Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebirth of Star Tours

Let's say that, unlike its canon incarnation, that Star Tours would be a little more... prone to be used for smuggling. Perhaps another character would be required to actually run that company.

Oh, of course, I could actually create said character...
The CEO of an interplanetary travel company would not be complicit in illegal operations. However, there are many people under him/her/it so any collusion would have to be miles from the top even if it benefits the company as a whole. Considering the vastness and lawlessness of the galaxy, Star Tours vessels would routinely be raided or disappeared. That would be nothing new to common Holonet piracy blotters, but these raids could also double as drop-offs and checkpoints for the more illegitimate side of the Star Tours business. If it operates far away from the legal security checkpoints in place, then you have two well-oiled machines. One for business, one for business.
Better still, Star Tours could be used as a front for smuggling and moneylaundering, although of course not exclusively as such; all it has to do is offer a cargo service that is geared to those who want complete secrecy for their shipments, at extra cost. Said extra cost is greater if it requires a stop not otherwise served before reaching its final destination.

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