Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rare Commodities [Primeval Dominion of Muunilinst]

He paled as the princess threatened to slap him. He was shocked what reason she would have to do that? Losing Toby was bad but it didn't hurt her directly. He was distraught Toby was lost , his head hurt and now the Princess was threatening to hurt him. He clutched onto his head. He noticed the blood and once again panicked ... then he recalled the harlot and her accident.

That explained her annoyance, he was tempted to reply to her threat to hit him with his usual wit and repartee but the words were muddled in his head and he felt to sad for sarcasm. She was shouting at him to be calm How could he be calm when his Toby was missing and she was shouting. He didn't speak he just cradled his hands. He really wanted to cry, he felt stupid and guilty how could he lose a whole man. The princess prattled on about how she needed to protect their reputations, he was confused again why would one lost slave damage her reputation ... then he realised she was talking about the dead harlot, did she not have any sense of priority? His Toby was lost and she was fretting about one dead harlot.

Then she said she'd find Toby, he looked up and smiled "Thank you" he whimpered. He tried to stand again but only fell onto his butt again "I'll just tell you all about her from here" He was so glad he didn't know what he'd do without his silent heartthrob, If [member="Thais Kallisto"] or indeed anyone else ever saw fit to harm Toby he would murder them with his bare hands even if it was the princess.

"The woman was just a waitress I met her in the party. She had such big ... " He hiccupped and part of what he was saying got lost " We got drunk and we ended up spending an hour in a cleaning cupboard then we got here and she upset you" He tipped his head "We fought when I tried to beat her up, she was getting too strong so I pushed her into a grinder, she's dead ... I think" He tipped his head again "Say do you know where Toby is, I lost him"
Objective: 3 exploration
Location: Aborah
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"], OS
Enemies: Mandalorians

Nomkneer woke up one hour after the battle with the mandalorian, he saw that everything was untouched and Vehiva was unharmed. Nomkneer then went to check out what is in the cargo box, he found ancient artifacts, from natives of the island long before aborah came to be what it is now, just an empty island with memories hidden underneath the ground. Nomkneer found tools, vases and ancient native art in the cargo box, as he saw everything he had, he thought "so they were gonna take this piggy bank all the way home", Nomkneer did not know much about technology, but enemy droids and cargo droids, that he knew! Nomkneer quickly took apart the cargo droids with his lightsaber and searched for their emergency back up wheels that come out if their legs are cut down. Nomkneer used them and made four holes in the cargo box, one to each corner and shoved the cargo wheels into the box and took a rope he had on him to tie it to Vehiva, "go and take it to our ship!" he told Vehiva while recuperating his energy against a tree. Nomkneer didn't know what was gonna happen next, he was fairly injured and there was two more mandalorians digging deeper inside the aborah island.

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