Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Retainers Aftermath

———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

"Well, glad she was, and I missed you too, Ji-Yan." Teresa giggled having wondered how long it would take before she made her show. Now the ship was in motion she reached over to the part of the console that was to the side ensuring the stealth shroud was active. After all, Komi did not need to know when she would arrive and the rest was automated. Her attention moved back to Ji-Yan as she spoke. Hearing about this Maya person and the baseless story, it did not sit right with Teresa. "Shame she is long gone, I would've love to show her what 'running away' actually was." Her wings twitched slightly remembering that delectable pain.

The chair spun and Teresa stood, passing the Go Nagi, her hand reached out stroking the woman's cheek for a second and carried on towards the living area assuming they'd be right behind. "I want you both happy. Though first to make sure there is no room for doubt." Taking a seat she softly patted the spot next to her. Soon as San-ji-Yan sat a small droplet of the bracelet came off floating in the air. Taking it between finger and thumb the Epicanthix Valkyrie held it out. "Remember that ability I struggled to control the one I tried to explain how I did it n' felt?"

The silver bead would feel solid and heavy, not in the sense of its physical weight but the aura. It swirled with bright dazzling reds and streaks of an inky black swirling, that same aura that clung to the woman in all it's chaos. "Like watching the past as if you were there, the sights, sounds, and feelings, both emotional and physical, everything that the owner of the object experienced." Her eyes locked with San-Ji-Yan's with a serious expression. "It's only if you want to, I have lived it many times already. Even I used to hesitate to experience it again knowing I'd wake up on the floor drooling in cold sweats."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

The difference was not only the open eye... their stances were different and demeanor... San-Ji being nicer but Ji-Yan the more stern and serious. She looked at the taller woman and followed as coming itno the inner area she looked at what she was indicating. "We can recall it, we have practiced from time to time but it was not the same. She would use it to see you and remember. Not a good way to handle one disappearing." She said it but looked more at it and there was no rage... some judgement but no rage when she focused on the force and touched it. Allowing her mind to open up and sense deeper into the object and its history.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

She softly chuckled. "Not up to me how to use it only give opportunity." Those words made her feel strangely wise. Of course Teresa seeing the woman concerntrains she stood to make drinks thinking that they will need it.

As San-Ji-Yan began to concentrate the first would be the smell of damp, iron, medical alcohol. The immediate area seemed bright hazy as eyes blinked to try shake it. The feeling of metal digging into the waist, wrists and legs. Something moved, a pair of shoes tapping across the floor. A man masked up and goggles stood just to the right. "'ll still feel this...but you won't be able to scream much."

The pain in both hands was excruciating both opened wide with skin, tendons and muscle peeled off to the sides. She could not scream or even turn to look away. Syringe after syringe hot metal was poured into her hands, the bone cracking and splitting from the heat. No matter how much the man sprayed the hand with bacta, it felt as if it was more harm than good. For a few more moments she kept looking till once more everything fell black.

By the time of waking up. Everything had moved. All there was to see was the filthy floor with an old stain. There was a cold feeling as a tool touched skin. It pressed harder and harder till cutting into her back, from trapezoid's to the obliques Teresa It felt like hours, just hours of agony in and out over and over waking up to the same pain and passing out.

Where her spine had once met in the arch of her dorsi the doctor introduced synthetic bone, forcing the spine to give birth as if making room for an entirely new bone structure. It was not the only Thing placed inside, though she had no idea what yet.

The next few days felt as if they rushed faster and faster before San-ji-Yan's eyes how she would feel the same agony and the agony that continued as something grew from the womans back.

By the time the vision came to pass, Teresa was already sat back down drink in front and a worried expression. What would have seemed days was but moments.

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Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She stood there and felt it... saw it, tasted and smelled it.. the skill was soemthing that wasn't easy to han dle in some cases and her mind was tracing it all back while phantom pains were across her back... her entire body eventually when she stayed there and eventually came out of it. Her chest heaving and breathing harder while she eye closed and San-Ji looked up and over towards her moving Teresa and she found a place. Checking her back. "Ahhh." She said it going down... "That was.... intense." She said it and wasn't downplaying it she was moving and sitting there tucked her legs up so her heaad was on her knees while she looked over.

"That is... you survived that?" She had obviously but looking at her there waas sadness and the verge of tears when she was checking over some parts of it. Letting her long hair fall down around herself. "I don't know if I could... well likely I wouldn't but Ji-Yan would have torn things apart for trying it or if she had known." Sometimes it was good to have a being part of you that could rip through entire armies with the force itself. She was breathing heavily but focused on controlling it and allowing her body to calm down as the lingering pain was dissipating from her. She would be able to better contorl herself at least eventually.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

"I did." Her voice seemed distant taking a sip of the caf then leaned back putting an arm around San-ji and rubbed her back softly. "There was absolutely nothing I could do, no matter how much I wished and willed for... something. It was the second time in my life someone had total power over me, where I was powerless." The little bead slipped away joining the formation once more.

Teresa lightly pulled San-ji so she was laid down, her head able to rest on the woman's thigh, even her wing reached around acting like a blanket. "Though, despite losing much sensation in my body, I made the choice to grow in adversity. For long time I wanted to cut them off but, you know me. I get curious and perhaps impulsive." Looking down at the girl. "Going through that pain, surviving it, I paid a price and ended up having more freedom than I ever did."

"Weirdly, when everything was numb, I missed so many sensation."
Her hand moved to caress the top of San-ji's head. "I missed how different textures felt, if it was soft or coarse, smooth or bumpy. I missed the sting of when something cut, burned or even that throbbing when you bang something. All I had was a static. So doing this as you can imagine, is enjoyable. Means I can appreciate you even more." She smiled joyfully, hoping those last few words may brighten the mood even if by just a little. Though really to Teresa, that much pain seemed so small now, she had been through greater waves that reached the deepest parts of whole body.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

It felt weird laying there with her head being stroked but she was not opposed to it. There is a rarity in comfort and someone who will understand it. Which went a long way in some cases... still listening to it she didn't fully understand it in the way she was talking. Being numb intentionally from someones work and being numb cause something happened emotionally might sound the same in your head but they can be drastically different. "Sweet talker." She said it and well she had learned more but this was nice... very nice while she turned so she was looking up the large length of her. "They didn't give you any other weird enhancements right? I am not going to suddenly feel a tail or something else?"
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Teresa shook her head smiling. "No that guy only did what you likely saw." She would bring her cup to her using the force taking another sip before returning it in the same fashion. "Carnifex was the one who changed me the most and fixed all that was wrong. He altered me so that I would not longer be human but rather epicanthix, my body certainly filled out in ways that even I find myself pleasing to look at. He also reinforced my skeletal structure, made my muscles stronger than durasteel cords and altered something to resist poisons and other noxious things."

"Top of that he improved the wings to be vastly more powerful. I lost some of the quick turning with minimal effort but overall perform much better. Strong enough that I found they can take peoples heads off, accidently found out. I mean it's grim when lots of blood soaks into the feathers. I actually have to get my retainer to assist or I will find a nice lake if I have the free time to do so. Feth don't get me started when new feathers come through and I need to preen them."
She began to realise she was talking so much, that it felt borderline rambling. Teresa continued to look down into San-Ji's dark black eyes. How they reflected light made it as if stars traveled inside.

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Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Listening to it all she was getting a better picture of what changed and happened to make her how she is now... a lot could go into it and she looked up at the woman. "Well this does look better then the middle... still am going to miss the old you... when you could wear those robes and nothing under them for ah... best view going up ladders." She nodded from where she was as the little floating creature came in going around. Much smaller now that it had gotten rid of its air and gas sacks leaving only a minimal amount. She looked over at it and her staff pulling it to herself. "Fine fine, you two can be happy to see her as well." Letting the gel slime being out as it stayed there and began to make a humanoid form and then inflate itself to mirror teresa did get a small snicker. "SOmeone missed you."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Teresa giggled at the comment San-ji made. All of a sudden the room felt lively and the woman was further amused by the slime. "Make yourselves at home." She said warmly with a smile as her attention cam back to Go-Nagi "Just so you know I can get some fabricated if that's your wish, robes that is. It is rare I wear anything so flowy now days. Mostly, I wear this outfit which I have several of. Given I train lots it makes sense to be in something suitable. I keep wanting to play around with the fabricator though I am not sure what I want with it yet."

The robes she spoke about had not been worn for a long time. "You know, those robes are where we are going, I'd get them altered but, I did not want to as it is also an item that holds precious memories. Actually quite a few things that we acquired through our travels are there. I had to remove some private things a while back because of Komi's side projects. Kid's are so... grabby."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Hmmm the robes might not look the best if she had to tear them up and remake them to fit properly. So that might be off the table but there was always a chance for roaming around. "Well then I shall look forward to seeing what there is if all the old stuff is there." She offered a smile as the creature floated over to her and stayed on her shoulder. The little gel thing moving around and finding a place for it to form and stretch itself out. "She is spoiled, all of the traveling led to a number of exotic things she was able to eat slowly and grow stronger. Most of the traveling has been interesting after the various sith empires and the bryn... the ashlan and other groups on some fo the worlds have shifted things."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Teresa watched the slime enjoying itself and basking in the comforts. "Nothing wrong with spoiled. Why restrict oneself when you can indulge in all the naughty things." She said with a light giggle at the broader term of what she said. "I do that myself. Nap when I wanna, fight when I wanna, enjoy tasty food when I want to and at a place where it's not my cooking..." The woman scratches the back of her head smiling trying to hold back more giggles.

"I am still an awful cook. Still she got stronger because you spoiled her." Teresa yawned as it slipped up. The meeting between them was coincidental, a lucky one. Not that she minded, in fact she was glad about it. "I did not keep up with the societies and governments of others. Suppose the only one I was somewhat more aware of outside of the Kainite would have been the maw. They wanted to wreck some jedi world Carni brought me along. It was a fun day. Where I actually got the two crystals for my first sabers made by myself." There was a note of pride in herself for finally having one that is completely her own.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

"THings outside of some of the worlds have been interesting..." She said it and really had little opinion civilizations rose and fell... there was always a new enemy to face or a new threat that they would have to deal with. She had paid some attention but mostly traveling she rarely had to do or deal with it since less impact. Looking at the slime creature she nodded. "She has been spoiled a dozen worlds across the galaxy allows her to experience a lot and she could feed on all of them. Some places were more indulgent then others." THe smile was there as she looked at the woman. "Now though, I do have to wonder where you are taking me? Some place secret maybe.. some place to be alone surely." She said it and the men tion of her being able to build her own saber got a nod of her head... a well done endeavor. "The saber seems to be important to the sith and jedi a lot more then I realized. I fashioned one for travel but I rarely have cause to use it."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

"I wanted some for my own reasons, something that was made for my hand, upgrading gear's important." Even her own early lessons still existed from when she explored or worked before a era of stability. "As for where we are going now, it is a secret place known only by few. I came across a war ship long time ago stranded, it's distress was blaring over the coms. I remember that I was really angry that day and hearing the same message over and over got annoying. I tracked it down to find out what and saw this thing in the middle of a ship graveyard. There was this one ship that looked like it had no damage to its outside but did not move."

"Landed and the first thing I got was droids and people pointing blaster. Did not want to talk, so I wiped out its inhabitants claimed it as my own. It's been stranded there for a long time, now it's getting repairs and enough crew to get it moved. I got help with getting it redesigned for my needs and well I do not need a war ship but I do want the space."
Teresa's eyes trace the outline of San-Ji's face. It was good to see she had at least calmed down on the surface after what she would have experienced. Still her hand did not stop stroking the Go-Nagi's hair. It was a calming. "Are you feeling okay now?" Her question was asked with a silky soft tone.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She nodded. "Yes... it is hard to explain what it is like having two minds about everything... some of the jedi thought it was just pretending but the silver jedi depending on who is in charge varied in how they treated the people.. it was more confusing at times and now they have returned the worlds to the people and left the galaxy." She said it and revealing it was a small thing... outside the galaxy was an even bigger place after all. SHe thought about the ship. "But a ship sounds nice and one all for yourself well even better. I still prefer some of the older Nagai ships and seeing how they were designed to the ships now... we were lucky to have existed at the height of our empire when most species were still in the mud."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

"I'd say there are many stuck in the mud still, despite their technologies. Also slightly to myself. The retainer is aloud to operate from there. She has certainly brought a many new beings there." Her head moved resting against the back of the rounded sofa, slowly her eyes shut with that continues smile still present.

"As for two minds, my first one is still chaotic, never mind having a head neighbour." She chuckled for a few moments before it faded. "I've come across a few jedi in my travels. For a people revered as protectors, they are very violent people. Yet somehow all stuck up about it. Ohhh your a sith I must fight you to protect the people bantha poodoo, that was even before doing anything that usually would get me in trouble. lets Just say that blueblade ran really fast when what I assume was his common sense, won against what I took for selfish self sacrifice."

"Though, it's annoying when you don't want them to run. Been chasing this one that I've been feeling on the edge of... it's hard to describe. Feels like being watched but not threatening and how it feels, it's not heavy like Carnifex's, yet as familiar as you, Him, Saryn, Ahani. Rather than sitting idle I continue to hunt with new ideas to succeed."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

"THey can be.... different. As many as I have seen casually use violence.. I have seen as many that won't lift a finger because it could be seen as aggressive. Only a handful of them are in the middle but there are sith like that as well. A number all wanting to be the paragon.. be seen as the good one in any situation it becomes almost comical how much they pander for accolades... and some aare just violent brutes who don't really think past killing." Her people were the same... sometimes. "But if someone it tracking you then I will have Re observe, might be she eats them when they try and sneak around... she isn't entirely without capability even if she just lays there."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

Teresa knew she was not a good person inters of the galaxy she believed herself not to be particularly evil though perhaps others might. It did not bother her morality was something for an individual to decide after all. "I may take you up with helping observe, though I really want to deal with this person face to face. It's strange for me to be singled out I spent along time on Panatha then Malsheem, was not till Tython that it started happening." The woman sighed getting slightly frustrated over it.

"I am unsure if it started during that battle or after. It took a while to realise it was there, was to focused on working my emotions out at the time." Teresa's eyes slowly creeped open, her hand still caressing and brushing through San-ji's hair. The weight of the day was feeling heavy even though she had done little. "Either way, instinct tells me it's important so I wanna know why."

Her head came forwards as she thought. "San-Ji? I am curious, what would you say your cultures relationships are like?" It was clear the the question was leading somewhere.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Relationships among her people... hmm she thought about it and mostly they were done for political reasons... sure there was love but... "In the past it was done to unite clans... to foster stronger and stronger offspring that would conquer worlds. There are always ones of affection and love but it can be considered a rarity. As one of the few who have left the world it does make me more exotic to return and talk about the savages in the galaxy as they would put it but most would view being with someone for love a weaknesses or a risk to their own power. Being with an outsiders, an offworlder might be worse but few would announce it... though that is because most believe themselves superior to all species... the jedi and taung showed they were stronger and the sith have as well so there is some respect."
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge


World: Thustra a world just outside the eastern border of the Galactic Alliance
Apparel: Dark Valkyrie Armor > Training Clothes
Weapons: Old Lightsaber , Revans Lightsaber , Svikin hjörtu
Vehicle: Shadow
Tag: San-Ji-Yan San-Ji-Yan

The woman listened though it did not really answer her question. She admitted that being her fault with not being direct. Still the answer was somewhat interesting. The Go-Nagi had similarities to some she had heard of amongst the Kainite. "Oh I could assure them I am no weakling. Though I asked I suppose is before anything, I should at least be honest as to not be a surprise later." Teresa took a deep breath and continued to look ahead. "Carnifex, He is not just my mentor our relationship is more than that."

"I belong to him, in flesh and spirit but does not change that I want you. Telling you because, I'm not so ignorant to not be aware of the one I fell fors widespread reputation; or to understand that, the culture I feel the most connection, encourages spouses and concubines which are not so common, in the wider galaxy apparently. Even I have needs, wants and desires. Rather be upfront because you'd do the same."

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

She looked at her and squinted mostly thinking it over and what she was talking about it.... ..... ..... "Do you mean like a trench mate?" She said it while she was thinking of it. "IT is an old practice, when one would conquer a planet they would need to generally put the local populace to heel. The fastest was the show superiority and claim the rulers mate as their own. Since they had territory and not just a singular world they would visit when overseeing it and their trench mate would rule in their place with harsh punishments to a group of the population. My father once killed half the planet to bring them to heel but those claimed by him served well."

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