Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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RC's Grab bag of ideas: Rebellions, Mandates ETC

Here's just a general grab bag of ideas. Feel free to critique or support it. This ain;t meant to be a salt fest, just a crowd source with an original template of how we can make things more juicy round here.

I'll start with Rebellions. Here's the old.

  • Rebellions allow Minor Factions to claim or neutralize Major Factions’ territory.
  • A Major Faction’s third completed Dominion in a month is vulnerable for 10 days after the Dominion is submitted in the Map Update thread.
  • Any hex belonging to a recalled Major Faction is vulnerable to Rebellion.
  • Any Minor Faction or group of Minor Factions may launch a Rebellion, so long as they have been Minor Factions for at least 30 days.
  • Rebellions cannot be started by Minor Factions that are owned by members who hold a position as a Major Faction Admin/Owner on any of their characters.
  • To declare a Rebellion, a Minor Faction Owner must make a clearly labelled OOC thread in the Roleplay Discussion forum and tag the Owner/Admins of the Major Faction being attacked.
  • Any other Minor Faction may join the Rebellion by posting their intention in the same thread.
  • A Rebellion ends 10 days after the creation of the IC Rebellion thread.

Here's my Proposed.
  • Rebellions allow Minor Factions to claim or neutralize Major Factions’ territory.
  • A Major Faction is vulnerable for 10 days after a Dominion is submitted in the Map Update thread.
  • Any hex is vulnerable to Rebellion.
  • Any Minor Faction or group of Minor Factions may launch a Rebellion.
  • To declare a Rebellion, a Minor Faction Owner must make a clearly labelled OOC thread in the Roleplay Discussion forum and tag the Owner/Admins of the Major Faction being attacked.
  • Any other Minor Faction may join the Rebellion by posting their intention in the same thread.
  • A Rebellion ends 10 days after the creation of the IC Rebellion thread.


  • In Real Life, typically after any nation state is occupied there is immediate unrest and the possibility for radical rebellious factions to erupt. Also for the fact that the tight stranglehold rules prevent this from being an effective mechanic. Reading the above rules, it gives underground like factions the ability to actually matter a bit more on the map. (Or any minor)
  • Think of it like a cold war. Minor factions can be enlisted as allies of majors, waging proxy warfare. This is a viable model in Real world and also can applied to fantasy, sci fi etc genres with ease.
  • For the sake story and allowing the actual mechanic to be used. The above is self balancing. If a minor Faction with only One writer wants to do a rebellion right off the bat, cool. But is that one writer really going to be enough to make a convincing story that leads to the Faction overturning and possibly losing a hex?
  • Removal of which hex specifically can be Rebelled. I mean in canon the Rebels were everywhere. It makes sense that if you have a network across your oppressors space, you should be able to retaliate with guerilla tactics anywhere in that zone. Whether you succeed or get skull crushed is up to how smart you are, and how much writing skill and ability you got.
Surely there's balance issues above. A major one I didn't touch on was Rebellion limits per month. Reasoning? If you are fighting a Rebel force, and still claiming planets, feasibly, they could be waging a desperate battle to keep you off their backs. Think Iraq, Afghanistan, Sparticus, The Rebellion, The Underground, The Resistance, and WWII French Partisan fighters. Just to name a few.


  • Flashpoints are the harbingers of chaos and chance, and represent random and sometimes naturally occurring events in the Galaxy of Star Wars RP: Chaos.
  • In a Flashpoint where more than 2 sides are involved every IC post must clearly label the side being represented.
  • Every time a new Rebellion or Invasion is declared, a member of the SWRP Staff Team will roll a ten-sided die in the #dice_rolls discord channel. If the Rebellion/Invasion thread's roll lands on a 10, a Flashpoint is declared and the prefix of the thread is changed to Flashpoint.
  • When a thread is declared a Flashpoint, it will follow a set of further rules in addition to the rules determined by the type of thread it was prior to becoming a Flashpoint.
  • These rules are decided by a second 4-sided dice roll by Staff in the #flashpoint discord channel, and the corresponding number will decide which modifier to apply to the thread.
  • A Role-play Judge will be assigned to a Flashpoint to ensure a modicum of law and to answer all questions arising from the Chaos.
  • If a 1 is rolled, the Rebellion is immediately crushed and the Flashpoint is to be treated as a successful Dominion.
  • If a 2 is rolled, the Major Faction owning the planet has put up a blockade, limiting the amount of people from each Minor Faction that joins to a maximum of 5 characters.
  • If a 3 is rolled, two adjacent hexes to this Rebellion (to be determined by Staff) are now also open to Rebellion for the next 10 days.
  • If a 4 is rolled, Major Factions may also join the Rebellion and join either side.
  • If a 1 is rolled, the victor will claim the two hexes closest (to be determined by staff) to the invasion hex from the losing Faction. These will be returned to neutral if dictated so by influence cloud rules.
  • If a 2 is rolled, Requesting Aid restrictions are lifted.
  • If a 3 is rolled, each participating Major Faction must invite a second Major Faction as an ally.
  • If a 4 is rolled, a Minor Faction may declare Rebellion and join the invasion to make it a three way battle. If declared victorious Rebellion rules apply. Any further Minor Factions may join the Flashpoint by posting their intention in the OOC thread.
  • Flashpoints are the harbingers of chaos and chance, and represent random and sometimes naturally occurring events in the Galaxy of Star Wars RP: Chaos.
  • In a Flashpoint where more than 2 sides are involved every IC post must clearly label the side being represented.
  • Every time a new Rebellion or Invasion is declared, a member of the SWRP Staff Team will roll a D20 in the #dice_rolls discord channel. If the Rebellion/Invasion thread's roll lands on a 15+ , a Flashpoint is declared and the prefix of the thread is changed to Flashpoint.
  • When a thread is declared a Flashpoint, it will follow a set of further rules in addition to the rules determined by the type of thread it was prior to becoming a Flashpoint.
  • These rules are decided by a second 4-sided dice roll by Staff in the #flashpoint discord channel, and the corresponding number will decide which modifier to apply to the thread.
  • A Role-play Judge will be assigned to a Flashpoint to ensure a modicum of law and to answer all questions arising from the Chaos.
  • If a 1 is rolled, the Rebellion is immediately crushed and the Flashpoint is to be treated as a successful Dominion.
  • If a 2 is rolled, the Major Faction owning the planet has put up a blockade, limiting the amount of people from each Minor Faction that joins to a maximum of 5 characters.
  • If a 3 is rolled, two adjacent hexes to this Rebellion are added to the Rebellion, with fate to be determined off the outcome of the Rebellion
  • If a 4 is rolled, Major Factions may also join the Rebellion and join either side.
  • If a 1 is rolled, the victor will claim the two hexes closest (to be determined by staff) to the invasion hex from the losing Faction. These will be returned to neutral if dictated so by influence cloud rules.
  • If a 2 is rolled, Requesting Aid restrictions are lifted.
  • If a 3 is rolled, each participating Major Faction must invite a second Major Faction as an ally.
  • If a 4 is rolled there is no fleet size limit nor Ally Limit. It becomes a Battle Royale


  • Each highlighted portion has been tweaked to give it more umph. Again the main thing we are trying to create here is more occurrences of flashpoints, and more consequences. Just as in Real World, events can and will spiral out of control. Germany never dreamed of America joining WWII. And then suddenly we did, thanks to Japan and other events beyond their control. (Chaos effect)
  • The stakes are raised, which give invasions an even better following and hopefully inspires more quality posts and story. We actually will see crazy random events happen that are cool and can suck in half the board fro some serious fun.

  • Mandates are unique characteristics that may be adopted by a Major Faction that provide the Major Faction a bonus.

  • A Major Faction Owner must declare his/her Mandate in the Map Update Thread upon their Faction being approved for Major status.
  • Major Faction Mandates and their dates changed will be displayed in the Major Faction Mandates thread.

  • A Major Faction Owner may request their Mandate be changed once every 60 days in the Map Update Thread.


Droid Army
Strength: Droids and AI do not count against this Faction's Invasion Requesting Aid slots when defending or attacking.

Relentless Horde
Strength: This faction may invade two different Major Factions simultaneously.

Benevolent Dictator
Strength: Hexes adjacent to this Major Faction's Capital Planet hex are immune to Rebellions.
Weakness: The Capital Hex cannot be moved.

Capitalism Reigns
Strength: Companies established in this Major Faction's influence cloud may begin at or upgrade to Tier III.

Rapid Expansion
Strength: This faction may claim a fourth Dominion per month.
Weakness: The fourth Dominion claimed may also be targeted by Rebellions in addition to the 3rd.

Hermit Kingdom
Strength: Hexes this Major Faction owns may not be the target of Rebellions or Flashpoints.
Weakness: This Major Faction may only claim one Dominion per month.

Casino Royale
Strength: Once a month, this Major Faction may choose either to 1) re-roll any Flashpoint modifier of any thread it is involved in once or 2) roll a second time for an additional Flashpoint modifier on a thread it is involved in.

Frontier Exploration
Strength: The number of Dominions this Major Faction may complete a month is now equal to the number of Codex Location & Species submissions approved on planets within the Faction's Influence Cloud, at a maximum of 4. None of these Dominions may be targets of Rebellions.
Weakness: This Major Faction may not Dominion any planet from the Mid-Rim to the Deep Core, only the Tingel Arm/Unknown Regions/Wild Space/Outer Rim.

Galactic Nomads
Strength: Once a month, this Major Faction may abandon their current Influence Cloud & Capital Planet and relocate elsewhere on the map as if they were a creating a new Major Faction.
Weakness: The Major Faction may not use this Mandate's strength if the Major Faction is currently engaged in an incomplete Invasion, Rebellion, or Dominion.

Defensive Stronghold
Strength: This Major Faction has an infinite number of Requesting Aid slots when it is defending a hex it owns from an Invasion.
Weakness: This Major Faction has no Requesting Aid slots when it is Invading a hex.

Vigilante Justice
Strength: Bounty Hunters with at least one Player Character Bounty capture listed in their Character Biographies do not count against this Faction's Requesting Aid slots when defending or attacking in an Invasion.

Strength: Characters with unclaimed bounties on their heads do not count against this Faction's Requesting Aid slot when defending or attacking in an Invasion.
Weakness: This Major Faction's threads are open to Bounty Hunters, regardless of their Faction. Private threads are excluded.

Strength: None.
  • Mandates are unique characteristics that may be adopted by a Major Faction that provide the Major Faction a bonus.

  • A Major Faction Owner must declare his/her Mandate in the Map Update Thread upon their Faction being approved for Major status.
  • Major Faction Mandates and their dates changed will be displayed in the Major Faction Mandates thread.

  • A Major Faction Owner may request their Mandate be changed once every 60 days in the Map Update Thread.


Droid Army
Strength: Droids and AI do not count against this Faction's Invasion Requesting Aid slots when defending or attacking.

Relentless Horde
Strength: This faction may invade ALL Major Factions simultaneously.
Weakness: A Failed Invasion will cost this Faction a Hex

Benevolent Dictator
Strength: Hexes adjacent to this Major Faction's Capital Planet hex are immune to Rebellions.
Weakness: The Capital Hex cannot be moved.

Rapid Expansion
Strength: This faction may claim up to One Hex for free at the completion of their 3rd Dominion of the month
Weakness: Rebellions in those hexes may call in Allies for Free

Hermit Kingdom
Strength: Hexes this Major Faction owns may not be the target of Rebellions or Flashpoints.
Weakness: This Major Faction may only claim one Dominion per month.

Casino Royale
Strength: Once a month, this Major Faction may choose either to 1) re-roll any Flashpoint modifier of any thread it is involved in once or 2) roll a second time for an additional Flashpoint modifier on a thread it is involved in. or 3) Roll a second time in hopes of creating a Flashpoint

Frontier Exploration
Strength: This faction may claim a Free Hex at the Conclusion of a Dominion WITHIN THREE HEXES OF THE MAP'S EDGE
Weakness: This Major Faction may not Dominion any planet FARTHER THAN FIVE HEXES FROM THE MAPS EDGE

Galactic Nomads
Strength: Once a month, this Major Faction may abandon their current Influence Cloud & Capital Planet and relocate elsewhere on the map as if they were a creating a new Major Faction.
Weakness: The Major Faction may not use this Mandate's strength if the Major Faction is currently engaged in an incomplete Invasion OR Rebellion

Defensive Stronghold
Strength: This Major Faction has an infinite number of Requesting Aid slots when it is defending a hex it owns from an Invasion.
Weakness: This Major Faction has no Requesting Aid slots when it is Invading a hex.

Vigilante Justice
Strength: Bounty Hunters with at least one NPC or Player Character Bounty capture listed in their Character Biographies do not count against this Faction's Requesting Aid slots when defending or attacking in an Invasion.
WEAKNESS: This Major Factions threads are open to Outlaws, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers and Scoundrels, regardless of their faction. Private threads are excluded.

Strength: Characters with unclaimed bounties on their heads do not count against this Faction's Requesting Aid slot when defending or attacking in an Invasion.
Weakness: This Major Faction's threads are open to Bounty Hunters, regardless of their Faction. Private threads are excluded.

Strength: None.
Strength: This faction has no fleet limit during Invasions
Weakness: This faction is limited to 2 Allied PC's.

Strength: This faction may call upon 12 Allies while invading.
Weakness: This Faction is limited to a 3KM Fleet Length Total per thread.

Strength: This faction may call upon unlimited Allies that are FU during an invasion.
Weakness: This Faction is limited to 2 NFU's Per Invasion.

Strength: This faction may call upon unlimited NFU's as Allies During an invasion. This factions NFU Codex Units are auto upgraded to ELITE.
Weakness: This faction is limited to 2 FU's during an invasion.

Strength: This faction may field a SSD for free.
Weakness: This faction can never request aid, nor have any PC allies in threads.

Strength: This faction's PC's and 2 NPC units can start any invasion ground-side post #1
Weakness: While Defending this Factions PC's must make 3 Posts to make it ground-side.

Strength: Bombardments and Air support is not available to attacking faction while this faction defends. Opposing Faction must make 5 posts for a PC to go ground side.
Weakness: This faction May not field a fleet larger than 2KM Length while defending. This faction may not field Star-fighters while defending.

Strength: This faction has unlimited Allies while attacking.
Weakness: This faction has no Allies while defending.

Invasion Proposed Changes:
  • Factions may invade anywhere on the map.
  • Factions that start an invasion must give a Warning specified as 1 Day per distance between National Borders. IE if two borders are touching, no Warning (Such as a Blitzkrieg IRL.) If ten hexes separate said borders Ten days warning. (Simulates time taken to travel that distance with fleet and forces.)
[member="RC 212"] - While I'm not going to bash your idea(s), I think if you slipped them between a pair of spoiler codes - it might help the readability of this post.

I'll draft up another post here after I do some checks and balances on my ideas, as I'd hate to pick apart what I see might need some tweaking without offering a suggestion or seven in return. lol
Ancient Empire:

+ Characters can create technology and vehicles with the old 2013 rules. (Dev threads and all)

- Must start on custom planet and can only dom, invade and skirmish in custom planets for 60 days.

Empire of evil:

+ Can Create a Super Weapon and create an event to use it once a month. (Acquiring and creating it is the same as a SSD )

- If it's destroyed you lose 7 Hexes. If you lose all hexes you become a minor faction for 6 months

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