Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Power



The Galaxy walked the straight line. Gone were the days of grinding wars of attrition, politics beleving itself to have achieved a peace amongst the band of intellectuals who ruled the stars. For all their might and power, the Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order were powerless to look once more beyond their borders, incapable of enforcing their tainted vision of order. For a while, the denizens of the universe questioned everything. Who would rise to challenge the Byrn'dual? Who might conquer the disparte Brotherhood of the Maw?

The answer was predictable, expected really. The Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Silver Jedi Concord. The titans of modern day galactic power, rulers of vast stretches of the Outer Rim and Mid Rim respectively. Areas more than vulnerable to cleverly disguised Final Dawn propaganda.

The working class, who toiled day after day, week after week were primed for a vision of a new order. A true order. Years of constant bombardment in the Inner Rim, Mid Rim, and Outer Rim combined with the clandestine efforts of New Sith backed pirate and slaver organizations- which were collusively defeated by Final Dawn aligned paramilitary organizations- had embarrassed the establishment politicians of both organizations. The fall of the Sith Empire only strengthened the belief these individuals had in the Final Dawn.

The warning signs were there, the Confederacy and Jedi simply choose to ignore them.

Just as the High Regent had predicted.

The High Regent wore his plain white uniform, albeit enshrined with the jewelry one would expect from someone of his stature. With him, his usual delegation of religious leaders, military officials and personal aides, all indoctrinated in the truth he created at the behest of the Supreme Ruler, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . A sinister smile tugged at the corner of his lips as the honor guard perked up, crimson adorned stormtroopers standing at attention. Even the Sovereign Protectors looked towards the ornate doors of the Palace's greeting room with wonder

"Executor" He called out. "Or would you prefer Darth?"



Libertas quae sera tamen


Dark Lord of the Sith
Derix Tirall Derix Tirall


The Palace. This was not a place of familiarity to him, nor was it the sort of place he foresaw himself lingering about for any duration of time beyond what was necessary, merely due to the vast number of projects and tasks he wished to see to completion. However, it was not often an invitation ventured in his direction, a summons to anywhere, much less one of shallow, cordial nature. Through the corridors, he drifted, plated boots carrying him with the utmost confidence, despite the paranoia that oft shrouded his trust within its shadow. He was a deceiver, through and through, destined to be a traitor, and while his exterior murmured eerie calm and solace, the internal conflict he leashed and held close to his chest decried it.

His assumption of equal title to the Dark Voice had painted a target on his back, he knew that much from the Sith, and his vaunted calm was merely a ploy to mask the veil-shattering might he possessed. Unassuming, was he entirely- just as the New Imperials had learned before he dealt grievous wound to their Empire and broke their courage upon the icy razors of his planet. He said nothing to the royal guard he passed by, merely waving them to steady with a languid flick from his wrist, a dismissal of their formality for causality sake.

In his company strode two of his finest soldiers, those statuesque undead burdened by heavy tenebrae armor and adored in the same dripping white and gold it was he wore exclusively. It had always been his mark of sanctimony, or perhaps his flair for the dramatic, to know he was the Lord wearing ivory in a sea of inky black and grey. The trio approached the doors to the meeting location and Caelitus gave pause, briefly trailing hands down his armor to blindly smooth unwanted creases in his shoulder-cape and swat away any remaining stain from his previous battles, just in case. One only had a singular opportunity to make an impression, after all.

The doors parted for the Dark Lord and his company and through he ventured, eyeless helmet kept forward with his entry. Beyond him, his Sight reached, grasping at the brushstrokes arranged by the Force upon blank canvas, forming a general concept of the lay of the room and those in attendance. Through that haze, he glimpsed the man who had called him here and the company of the bystanding protectorate, all of who received a courteous dip of the miraluka's head in both greeting and acknowledgment.​
"Executor" He called out. "Or would you prefer Darth?"

The voice of the High Regent graced him, and he could not help the twitch of his upper lip in disgust, thankful then he had decided to keep his helmet on for the time. Formality. Ever, formality.

Eloquent stride saw him to the table and he pondered briefly if this was truly to be a discussion or interrogation. It would be determined rather early on, he settled upon that idea, and situated himself to sit. "I've disdain for formality, to be frank, though if you must address me as any title, Dark Lord shall suffice." It was that very truth that had helped him achieve adoration by the Carlaci people and earned him wonton ire from his former colleagues amongst the Imperial Assembly, yet neither of those things had any profound effect on his taste.

The two soldiers stationed themselves against the wall close by, settling into that unnatural state of stillness they were so fond of.

Fingers compressed the seals of his helmet and he removed it, at last, planting it on the table by his left hand, exposing his unassuming features. Silvering hair was brushed away from his blindfolded gaze before those twitchy hands folded neatly on the surface before him, digits comfortably nesting within one another. "Thank you for the invitation, I understand there are matters you wish to discuss with me." Unaided by the vocoder of his helm, the accented monotone of his voice echoed into the space between the two men, "We both have much to tend to, let us not waste time further."

Whether or not the former New Imperial held mutual intrigue toward the High Regent was a mystery.

"I assume you wish to determine whether or not our newfound position of camaraderie will be beneficial for the end goal. You know nothing of me, and I, nothing of you. So," he tapped two fingers upon the table, beckoning one of his company to come forth, "it's only fitting we do this properly." The undead soldier placed a velvet bag upon the table before he turned sharply and moved back to his previous position. This bag was caught by the Dark Lord, unwound, and as it was pushed down, a glistening, smoky bottle was revealed, resting beside two crystalline glasses. It was rude to not offer gifts to one's host, after all.

Caelitus cracked the bottle and poured two glasses, the contents easily identifiable as some form of bourbon, judging by the sharp aroma alone. One he claimed for himself, and the other was offered out by extension of his arm. "Speak your mind brother, I care little for conversational dances."

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"I'll inform the officers" His response was virtual, empathic yet lacking in substance. A flick of his finger, and any traces of ceremonial facades were instructed to leave, all except for the small group of Sovereign Protectors. The High Regent's blue eyes stared at the blind man for minutes before a response to latter inquires could be recorded. So many questions, so few time. While yes, Tirall was very much aware of the former Lord Halketh's triumphs over the New Imperial Order, and yes they were both simply cogs in a machine operated by a mutual master, curiosity burned nonetheless.

With a polite nod, the High Regent took the offered drink, a luxury he hadn't indulged in for quite a while. "The matters of military preparedness are boring to say the least, so I won't bother you with that"

"Suffice it to say we are well on schedule. Sularen despite his status as a- how do I say: Rabid curr" He paused, drinking with restrained contempt. "Has proven more than capable of mainting that particular bureaucracy. His yearn for power is a matter of concern for me however, he has dramatically expanded the powers he was intended to hold. But my promise to him remains: When the time comes, he shall rule the Core"

"That is unless you object"

An offer of input. A rare sign of respect Tirall was unknown to show, and yet the olive branch was offered. Together they would burn the galaxy to it's component atoms and rebuild society from the ground up, so respect wasn't just preferred, it was necessary.

"The questions surrounding you are quite interesting" He offered, with a sly smile. "Are you dead or alive? The most important: Are you the sucessor of his Lordship, the Supreme Ruler"

"A mistake of this magnitude was made one fateful day on Endor. I do not intend to allow all we've built collapse because of death- I will ensure you and the Supreme Ruler do not die, rest assured"



Libertas quae sera tamen


Dark Lord of the Sith
Derix Tirall Derix Tirall

"Suffice it to say we are well on schedule. Sularen despite his status as a- how do I say: Rabid curr" He paused, drinking with restrained contempt. "Has proven more than capable of mainting that particular bureaucracy. His yearn for power is a matter of concern for me however, he has dramatically expanded the powers he was intended to hold. But my promise to him remains: When the time comes, he shall rule the Core"

"That is unless you object"

The first morsel of information he was offered, he chewed with content until that unexpected crunch perturbed his enjoyment. "You think a man with a mind so far beyond his station and means is a worthwhile investment in a position of power, however later it will be?" He inquired, tapping the sharp tip of a gauntleted finger against the edge of the glass clutched in the same hand, "So be it, you know of him more than I, daydreamers are useful in the relentless pursuit of their vision. I would imagine he would personally see to any... detractors that may dwell amongst the Order, saving you and I both the trouble. Should he survive, Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen will have what he is promised." The conclusion was punctuated by a sip from his glass and a nod of his head, encouragement for Tirall to proceed as planned. ​

"The questions surrounding you are quite interesting" He offered, with a sly smile. "Are you dead or alive? The most important: Are you the sucessor of his Lordship, the Supreme Ruler"

Sly smile was met by sly smile, The Mercurial Saint's shoulders bouncing a singular time with the hummed note of amusement that departed him. "So I've heard, though I hold little resentment for the curious, as I'm sure in their position I would feel much the same. I seemed to have arrived from nowhere and was equally thrust upon you all in a position of power, questions are expected. My alignment and association with The Brotherhood was kept well under wraps to ensure the integrity of my plan would not be compromised." When he spoke for lengthier durations, his voice betrayed him notably, that monotone of his lofted to give way to much more prominent connotation. His calculated restraint was not only extended upon his power, it seemed. "And, I am the most alive I have ever been," he answered the first question cryptically, as he was wont to do, "and yes, in the event we both fail," he said poignantly, "it will be I who claims the reins."

The way he uttered the tail of that sentence suggested he was none-too-enthused about the prospect.​

"A mistake of this magnitude was made one fateful day on Endor. I do not intend to allow all we've built collapse because of death- I will ensure you and the Supreme Ruler do not die, rest assured"

Caelitus focused his blindfolded face squarely on the man then, his Sight piercing deeply through the monotone landscape that enveloped him perpetually. He retracted his attention from the glimpse beyond the walls of the chamber. From glaring beneath the floor. From seeing beneath the table. Solely, that focus of his gathered on the rippling petals of Darkside energy that bloomed from the man's very bones. Silently, he judged what he saw.

"I've faith in you," the Dark Lord determined aloud, "explain to me why."


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