Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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She got some nods from them to indicate but there wasn't much information. She doubted they even knew the true story or just the small things that were there in the history books. Sticking over with some of the things until she was moving to give her attention to the rest of it. "Alright then, we'll work on it and see what we can learn if anyting. Might be something culturally important to you within it." She was moving from the small command area before they try to take over more of it." Willa was prepared to fight all of them and handle more once she was in position. There ws the smg's she could use but she was going into a place where there could be close quarters combat. SHe moved her blaster and saber up to be held ready.
"Alright, all forces move forward and advance." The gunships she could hear starting up as they were going to take to the air and deploy the jump and rocket troopers. The skyfalls and dala were able to move in and take the heavier terrain as they had finally arrived to join them with Ghost squad taking pop shots when ever the enemy force stuck their head out to check on them and try go make a problem against what they were looking to do. Willa herself was there holding her blast saber with a look on her face as she gripped it with two hands and the sonic blaster was primed and ready for human's at the highest setting. No non lethal things here, they would be down and disabled if need be.
Willa was moving forward into the area with a look on her face under the helmet before she lifted it up and rounded a corner. They had moved in and she could see the felucian unit with everything before they moved ahead. The black armored soldiers were there when she came across one that was proving effective before they ran around coming at her with a blade and an offhand stunner. She took aim and firing the blaster part of it the sonic shot ripped and smashed into his knee as there was a sound like a pop. His leg buckling before he came forward on the ground towards her and Willa brought her knee up to smash him in the face. Prepared for more of a fight if he was still conscious.
She moved up holding he blast saber like a regular pistol and she was ready for any and all of it, whatever could be used to really push them forward until her mind was on different parts of it. "Alright, surrender." She said it while moving the blaster the man had away and checking for others who were coming, a few more ideas coming to them until she was ready and certain about some of the more dangerous things that could be there. "Careful now." Watching him while others moved in to help them presented a different more unique challenge to somw of the things that they were doing. "Commander we have managed to capture a couple of them."
That was good news in her mind when she was moving, sticking to some of the corners with the pistol ad saber when she came around. "Understood, make sure that they are secured and lets see who they are." She was going to continue to make sure they had the entire place cleared as she was moving towards the center of the area. She was rejoined by the felucians when they surged into the room and she activated the saber seeing the one slash at her with a lightfoil that was becoming something of a dangerous weapon. THe snap hiss came from her saber as the fiery orange-red blade was all ready when she slashed stopping their blade coming at her with a look on her face.
Willa felt it, that sudden burst of heat that was coming to her limbs and her hands. She wanted to release the flame and incinerate the heretic who opposed her like most vahla would but it wasn't a good attitude to have for someone. She knew she might never be regarded as a special lightsider but she could at least try to fight against the mold and not be outright evil as a vahla. Not all of her people were after all they just liked their darkside flames and serving the goddess which she could do. There were plenty of heretics who were out there and evil or dark that the jedi themselves were fighting and needing to stop. She was prepared to work against them as she blocked the slash with her saber.
Her blade met the lightfoil as she moved around seeing the other with their arms exposed as she flexed. The hum of the blade was there and she couldn't use both the blaster and blade at the same time which was a small design flaw true enough but it worked for what she was doing. Getting in close to handle the situation while pushing back at the soldier with her arms and her helmet opened up. Willa's warm face feeling the cool air of the jungle as the dampness and moisture in the air for a moment almost made the heat in her face steam. She focussed ont he armor and it was plain, not very protective but just enough while she was focusing the force energies around herself.
Willa was letting the force go through her body as she prepared with a look at the soldier in front her herself. She focused the energies, focused the power to push it out when she opened her mouth almost in a silent yell with a look at her. The flames licked at her lips before she was belching out with her shout a jet of flames. Pyrokinesis from the different vahla were giving them a number of things to handle. She could feel the surprise from the soldier at the flames before they impacted her head and snapped back her helmet with a sickening snap and crack. She coudln't tell what had happened to the person but there was a feeling when she was moving towards her.
Willa looked at the soldier and the being was not moving even she she deactivated the saber sliding it to her hip when she was looking at the lightfoil and the body seemed to have on it. She stuck with it while removing the helmet with a nod fo her head checking the pulse. Her neck was broken, the snap back from the helmet had her neck broken without decapitating her completely. Willa ould see the problems with it and she pounded her chest for a moment burping up a little puff of smoke and some flame. "Well there is that." A loo was on her face before she was moving with more attention to the details they were setting up here. The ruins were being looked at with the probes while she stopped looking around.
The room she was in was very different from the others, more intricate carvings, statues and what looked like a number of places they would be abel to actually go. Different star charts the jedi had discovered leading to worlds unknown at the time and unclaimed. A place of their legacy as it were showing where most likely this empire or this group had gone but she didn't know the coordinates or what they were using to search. So it made it a little more difficult until she was ready and prepared to work on it. Instead she looked at the datapad with the images and. "I think I found something thery were looking for, charts and information for planets."
Willa eyes continued to flick over the different sections of it all. The information that they were gathering here in the runs before the ranger's had arrived was incomplete but Willa could work with it until she was moving over the entire area. "I will go and see about the rest of this information they needed before we arrived. The rest of you make sure they are searched and detained." She got confirmation from the others while she was moving through it all with a nod fo her head. Staying over all of it here though willa started to work with the datapad to finish recording and mapping the information so they would be able to see until she was lifting her wrist up to illuminate the area.
She was looking over all of the walls and the statues here within the hall to get the data. Seeing the datapad as it was filling in what it didn't have and starting to add in additional sections of it that they had been getting but there wasn't enough. Only a partial map as she moved around thinking about some of the things they had managed to discover. Willa was interested and they would be able to try and give the information to the other tams or the jedi trying to give them some areas to explore or send in new things they had done. "Alright it is looking like there is a lot of information from everything then we'll start sending it to the jedi so they can get their mapping AI on there to see about it."
She wanted to work with some fo it and she knew they were be getting used on a number of the different areas the jedi were heding to. She wanted to turn over some of the informatio as it wasn't the full charts to give all of it. "These are atrisian statues." She recognized from missions the statues before she was moving over with most of her attention on more of it. "Commander we'll start relaying the information to the jedi and get their opinions on the things here. They are sending a team here to retrieve the prisoners we have for detainment." Willa gave a nod of her head when she was walking through all of it before she gave her pistol a small caress of her hand prepared to join the others when she saw them.
Willa was moving now as she rejoined all of the others that were outside, they had captured a number of soldiers and gotten them stripped down and bound with restraints in one of the areas under guard. Willa stood with them before they were going towards the different squad leaders who had set up to coordinate moving through the ruins. They had nothing of importance to it before she was looking at them with another group of people. "How does the operation look so far?" She asked it staying with them and looking at it when her eyes flicked around removing the helmet so she could stand tall and ready with all of them. "We have preformed it and are doing a last clean up of the operation area commander."
That was good to hear and Willa was leaving it in their capable hands that would work to serve a better purpose then what she was trying to do. "I'll return with ghost squad back to the compound and check on the upgrades and works that they have been doing." She gave it a look before turning over with a number of their new works and she looked at the felucians who were standing there. "You." She said it while walking over to the ones there as she patted them on their shoulder with a look on her face before sticking there until she was moving with a nod of her head. "You have done very good for a first real engagement. We will be working with you in the future."
Willa was looking at a lot fo the other things they had set up in the area. Returning on the one transport to the base was going to be important as she went to the command center of it and was looking at the display showing the construction and where the others had been developing all of their things. The weapons and turrets on the outer walls, the main shield generator so the base could survive orbital bombardment while the area around it would likely be burned. They would have to work on that but the outer barrier should be able to hold up for what they would be able to do with it. She was going over some of the areas and they should have the shield installed along with other parts of it.
Willa raised an eyebrow with her attention on more of the things here. The warship had been set back into its cradle with a nod of her head when she was moving around the table in the command center with a look. at more of it as they were returning. She could see the ship itself and was looking at the reports for what they had managed to do with it until she wanted to work on more of the things here. With the ship they were going to have to get it into some of the larger ship yards that they would be working with and they would need to oversee that it would be able to be fixed up more and more. She knew some of the plans for the massive warship as well as that they would need to get some of the others to display it and show it off.
Arriving at the base again she was greeted by the massive complex and lines of ranger's on their parade ground getting a nod of her head. They had been working on a whole lot of the things here when all were assembled to see the area. Presenting with the locals a united front before she exited the transport and came away from the Heralds who were standing there with looks towards them. All of the other ones that were there until she stuck over with it to a few of the things. "Alright, lets see and make sure we have managed to get all of our things here done." Willa walked through all of them towards the building itself where the towers for anti air defenses were set up with sniper towers and ion cannons.
Willa was moving as she walked up the main entrance going into the base, overhead there were several of the frigates hovering to give them a nice amount of area for coverage with some attention. "How is everything looking?" She looked at Ghosat Squad who were within with a nod fo her head to the leader fo the squad. "THings are progressing well commander, we have been setting up and making sure everything for ourselves is set up and online now." Willa got to look at it when she came from the hall to the command center of the base seeing the ground with all of the ranger's there. The different weapon systems that were there set up and protecting all of them. "We have the shield generator installed and ready to activate."
Willa was looking at them with a nod of her head as she was ready for it, prepared and almost salivating when the rest of the defenses for the base were coming online. The mechanical sound as looking out the window overhead she could see the shield forming around them. The outer walls to the inner walls would let this place handle a siege and prolonged combat scenario's. With the rest ranger's in places they could likely last even longer then that as they had medical bays and the chambers the jedi had developed for them running throughout the area. New cybernetics, new organs in case of failure and the ability to use the converters to process and convert to power and ammunition. "Everything is looking impressive, lets get ready for the wargames."

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