Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Reksar Hond



    • Faction: Black Sun
    • Birthplace: Coruscant
    • Age: 38 GSY
    • Species: Klatooinian
    • Gender: Male
    • Height: 1.96 Meters
    • Weight: 143 kg
    • Skin: Mottled white, black, and pink
    • Eyes: Grey
    • Force Sensitivity: No
    • Voice: Ray Winstone
  • Sometimes, the reputation of one’s people leads to fear and ostracization. Such was the case for Reksar Hond. He grew up in an impoverished Klatooinian family, living on Level 1315 of the Coruscant Undercity. His family were immigrants from Hutt Space, trying to forge a life away from the Cartel, but the stigma toward Klatooinians made their life rough. As a youth, Reks turned to petty theft and other small crimes to help support his family. He found himself locked up in the juvenile detention system.

    As he got older, his criminal behavior escalated. With some fellow ostracized youths, Reks formed a small gang of his own. Street thugs of the worst sort that would bully, harass, and terrorize others for their belongings and credits. He was eventually caught and sent to prison when his gang caused the severe injury of an underworld police officer. He was sentenced to life in prison for this deed.

    While in prison, Reks would soon find himself an unexpected ally. He shared the same cell block as a Wookiee that called himself The Madclaw The Madclaw . Having impressed the Madclaw with his strength and skill during a riot, Reks was offered the opportunity of a lifetime. The Madclaw was a member of the infamous Black Sun syndicate, and offered a position within the organization should Reks accept. Unsurprisingly, the Klatooinian took what was offered to him.

    After a breakout where he was able to escape into the Outer Rim, Reks linked back up with his Wookiee recruiter and has since been a small-time enforcer for Black Sun. Now that the Hutt Space Consortium has seemingly started to collapse, Reks sees an opportunity to find fortune and glory in service to the Black Sun.​
  • Strengths
    • Big and Lethal: As a Klatooinian, Reks’s large canine form instills a sense of intimidation in those unfamiliar with his kind. In addition to his natural frightfulness, Reks also has years of being a violent criminal under his belt. His knowledge of how to threaten, harm, and even kill helps fulfill his newfound place among Black Sun’s enforcers
    • Loyal: Seemingly matching his guard dog-like appearance, Reks has a personal set of morals where he feels immensely loyal to the Syndicate. Without their recruitment, he feels he would still be rotting in a Coruscanti prison cell at this moment. He would likely put his life on the line in service to his comrades
    • Anger Management: If Reks had any fault, it would be his temper. A product of his upbringing, he can be quick to anger, especially when annoyed by what calls “gibbering sods” (i.e. people who don’t know when to shut up). Another trigger point is antagonism about his childhood living in poverty. It’s something he’d rather like to forget.
    • Anti-Police: Being that he is an escapee and recorded criminal, Reks has a dislike of police and other such law enforcers. He has an almost irrational reaction to them, as he is willing to shoot them first and ask questions later if any such situation arises.

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