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Faction Rally at Ord Mantell Orbital Station | Dark Empire |

Press Secretary to the Office of the Grand Vizier


In the Bright Jewel sector, above the terraformed world of Ord Mantell, the Dark Empire declares VICTORY over man and nature . . .

Prard'ras'ath stood at the podium with a backdrop of several stormtroopers to present an image of authority to those that attended the rally and for the viewers across the holonet be they in Imperial space or not. Conversations became whispers and then silence as the Press Secretary made it obvious that he was about to begin...

"Esteemed citizens of the Empire, distinguished guests, and respected members of the press" he began with brimming confidence "Today, we gather to witness a historic moment—an extraordinary transformation unfolding on the once barren canvas of Ord Mantell. This is not merely a triumph of technology over the decay of acidic seas and refuse, but a testament to the unyielding resolve of the Imperial spirit. Through the visionary leadership of our Grand Vizier and the relentless efforts of Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing, Ord Mantell has emerged from the shadows of neglect to become a beacon of progress and innovation."

Prard'ras'ath lifted an open hand as he leaned towards the audience and recording droids that hovered over the heads of the assembled "Let us not forget the tumultuous history that precedes this triumph. Ord Mantell, like many worlds before it, endured the ravages of war, its resources plundered, its people left to suffer. Yet, in the face of these centuries of devastation, the Empire prevailed. Restoring order and stability to a world in chaos."

"Today, as we witness the fruition of our labor, we are reminded that victory is not simply the absence of conflict, but the promise of tomorrow. The transformation of Ord Mantell symbolizes hope—a promise of prosperity for generations to come. We owe a debt of gratitude to the brave souls who labored tirelessly to make this vision a reality. Their dedication and sacrifice have paved the way for a new era of opportunity for all who call the Empire home."

He clenched his elevated hand closed slowly "But let us not grow complacent, for the challenges ahead are many. It is incumbent upon each of us to stand united in the face of adversity, reaffirming our commitment to the ideals that guide us. Together, we have demonstrated that no obstacle is insurmountable, no challenge too great for the Imperial Will to overcome. Let us draw inspiration from the success of Ord Mantell and recommit ourselves to the noble cause of peace and prosperity for all." finally he put his hand down and stood straight as a statue, though his expression was engaged and lively as he held up a dataslate that was ornately adorned in a silver filigree case.

"In the words of our Grand Vizier Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf ; Let us march boldly into the future, knowing that together, we can achieve anything. For in unity lies strength, and in strength -" he looked up from the slate with a proud and stoic stare forward "Victory." Drasa let the attributed words of the Grand Vizier hang in the air for a few moments. He wanted the gravity of the manufactured line to take full effect. To be memorable.

"Long live the Empire, and long live the dream of a galaxy united in peace and prosperity." Prard'ras'ath finished his speech, the first of the rally, soaking in the applause from the audience. A probe droid's display slowly scrolled 'applause' across its screen, prompting any who were not genuinely moved by the Press Secretary's words to at least act the part. With that, Drasa, took a step back and left the podium clear.

In Umbris Potestas Est

Yes, of course it was. Vanessa Vantai watched and was, to say the least, somewhat unimpressed, even if the simple smile on her face didn't show it. A significant portion of the planet's population had been travellers, brought over from Ool and Kinoss, and who had stayed with the forces of Onrai for many decades. They knew the Grand Vizier had played no direct role in terraforming the planet - the efforts had been their leader's work alone - that and their own, along with those few residents of Ord Mantell who had been willing to put in the work to aid rapid restoration efforts. That said, they listened to Drasa's speech, appreciative of whatever praise he did yet give them. The silence after Drasa's statement of "Victory" perhaps suggested the mood, though there was a celebratory sense among the planetgoers.

And of course they applauded, if only for the need to go through the motions.

Regardless of motivation, Drasa's insistence on the press conference was a reason to celebrate. Ord Mantell's transmogrification was a tremendous boon, something Vanessa had wished to do since the Sith Empire's old occupation of Raxus Prime. She made a mental note to appreciate that there was no more risk of Sasha Santhe yet interfering with such efforts and regretted having been unable to do such earlier in her existence - but now she had been able to, and unlike Kinoss or Ool, it would make a difference.

For now, she would wait, drink some wine grown from fruits planted and harvested from the soil beneath their orbit, and enjoy a moment's peace.

Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath




Onrai Onrai Prard'ras'ath Prard'ras'ath
The New Empire, also referred to as the Dark Empire by the Galactic Alliance, was the most recent venture capital of the Galactic Trade Federation, establishing a strong presence in the realms of finance and accounting services within the expansive imperial bureaucracy.

They had strategically positoned themselves in key roles, gaining influence and power through its control over economic matters and financial decisions. The New Empire's emergence signaled a shift in the balance of power within the galaxy, as they continued to expand their reach and influence through strategic invasions and courting corporations.

The Galactic Alliance's hostile business atmosphere would cause even more corporations to swell the Empire's ranks, allowing them comfortable profit margains for the forseeable future.

Laborr's purpose in attending the event was not to be captivated by the grandiose speeches delivered by political correspondents, no matter how influential those speeches might be to the less privileged individuals within the Imperial Dominion.

Rather, his intention was to assess whether this empire possessed the capability to rise to the occasion and establish itself as a prominent superpower, surpassing even the long-standing dominance of the Galactic Alliance.

"The Empire certainly has the backdrop of a major player on the board. Nevertheless, it is yet to be determined whether they can redirect their efforts towards establishing themselves as a fresh Galactic Empire."

He explained internally, as the audience let out an applaud.

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CLOSED INTERACTION | Xashe Tistya Xashe Tistya

The presence he felt in the Force was unmistakably hers. He learned to trace and identify her mark in the older days during the Hyperspace Wars when they were Master and Pupil. His first student whom he became proud of as she shattered her shell of insecurities and weakness to become a Jedi Knight with resolution against the wave of Darkness.

She was a mirror reflecting of his former self. Indirectly, she represented all Creaut wished to repudiate from Rhis Fisto as his fear from his previous failures begot anger and hatred; determined to evolve to fulfill his missions to the Emperor.

She would convert or die if she refused to break her chains from the Jedi’s dogma.

There was no need to alert the entire space station of this unwelcome guest as he directed a small squad of Stormtroopers assigned to the Dark Side Elite to obstruct her routes and have her alive without harm. It was his responsibility to attend this matter as Xashe’s former master.

Anxiety rushed through his hearts, every step feeling heavier than the last as he inched closer and closer to the Mirialan. Her signature strong and repelling as he bridged the gap between them.

Creuat Creuat | Closed

Transformed in its theft, the station over Ord Mantell was no longer a hub of commerce and relaxation, but a shrine to the unholy. Vanity of the profane had produced similar altercations on the surface below. It was a place she had walked time and time again - and although she still knew the structure, nothing else remained the same. Where a golden starboard had once soared amongst banners now hung the imperial insignia. There was once a time her and Rhis had visited the halls of another station fallen to the enemy. Whilst flame consumed the sigil of the heathens, their blades liberated the slaves taken. How time had changed them both.

A shadow walked the halls. Ego did not drive her to believe she could take an entire station alone. In truth, the armies aboard the station were of no matter. Tunnel vision steered her toward her old master. Within the swath of tangled branches, she found him easily; withered, but the same essence. Her target grew ever closer.

The first material sign of change was the appearance of the troopers. Strategic, and expected - typical villainy. An intimidation tactic Rhis wouldn’t have needed. Plasma bolts met a cyan blade, a fizzle sending each soaring back down the hallway to her assailants. A steady walk broke into a sprint. Forged for a single task, the squadron stood no chance against the flurry that fell upon them. The first was struck down by a blur, the second toppled over, used as leverage to send her into a jump. Coming into a plunging strike, Xashe maneuvered. The incoming shot littered the air with the scent of singed hair. A flick of the switch on her hilt sent a second blade skewering another soldier aside the first. The few remaining were dispatched in just as little time.

The stench of Bogan turned her attention from the corpses to the other side of the bridge. Conviction pulsed within her palm. It knew the rot which had taken hold of the nautolan. Xashe hadn’t expected it to so quickly infest his physical form. Something sinister had come to grow in the lines that were birthed of joy and thought. Ebony orbs were corrupted by an orange wash.

“Rhis.” The knight turned to face him head on. She left yards between them, disgust tethering her feet. “I saw your work on Jedha.”

Countless questions demanded answers, but she settled on one.

“Why? The New Jedi Order may have abandoned the light, but why did you? There were other ways.”

CLOSED INTERACTION | Xashe Tistya Xashe Tistya

Futile were the Stormtroopers as he expected. They had serve their purpose to draw the Mirialan to him without laying a scratch on her.

It was always a matter of “when” their paths would cross again. After anointing her as a Knight she had gone on her own path something Rhis encouraged her to do. If she had ever needed anything, she would only need to call him. Instead of reuniting as old friends, here they were now as potential enemies.

But it did not need to be that way.

Deep down in his recess he held a soft spot for Xashe. It was akin to a parent holding dear to their firstborn child. She was, after all, his first apprentice. She had learn a great many things as did he from her. Would it be any other Jedi he would strike down relentlessly, not even offering them the gift of power and knowledge from the Emperor’s mercy.

He cringed at the mention of his former name; a false name. His hands were empty and did not poise to be a threat to Xashe as his lightsaber hung from his belt.

“The light has only made the Galaxy weak, Xashe. The Jedi and the Alliance are evidence to that. I see now that this path is how we can change the Galaxy for the greater good. I did not understand it at first, but the revelations I have experienced are inspiring and knowledgeable.”

“You, too, can have the privilege of understanding those revelations.”

His tendrils subtly sensing whatever emotions she was feeling as a means to see how he could convince her to join the Dark Side without having to fight.

“Join me; join me, Xashe, and I will complete your training. I will help you reach your potential. I can sense the untapped power within you. You have always had this power, you just need someone to help refine you. Together we can accomplish great things as we once did as Master and Apprentice.”

“Let me help you. It is the obligation of the Master to make sure his student surpasses him.”


Creuat Creuat | Closed

Tempation clouded Xashe’s vision. A taste of his offer played out before her. The two, hooded, felling enemies as a lumberjack trees - just like the old days, save for the bleeding sabers. The walls around them were crimson stained. They stood beneath vast archways, halls they had walked a hundred times before.

“No.” The rejection was barely a mumble.


The challenge rose from rot she had attempted to conceal. Undeniable truth lived in Rhis’s words. Peace had rusted their beloved starbird, paving the path they walked today. Yet they possessed the power to turn back time. The sea of loneliness that was exile would dry with the utterance of a single word. She could change the tides of the grim destiny laid before them.

It was just beyond reach.


Her affirmation rippled with defiance. The step forward was a decisive one. It fought the beast which plagued her, howling to join its kin. The next was faster. Within a blink, the knight became a blur. She fell upon Rhis like lightning. An amber blade flashed across his abdomen.

“You know how this ends.” The snarl was inhuman, mirroring the ferocity of her strike.

CLOSED INTERACTION | Xashe Tistya Xashe Tistya

He could feel the conflict of emotions within her. Anger, guilt, and temptation gnawed at her conscience. He was delighted to feel this turmoil, fighting the urge to grin as he needed to maintain his serious composure to convince Xashe. All she needed to do was surrender her lightsaber and recognize Creuat as her Master.

How could his words not sway her heart? He remember when she was weak and full of self-doubt, after leaving the ineptitude of the Silver Jedi. How much she admired and looked up to Rhis as if he was a father figure to her. Did she not want to relive those times here in the present instead of mere reminiscing?

But to his disappointment she resisted the temptation of his offer.

He frowned in disapproval at her final, stronger “no” and then recognized the defiant eyes which gave him cause to reach his lightsaber. He met her swift, precise attack with solid stance to absorb her momentum as the crimson blade of his lightsaber came into conflict with her own amber. A bright brown hue reflected from the lock of their sabers, both of them staring down at one another.

If she refused to turn to the Dark Side peacefully, then he would fan the flames of fury within to corrupt her.

Creuat pushed Xashe away, breaking their lock and advanced with heavy slashes at her body from different angles. He would toy with her; make her fall into despair, and when she did she would give into her anger.

“You will pay for the arrogance from your lack of vision,” pressing on as the two clashed on the narrow bridge with the void of the chasm underneath them.

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