Jorus Merrill
is mek bote
Rebellion Actual

Image Source: Here, here and here
Affiliation: The Underground
Manufacturer: The Underground; constructed from products of the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium’s Lwhekk planetary yards, Iron Crown Enterprises, and MandalMotors, among others
Model: N/A. Heavily modified Shokita-class station merged with heavily modified Lwhekk Aleph factory ship and other large components.
Modularity: Has been modified within an inch of its life; further modularity implausible.
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel hull, glasteel viewports
Classification: Mobile Starbase
Length: 970m
Width: 940m
Height: 790m
Note: Rebellion Actual’s primary armament is derived from the original Shokita and Lwhekk Aleph.
Double turbolaser turret: 8
Heavy ion cannon: 4
Quad laser cannon: 20
Point defense emplacement: 20
Flak cannon: 20
Tractor beam: 10
Incom E-25: 2 squadrons
Koensayr BTL-Q5 Stormhammer fighter-bomber: 1 squadron
Koensayr BTL-Q3 Longshot bomber: 1 squadron
Assorted shuttles, light freighters, planet-hoppers, etc.: 10-30 dependent on size and who happens to be insystem.
Capable of docking with virtually any vessel.
Special Features:
Power Assets:
Military-grade hypermatter reactor
Hyperdrive can function on standard fuel cells in extremis
Comscan/SIGINT Composite Suite:
Hyperwave signal interceptor
Hyperwave transceiver (long-range communication)
Subspace transceiver (Ranger transceiver - short- and medium-range communication/SIGINT, maximum range 100ly)
Crystal gravfield trap
QQ-4L-Y354 Angel Eye sensor suites (4 - anti-stealth unit, range 500m)
Stealth Assets:
Defensive Assets:
QQ-543N-53R cap drains (volume-suitable complement - moderate ion weapon resistance, significant EMP/solar flare/Conner net resistance)
Internal security scanners
Heavy redundant shields with armored generators
Advanced firewalls
Lightbringer Sensor Nodes (internal)
Hypercapable escape pods
Navigational Assets:
QQ-C15 Silkworm hypertransit package (navicomputer/database only)
Support Assets:
Force Cylinders (4 - adaptive/emergency docking)
Cofferdams (4 - adaptive/emergency docking)
Refit capability
Limited manufacturing capability
Refuelling capability
QQ-1453-DR1 Solid Fuel/Ration Converters (4)
Advanced cantina facilities
Maneuverability: 17
Speed Rating: 20
Hyperdrive Class: 4, backup 10
Very strong redundant shields bolstered by military-grade hypermatter reactor.
Capable of advanced SIGINT and long-range detection; highly resistant to slicing and comm tracing.
Can support large numbers of miscellaneous small craft.
Capable of small craft refit and small-scale manufacturing.
Capable of repositioning and interstellar relocation if necessary.
Very slow to reposition, in both realspace and hyperspace.
Hypermatter reactor will cause catastrophic damage to the station if breached.
Structural design not conducive to weathering massed fire or significant impact.
Complex structure limits firing lanes and greatly reduces ability to concentrate fire from certain angles.
Very modest armament.
Heavily armored shield generators reduce shield recharge time significantly.
Rebellion Actual is in all respects a very average starbase, except for its comscan and signals intelligence suite. This suite involves ion-scramblers to mask the source of the station’s transmissions, hyperspace and subspace transceivers for long- and short-range communications, significant encrypt/decrypt capability, hyperspace early-warning detection, cloaked vessel detection, powerful heuristic firewalls, and the means to perceive gravitically modulated vessels at a range of half a kilometre (the ‘Angel Eye’ package). Levantine Lightbringer sensor nodes allow short-range (ie, internal) detection of Force disturbances and most concealed Force-users, along with their alignment. In brief, the station generally has nearly ten minutes’ advance notice of incoming vessels at military speeds.
If Rebellion Actual is functionally immune to stealth, however, it should be noted that its only real defense is to run. Its shields are very powerful but very slow to recharge, and its hull is not equipped to handle concentrated fire allowing it a single substantial chance for escape. Its armament is extremely modest, aimed at intercepting warheads and warding off light attack craft. Its cap drain network is not sufficient to withstand concerted ion bombardment. Its small craft capacity is virtually always taken up by Rebel transports, personal ships, and fighters coming from or going to out-system engagements; it may not be capable of mounting an effective, coordinated small craft defense against even a single Star Destroyer. If running is not possible, the station powers down, operating on blackout lights, and most sensors may pick it up as a derelict, space junk, or a metallic asteroid. Readings of its chaotic, heavily modified internal structure may support such findings. However, this is a tricky process: not only must the entire station be shut down from main power, but all droids and all docked vessels as well.
Apart from SIGINT, Rebellion Actual serves as a repair and refit facility for vessels from all corners of the Underground. It is capable of manufacturing replacement parts, ammunition and so forth, at least for the more common makes and models of ship. Besides normal airlocks, its cofferdams and force cylinders allow it to dock with essentially any ship, even heavily damaged vessels.
Rebellion Actual also provides a strategic coordination and social hub for the Underground, in the station’s command center and in the onboard cantina called the Red Shift. The cantina, like the station, is entirely populated by Underground affiliates; barfights never escalate, and any unfamiliar face can be assumed to be an ally, however tenuous. The station’s security measures are more than enough to ensure that non-Undergrounders don’t enter the station, whose location remains as secret as possible.
The station’s cargo capacity is likely somewhere in the realm of forty thousand tons. It has a crew of three thousand and can support upwards of ten thousand passengers if necessary; not counting the ration converters, it has roughly three to five months’ consumables aboard.
Development Thread:
Discovery of an abandoned Ssi-Ruuvi/Fringe factory ship (27 posts)
Initial setup over Erida (20 posts)
Relocation of technical and personnel assets from Erida (13 posts, ongoing)
Who Can Use This: The Underground
Primary Source: None
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