Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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gosh you can tell the site is calm when this is where all the heat is. ive seen this topic be polarized back and forth and i want to make myself clear

this isn't about feelings or assumptions. I've seen cringe react wars go down and it was full of ill intent

that's chit

sure, you can try to foster better behavior-- you bet your butt i told them that's not cool-- but you can also remove the tool that is 9/10 times being abused

staff can set standards for acceptable behavior AND we as the community can step up and be chill. doesn't have to all or nothing here.

Thanks for setting clearer standards, tef.

outie 500
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I think everyone has gotten it out of their system.

If you wish to abuse any mechanism, abuse the report system. Tell us what you see. Staff has zero reports about this alleged abuse. Zero.

I agree with the commenter that said this generated more discussion than is necessary. The buck stops here, a decision has been made, let’s move on.

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