Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Protection at a Price

New Plympto
These days the Galaxy seemed to be getting smaller and smaller with every passing moment. Threats were everywhere, especially with the recent occupation of Commenor by the Sith. Not only them, but this Commonwealth had made open threats towards all in the region, something Errreembuhr wasn't taking lightly.

With his recent appointment to Commander General in defense of the entirety of the New Plympto system under the auspices of the local government, the Wookiee sought to make sure he could defend the system with as many resources as he could. He'd been recently appointed to command of Battlegroup Wyyyschokk, within the Silver Spacy's second fleet, granting him more power than he'd held even before, and he sought now to utilize his ties to the Silver Jedi.

"Sir, our guest should be arriving shortly," Talus said as they waited inside the capitol building just outside of the landing pad. "The ministers have all gathered aside from Xaro Blacktree. It seems he has taken ill suddenly."

"Hmm, I see," Errreembuhr replied, concerned more about the minister's health than his absence. "Well he's very old, even for a Nosaurian. Besides, he was my sponsor when I was appointed the planet's representative to the Coalition. I believe he'd support this idea as well. For the safety of his people."

"Perhaps it is best I am not organic as you and the Minister are. Illness seems very inconvenient."

"You really are a lucky one then, Talus," Errreembuhr said with a laugh. "Nores will be a challenge as always. She's opposed me from the beginning, but we should have luck with Ment and Bora. They're far more progressive in their ideals."

"We shall see, Sir."

With that, the Wookiee looked to his datapad, giving the layout of the planned base another look-over as they waited. He was unsure who the Silver Jedi would send as their representative, but he hoped it was someone good. Despite his confidence outwardly, he was concerned that without Xaro, Bora could be swayed by Nores.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
As a Silver Spacy ship touched down into the hangers of New Plympto, the XO of the ship was trying to reason with the current Captain. He stood in the room with her as she was looking through things to wear to this meeting. It was Allyson Locke’s first time being some sort of diplomat, she was wondering what Jyoti’s plans were for her with all these odd jobs. The Corellian had arrived with the Silver Spacy to be a pilot, now she was attending Command School, suddenly awoken with the Force beyond what she knew, and now acting as a diplomat.

“Commander, you should wear nice Jedi robes or your spacy uniform? Not trying to sound rude or anything, but you look like a nerf-herder.” Allyson looked over her shoulders and looked down at her clothing. She had refused to wear the Spacy uniform and continued to refuse to wear the Jedi robes. Arms folded in her defiance as she only did it because she needed to defy something. It was in her nature as a Corellian to be stubborn.

She eventually gave in, knowing the backlash that would happen if she showed up the way she did and that she would never hear the end of it. She was sent here because the Grandmaster trusted her. “Fine, I’ll wear the spacy uniform, just notify our hosts that we’ve arrived.” The man exhaled and nodded with a salute, “Will do Commander.” With that the man ran off and Allyson changed into her uniform.

Not much later, the Commander walked down the hallway with her escorts to meet with [member="Errreembuhr"]. She had her datapad under her arm and her mind scanned the vicinity for anything out of the ordinary. Being and doing what she did on a regular basis, the Corellian was always waiting for something to jump out and bite her nose. Finally arriving, she nodded and whomever the Wookie had in place to announce her arrival would do so. Allyson adjusted her collar with the stripes of her rank along with a hand adjusting the slacks she wore, showing off the red Corellian First Class bloodstripe. They were in the sector as Corellia, Allyson knew some about New Plympto and she wondered if the information train ran both ways.

Exhaling softly, she cleared her mind and prepared herself for the meeting.
The ambassador's arrival had been announced as her ship landed, and the Wookiee and his party began their final preparations to meet her. He'd only met [member="Allyson Locke"] once before, after the battle over the Antarian moons, but it was brief. Talus announced her arrival, and as Errreembuhr moved to meet the group, he caught sight of her Bloodstripes. While he wasn't native to the sector, he knew enough about Corellians to recognize the significance of the red piping.

"Commander Locke, thank you for coming," the Wookiee said through his translation device as they finally approached. "I apologize for bringing you so far out of your way, but I thought that having a representative of the Order would be a benefit to these proceedings. The Nosaurians aren't the most accepting of change, but I believe this plan will be a benefit for all involved. Have you had a chance to look over the proposed layout of the base?"
[SIZE=10pt]Allyson smiled as she entered the room and greeted the wookie. They had only met in combat, but she instantly had respect for him. She would have been happy to fly under his command. She was impressed by the Wookie’s preparation at having a translator device for her. The girl had learned Shyriiwoook during her time as a smuggler. Trade happened and a lot of wookies were usually involved. Seeing the wookie, reminded her fondly of one companion she had on a few missions. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Looking at her datapad, she had seen some of the preliminary plans of the base. Everything looked in order and it would provide a sense of security for the planet along with providing an avenue for the Silvers to extend their influence. Hazel eyes met the Wookie and she nodded. “I have seen it, and being part of the Silver Order, I’m quite excited for this to be moving forward.” She paused and remembered his apology. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Don’t worry about bringing me out this way, it's my pleasure.” Pausing she looked around the office and then addressed the main question she had about the base and the need for her to be here. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Why are you being opposed, beyond the reasoning that the Nosaurains aren’t interested in change? Even those that dislike change can usually recognize when that change is positive for their home.” [/SIZE]

"It isn't that they're opposed to change," the Wookiee replied as they began to make their way towards the conference room. "Even Nosaurians understand the need for change. It's the fact that outsiders are involved. One in particular on their council is a particular traditionalist, and is very much against having non-Nosaurians in a permanent position on the planet. My company was able to set up operations here initially because at the time the Metal Lords held sway over the government. If not for that I doubt I'd even be in this position to propose such a thing at all."

He paused for a moment to give a nod to a passing Nosaurian aide, one he recognized from several meetings. "This, though, this is entirely different. My company provides significant resources to the local defense forces, something that's been used on their part as justification for my continued presence. The Silver Jedi however have no such relations with the government. Placing a permanent installation on sovereign ground is a much larger stretch. The only reason I believe they've agreed to even discuss it is because of the recent troubles with the Sith Empire on Commenor, and this rising Commonwealth group on Nubia."

Outside of the door, the pair stopped as he looked at [member="Allyson Locke"] once more. "We'll need to play this carefully. Explain that we won't be interfering in local governance outside of planetary defense. What I think will sell them on it as well is if we agree not to try recruiting native Nosaurians into service. Volunteers, but not active recruitment."

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