Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reclaiming History

"Very well!" Attacking from behind was a classic movement against a single foe. Flank them, and the advantage is yours. But Krest wasn't here to kill the beast. Perhaps that's something he should have told [member="Lady Kay"] before they had entered. With the focus on the Lady however, he shut down his saber and brought up his hands, his eyes closing. Through the Force the Lord reached out, all to grip the creature in the Force.

It hissed and roared as it charged towards the Queen, but just before it could reach her it suddenly fell flat, squirming. It was made from the Zabrak's bloodline, and had to obey. Sweet dropped from the red man's brow as he held the creature still, and in a loud voice he spoke.


That's all it took. With how many tombs he had already cleared out to get to this one, he knew the tricks, the challenge. Eventually the creature fell still, it's legs no longer moving or tapping on the ground.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay broke into a run as soon as her plan was agreed upon, moving away from [member="Krest"] so that he'd be in the perfect position. The creature was catching up, but then she heard it fall. She looked over her shoulder and then skidded to a halt against a wall as the creature seemed to be struggling in it's place.

Out of breath she turned off her saber in time to hear Krest bellow to it. The creature stopped fighting, stopped struggling against his hold on it. Kay stepped closer, yet remained out of reach should the creature have the means to attack again. "How did you--you can control the creature's mind?" Maybe it was some kind of version of the Jedi mind trick...
"Something like that? A trial of strength isn't raw physical power, but will. I project my will to submit it. Course, the more damaged it is, the easier it is to submit." That was the best way he could explain it. His blue eyes had turned to red by this point, and with his arms still outstretched he stepped forward to the prone creature. With every step forward, the creatures form was forced lower to the ground, and each time it's shell cracked. It did not hiss or cry out in pain, and when the Zabrak finally reached it's prone body, one final loud shattering noise filled the air.

The carapace had broken, shattering away and seeming to dissolve in the air. What was left, a serpent of pure white. The albino snake let it's tongue flick out of it's mouth, tasting the air. Dull grey eyes made it clear the serpent was blind. It has been such a long time since a child of Iridonia has set foot in this tomb. So long, so dark. A female voice would drift into the minds of both Krest and [member="Lady Kay"] , calm and serene.

But who is this? She doesn't smell of the sands, but of this place. Is she here to assist you? Come forward, child of Commenor.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay winced with every crack. It echoed in the temple and reminded her of her own bones breaking during her captivity. She hated to be reminded of it. The final crack caused her to step forward and shout out to [member="Krest"] for fear that the creature would explode, "Wait!!"

And then the shell just dissolved. The albino snake was far easier to see in the dark, but that didn't make it any less deadly. It, or rather she, spoke in their minds. This wasn't any normal guardian.

She was beckoned forward. Without hesitation she stepped forward so that she was beside Krest. Kay lowered her head in a bow. "I am. He asked me to join him on this venture."
It is good to see there are others still willing to help the trial of Kings. Your presence is welcome here. The Mace is up ahead, waiting. He has been bored since the last one came through so many years ago. The head of the snake turned to one of the walls, and an overwhelming sensation of the Force reacting the wall moved, revealing another passage. This one was already lit up, and Krest only looked over to [member="Lady Kay"] to nod before moving to the pathway itself. It was best not to linger, as the Albino seemed to want to return to its sleep.

Keep him entertained. Or he'll find another way.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay bowed her head again, glad to see that she wasn't viewed as an intruder. That wouldn't of been good. "Thank you..."

She looked to [member="Krest"] as he nodded to her, the subtle movement catching her eye, before she followed him. The final words of the albino guardian puzzled her. Keep him entertained or he'll find another way? What was he expected to do? Sing? Dance? Tell jokes? "What do you know of the Mace? That could help in figuring out what can appease him."
"Nothing. I don't know much about any of my ancestors. When my mother died, so too did the knowledge of the tombs." If she even knew them to begin with. In reality, his clan had probably lost all knowledge prior to the destruction of the Iridonian Empire. A casual shrug was given to [member="Lady Kay"] as they walked on. "I guess we'll find out when we get there." Not that it was going to take long.

Soon enough the pair was before the next door to the Mace's room. It was a plain wooden one, the kind anyone would find in their home. "Ready?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was quite surprised that [member="Krest"] knew so very little. It wasn't his fault though if there was no records or ancient texys for him to research.

As they approached the door, she raised a brow and ran her hand along it. "I expecyed something....a bit more grand. Maybe this Mace guy is a humble sort." This was the difference between first impressions and reality.

"I'm ready."
"Oh I did too, but that's not what they gave me." As [member="Lady Kay"] touched the door, a new voice sounded off from inside. Without warning the door swung open. It wasn't a fast swing, but a slow one, as if someone on the other side had opened it. The room revealed was a pure white room with a dining room table right in the middle. Several chairs were strewn about, but there was no one there.

"Don't be shy. Come have a seat."

Krest could only stare blankly ahead as he tried to find the person who was speaking. "Mace, I assume?" With only that as a reference he stepped into the room. As he did, the room changed, revealing wooden walls and a man in a simple suit sitting in the farthest chair. "You assume correctly. Please, sit." The oddest thing about the man in the suit was he was featureless. His head, a blank white in the shape of a head yes, but no nose, no eyes, no ear. Nothing. His hands, the same. The shape of hands, but no lines or knuckles, fingernails. None.

A force ghost, of sorts. With a single nod the Zabrak sat across from the featureless man, motioning for Kay to do the same.

"Blood of my blood. It has been so long since I've seen the children of my children. I'm glad to see we still live on. For all the years I've found myself alone, I had almost come to terms with our line having died out."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay looked to [member="Krest"] , raising a brow at the voice on the other side of the door. When it opened, she peered inside, surprised at how white and clean everything was. Yet the moment that Krest had stepped in, it changed to something a little more basic.

The look of Mace was startling. Not that it was grotesque, but in the manner of there not being much to him at all. It was bizarre to say the least.

Kay was planning on just standing to the side, but Krest had wanted otherwise. So she approached the table and sat nearby, but not directly beside him. This had nothing to do with her afterall. It was family business.

She folded her hands on her lap and thought about bloodlines. She couldn't continue her own as she was infertile. Kay could only blame her father for that. But her brother might be luckier in that regard. Hopefully.
"And the Queen of Commenor? You seem to have found some friends in high places." Mace chuckled in a friendly tone. He set his hands upon the table with his fingers interlocked, and 'looked' between the both of them. It was hard to tell, given his featureless face, but they would 'feel' his gaze upon them. "I know why it is you've come, and I'm not going to drag this out. My mace is yours to take, blood of my blood. I can sense the urgency behind why you've come." With a wave of his featureless hand the mace materialized in the middle of the table.

"But do not forget the payment in blood. You, upon your death, must make sure this mace is returned. Or your tomb will be forgotten." Krest gave a swift nod and pulled free a dagger from his belt. Without hesitation he cut into his flesh palm. [member="Lady Kay"] would see there were many such wounds in his hand, some still healing. "Then let it be done." The blood didn't drip from his hand, but it did leave his palm, floating to the mace before him. A blood seal.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow as her title was known to Mace. But finding friends among high places? He was a King. If he were Commenori, he'd out rank her. But he wasn't. Thankfully.

She kept quiet though, and watched as the mace appeared. A blood pact of sorts? She watched the ritual take place, jealous in some respects. Not so much in what was happening, but with respect to family. Kay had hers, sort of. But her father didn't want anything to do with her because she was a Force User. But she couldn't complain. She was a survivor and had done very well on her own for the most part.

After the blood seal was made, Kay spoke up; "Should his life come to an end before mine, I give you my word that will bring the mace back here as soon as I gain possession of it."
"You're assistance, my Queen, is appreciated, but unneeded. Only the servants of the blood should return them, and I do not think you are his servant." Unlike her status in Commenor, [member="Lady Kay"] 's position as Queen was a higher authority than any King. The tribes were run by Matriarchs, and the fact that Krest stood here now was only a sign none of the living were female. It was the same for the Mace.

"Regardless, the blood debt is sealed. The mace is yours blood of my blood. May it serve you as it had served me." There was a nod from the Zabrak, who had remained silent throughout the Mace's interactions with the Queen. Casually he reached out for the mace, and upon grasping it's handle both he and Kay would find themselves outside of the tomb, facing the entrance. The large stone door was once against closed, and this time there was no hole in which the Sword of the First could be used in.

"And no, you don't get use to that." Despite being red, Krest seemed rather green. This teleportation feat from the innermost chamber to the entrance didn't agree with him. Never had before either. But in his hand was the mace he had set out to get, black as night and humming with power. Literally. Closer inspection would reveal a gravity generator like in grav. hammers.

"Thank you, Kay."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow. No she wasn't his servant. She was just his ally. Maybe even his friend. But those were rare. At least since her return. Now she had more trust in herself than anyone else.

The sudden teleportation caught her off guard. She found herself holding tight to [member="Krest"] 's arm with one of her hands for stability. She let go of him as soon as she got her bearings again.

"Is that how one always exits such a temple? I can't say that I have gone through something like that before..." No. As much as she could remember, she had never been teleported before.
"Yeah. Dunno why, don't want to know why. All I know is it makes me feel kinda sick." Every single time too. How many more did he have to do before he was done with this pilgrimage he wondered. Hopefully not many more, not if he felt this sick after each exit. Regardless, he had his hammer, and it brought the faintest sign of a smile on his face. Another artifact from his ancestors, simple as it may be, now belonged to him.

"Well, now I don't know what to do."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay furrowed her brows. Hopefully [member="Krest"] doesn't lose his cookies right then and there. But at least they were outside. Yet now he seemed at a loss, almost as though he didn't expect to be successful in this venture.

"Well for starters, you can go for a walk. That should help with the queeziness. Not a fast walk, mind you. Then...figure it out from there. I'm sure that your people would love to see you succeeding on your journey." Or at least, maybe they'll pretend to be. She wasn't sure how well recieved he was on his planet.
"The tribes would. The city dwellers, not yet. There are ancient traditions that must be followed before I will be followed, and collecting these items is part of it." The Zabrak looked down to the mace in his hand, frowning. How many remained before all his people would call him king? Well, there was no turning back now. Too many were counting on him to succeed. That wasn't a burden to place on [member="Lady Kay"] however. She was a queen of her own world, that which needed her attention. So he smiled.

"Shall I walk you back to your throne?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded. Her own claim to the throne came easily. The Elders were gone. As President, she was the planet's ruler and heir. Unless one of them had a child. But according to the legends about them, they never did. So legally, she took their place. What the public didn't know was that she had to murder them to do it.

Kay smirked a little as [member="Krest"] asked to take her back, not only to the Palace, but to her throne itself. "Just to the Palace grounds would be enough. Remember, I'm in disguise." She winked.

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