Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reunion and Training

Emilié listened to the healer, a frown growing on her face. Who would want to be a slave? She looked down at the flower and examined it, having never seen one before.

"But slavery is about having no freedom or privileges. You don't get to do what you want and you don't get paid for labour." she said as she pulled the petals from the flower. "A way to get food on the table?" she asked, disgusted. "You can't just enslave people because you're poor! Everyone has problems and slavery isn't the answer." she said, slowly growing quieter.

The girl looked up at [member="Shakk Awaud"] and said nothing for a moment, thinking about what she said. "It's not necessary." she said, it was evident that it was going to be hard to convince her otherwise.

[member="Vina Zomo"]
He looked at Emilie and sighed, she would not be convinced on the matter, she had lived through slavery in one way. He thought upon his roots, where his parents had gotten themselves killed to stop slavery of the Wookiees. He lowered himself to her height as he swallowed hard.

"Slavery can be terrible, it is likely to be a bad person with cruel intentions who owns you. But there will be times when that's not always so." He hesitated somewhat before continuing. "My parents were killed protecting Wookiees from becoming slaves, I have as much reason to hate slavery as you do. But if you to become a Jedi you must release that hatred, rid of that as it will be used against you. There are slaves out there with kind masters, who don't work them to death in the Tatoonine's twin suns, who don't whip the slaves to death. They exist, no matter how much you want to think otherwise, I know they exist." He wanted to pluck the flower and gift it to her but he wasn't sure if that would be allowed.

"Now slavery is a difficult topic, but it is one you must realise that you can't crusade to save every slave, not every slave can be saved, not every one wants to be saved. If you take away the slavery that is rife on Tatoonine, Nar Shaddaa and planets like them, those slaves end up homeless without food and water, they would become beggars and turn to crime. That is a fact, it's what grows from desperation." He sighed as he looked into her eyes with a sad smile, "I so wished that it wasn't true, I wished that we could save them all, feed them, house them but we can't they are there and there they shall remain. It is life and life is cruel sometimes. Now tell the ladies about your connection to the Force and what you wish to achieve as a Jedi." He hoped to have ended the subject there and then with his honesty.

[member="Emilié Madowki"] | [member="Shakk Awaud"] | [member="Vina Zomo"]
[member="Vina Zomo"] [member="Shakk Awaud"] [member="Emilié Madowki"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

Jaster received a call from some of the security officers, it seemed that there was a problem with some patients. They woke up and are now think they are in a Sith prison camp. That's all Jaster needed, civilians freaking out after coming out of a coma, when we're they goin to receive a new Cheif of security.

"I'm sorry to interupt but I need to speak with Vina," taking her aside he folder her of the situration, "I'm heading there now, security want to use the stun guns, but just coming out of a coma seems too risky, I told them to hold off till I get there, you can stay here with them and continue the training, I'll handle the problems in your absents," Jaster grinned, "I'll even do the paperwork, I'm already doin everyone else's."

Jaster placed his right hand across his chest and bowing his head slightly, common in Madalorian culture to a superior.

"I'll be heading out now, kids," Jaster did a smile to them all, "now do your homework and ear your veggies."

Tensions were reaching their limit for them all, they needed to ease up on the child, she only knew the area surounding her. Not like the rest of them, as they traveled the stars seeing the good and the bad, she only knew what everyone else saw as partly bad. There was no war in her world, nor was there betrayal, or prison camps, monster of distruction, bombs. These were the bads in their shared reality, to the child, slavery was the worst thing she knew.

Jaster walked out of the garden to deal with the problem. He would return at a later time after the problem was finished with.
Emilié looked up at Yuroic and listened, smiling a little. It seemed there was someone who understood her views. She sighed and nodded, knowing it to be true. "I do want to become a Jedi and I know I have to let go but I've just never spoken about this to anyone before." she said, trying to remain polite and mature.

Emilié smiled at Yuroic and hugged him. She was grateful for his honesty and took in everything he said. As much as she didn't want it to be true, it was, yet she continued to deny it to herself. Slavery was all she knew.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

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