Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Regulation of Unique Canon Items

Name of Item (include canon link if applicable): Kylo Ren's Lightsaber
Account Name: (Which one of your characters does this belong to?): Wolf
Link to Approved Factory Submission: Here
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Encountered underground Ren-obsessed Force cult on Mechis III that had the lightsaber [x]

Canon item count: 1/5

Tanomas Graf

Name of Item: The Avenger
Account Name: [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Link to Approved Factory Submission: [X]
Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Obtained from the Silken Asteroid Field by Tanomas Graf, repaired and pushed into service of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force Navy.
Name of item: The Holocron of Quan-Jang
Account name: Draco Vereen
Link to approved Factory submission: Here
How it was obtained: Event Reward
Claiming 3/5

Name of item: Ergast Holocron
Account name: Draco Vereen
Link to approved Factory submission: Grandfathered (From forever Ago)
How it was obtained: Auction
I'd really like to release this one into the wild. Everytime I trim down, they pull me back in!

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
[SIZE=9pt]Name of Item: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Slave I [x][/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Account Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Runi Verin [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Link to Approved Factory Submission: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][x][/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Inherited via the last will and testament of Isley Verd [x][/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Writer canon item count 1/5[/SIZE]
Name of Item (include canon link if applicable): The Lightsaber of the Skywalker's_lightsaber

Account Name: [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and the Silver Jedi

Link to Approved Factory Submission:

Any Misc Comments/Related Information on how obtained: Taken from Connor Harrison by Coci after he was severed from the Force during his turn to the Dark Side.
Cira said:
Andeddu Holocron/Holocron of Heresies | Braith Achlys | x | Obtained from Quest | The portion of the holocron dedicated to transfer essence was made inaccessible.*
I am releasing ownership of this holocron so that [member="Avedia Lacroix"] may take it via the development thread that we discussed. (They are submitting it here, with a development thread included)
All changes except for the request to add the Mask of Darth Nihilus have been made.

[member="Darth Seraphic"], once you have made the changes please tag either myself or the Factory Administrator.

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