Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reclaiming History

"A combat outfit? Now that is a new one." Another chuckle, another smile. So far this had been a pleasant trip. No reason to change that now. Once more he would offer an arm to [member="Lady Kay"] , to escort them to where they would be going. It wasn't a long walk, to where the co-ordinates of the nearby tomb, but none the less the Zabrak would speak. "I know you have changed. I can see it in your eyes. Forgive my prying, but I'm curious as to what turned you to our side."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smirked as [member="Krest"] remarked on her attire. "Well I couldn't go galavanting into danger in my gown, now could I?"

She took his arm and walked with him out of the Palace. No doubt people would be wondering what she was up to, but for this afternoon, she was just going along for the ride. And in that outfit, she wasn't so easily recognized as the Queen.

The topic of how she turned wasn't one that she was comfortable speaking about. There was a lot of trauma and much was stolen from her. "I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to relive it just yet. I go through enough of it in my sleep."
"That's fair. When you feel like it, you will. If you ever do." Subtly the Zabrak set a hand over the scars where his hearts were. Despite it having happened decades ago, the mental scars of his own decent were still fresh. He completely understood where [member="Lady Kay"] was at this point in her life. Regardless, he would press on leading them to the tomb, and changing the subject.

"What do you know of Sith politics?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded a little. It was nice to not be pressed into answering for once. Perhaps it was her defiant nature, but she didn't want to be an open book. She wanted to maintain some level of secrecy and not give others leverage against her. Now that she was Queen, she had to be extra careful.

But [member="Krest"] didn't seem to care about all that. His interest was in the tomb and whether or not his theory about it was correct.

"Sith politics? Not a whole lot, I'm afraid. Given my past, I'm sure that it's just as cutthroat, if not a bit more."
"More often than not it's a literal scenario. It's all about reputation though. Unlike the Republic, there are no false faces. If a Sith doesn't like you and they have the power, they remove you. It's a brutal system, but in a way efficient." A dry laugh escaped his lips as he thought about it. Politically, Krest had no standing with the others of the Sith. Something he wanted to change, yes. But was it too late? His blue eyes drifted over to [member="Lady Kay"] , and once more he spoke. "When we first met I spoke to you about changing the Sith. About how your late husband wanted to do the same. There is still time to do so. Together, we can, if you still feel up to it."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
It was as she figured. With the Republic and others of that ilk, political opponents were cast out or imprisoned. But with the Sith, it was far more brutal. It was a more dangerous game to play. For the moment, most didn't even know that she existed. That gave her a bit of solice.

She raised a brow as the walked, pondering [member="Krest"] 's idea. Change them? Surely others had tried after her late husband, as that was a long time ago. But her knowledge on the inner workings of that system was very small. "I would need to do some research, to find out who the players are. They don't know me and I don't know them. It keeps the Commenori safe from becoming target practice."
"Unlike the Republic, learning who the big names are is rather easy. Find the ones the most people are afraid of." Another laugh, this time not as dry. There was truth to his words, but they were none the less funny to him. "I've never been the best at politics [member="Lady Kay"] , but I'm sure I can show you a thing or two on how the Sith do it. But don't assume not being known keeps you safe in Sith politics. It makes you an easy target for the bigger game. They will ask you into alliances, and take over forcibly if the answer isn't what they want. I won't lie to you, I do want you at my side against the other Sith. I came here searching for power, in more than one way. But it is because of our friendship I came to you."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smirked. It wasn't as though she knew many other Sith, nor those that had a lot of political power. Aside from her Master and his father, the others that she knew weren't in the political scene at all.

As [member="Krest"] spoke of Sith coming and requesting alliances, she drifted away a bit in thought. Quite a few different governments and coalitions have come to her for an alliance. Whether or not they conflicted with eachother, she didn't know.

"Commenor has gained a few allies as of late, with more requesting an audience with me. Are they all playing me for a pawn in their game?"
"I dunno. I can't speak of other people. For me, yes. I'd like to bring you into my game. As an ally, a partner." Krest meant what he said. [member="Lady Kay"] was a valuable ally, and more importantly a possible person to trust. That was rare these days. They rounded another corner, and neared the edge of the city. "We're almost there. Perhaps another ten minutes or so and the tomb will be in sight."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smirked as [member="Krest"] mentioned that he wanted her to be part of his game. "As a pawn? Or do I get a more noteable piece? One that doesn't get used as target practice?" Was she joking with him? Maybe. Maybe not.

She continued her walk with him, taking note of the street she was on, the buildings that she passed and to the people that would catch her eye. "I expect that there will be traps of some sort?"
"I'm not sure. But I'm fairly certain you're more than a pawn." A chuckle escaped his lips as he finished speaking. Good to see [member="Lady Kay"] still had a sense of humor. Or, at least he hoped that's what it was. None the less, as they stepped through the woods towards the tomb, a familiar feeling filled his mind. "The tombs usually have a single guardian, or a trial. At least, that's how the last few were. I suppose we'll see how this one goes when we get there."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She smirked again, especially as [member="Krest"] chuckled. More than a pawn in his game? Well that was somewhat of a relief. It was a dangerous game though. Politics always was.

Kay's eyes wandered as they walked through the trees. "Just one trial? I would assume that tombs holding ancient knowledge and power would have at least three. But perhaps I've read too many holo-novels." She glanced his way as she had a funny thought. He wasn't going to use her as some sacrifice now was he? No. No he wouldn't do that, surely.
"Perhaps you have. Then again, only someone of my bloodline can open the tomb, so why bother with more than one trial?" He chuckled again, and soon enough the pair had made it to the door. It stood near ten feet tall, and depicted a Zabrak King, dressed similarly to Krest himself, yet in his hands he held a powerful looking mace. "The Mace." He raised a brow as he ran a hand over the ancient Zabrakian below the image. "That's all they called him."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smirked. The bloodline. She forgot about that. [member="Krest"] made a good point.

As they arrived at the door, she didn't get too close. She maintained a safe distance or rather what she felt was safe enough. It wasn't as though she'd be seen as an intruder by whatever guardian kept the tomb safe.

The Mace? I can't imagine why they'd call him that." Again another smirk. Kay was being sarcastic of course.
"I can't either. You ready?" He cast a sidelong glance to [member="Lady Kay"] and flashed a grin. Upon her yes or even a nod, he would turn to the door and pull free the blade he had from before. Into the heart of the carving Krest plunged the blade, and a click would be heard. Quick as the blade went it it was removed and returned to its sheath, and the door slowly rose from it's century rest.

Darkness from within oozed out like a fog, easily felt by the pair. Something deep down in was stirring from it's rest, and it wasn't happy. "Trial of strength it is. Be ready."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She nodded to [member="Krest"] 's question of whether or not she was ready. She was. Nothing else was holding them up.

Kay watched as Krest opened the door with his sword. The sound of stone grinding upon stone was heard. Well so much for sneaking in.

"After you..." She gestured for him to go in first, then with her blaster drawn, she followed. Sure she had a lightsaber, but that could be used later. The Darkness was thick, more so in the way that it felt. The stale air didn't help either.
A polite nod was given to [member="Lady Kay"] before the Zabrak made his way into the tomb's long hallway. With each step he took, the tomb seemed to react to his presence, lighting up torches that looked as if they had no fuel left. The Force was always mysterious. But this was common from the other tombs, which is why his step never faulted. Yet as they reached the end of the path, the light stopped.

And so did Krest.

In an instant he pulled his saber free, lighting the red blade as his gaze focused in the darkness ahead. A chattering noise sounded off in the darkness, followed by the movement of something scaling the walls with many, many legs. "This is different."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay followed in behind [member="Krest"] . No doubt if she went in first, she'd be in the dark. The torches no would not react to her being there. At least not in a good way.

And then he stopped. As Krest pued out his lightsaber, she did the same, igniting it and allowing the red glow add light to the darkness ahead of them. She squinted, trying to see what was approaching. "Different? What do you think it is? A bunch of insects? Or..something worse?" Whatever it was, she couldn't steal the show. This was hus temple. She had to provide back up.
"I'm not sure. But usually this room lights up and the creature is sho-" He was cut off mid sentence as something in the darkness suddenly latched onto his shoulders. Without warning the Zabrak was dragged into the darkness with nothing but a slight gasp leaving his lips. As he was dragged in, the fire he spoke of finally lit up, revealing a centipede like creature black as night curled up in the center. Like a snake it held Krest, slowly crushing him as it's massive head loomed ever closer.

Krest was visibly struggling, his teeth gritted with determination to live. As he squirmed in it's grasp it suddenly screamed from pain, releasing him and crawling to the nearby wall. His mechanical arm had opened up, revealing the hidden saber beneath and cutting into the centipede. His eyes never wavered from the creature as he brought his red saber back around, holding it in a single handed grip. "Go for the underside! It's shell resists sabers."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay followed [member="Krest"] as he was grabbed and pulled into the darkness, only to skid in her tracks as the creature was revealed in the newly lit torches. She had never seen such a thing, didn't know that they even existed on Commenor. But maybe that's how some of the mines and tunnels in the canyon were dug. They could have been from this thing.

Shaking her head of her thoughts, Krest's voice brought her to the present. She ran towards the creature as fast as she could and then brought herself down to a skid, flicking the tip of her blade into the underside as she slid in between some of the legs. Could she hack off the legs too? It didn't matter. There was one weakspot that they knew of and they had to exploit it.

The creature wasn't dumb, however. It brought many of it's legs together, making it more difficult for Kay or Krest to perform the same maneuver twice. At least it was wounded. "I'll draw it away, you attack it from behind!!" He had to be the one to make the kill.

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