Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Willa was sticking with it before she moved with all of her attention. She got into the ship with her squad when she secured her helmet and checked the oxygen regulator of her armor. THe new upgrades they could put on things like the micro thrusters for going around and oxygen regulator. It would work perfectly with her whole stealth armor set up for getting around in space as the emissions were low. The ranger commander was moving with more of her attention to the EVA ranger's that were standing there ready in their armor with nods of their head to provide them a lot of the thrust and power. THey had their gear prepared for the bigger and more exciting parts as well. "Ready commander."
The moment had come, all of the ranger's were there and ready to work as Willa crouching for a moment making sure her cloak was secured. The leviathan hide was protective but also held the crystal coating for the armor so she didn't have to engage her own stealth unit if she dind't want to. Just another layer of protection that she was putting into her armor the upgrades needed when the doors opened. The sound disappearing as in front of them was the smaller frigate of the ones who had come here and they were feeling the decompression of the bay before releasing the magnetic claps of their boots and were surging forward into space when the sphere of the planet came into view.
"Alright move in." Willa said it as she was flying towards the ship and navigating for herself towards the ship itself as the others were moving quickly towards it with more interest. "UNderstood commander." Some ideas were coming to them whem she was focusing the force energies to go around her body and the chill of being in space was going away with the heat of the vahla's inner fire to allow her to reach the other ship. She touched down as the magnetic boots activated giving her a firm footing on it as the others joined her. Some moving around and holding their weapons before they moved off into the area of the ship searching for another entrance with some places disabling the guns they could find.
Willa continued to work with it and they found a release for one of the airlocks to get it opened, allowing the pair of them to turn things over how they might want to do. "Move in quietly and carefully." She was seeing about all of it and there was a semi great pressing need as the ranger moved in to make sure that they had everything they needed to work on it and take the ship. Willa activated her suits stealth systems while she was walking and leaving it out for the others to move around the ship. They were made to be able to handle oarding actions like this when they surged in like commando's and news that the other squads on the ground were scouting out the landing site.
"Commander this is ghost squad, we have moved with with the help fo the felucian unit and are scouting the area. Looks like they beelined it for a temple or something we are not certain ut it is right there in the jungle itself." Getting a look on her face while she thought about what they were saying Willa knew she was going to have to go down there herself after they handled all of the things. "Understood, continue to scout and look for any troops, armor or support that they have been working on. Move in closer but do not take the place without back up." She had a small look on her face when they were moving around the ship into the airlock and closing it all down ready to begin the assault.
Willa was prepping them when they were wanting to work on many more of the things they had been setting up to test it all out. As a ranger she was wanting to get all of the information they could when the ship was being taken. Going into the sections of it they could find atrisian styled designs, looks of something more mystical before turning over other parts with their defenses but with some more of the things that they were planing they should be able to do it. "Commander we have some stuff but not much, looks like they were following information found in their own journals to locations that had been used to establish small footholds of some of the more ancient pre-republic civilizations."
Willa gave a nod of her head while she was moving with most of her attention now. They hd a plan or at least they had something that resembled it in taking this information and giving it to the right people. THen they would be looking at things and working on it to ensure they had worked on a lot of the bigger things. "Alright then, we shall work on some more of it. Take what information we can get for the jedi researchers to look over and start setting things up. We'll check for people or surprises and then start moving in to take the teams they brought down to the planet." She got nods as the information was being brought to her from the journals to the datapads.
There wasn't much, incomplete journals that were providing her with a number of details towards what they were going to be able to find. She was looking over it while going towards the bridge of the ship, they dind't have much but looking over the equipment when she sat down on the bridge it provided Willa with the moment she needed as she spoke. "Alright, lets start heading down and all teams converge and make sure the location of the interlopers is covered. I want no one getting through our search nets and we will proceed in at a pace to keep with them." She got confirming beeps and blips when the ship started going forward with a nod of her head towards the planet.
It was allowing Willa to move with a few other ideas for what she could work with. The ranger wanted to test a few of the better ideas until she was letting all of them set the tone for heading down towards the planet and moon itself. Willa was looking at her people there on the bridge until suddenly she could see it all for a couple of the better ways they were working on different things. "Alright then, take us down and assemble the teams in the hanger bay so we can prepare them for unloading." She grinned to herself and was prepared for it all when she was handling the more dangerous situations with them that few of the others according to the information provided about the surface.
[woot post 1000]

Willa looked at the information while she was walking towards the captains chair with a nod seeing them heading down towards the planet. it was providing them some ideas while fighters and drop ships were moving in with turrets ready to work on and attack the others who were coming after them. "Alright all forces move in." She stayed there in the seat watching where they had landed on the planet until they were coming in thanks to the ranger's biot droids trained to be field engineers and technicians that were bringing it in with a piloting program. Her hand going to herself and with more of the rifle she was checking ready to go sniping as Ghost Squardon were moving in to give them informaiton.
She could see more on her tactical pad as the ship touched down in a small area, nestling itself in to go over with more of the information and Willa walked out when she was moving through the area in her cloaked cloak holding the sniper rifle at the ready. it unfolded with the acid rounds ready when she was searching using the scope to move forward. "Alright squads move in and prepare to advance and detain." She was ready for it, prepared to fight and handle some of the things that were going on before her finger went to the rifle's trigger testing the resistance of it. She didn't like a hair trigger but preferred not having to struggle with it when they finally arrived.
She was joined by the two squad leaders seeing the felucian coming with the leader of ghost squad then they were moving forward. To give it and Redemption squad for what she was wanting to make. "Alright, lets go." She was moving in and the cloaks activated for the rest of the squad or they were using the force as it creeped along the area with herself prepared to go aand develop a number of other things that they had going over all of the area. Willa reached out with the force before she took up position and was looking at the ones who had come. Bllack armored and masked soldiers who were standing there for a moment as she motioned to them giving a small nod of her head.
Surging forward with the plan Willa was able to see them go after the dark armored beings, there wasn't much o them that they could see and the non insignia's on the armor didn't provide much in the way of what they were doing or what they were there to offer. Willa moved forward and wrapped her arms around one of them feeling under the throat as she was squeezing to make them unconscious and another soldier moved to disable the communications they had witht he others. All of the jedi were setting up a lot of the things they had going on here. The ruins were not especially known to her and the locals were talking about them but they were not as important. Something ancient that had been built here while they were still mostly undiscovered.
Even her local squad that was moving through the area weren't getting much information or feedback for it now as they started the covert assault. prepared to turn it from stealth to guns blazing in an instant given how things might be ready to turn out for them and the risks they would all and could all be running with. "How is everything looking?" She asked it when they stopped near one fo he shuttle and there was nothing engaging about it as they started to set explosives and a probe to hack their systems. THere might be information or there might be things they left on it that could aid in identifying what they were doing or what their plan was. Either way Willa wanted to know how she was dealing with.
"Information gathering." She was putting the probes there when she was working over more of the things that they had developed for the ranger's. Turning over a few other things when she arrived at the base of a staircase looking up at some statues of a faceless god that had become smooth and featureless covered in vines. She was wanting to work with more of it until she brought out her smg setting it up for what she would be able to do while fighting with it when they saw some of the soldiers there. Digging through the area and trying to recover stuff for themselves to take with them. She was moving in and holding the loghter weight smgs with their better clips when ghost and the felucians approached.
Willa was moving seeing them, her heralds and squads were coming in for the attack as the central center and computers at the base were being used to help coordinate all of them with the information from the monitoring stations and probes. She could see the tactical overlay in her helmet along with thermal for everything that they would be able to see. Enemy movement to provide until she was taking aim with her amgs and the bolts in the upper section of the weapon fired off. The twin bolts going at the soldiers with their high explosives to take out the small groupings of them in cover when she dropped the cloak and could hear the thundering sounds of the sniper rifles.
The explosions came to announce they were there and several sniper rifles sounding took out the other targets. The force was coming from the world before she moved over with many of the others to provide some ideas rushing into an area. "Advance forward." Willa was prepared when she looked over the large portions of it now going into cover so that the battle could begin and the felucian warriors were moving in prepared to fight with their own skills and with melee attacks. It allowed all of them to rush off to engage each other. Willa turned over with the smg's as she switched fire modes to the micro grenade launchers firing them off when she popped out of cover and moved around.
Willa was taking aim when she moved in and emptied the clip to disable and shut down mot of the areas they could go and come out of. Narrowing their area for a chokepoint that would be coming towards the teams. It would mean they knew how many were in there and could wait them out as they had the supply lines and equipment to keep their own selves stocked instead of eventually running out of equipment. The ranger commander rolled a few of the things with her attention while she adjusted her firing reloading the weapons so they would be able to strike quickly and at the ready in case of real problems. "We'll wait them for for a little bit and then send in some of the droids to start flanking them."
She got a few nods of their heads when they were looking at the others to provide with a couple of the ideas. Several hours passings as more of the ships and squads were brought in able to handle the ruins. Different demolition teams setting it up so that they would be able to safely enter the ruins through the cleared debris without making the entire things fall down around their ears. She wanted to make sure it was safe and getting troop transports from the base they had set up along with more soldiers who would be coming after them to also cover the areas to ensure no one escaped. There were rocket troopers and jump troopers with scout snipers and her ghost squad who had been setting up.
She could see a lot more things there, teams being all set up before she moved to look at a small mobile command post. here in the jungle at the ruins they found the largest sections they could fit the autoturrets within the sunlight allowing it to retain and continue to renew its own power cells using the solar energy. Willa was readying more of it with protection when she spoke seeing the statues of some of the gods around the the felucians were speaking. These were not local gods they served or the forest, they were brought to the world by outsiders and those who came after the planet to expand from worlds of the stars. "So invaders came long ago and brought ruins and tried to take you over."

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