Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Raid Beyond the Border

Outfit | Weapon | Appearance
Location: ANV Tython | Hangar
Ship: Link

"Ever thought about becoming a locksmith?" Valery asked when she watched him open yet another door. Between the trick he showed with the Force and his use of his lightsaber, he seemed quite resourceful on the subject. She then smirked at his own little joke and lowered herself to carefully crawl through the opening he had created.

"They know why we're here — the artifacts are the only things worth anything here. They're going to be defending their cargo," Valery continued while she guided the way through completely empty hallways. The remaining Mawites had retreated to the specialized cargo room, where most of the artifacts were held in nullification resin to keep them from mind-controlling or messing with the crew.

But now that they were in a desperate situation, some of the artifacts were removed from the protective resin, and their dark signature expanded rapidly throughout the ship as a result. "Keep the mind shielded... it's getting worse," Valery said after she picked up on it and protected herself against it.

"Alright, I'm bursting open this door, and I'll need you to cover me and pressure the Mawites. I'll move for the artifacts," Valery finally said when she came up to the door. "!" Her hand touched the metal door, and suddenly large cracks formed in the metal. The whole thing shattered apart, thereby opening up the way very abruptly.

But as expected, blaster fire immediately came their way.



Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Nexo looked to Valery with a smirk "No, but if this whole Jedi thing doesn't work out perhaps." as if there would be another path for him. Whenever the Jedi Master warned him about the relics and their ability to reach out to the duo even this far away he nodded "I will do my best." with practiced effort Nexo descended into a state of serene detachment. Similar to the mental state needed to pilot the Vector. Complete focus and control. Thankfully this seemed at the very least sufficient to protect himself from the grim influences of the tainted artefacts.

"Ready." Nexo whispered from behind Valery as she laid her hand on the final door between them and their quarry. The Jedi Knight bent his knees and opened his palms so that whenever the door was blown open by Valery he leapt forward, twisting his body around her own. His lightsaber hilt flew gracefully into his hand, ignited, and he skillfully deflected two blaster bolts. Nexo took a deliberate step forward after he had deflected the second bolt and Force Pushed several of the Mawites onto their backs and into their comrades. His open fist closed and he Force Pulled one of the pirates towards him onto his lightsaber. A brutal, swift, and dynamic entry for both of the Jedi. And through it all Nexo had uttered not a single word, he was laser focused on his singular duty - defend the Master Noble.

Nexo pulled the lightsaber blade side ways out of the pirate, cutting through it with ease, then as the body dropped to the floor his lightsaber emerged in throw. The blue blade found another mark at the neck of a still standing pirate. Nexo recalled his lightsaber to his right hand as the headless pirate slumped against his colleagues "Yield." he stated in an icy tone. For a brief moment the pirates paused. Stunned at the alacrity at which the Jedi could move. To those who had never fought Force Adepts before it could be startling. Precognition, heightened spatial awareness, rigorous close quarters training. It was hardly fair.

Location: ANV Tython | Hangar
Ship: Link

The door shattered and without wasting a second, Knight Nexo moved in to cover the way. His deflections sent the first wave of blaster bolts away from intended targets, and with the Force, he destabilized several of them. To offer some initial assistance, Valery sent a few in the back flying up against the ceiling, leaving them either unconscious or dazed by the impact. But when they did push into the actual room, she left the rest to him.

Her eyes had already turned to the various artifacts, some of which were no longer shielded by nullification resin. So as quickly as she could, she readied herself and raised up both of her hands while she channeled the Force. Through her palms, withering blasts of Light pulsed out, connecting with the artifacts and lashing out at the corruption that came from them.

With each passing second, the two Jedi could feel the Dark Side weakening in the room, until it finally had all faded away. Drops of sweat were running down Valery's face, her breathing was heavier, but the job was done.

"Good work, Knight Nexo..." she said through her breaths, "I think we can trap these guys in here." She turned to look at those who had surrendered. The few who died had sparked a lot of fear and uncertainty, and with the artifacts neutralized, there was nothing left for them to fight for.

"We can activate the emergency beacon from the hangar and we'll be out of here."



Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Nexo held out the humming blue blade of his lightsaber towards the pirates while Valery worked her magic on the Dark side relics. As the influence of the Dark side lessened he lowered his weapon while she spoke to him about potentially trapping the criminals where they were "Great idea. I think this may take them some time." Nexo grinned while lifting a hand to the ceiling then slowly moved it back downwards in a pulling motion. The ceiling above the pirates visibly began to bow and then it broke with the sounds of snapping cables and twisting metal plates - as thin as they were it provided limited resistance - so that a great chunk of the room's ceiling slowly descended onto the pirates and harmlessly pinned them to the floor "There, all set."

Nexo put his lightsaber away and turned to the Jedi Master "I don't sense anymore hostile intentions from the nearest surrounding areas. We'll probably not see another of their crew." he motioned conversationally towards the trapped pirates "As always Master Noble I'll follow your lead. Perhaps when this is over and we've returned to the starship you could put in a good word for me with the Council? Not that I'd presume ... though a little more dinner money allocation would be nice." Nexo smiled brightly and whenever Valery would inevitably lead them both to the hangar he'd dutifully follow along.

Location: ANV Tython | Hangar
Ship: Link

"I'll certainly put in a good word, and the detailed report will honor what you've done as well," Valery said with a kind smile and a respectful bow of her head. The Mawites were now all tied up, either here or in the Hangar down below, so all that remained was for them to return and activate the emergency beacon. It meant that most of these people would survive, and the likelihood of them committing more terrible acts was high, but killing them was not the Jedi way here.

"A good meal also sounds great. If you'd like, you can join me once we've returned to the ANV Tython — I'm sure it has a big mess hall," Valery said with a faint smirk before she turned away and began to make her way out. It had been her first mission with Knight Nexo, but he reminded her of the Jedi she once knew again; the more traditional types.

It was a breath of fresh air after having to deal with a lot of more troublesome Padawans, so she looked forward to working with him again in the future.


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