Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Understood commander Isard." There were talks and they were working on things as Willa looked up and she could feel it, like a beacon in the force heralding its own arrival there was a look on her face when they arrived. Dropping from the ships above the planet and much like mandalorians riding basilisks the heralds were powerful soldiers that she knew outclassed the ranger's in general terms of the tech they were going to get to use and have access to. She wanted to get a pair though for operations as one or two could help out in the dangerous situations and for the most part their massive armor and size was all a part of military and part force soldiers.
She could see all the rest of them as one of the two heralds came to her, they were going after the raiders in the jungle and one landed on the gunboat with ghost and the locals trabesmen to report in as Willa a generally tall and rather intimidating soldier in her armor or just in general was dwarfed in the ways that few others could match. her size looked to barely be larger then the beings torso as he stood there tall and at the ready. Presenting the biomass of armor that was the top layer on the multi layered and heavily protected, heavily shielded armor. The bio armor just gave them the ability to create their own blades and weapons that would be allowing them to have more gear if they needed it and reshaping it.
She could see the biomass as it moved and shifted giving her a degree of attention until the gunboat slowed down taking an artillery shell from a small cannon. Willa was movign and spoke to the herald as the sounds of the anti infantry flame units were beginning to work and go after the more dangerous soldiers they had coming in to push them back so the snipers in the gunboat could easily handle them with timed and perfect shots. She moved to the side seeing the other thing, a large soldier moving through the jungle as it smashed into the ones with the artillery and there were the sounds of explosions before she saw it through her scope. The one herald bending and breaking their weapons.
The orders were not to kill all of them but you had to be specific about it, she wasn't going to leave a threat posed when she knew they could still lift a weapon. Not wanting to risk some of he dangers they could pose when she looked over more of it. Staying there until she was certain they had a good bead on the other ones. Willa would have to send out some fo her soldiers to work on more of it. "Alright, make sure all of them or at least some of them are able to be talked with before we send themt o one of the detention ships we can call in." She stuck there with a rifle seeing over many of the things until she was getting confirmation beeps from the others. "Understood commander."
Willa saw them all working hard and the felucia squad with the ghosts were prepared to move out as the gunboat was coming downt o let them check on everything. Small reinforcements in gnats were moving as the carrier transports taking the people to the engines testing were still proceeding forward. Willa could see it in the distance when she was heading down to the ground. "Lets see what we have managed to catch." She was looking at many of the things there when she patted the chest of the herald and the armor was soft but sturdy underneath with a look on her face at all of it. She wanted to work on many of the things that they were doing before she secured her rifle on her back.
Willa moved when they touched down and touched base with all fo the things, the walls of the testing area, the gunboat they were keeping the people on and the units of her ghost and the locals were working on more fo the things to secure it. They had made it after everything and reports of the compounds layers of protection and defenses working out and construction proceeding thanks to the droids slightly ahead of schedule was proving to be most beneficial compared to some of the things. "Alright keep me informed and we will continue to work on all of the details and larger plans." She wanted to get everything here and now but this was a marathon in most cases not a sprint and dash for it.
"Good, keep me informed and let us all continue to work on the other portions of the base, we'll continue to escort the engineers to the testing site and leave these pirates for you to retrieve at the earliest." Willa said it in earshot of them while she was thinking about it with a nod of her head to see some more of the things. She wanted them to hear that they were leaving them behind so it would serve a better purpose until they were walking leaving behind the other targets. "Understood commander isard, we will retrieve prisoners and continue construction efforts." Sticking with a few other things Willa climbed on the side of the lead transport when it was going forward towards the large walls and glowing engines.
She knew less about engines and reactors then she did about quantum physics so there wasn't much she was going to be doing well but delivering the people who did and could dope it out for them while working on the defenses of the base well that was an important task in its own right. Willa was happy to develop some of the ideas before they arrived and the massive doors were openign to admit in the transports with her ghost squad and the locals operating around with them. Providing the protection needed, the local knowledge and scout capabilities as opposed to just some of her regular rangers that would need to serve and work protection details. She would take a speeder back.
"Is this everyone that you are in need of?" She asked it to the ones who were there and they were doing a lot of work.... oh they were and seeing him going down the list as more and more droids were handling the construction of the engines here she could see where they were testing them for power and duration. "Yes commander, thank you for this. We have been making progress but are at a roadblock, hopefuly some fresh perspectives and minds would be willing to come and help beef up the numbers for what we are wanting to work with." Willa gave a nod of her head when she could see around them the heralds had moved to flank her and the lightside of the fore radiated off of them.
Willa gave a nod seeing them and signing over everything she could make out her own people and her own ranger's that were devloping a rather nice taste for moving through the jungle. As a constant place to test their own skills she was all for it along with the locals who were helping them. "It shall be done commander and we thank you but we might require your help later." Wanting to work on more of the things for herself as they walked around. "Alright, I'll have myself and the teams within contact for you should you need it." Turning things over in her hands as the heralds walked with her and the units were going to the different sections of the testing area.
Willa was looking at many more of the things that they had been developed here. She could see the large engines when she moved onto the wall of the testing area seeing all of it. Sticking around with some fo the engineers though as the others were going to set about and start working on it. "So what is the overall plan with this? I know it is a larger and stronger engine but what are we going to do with it?" She asked and the man was there for a moment as he spoke. "It is very simple, using the sleg ore we discovered thanks to the jedi themselves on the world of Sangral. The ore when used to fuel reactors exponentially increases the power output and with the reactors we are developing power will be increased greatly."
Alright alright, so she was getting a better idea of it and what was going on here. With all of the things that the jedi themselves had begun setting up to see. She knew the engineers were making this with the intention of beefing up the ships themselves to be able to move around and with all fo the information they have for some of these things then they might be able to apply this information and technology to some of the other things. She was looking to develop more work going towards advanced shielding and engine systems. The better work they would be able to do could develop them a whole lot more in some of the things when she crossed her arms prepared to work on things.
"So what have we been working on?" She said it when there was the engines but her other scouts were coming to join her with a number of things. "We have been working on more of the defenses at the compound, we should be able to start working on the shielding system for it to have a lot more protection then any of the other things." Willa gave a nod of her head and they were prepping it to test it and make sure everything would and could be easily handled. Metal and hijarna stone walls for the base, areas of it that are being developed to be a massive wall and curtain for their works. "I want the testing of the shield there for something that we will be able to do."
Will continued to work with them, letting the time pass when the adventure, the true adventure was only just beginning and soon they would be able to do oh so many cool things compared to the others. She wasn't going to be disappointed in this like she might have been in a couple of the others. With some better ideas she might even be able to jump the gun and get their ranger units specialized and mobile with all new vehicles and ships.... No scratch that she had some other special units in mind that would be roaming around the galaxy to help the people. Using a number of the new equipment for themselves though would be very very important. "Everything is looking good."
She could see more of the things that they were working on while wanting to push forward with more of their works when she found a place to stand and look over the testing area and off in the distance she could see the shimmering shield of the compound in the distance. Over the edge of the horizon as it was dusk until she looked up a number of things on the tactical pad with a nod of her head. "You have everything presented, how is the gunboat looking?" She asked it looking at Ghost squad who were working with the locals and the gunboat they were using was loaded with extra equipment to take back to the base when they would be able to return quickly as needed.
"Commander Isard we have news." Willa looked up from her scouting and observations to see what they might be able to discover or work with. She was sticking with it for a moment when her attention went o some of the bigger things around them. She could see the engines themselves all over and around them before she was walking and prepared to use the other teams. "Report." her voice came out and she was looking at some of the problems that they might end up facing with this while she was prepared to handle a number of additional problems. Ranger teams could quickly and easily be deployed as they needed them to provide the jedi here with some help.
"Commander we have something happening in the mountains, a ship dropped out of hyperspace and beelined it towards the planet and the mountains. We don't know what they have been searching for but we have their ship in orbit and they have an attack craft ready to go after our patrol crafts." Willa listened and understood while she was standing there looking up into the sky and it was on another portaion of the planet as she was wanting to risk it and work with it. An area of the planet that they hadn't really begun searching but she had the locals here who could work with and leading them around the planet to get there quickly. Whatever the problem they would have to handle it while she was thinking about the plan of action.
"Alright." Willa was moving and going over with a lot of the attention that they were doing until she was moving to see what was there to give them a lot of the attention. She wanted to formulte a better plan that they would be able to set up for the ranger's to do here, they had long ranger sensors and at the base as she could see the engines they would need to get closer to the enemy ship as she spoke. "What is the status of the ship here, we need something that can take us up and handle them." She asked it and the droids were looking at her for a moment as Willa spoke. "We don't need a full assault ship, just something large and imposing they are not going to want to fire on while my EVA ranger's board them."
She was getting some looks but looking at them with a more stern look for the moment. the droid spoke. "We can get the ship in the air and it will not be able to fire all of its weapons or go to hyperspace but its designs to work over more of it will allow us to get in close to handle them and keep them in the system or at least disable them." She was looking at him with a nod of her head as Willa secured her helmet and the hood of her cloak going forward to handle the res of the situation. "Alright then, all teams form up with the felucians moving towards this locations along with ghost squad and the other units will be going up. I want interdiciton ships ready to block their escape.
Willa was looking at some of the other things that had for themselves here now. She had her ranger teams going to the different areas and as the test was being shut down the prototype of the ship was going to get ones of its first shakedown runs to test out in atmosphere and in space just how fast it will be able to go when it moves in to catch up and mess with this ship that had come in to mess with them. "Alright start sending in the teams and I'll be in the CIC to move and coordinate with all of you." Willa was moving to get into the ship and onto the internal tram that would get her to the commande center with the other teams she had to battle and coordinate for the others.

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