Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Remembering the Times

Ra was about to get ready for another round of blocking shots when Stardust returned. The ball droid shut down and fell to the ground. Turning to face her friend, Ra deactivated her lightsaber.

"I got shocked once or twice though, so not perfect yet."

She took a seat on the ground and waited for Stardust to join her.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
She sat in front of her as she closed her eyes and took a breath in

nothing is perfect only improved to the point errors as so little one appears perfect, but a flaw there will be in everything

With that bit of wisdom done she looked upon her

ra...lots of things have been happening with me these past months...i fear...i fear I may either fall or worse...
Ra closed her eyes and listened to Stardust. They were going to meditate together. It was much easier for Ra to find peace now and could meditate much quicker. However, it eluded her and she opened her eyes to look at her friend. She was troubled and was speaking carefully as if considering her words before voicing them.

After Stardust spoke, Ra motioned her head in the direction of the house and the now quiet baby.

"That one thing that's new."

The next part of her words though sounded troublesome and Ra just looked at her before saying anything.

There were new yellow tints to her eyes, a sign of the Darkside. Ra knew that appearance now and narrowed her eyes. Since she had joined the Dominion, she had worked with some Sith. None of them had been chaotic and evil, but they did desire power.

"What's happened?"

[member="Stardust Raxis"]
stardust nodded to the house as she gave a smile, she almost forgot she hadnt told ra that she had a child and a home on her planet she ruled, she almost felt stupid for not saying so before

ah yes i never told you about my child and home here on my planet when we met...for another time that story is

her face gave a sad smile as she looked down, this next part was one she had come to terms with..

ive had lots of stress put on husband has been missing for months and i havent been able to contact nor find him..the first order...had a agent come in on his on accord and showed me that my control is they see...ive chosen a king to help...but...all this is just...its maddening

she looked at her with tears forming
Ra kept much of her own life private so had no thoughts on why Stardust had kept this from her. When they met, it was for business. So Ra didn't hold it against her at all.

"Business is business to be fair and at that time there was no need to go into personal information. However, you sought me out side of business for today and have turned that relationship into something different. It seems you need a friend. Somebody outside of anything political and you're lonely."

She fell silent again as Stardust continued. Ra's eyes filled with sympathy for her. She had only ever had one person close to her and he had died violently and that made Ra scared to allow it to happen again. Her relationship with Cedric was secret and not known by anybody and she planned to keep it that way. She honestly didn't know if it was love or not, but felt drawn to the young man like no other.

"So you're a puppet queen with the First Order controlling you? Maybe they are holding your husband captive."

[member="Stardust Raxis"]

She shook her her head, he had d isappered way before they arrived so it wasn't possibly that they took him, however she did need a friend...she needed soemone who would help her listen to her...

"A puppet no i still have control just as any planetary governing would just my actions are more watched...ra...i have a lot on my mind, I've removed my own council with my hands, some have split off in their support...ra...if I ever leave it i fall hard...take my child and get him far far away...raise him for me until I'm saved [/color]
The words coming out Stardust had Ra worried about her.

"If you act out of line, the First Order would come and punish you then? It is like a puppet then, they are controlling you even though you think you are free."

Her next words came as a shock. Stardust wanted to take her son, the baby that was in the house and raise him. Ra knew how to take care of children of course, she had grown up in an orphanage. If Stardust was in as much of a difficult situation, then it was better for the child to be away from it.

"I guess you're taking me up on my offer I made earlier for the sabers. A favor for you. I will do my best, Queen Stardust Raxis."

Without a hint of sarcasm, Ra gave her friend a salute, but had a smile for her.

[member="Stardust Raxis"]

She gave A smile back as she saluted her and nodded before she spoke again

you'll know when to head here to get my child I'll have a servant get him out and send a emergency message straight to you

She sighed, she had gotten some of the weight if even a little she no longer had to worry about her child she could see him every day till she fell or left without a bit of worry

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