Netherworld he had come back a little different. He forgot how to interact with the living. Well not totally.

He had just become reclusive and spent most of his time at the Alderaan Jedi Temple. Well the forge that was beneath it.

So Garith did not stop himself and entered the room. Just in enough time to hear the end of someone being introduced.

The warmth of the Alderaan Prince was genuine. His presence was of light. He, Garith looked to his sister and the others present within the room. However for the movement he said nothing. Garith was wise enough to the fact there were customs. He may not play the political aspect for his family. That was once Theo’s role and now Faith’s. Garith’s role was more spiritual.

[member="Tycho Alde"] [member="Faith Organa"] [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] [member="Marina DeVoe"][member="Ja’rrod Categaern"]
[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Tycho Alde"] | [member="Duke Kyle DeVoe"] | [member="Marina DeVoe"]​
So it was then that for much of the proceeding Capt. Categaern kept silent though seem out of sight he was by no means out of mind. For with a keen, clear and precise gaze, he no less kept a focused watch over the proceeding. Imploring as much if not all his learned skill as well innate ability honed and sharpened by years of training from seeming since he could walk or able to take arms. Much like most if not all those bound by tradition to serve as Royal Guardsmen to one of the Noble or Royalty of Alderaan. He stood to watch and kept guard over the count and all those attending the proceeding. With his arms to the side, one hand hovering close thought inconspicuously over his weapon while the other over the control of his personal shield generator. Which he could employ at a moment notice if there would ever be need of it.

At which time as his gaze pass by where Ser Tycho Alde stood and noted the Knight of Alderaan nodded respectfully towards his direction. That in turn, return the gesture as well as in the back his mind the words spoken earlier in the proceeding regarding the suggestion or consideration of their possible work together in regards to security. No less gain peak his interest to pursue later on that is with the Counts or her highness approval. Especially when Ser Tycho placed a signet brooch down on the table at the center of the room so that it was plain for all to see. One which although to the naked eye seems no different from other ornately crafted one etched with the House Organa crest. If not for the symbols of an eye superimposed over it that gave it away for those in the know verified the identity of its bearer as one of the Royal Eyes. An elite intelligence unit within the Knights of Alderaan very few even knew existed and who reported directly to the monarch.

Which was something he'd recognized and knew all too well given the past history he'd had transitioning into the former late Count service. As It was not uncommon for their ranks to work alongside the Circle of the Shield, on a few occasions. Which given the former count ill health and inability to work in the field as much he'd want to. Meant that for the most part, he had step in and represent him as well their house in his stead.Fight alongside and being a part of those secret campaigns which in itself was a privilege as much it was an honor. Given their reputation as well dedication as one the most exceptionally elite trained warriors on the planet. Work side by side with the Circle of the shield of whom he could help but wonder if any them he considers a brother in the order....were familiar or knew of Ser Tycho?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
She found herself wiping her forehead, as she was finding it difficult to remain there and not sweat.
It wasn't hot or humid in the Council Chambers at all, but what she was picking up from her own very father was something she had never come to expect.
Was he proposing that Alderaan arm itself not only defensively but to ...gulp...wage war?

"Huh?... Oh... " She got nudged by one of the Councilmen's aid, offering her a newly filled glass of water.
Marina nodded, drawing the glass toward her and taking a sip...two sips...and then fully downing the glass.

"I...I got it...thanks..." She welcomed the pitcher from the man, as he slid it closer to her. Marina then refilled her glass, getting some ice in it and then lifted it to her forehead.
Oh God...she wasn't hearing what her father and others were suggesting...making Alderaan an aggressor?

"No no.... I'm ok." She replied, putting the cold glass of ice water back down in front of her.
"Just ...just need a few minutes to take it all all..." Naturally she were speaking in a low tone with the aid that gave her the ice water, not disturbing what the High Council members were discussing. She was in the back..the sidelines with the other aid, secretaries and security personnel of the Council men and queen.

Marina's heart was thumping so very fast. She knew and understood as to why and the necessities of defenses. Why her own family had kept the Northern defenses for nearly 450 years on Mt Cetril. But to go from defensive to offensive?
Marina couldn't believe it. It wasn't what she wanted to hear her father speaking about.
She looked over to her queen...their queen...everyone's queen, then to her father and Andy..and Tycho and everyone else. And to her dismay, they were seriously considering it.

But she knew her place and it wasn't for her to speak out. She was just her father's daughter and held no title. That privilege had been given to her sister..and mother.
And she also was just an intern to her queen and not a spokeswoman, yet. Marina knew she had a lot to learn of real life politics, not the politics she had been studying in her Universities. Sure, she knew galactic laws and given policies...but all that were just a base to real life politics.
Still, her heart was rejecting all of what was being discussed, despite it were for the better security of Alderaan and her allies.

"Uhm...excuse me..." Marina then said to the aid, sitting next to her.
She was finding herself getting a bit nausea and quietly pulled her chair away from the back table. She had to get out of the chambers and into some fresh Alderaani air.
God, she needed air...

Shoot...she suddenly realized she was experiencing tunneling, as she headed toward the exit.
Marina just had to get out of the Council meeting before she became a scene...she just had to make it out.

Just had to...
[member="Tycho Alde"] | [member="Garith Organa"] | [member="Ja’rrod Categaern"] | [member="Marina DeVoe"]

Faith looked at Tycho, "Your group is certain of the Dark Lord's rise?" She already knew that he wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true. She just wanted to hear the sound of her own voice. She had started to say something else when she noticed Marina having some difficulties.

She felt bad for her but in truth this was politics, and defensive measures which had to be brought up. "It has often been the custom through the generations that we do our best to project peaceful intent. But when evil rears up and shows us that it will not be silent or content until all that is good in the galaxy becomes a possession." She looked at all the faces wanting to ensure that they heard her, that they were listening, "We must take a stand"

Faith sat back for a moment, "Knight Alde has presented us with something that we need to pay attention to. Alderaan because of our peaceful disposition often becomes the target because if they destroy Alderaan, take Alderaan they think they can take everything else." She placed her hands on the table looking down at her wedding ring, then she looked up to her brother.

"I think we need to have a role that supports our beliefs, and allows others to maintain theirs. Knight Alde do you have anything to add to this?"

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