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Quest to find her past. (open)


The Attention Seeker
Kitty had nothing against traveling, she rather enjoyed it actually. Unfortunately hyper space had something against her. Before she truly committed to life as a sith she needed some closure with her family. Kitty knew the name of her home planet but she did not know where it is. The biggest issue though was getting there. Hyperspace did not treat her well and the stress it caused would turn her into a rage monster. It didn't help that Coruscant was so crowded. The noise and smells made her want to just collapse and die. Her ears were pressed down with many layers of hair bands to keep out sound and her nose was stuffed to keep the smells out. She looked ridiculous but it was better than turning into a rage animal and slaughtering everyone.

It was the afternoon and Kitty walked into a spaceport. She was on the look out for something very fast so she would be in hyper space for the least amount of time. She also wanted something that had a cage or cell of some sort. Something to keep her from killing the pilot after she shifts. She would tell the prospective pilots that she would attempt to attack them once they were in hyper space. Kitty wasn't strong and looked innocent enough. The only reason they were turning her down was because of the lightsaber on her hip. She would hide it if she could but she didn't have anywhere to hide it. All she was wearing was a dark purple tank top and some blue shorts. Where the heck are you suppose to hide a lightsaber on that. She would have brought a cloak but cloaks were to warm for her liking. All the people around her didn't know how lucky they were not to have fur. She felt sorry for those few who did have fur like herself. A cloak would have caused enough suspicion to be rejected anyways.

The search for transportation to Felacat was fruitless and Kitty settled down at a nearby bar. Nobody dared to ask why someone so young was in the place, again because of the lightsaber. Alcohol didn't like her anyways and she just ordered some milk. The unhappy Kitty just sat down at a table, drank her milk, and fumed over her lack of progress. She was not left alone however.
It was nice to be out and about in the universe for Yura. Too long she'd spend her life on Alderann and only heard of the things awaiting her out in the rest of the galaxy. Now that she was on her way to becoming part of the Silver Jedi it hopefully meant more traveling and seeing all the new sights. But even traveling had to have it's breaking point. She was at the spaceport with her escort to the Silver Jedi main base, but while they were busy she wanted a drink. She knew bars were the best places for drinks, giving how often her old employer/master had said one he always visited on Alderaan had the best scotch he could find. Yura didn't really know what it was but if he'd like it then there must've been good ones at this spaceport bar as well.​
When she entered she kept a friendly positive face before asking the rather large, rugged barkeep for a soda. He gave her an odd look but she only kept her regular friendly one as she waited. He finally gave her one before Yura found a corner table near where the music played. Unlike some of the other patrons she actually liked listening to the music, even if they did play the same song once or twice over. That just meant she knew the beat and could dance to it if she wanted. Everyone who saw her thought she was either drunk or crazy; maybe a bit of both. After all not often you see a woman dressed like a elaborate maid in a spaceport humming to the tune of bar music.​
All of her merriment was stopped when she'd seen [member="Kitty"] enter the spaceport. Her mouth gaped with surprise as she watched the cat-like girl walk in and sit down, ordering her drink. She gasped and then gave a more gleeful look. It seemed as though her composure didn't control her inhibition to stand and walk over towards her.​
When she reached the first thing she did was start petting her head while saying "Cute kitten. Soft kitten. Awww. Just so adorable! I can't help but pet something I think is cute." Afterwards, despite Kitty's reaction, Yura spotted her lightsaber before pointing out "Oh. A lightsaber-sword. I guess that means your a Jedi too. Right?"


The Attention Seeker
Normally Kitty loved to be pet but not by a complete stranger. She tensed up and shot the women before her a glare. The strangers actions were innocent though and Kitty relaxed. "Thanks I guess." Kitty said in response to the strangers compliment. The women seemed to have noticed her lightsaber and commented on it accusing her of being a jedi too. 'Did that mean this women was a jedi?' Kitty thought to herself. She gave the women a close examination. She sure didn't dress like a typical jedi. Then again Kitty didn't exactly dress like a typical sith.

Kitty contemplated attacking her. Her masters would be most pleased if she were to take out or capture a jedi. Her apprenticeship would be assured. She didn't have anything against jedi but if it meant pleasing her masters Kitty didn't care. There was one issue though. This women was much older and a bit bigger than Kitty. It was likely if she was a jedi she was most likely a jedi knight and Kitty had no hope against one of those. "Yea" Kitty lied after a bit of a pause. "Perhaps a fellow force user could help me out. I'm in a bit of a hairball. I'm trying to find transportation to my home planet of Felacat but hyperspace doesn't treat me very well and I have a tendency to get aggressive as a result. So far everyone's refused to service me. Its driving me insane. I want to go to my home planet and find out what happened to my parents but I can't get there. Oh wait sorry. I'm so upset I forgot my manners. My names Kitty whats yours?" Kitty asked [member="Yura Fontaine"] and gestured for her to sit.
Yura had something of a child-like innocence to her as she stood there and listened to [member="Kitty"] explain her situation. It was odd though. For some reason Yura had a bad feeling when she was around Kitty. But she couldn't understand why or how. She was a Jedi too, wasn't she? And she seemed to nice looking to be bad. Maybe it was just her stomach or something. Though in truth Yura had no idea what a Sith was; she'd only just learned about Jedi herself recently.​
After she told her story all the way through Yura said "Aww, that's a shame." she thought for a moment before saying "Maybe I can help. I bet if I say something nice they'll let you go." After that she heard her introduce herself ad 'kitty' at which point Yura squealed with delight and said "Even your name is cute!" She almost hugged her just to feel the soft feel of fur before saying "Don't worry, Kitty. I'll help you get back to your home. At least it's easier to know your name now. I'm Yura. Yura Fontaine."


The Attention Seeker
Kitty couldn't help but smile when the women squealed over the 'cuteness' of her name as she put it. "Nice to meet you [member="Yura Fontaine"]. I would tell you my last name but I don't have one. At least not that I know of. Maybe I'll find out once I get home, if I get home." Kitty gave a deep sigh before continuing. "I still don't think it'll work though. I suppose there is no harm in trying." Kitty got up from her seat and exited the bar hopefully with Yura in two. "Thanks for the help by the way. I can't tell you how much this means to me." Kitty expressed her gratitude. Still she had her doubts and Kitty began forming a back up plan. She figured if all else fails she could just steal a ship. As the two walked toward one of the freighter pilots Kitty had come to earlier Kitty asked Yura a question. "Do you have any piloting experience?" Kitty wanted to know since she didn't have any and if they were going to steal a ship someone needed to know how to fly it. Even if Kitty did know how to fly she shouldn't be the one to do it.

The two arrived at the hanger that the man hang out in, it was also the hanger that contained his round looking YT-2000. The owner had blond shoulder length hair and a clean handsome face. He stood taller than both Kitty and Yura at almost 6 foot. His clothing portrayed his wealth. He was a slaver. Kitty hatted slavers and if she was going to steal a ship it would be from him. Unfortunately the cage he used for slaves was needed to make sure Kitty didn't kill everyone on board.

Kitty gestured to the man for Yura since she was suppose to do the talking.
Yura only smiled as [member="Kitty"] showed a little enthusiasm over the idea. Yura, however, had a lot more hope then that. She always tried to see the best in people, despite the way they acted. She knew deep down everyone had a good side. They just needed the right push to show it. As they walked towards the pilot and Kitty asked if Yura herself had any experience she stopped and pondered for a moment.​
"Well I've never actually flown. But I've watched a lot of holo-vids. And I've read about it. So I suppose that counts, right?" Her optimistic was the best reassurance she could give to the cat-girl. After that she walked up to the man Kitty lead her to before tapping his shoulder. "Pardon me, sir. Is there any chance you can offer my friend here a ride?" she gestured to Kitty. "I'm afraid everyone else hasn't exactly been nice to her, and she's just trying to get back home. Is there any chance you can give her a hand? Please?" She'd folded her hands together and gave an innocent plead for his help, her big purple eyes going wide and her smile almost too innocent to be fake.​


The Attention Seeker
The man almost seemed to consider it his eyes moving back and forth from [member="Yura Fontaine"] to Kitty a few times. "Sorry but I'm not going to transport a sith who threatens to attack me if I take her." The man replied turning away with a slight tinge of guilt stinging him. Kitty was not happy about this at all. The wrapping over her ears made it difficult to hear what they had said but she knew it hadn't ended well.

"Fine then we're taking your ship from you." Kitty said. The man reached for his holstered blaster pistol but Kitty's reflexes were far faster. She reached out with a hand and used the force to lift his blaster and bring it toward her before he could grab it. With her other hand she shook her finger at him. "Lets not make this ugly." She said before dropping the blaster on the ground. "Looks like this is your chance for hands on experience Yura. Is there anything you need from him like codes or keys or something? I don't know anything about starships."
[member="Kitty"] [member="Yura Fontaine"]

"Well, from what I see, you got almost everything you need to start her up," Jaster and his men arrived to pick up his shipment of slaves he was to receive from the slaver, he and his 15 Mandalorian Mariens had their E-11 blaster rifles pointed at the two girls, "but from where I'm standing, your not goin to make it that far."

Jaster hated slaver as much as the next guy, but he bought the slaves far and square and they were still on the ship. This didn't seem fair to him as he was just going to transport them to a camp and free them. He had the money to spare on buying there freedom, helped Jaster sleep at night. What really got him was that a lone Sith would work with another girl in stealing a freighter. Interesting to say the least, but one he was not willing to let his money go to waste.

"Now girls, let's put your weapon down and talk like civil people," Jaster shot a stun round near the two, "or we could drag you out of here, really your choice."


The Attention Seeker
Had Kitty's ears not been bound and her nose stuffed she would have sensed the armed men long ago. Unfortunately it was not the case and she was taken by surprise a rare occurrence for her. Upon seeing the armed squad Kitty instinctively grabbed and ignited her lightsaber. She held the blade in a reverse grip an obvious indication of her training in the Shien lightsaber form.

After the man who Kitty assumed to be the leader made a couple sarcastic comments he basically told her to surrender. Kitty glared at the armored man with strong hate. She was so close to achieving her goal. She couldn't allow this man to get in her way. Kitty was much faster and had far sharper reflexes that her other sith peers. She'd also undergone training for being outnumbered. However she counted 15 armored opponents which was a little much for even her. That and their leaders confidence in facing a sith was unnerving. There was one other major issue. Her senses were severely impaired. She could of course free them but the sudden sensory overload would leave her incapacitated. She was in quite the pickle. She also didn't want her new acquaintance getting hurt. It was quite the stressful situation. If things didn't calm down she was going to end up being involuntarily forced to shift into her more feral and ferocious form. The stun shot fired next to her only pressured her further. The the non lethal shot gave her some hope they could get out of this unscathed.

Kitty sheathed her blade and put her saber back on her hip. "We don't want any trouble. We're just trying to get some transportation."
When the pilot had refused Yura gasped and said "Hey! There's no need for calling my friend names. Even if I have no idea what a 'Sith' means, there's no reason to use such language, mister!" She even went so far as to wag her finger in his face. However when [member="Kitty"] had stolen his blaster and threatened him Yura gave her a disappointed look before saying "No, no, Kitty. That's not how you're supposed to ask." At least afterwards she dropped the blaster, making her say "Now I think you should at least apologize for..." She stopped when KItty asked about codes or the like, making her give a confused look to the pilot before saying to Kitty "I...I don't think so. But are you really asking me to...uh oh."
She stopped when the arrival of [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] had come into this little situation. She didn't like the feel of this man. Something about him made her feel uneasy too. He and his men had both herself and Kitty surrounded, making this situation seem pretty violent. The last thing Yura wanted was a fight to start breaking out.​
Yura stood between Kitty and Jaster and his men, holding her hands up and trying to keep a friendly tone while saying "Now, now. I think we all just need to clam down and talk this out. There's no need to get into a fight and start calling people silly names like 'Sith', now is there?"
[member="Yura Fontaine"] [member="Kitty"]

Jaster let out with a chuckle, waving his men to put down their weapons, "So just some Galactic Hitchhikers tring to steal a ride."

Jaster put his Force-Breaker Grenade away, it was a costly peice of equipment, but leveled the playing field when fighting force users. Jaster had no quail with Sith, yet seeing a Jedi work with a Sith was very rare. He had only ever seen them try and kill each other, never the other way around and assisting each other.

"A Sith, and a Jedi working together, must be you lucky day," Jaster pulled out a data pad and passed it to the slaver to confirm their sell of slaves with his credits. "I'll give you passage wherever you need."

Jaster had a smile plastered to his face with the though of what just happened. A Sith trying to steal a craft while a Jedi talks as always, really was a once in a lifetime event.


The Attention Seeker
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Yura Fontaine"]

Kitty was a little confused when Yura said she didn't know what a sith was. Trying to make sense of her Kitty came to the conclusion she had lied about being a jedi so that she felt more secure around a supposed jedi. Still Kitty found it curious she didn't know what a sith was.

Kitty relaxed as the armed people lowered their weapons. However something the leader said only resurface confusion in Kitty. He too seemed to think Yura was a jedi. At least she didn't have to worry about getting in a fight with Yura anymore.

The leader then surprised Kitty by offering her transportation. This sure was a strange day. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to take his offer though. She assumed he had just purchased slaves when he handed the data pad to the slaver. For all she knew he could be planning on turning her and Yura into slaves. Kitty was not willing to be a slave again. But what if his intentions were good. She might never get another chance like this.

"I should warn you I'm a Felacatian. I don't do well in hyperspace and I shift into a very deadly animal form and usually attack anyone I see. Are you sure you still want to offer us this?" Kitty asked still confused and unsure of how she felt on this whole situation.
Yura only gave an annoyed look before saying to [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] "Please stop calling her 'sith'. That seems like a bad word to say, and you should mind your manners. Although.." she began to blush a little. "I'm not a Jedi yet, but being called one sounds so nice." After that she watched as he ordered his men to stand down, making her sigh with relief before bowing and saying "Thank you, sir." She turned back to [member="Kitty"] and said "See? Everyone has a nicer side you just have to be patient enough to find." After that she heard Kitty say how she would be violent if this turned out to be a trick, making Yura look back to the man and ask "Wait? Slaves? You deal in slaves?"
[member="Yura Fontaine"] [member="Kitty"]

Jaster smile widened, the old age may have been getting to him, but both these apprentices were amusing to him. They truly didn't understand how the Galaxy worked, he was an admiral of a refugee camp transport fleet. Dealing with all kinds of races, species, even plant life, one more hostile person on a ship of drunks didn't bother him. She could lock herself in a room and destroy it, or join the drunkin Mandalorians in the Mess Hall for a good brawl. As long as she stayed out of his bridge and the engine room, Sith and Jedi were welcome aboard his Hammerehead-Class Cruiser.

"I've dealt with your race before, more bark then but I must say," Jaster rubbed his left forarm, "although you but does hurt a lot," Jaster waved over his men as the slaves were escorted from the slavers hip. 15 in total slavers were bought and taken from the ship, the slaver nodded to the amount he was being payed.

"As for working as slaver, no," he nodded, his men assisted with the removal of the slaves chains and assisted them outside of the space port, "slaver bob over here is a black market dealer, I pay him to find slaves so I can buy their freedom," Jaster pointed to the slaver as he continued to read through the datapad Jaster through to him. "It's not all roses and peddles in the Galaxy little lady, but I do my best to make it bearable."

Jaster started to leave the space port with the slaves and soldier, "I've got an extra transport in space port B-13 to my cruiser in orbit, join if you want, slaver bob there is your problem now, my buissness with him is done."


The Attention Seeker
If Kitty wasn't confused before she was now, but she was confused before so now she was practically drowning in confusion. She didn't know weather to feel insulted or thankful for his comment about her species. She was at least comforted by the fact that he had dealt with her kind before and didn't seem the least bit concerned.

Kitty's trust in the stranger nearly skyrocketed as she watched with her own eyes the legitimacy in his kindness for the slaves. She wished someone like him had come around when she was a slave. Next thing she knew the armored man was walking away. He told her where to go if she were to accept his offer and then reminded her that the slaver she learned is Bob might not be too happy about her recent attempt to steal his ship.

"Hey no hard feelings right? You get to keep your ship and your life and we can walk out without you trying to kill us." Kitty started walking away without bothering to get a reply. If he went for his gun she would know and she would not be happy. Now that she had learned Yura was not yet a Jedi Kitty was even more concerned with keeping her protected. A strange instinct considering the Jedi were suppose to be her enemy. Maybe she could convince Yura to become a sith and they wouldn't have to never see each other again.

As the two walked to the transport they were given Kitty decided to clear up some things with Yura. "Thanks for your help. There are a couple things you probably should know first though. Firstly I am a sith and its not an insult, or at least I don't consider it one. I suppose to some it could be considered an insult but not to me. Sith are like Jedi but a little different, they believe in different things. So I kinda lied to you back at the bar when I said I was a jedi, but to be honest it was because I was scared of you." Kitty finished saying right as they arrived at the transport. "Looks like were here. I'd really like it if you were to come with me. Please?" Kitty asked with pleading kitten eyes.

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Yura Fontaine"]
Yura actually wound up biting her own tongue when she realized what [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] was doing. And here she'd called him a bad man in the end. She'd practically put her own foot in her mouth. She just stayed quiet and watched as he walked off with a very awkward face before following [member="Kitty"] away and hearing her speak.​
After learning a little about Sith she said "Oh? So they're the same but different, huh? Is it sort of like how there's a different between dogs and wolves? Because I can still never figure out the real difference." After that she did give a little disappointing look to Kitty and said "You should have to lie. You should know you can trust me. Besides why would I hurt you just because you're a Sith? It's not I'd want to kill you right?" Her tone showed how unknown she was on the conflict between Sith and Jedi. After that came the offer to leave with her, Yura smiling and saying "If it were any other time, maybe. But I'm afraid I have my own path to go. But perhaps we'll meet again. It's not THAT big of a galaxy, right?"


The Attention Seeker
Kitty couldn't help but give a deep sigh. Here she thought the most naive person she'd ever know would be herself. Seems she's been proven otherwise. Kitty was also disappointed [member="Yura Fontaine"] would not be going with her. However the older girl's ignorance could work to Kitty's advantage. "I know now I can trust you but I didn't know when I first met you. Had you been a jedi and knew I was a sith you would have tried to kill me. Actually you would have killed me. Most your age are usually knights by now and I am but a new learner. I wouldn't have stood a chance. The jedi try to kill us just because we believe something different. It's a very large galaxy and if you go to train to be a jedi the next time we meet you'll prolly try to kill me. You can ask anyone and they will all tell you Sith and jedi don't get along, always trying to kill each other. Are you sure you want to go and train to be a jedi? Are you sure you don't want to come with me? At least you know me. You don't know the jedi."
Hearing [member="Kitty"] talk about the Jedi and Sith and how they were enemies made her upset. She was surprised to learn that Kitty was going to possibly be against her in the future, and just when she was getting to know her. But she didn't beleive they would have to kill each other. She didn't see things like that. Knowing what she did about Kitty made Yura confident that she wouldn't be an aggressor towards her if they met again. And even if they did maybe Yura wouldn't be the one to fight then. Not against someone she was starting to consider a friend. But the choice of going with her still remained. At first Yura seemed to reach out, as if ready to accept, but instead she held Kitty close into a hug.​
"I'm sorry, Kitty." she said into her ear. "But I made a promise. I have to go. But I will be happy knowing you found your way. And next time we meet, I promise things would be as bad as you say. Trust me."
Her tone was so calm and sincere. She truly did think the best how it seemed they were destine to be between each other. That was always Yura's disposition, she could always see the good in someone no matter how bad they seemed.


The Attention Seeker
Kitty hadn't expected to be hugged. The action took her out of her manipulative mindset and she was reminded of her growing attachment to this women. What she said had truth to it though. Jedi weren't allowed to make attachments and if they did meet again her training would demand she forget about the moment they were now sharing. It made Kitty sad and gave her only more reason to dislike the jedi.

"I hope you're right" Kitty said to [member="Yura Fontaine"] and hugged her back. After the embrace the two parted their ways.

Kitty turned to whoever was taking care of the shuttle. "Uh, am I in the right place?"
Once they'd finished Yura turned and started walking back to where she had to meet with her master. One last look back and a friendly wave before she disappeared into the crowd of people in the spaceport. Walking back Yura decided not to tell any of the Jedi about this. She knew they would say something about it being wrong or make a grand argument to her about why they couldn't be friends. Despite this Yura refused to believe it. She'd made a friend out of [member="Kitty"] and no one could prove her otherwise. If they did meet again Yura would see a friend first, not an enemy.​

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