Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tadietti Tann said:
How are they settling into their new home, has it effected their culture much? For anyone new joining too that might be helpful to get them in the loop.

* summons [member="Valiens Nantaris"] *

Good question! It's obviously an ongoing process since setting up a new civilisation is something that's gonna have to be developed ICly, but I'd say it's affected their culture in a number of ways. Do note that this is just my personal interpretation.

For one, they're now confronted with the indigenous elf cultures of Tygara, whereas before the Eldorai thought they were unique in the universe. Said native elves are a good deal more underdeveloped than they are and have slavery, which amongst some Eldorai might lead to notions of racial superiority.

In addition to that, even though they got an entire continent to settle on, the Eldorai will still need more land and will outnumber the natives, which should create something of a dilemma for Firemane and the Eldorai government. So far the Eldorai have an alliance with Semiramis, the ruler of the most powerful Qadiri kingdom (the Qadiri are basically a cross between high elves and ancient Persians and probably the closest to the Eldorai among the Tygaran natives), but this alliance is quite shaky and one can expect conflict as more Qadiri see the Eldorai presence as an invasion.

The experience of getting their homeworld devastated was obviously a massive psychological blow to them. Millions died, their planet was wrecked and their deities did not stop it, though I can also see some elves interpreting the fact that they found a new world to settle on and that the effects of the collision were mitigated as some sort of divine intervention.

This could be amusing when it becomes public that their government found out about Tygara because [member="Coryth Elaris"] received a vision. Clearly this means she is the Prophetess of Ashira.

All in all, I'd say Eldorai culture will be less obedient and conformist than before. Many of those left behind on Kaeshana probably resent those who got away, especially the aristos. After all, those with wealth and important talents got prioritised for the evacuation, whereas the poor were at the bottom end of the lists. Likewise the security forces' draconian, heavy-handed approach to keeping order and suppressing riots led to heavy casualties on Kaeshana. While necessary, such acts will leave scars. Who knows, we may eventually see Eldorai demanding radical reform in one direction or the other. Throw in the fact that the Eldorai survived because they got outside help (chiefly from Firemane and the SSC) and we can expect cultural cleavages. For some it could be a humbling experience that shows foreigners can be friends, others feel resentment.

As for how they're settling in their new home, on the one hand there's the Tirathana Skyport, a space station, and two sky cities located in the atmosphere. The latter were purchased from Salacia Consolidated. It's safe to say that list is moe comfortable there! On the other hand there's settlements on the surface, the most important one being New Santaissa. Presumably these are still quite basic. Getting everyone a home, food and such will be quite a challenge, though with the Xioquo routed they're less of a threat to the new settlements.

On another note, the Eldorai are *gasp * slightly less femnazi than before! Men are now allowed to serve in all branches of the military except the Angelii and the Queen wants to introduce enactic-cognatic succession. Many don't like this, including Siobhan.

Well, this was a very long-winded reply, but I hope it's helpful. :D
[member="Kaida Taldir"]

Thank you for putting all that time into the reply :), as I said in skype I hope the history is preserved of how they used to be, because you have a really interesting development and racial arc going on! That gives me a lot to work with in the replies and such now.

Also is summoning Valiens Nantaris a force technique I can learn? :D
[member="Tadietti Tann"] [member="Nima Tann"]
Two Twi'leks! :D


Uhh...yeah...[member="Kaida Taldir"] is right.

The other thing it will do is shatter the faith of many in the Goddess Ashira. How could She let her chosen people be destroyed in this way? This, combined with many Eldorai's first exposure to the galaxy at large, will show them that there is much more than they ever imagined.

Kaida is also right when it comes to gender politics. It will become virtually a necessity that males and females be treated more equal as there just aren't as many Eldorai anymore.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Agreed. Some believe Ashira saved them by guiding them to the 'promised land', but many should lose faith and either become atheists or embrace new gods. Best restrain Tarissa! All in all it undermines the ironclad control of the theocratic monarchy, which further increases the trend towards secularising and demistfying it that's been going on since Anya ascended the throne.

Valiens Nantaris said:
Kaida is also right when it comes to gender politics. It will become virtually a necessity that males and females be treated more equal as there just aren't as many Eldorai anymore.

And Sio's fiefdom, if she gets one, is one of the reactionary holdouts holding on to the old ways of Ashira. Then again, she'd be ruling the Xioquo, who are even more despotic than the Eldorai, so she'd have an excuse. :D

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