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Approved Location Resolute Graveyard - Twin Canyons.

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Resolute Graveyard - Twin Canyons.


  • Intent: To give reference and location details to the fallen CSA Resolute, the Rebel Flagship shot down in the battle over Commenor during which the world was liberated from the Sith Empire.
  • Image Credit: Click here & here.
  • Canon: N/A.
  • Links:
- The CSA Resolute of House Arenais.
- Chasin City, Commenor.
- Commenor (Minor Faction}.
- Commenor Survives: Rebel Rising.
- Stage One - Freedom for the Common Man: Battle over Commenor.
- [member=Vanessa Vantai].
- The Saturn.

  • Landmark Name: Resolute Graveyard - Twin Canyons.
  • Classification: Desert, War Torn.
  • Location: Commenor.
  • Affiliation: Commenor (Faction).
  • Size: Massive (1800m long, 1000m wide).
  • Population: No Inhabitants.
  • Demographics: N/A.
  • Accessibility:
The wreckage of the CSA Resolute crashed hard into the Twin Canyons to the north of Chasin City. The Desert barren land is vast and open, thus reaching the broken and beaten hull of the former vessel is a simple matter of walking across fairly flat land. Inside however, the wreckage has been deemed unstable and all public access has been denied by the Government of Commenor for the safety of it's citizens. This however does not stop those fearless salvagers from taking risks into their own hands.
  • Description:
​The fallen Star Destroyer that once led and represented the resistance for Commenor's freedom, now has become a wreckage buried on all sides by the sands of the Twin Canyons, a vast desert landscape surrounded by mountainous ridges that circle the desert depression within the barren terrain.

The once glorious vessel is now but a broken down shell of what it used to be, however it can still offer salvagers a chance for profit as the materials consist of Reinforced Quadanium Steel, Titanium and durasteel. What view ports that haven't been blown out, may still harbor fair quality transparisteel for recycling.

The exterior of the vessel was heavily armed and the armaments still look rather fierce. Fortunately for the locals, what wasn't destroyed in the initial battle and subsequent crash, was later salvaged and removed from the wreckage by Government employed personnel, to ensure that any potentially damning information, as well as volatile technology, could not be used against Commenor in the future.

  • Exterior Debris Field.
Surrounding the Resolute's broken form, are pieces that were torn off in it's descent, ranging from the outer hull to the shield generators themselves. Many Star-fighters litter the area too, having either been pulled out from the vessels hangars, or otherwise being torn apart during the bid to defend and escort any survivors to safety.
  • Military Grade Barracks.
The temporary housing of all military personnel that once roamed the stars aboard the Resolute, now a dark and lifeless level where the mess hall and training rooms hold only the memories of the lost. Many a man and woman served valiantly here, working to defend and fight for Commenor's freedom. It's unknown how many survivors made it back to Commenor alive.
  • Escape Pods.
The Escape Pods of the CSA Resolute litter the surrounding sands, having been ejected prior to the King's evacuation alongside Admiral Vikras Ansion aboard The Commenori Pheonix. Many of these Pods were intercepted by Sith Fighters and reduced to scrap, some still showing signs of the poor souls plight within, while others have been emptied and already picked apart by scavengers.
  • Research and Development decks.
Science, Engineering, Medical; the R&D Level was once a glowing presence of pristine technology; now void of even simple lighting. Those that can make their way as high as these levels, may come across an odd find or two, however all classified technologies and resources have already been recovered. While all necessities were taken by the recovery crews following the fight for Commenor, there are surely a couple goodies still laying about for the skilled salvager.
  • Star-fighter Bays and Primary Hangars.
A mess with plenty of smaller wreckage's of it's own kind, the Hangars once housed the numerous fighters and ground walker assault vehicles meant for deployment in heavy combat. However, when the Resolute went down and the gravity and atmospheric systems went down, those fighters still docked, along with any vehicles, were uplifted and thrown about the place before the Goliath struck solid earth. What remains is mostly still usable, though how to remove them is now someone else's problem.
  • Command Center & Bridge.
Reaching the head of the Destroyer is a feat of it's own given that all systems have been devoid of power since the crash. Though still quite the sight to behold, the bridge itself has had it's viewing platform blown out, leaving the open wind blowing in where there was once transparisteel screen's to keep you from falling to your death as would very likely be the case now for the fool-hardy. While any tech-savy person might be able to make use of the many devastated consoles and work stations, there's simply no saving this level with the power cells having been recovered, those that hadn't already blown a fuse and set half the bridge crew on fire...

  • Personnel Quarters.
From Soldier Quarters to Passenger and Crew Quarters, these are the living area's for all who spent more than a day's venture aboard the Resolute. The Ship was capable of long-term flight, needing refueling and restocking only once every five years, thus the personnel quarters are rather extensive and in the evacuation, many personal belongings were left behind in the rush to save themselves. What you might find here could range from anything like letters to family, to things like personal/signature weapons, armor and the like. Given that these Quarters were many, and far less important than government and military resources, this level wasn't given much priority during the vessels recovery operation.


The CSA Resolute was a larger variant of the Victory II Class Star Destroyer, manufactured by Commenor itself under commission of it's King, Veiere Arenais. Thanks to a long and beneficial business relationship with the Galactic Empire, Commenor was given extensive resources for both it's ground forces as well as it's Navy. During the days of the Commenor Systems Alliance, where Gyndine nearby had been under Commenori Governance, many of their fleet had been constructed in co-operation of the two world's for the safety of the CSA Territories. The CSA Resolute is one such testament to Imperial Firepower and Naval Superiority, despite their ideals being extremely different from what Commenor sought to represent.

The Vessel was to act as one of the signature war ships of the Commenori fleet, before the Sith Empire's invasion. Instead, it became the symbol of House Arenais defiance and refusal to give Commenor over to the Dark Lord of the Sith, in the end being shot down by the Saturn under the command of [member=Vanessa Vantai].

[member="Veiere Arenais"] This is quite nice! I very much like that you've made a location from a ship that Commenor lost. That's really creative! Just a few small things.

1.) Image Credit - The second link goes back to Pinterest and we generally can't accept that for a source. I tried to find the original source myself and came up short. I'm guessing that's why you went with it but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. It seems to reference someone by the name of "Optimystique1" but I can't find this handle/author anywhere.

2.) Notable Figures - Anytime any PC characters are listed can you link their character profiles with their name or under the "Links" section? Ex.) Vanessa Vantai

Thank you for your patience!!
Hey there, [member="Srina Talon"].

Thanks for the compliment!

I've edited the PC Name, tagging them.

As for the image, yes I was hoping to find something else as well. I've used pinterest in the past with regards to the Factory when I've been unable to find their source links...That said, I've managed to find it on Artstation this time around!

Hopefully that's alright?
[member="Veiere Arenais"] You're welcome and Thank you! That Image Credit is perfect. From what I understand Pinterest shouldn't be used unless it's a last/final resort. It really shouldn't happen too often, and sometimes, like this, it just requires a little more digging.

I'm just reviewing a couple more items. Thank you very much for your patience.
[member="Veiere Arenais"]

The rest of the content itself looks very fine to me. I did have to double check with the Codex Admin on this next part though just to ensure I was reading correctly. It seems that anytime any other Chaos submission or thread is linked that the hyperlinked title should match what it actually is. This information can be found in the Codex Standardized Rules, Post # 3, Beneath "General Submission":

"5. All relevant threads that are hyperlinked in submissions must be cited as the full thread title, not an abbreviation."
Example: In the "Links Section"... It States "CSA Resolute" but the sub is actually "The CSA Resolute of House Arenais"

I do not believe it must be altered everywhere, especially, not when you're just linking it in a sentence for easy reference such as under "Intent" but the "Links Section" should have the proper names/titles. I also believe that the "The Saturn" referenced in "Historical Information" should be added to the "Links Section" as well.
[member="Srina Talon"]

All of which is good to know, I've had less experience with the Codex than with the Factory, so thank you very much for the assist!

I think I've covered everything here...

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