Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Please Stop

As faction staff it is our job not just to promote activity and creativity for the faction and Site, but it is also our duty to provide a safe environment for all our writers. It has come to my attention that there are a few individuals or even factions as a whole that are still spreading defamatory comments about the United Clans of Mandalore and that the writers are racists. We are not Racists and it is not fair to label us as such. I honestly would have this put under our harassment policy and it certainly just adds to the toxicity of this site. So i am pleading to the site as a whole to end this. I have instructed my members to screenshot and report such harassment and defamation of character when it occurs.

So please, just stop. This is a play by post rp gaming community and it is by far one of the best Star wars niches on the net. it is not real life. This place is for fun and relaxation. Lets keep it that way.

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