Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

What San-Ji explained seemed very far from the mark and glad for it, still she could not resist the giggle of amusement. "I don't think so. How to explain it. I simply wanted to be His, not as something He owns but equally possessive of. I always feel excited in His presence and the more I trained under Carnifex... the closer I felt till finally felt very confused. The kids on Malsheem tell me what I was probably feeling is love. To be fair, I didn't believe them at first, made me angry and I did not know why. Really going over how I felt and the meaning of the word did bring some things back. Well the only other person that made me feel that way inside has her head on my lap."

"I mean it's hard understanding emotions that has been vastly absent in my life. Knowing these emotions now made me realise that I was perhaps lonely and now I feel greedy for all my wants. I meant what I said that I want you still, both of you. I respect and like you enough not to hide this side of me."
Her free hand caressed San-ji's chin for a moment before trailing down the middle of the woman's chest, down to the side and finally coming back along her hip and waist. The touch was soft and delicate only with slight pressure back up to not tickle.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She looked at her and nodded. "I think I get it... maybe... Might take a little while longer but there is nothing but time in some cases." She said it and was not against it... confused maybe needing time to process sure but Teresa wasn't making her have to accept it all at once which was the important part. "Thank you for telling me though... it is different but I was already sharing you with someone else." She pointed towards her eyelid and smirked with that... "Even if she won't admit it we do have similar tastes... except for spicy food... she loves in and tormenting me with it." THe smirk remained though as she breathed in and out. "Though... do I have to meet them and participate?"
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Her head shook with a smirk across her lips. "No, I intend to keep you both to myself. I'd never stop you finding intimacy with others though. Ultimately that is up to you to go after what you want. After all I believe in pure freedom, no rules, no limits. Doing what you wanna do is the best way to live." Her hand lifted away from under her wing, pulling the table closer her legs lifted resting atop. Slowly Teresa's wing lifted and patted her thigh gesturing to take a seat there. "However if you wish to meet the one who educated me, I won't deny you the chance."

Teresa could not help looking at the woman with a hunger in her eyes, a look that invited danger and excitement. Yet with much of her willpower she resisted to enjoy the smaller things, to revel in the company of the one before her. "Anyway, Ji-Yan is right. Spicy food is great, especially first thing in the morning. That or the platters of fruits Komi brings in the mornings on malsheem. Small juicy ones are my favorite, how they pop when bitten into."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She nodded with that and shifted as Teresa did. GOing to where she could be and finding a comfortable position when she allowed herself to breathe in and then out. At least she wouldn't have to participate if she didn't want to... it helped a lot as well as meeting them not being mandatory. Finding her own might be strange and likely not done... few understood the two minds let alone knew how to tell the difference between them... outside the obvious personality shift, third eye and demeanor. "Rippened fruit that pops in your mouth is a benefit but don't let Ji-Yan know you support her... I'll wake up and she will have signed us up for a thousand more holonet sites for things we do not need... she is obsessed with it and ordering late night items."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

As San-ji sat in her lap side way, Teresa hand began to make gestures making the woman turn to face the Epicanthix. "If she asks, I'll only agree with her spicy is good, I have no reason to lie." She brought her legs up, her feet pressing the edge of the table. It was very intentional to bring the Go-Nagi closer in the physical sense of the word. Teresa brought her hand up caressing San-ji's jaw while the other was placed against her hip. Leaning forward slowly matte black lips locked with San-ji's soft pink. From touch to warmth, it was an irresistible sensation that pleased.

"You know, having you this close, makes you all the more irresistible." Teresa whispered leaning her head to the side and whispered near the woman's ear. "My San-Ji-Yan." Her hands moved again, one from hip to bottom and the other to behind her back. With ease the giant lifted San-ji and took her to the bedroom. Approaching the bed and falling back on it gracefully she loosened her secure grip. "Feth, I missed looking at your cute face, and I missed the cuddles. Damn did I miss the cuddles." She said her voice no longer a whisper but it was soft and quiet matching the atmosphere. Teresa's eyes shut feeling immediate comfort of the bed as she sunk into it.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

It was a weird feeling she had to admit... being able to be moved around and practically posed but there was a difference to when others did such a thing.. this was intimate compared to them which really did make all of the difference. The breath stuck in her throat though... well worth it as she sat there looking at the woman aand was led into the bedroom. The large and comfy bed. "I missed this as well." She did and it was worth it even if some others might disagree in ways but she was happy with it for now content even as she had found somethign that she was looking for here... on a world she hadn't been expecting and now well now she was in some secret location.

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