Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Please let me find one that’s not cracked

[member="Z'Zharen"] was slowly but surely getting on Ballen's nerves. That was fine though, the Red Sith would continue to maintain his sense of control, slowing his rapid breathing from within the mask he wore. "Like I said, it doesn't matter where I come from," the Knight repeated, intent on keeping his identity a relative secret. Purebloods were a rare sight after the genocide, and were most likely unwelcome by the majority of those who were aware of their past. "I will give you what you seek. Worry not," the Sith spoke, before slowly turning his head to gaze down the corridors that led deeper into the cave.

He could hear [member="Kriel Firin"], and could sense the effects the trial had upon him. Ballen-Ist couldn't say that he was eager to experience a vision induced by these crystals, or that he even truly wanted to possess one. What he desired was to take Kriel as an apprentice, and train him in the ways of the force. It seemed there was a lot more here than just saber crystals too, for whoever this mysterious person([member="Spencer Varanin"]) was appeared to have wielded the dark and light. This was good though, for the Sith had been perfecting his use of light side emotions for sometime now.

There were certain things that were simply impossible to do while in a blinding rage of anger and hatred, he had learned this on Nar Shaddaa after an unfortunate encounter. Yes, there was a lot more to the force than just the dark side. Kriel seemed to be obsessed with it, a path that would surely lead to his own destruction. Further down the tunnels was [member="Aveira Dax"], who had spotted the duo only moments earlier. He only noticed her after directing his stare in her direction, having been initially sensing out Kriel's own well being. Ballen was unsure as to who exactly this other person was, but they were present nonetheless. "Come, we have a long way to go." The cloaked man spoke, turning on his heel before striding along the rocky surface of the cave. They would begin to advance in the Zeltron's direction, no doubt coming face to face with her soon if she stayed put.
The masked man turned around and continued to walk down further into the cave. Zhar kept his green light in front of him, stretching his large hairy arm next to [member="Ballen-Ist"] . "You see well in the dark. For someone with no light to guide their way."

The Whipid's wise words most likely annoyed this stranger, but Zhar was skeptic and felt this man was holding back not only his true identity, but his intentions as well. The young Whipid believed himself to be overall a good person. He may have told a half truth to this stranger, but conservation of trust was to protect himself. This man could be a bounty hunter from Nar Shadda, seeking to bring Zhar in dead or alive for escaping the fighting pits on the Smuggler's Moon. This man said nothing, dismissive of the truth and unwilling to even lie. A bounty hunter, however subtle would most likely have a cover story or something, this man was simply a mystery.

The Whipid now took one large step forward and was side by side with the masked man, Zhar made it a point he would not follow this figure blindly into the dark. "Now, you should see much better with my light in front of us." The Whipid said in a too friendly tone, now walking beside him he got a little bit of a closer look at the mask, peeking from the corner of his eye as the green glow reflected off his travel companion's face.

"From the cultures I've encountered, men wear masks for three reasons." The Whipid said holding out two of his three fingers while his thumb gripped the green glow rod. "They wear masks for ritual, for war or out of fear." The Whipid now made his side glance obviously noticeable as he spoke more common wisdom and of course followed by another question, "I doubt there is a war in this tunnel, I doubt you came here to pray to crystals. What are you afraid of?"

"Even if you fear to reveal of your identity, wearing a mask while you're already in the dark," The Whipid lifted his light above him, so it casted a long shadow behind the masked man. "Seems like overkill."
Spencer remained deep in the cave. She could sense the others making their way through. The concept of her wait made her think of the holo games she used to play in her teenage years. Travel through the dungeon or cave to get to the final boss – defeat boss and obtain the prize. Though Spencer really didn’t want to fight, but she would if they decided to be aggressive. A hand rested against her chin as she closed her eyes and focused on the auras that floated around the cave. One was going through something and Spencer inhaled deeply

His emotions were strong, but she needed to not let them interfere with her own mind. Thick walls were raised mentally and she shut herself off from them. She would sit and wait to see who would arrive first and if they were going to try and defeat the final boss for the crystals or if they would pose some civility.

Either way, Spencer would defend the Alliance land and the Alliance property.

@Z'Zharen @Ballen-Ist @Kirel Firin @Aveire Dax

Aveira Dax

Weapon of The Dark Side.
A knot in her stomach causes her to question silently if the second mask man (Ballen-Ist) had spotted her. As he started for her direction; she decided to play this as if he hadn't and the glance in her direction was just a coincidence. The Zeltron steps back and turns back around the second boulder and begins further down the corridor in a quick, still silent careful steps in the direction that the first Sith had taken to advance towards this mysterious crystal.

[member="Spencer Varanin"]
Kriel's step quickened. He leaned down to examine the cave floor at the entrance. The crystals grew in intricate formations. Even in the dark cave, they glowed. He passed his hand over them without touching. He felt vibrations emanate from them. Slowly, he scanned the wider area – which was when he saw the woman. Jedi? Sith? Another spirit or dream? A final test?

He had no idea. But unlike his previous encounters, this one did not approach him. He considered taking crystals and leaving – but he suspected it would not be as simple as that. So he walked to the woman, keen to see if she were an apparition or real. He sensed an aura about her. He was not suitably proficient to understand her true power or allegiance with any certainty – but she seemed powerful and he recognised the familiar taint of the Dark side. A Sith then? Or a Knight of Ren?

The crystals around him projected a strange warmth – and already one was connecting with him. Physically identical to the rest, it seemed brighter than the others, not visibly, but in a way he could not understand or describe. And the Force seemed to be growing in power around him. He felt it rise from the dirt and rocks and air, and especially from the crystals themselves. He felt comforted by that sureness. But the woman worried him.

“Are you a guardian of the crystals?” he asked finally, aware he could not continue without interacting with her.

[member="Spencer Varanin"]
"You choose your words wisely, not carefully," Ballen-Ist spoke as he walked, having waited for [member="Z'Zharen"] to finish with his rambling. He couldn't say that he wasn't annoyed by it, but there were far more irritating things to prepare for in the depths of the cave. The Sith knew that force sensitives usually experienced visions while in the presence of such powerful objects, something that had yet to happen for the Knight naturally as of yet. He was unsure of what he would see, but had a good idea. "I like that." Ballen-Ist concluded, continuing forward as the Whipid shone his light unto the darkness. It was true that he had been fine with leading in the shadows, though that was only because of his brief training as an assassin.

"Either way, I think I'll keep you guessing," Ballen-Ist would say further, smirking as he chuckled lightly to Z'Zharen. He was calm, he was in control. The Whipid could ramble as much as he wanted. Suddenly, he heard a voice similar to his own call out, causing his head to turn quickly and gaze behind them from where it had come from. Surely Z'Zharen had not heard, for this was just the beginning of what the crystals had in store. Slowly turning back to face the path forward, the Sith would lift an arm and point forward before speaking, "I heard someone ahead," referring to [member="Aveira Dax"]. He wondered who exactly this person was, for not many ventured into such sacred areas. [member="Kriel Firin"] seemed to have reached his destination, the same place that he himself intended to go.
"At least I have words to say." The Whipid 's reply came out reflexively. The continued their stride further into the cave, green light guiding their way. The masked man insisted on being secretive, however he did insist that he heard someone ahead of them. Zhar listened, but other than the occasional drip of near by water and light skittering of fauna he could not hear what the masked man claimed. Perhaps if he closed his eyes...No! That would be foolish to lower his guard with this stranger. Instead the Whipid moved in front of the masked man to shine his light ahead.

"Well if there is anyone ahead of us, it would probably be best to not ask them anything. I know how you like secrets." The Whipid said sarcastically, continuing to move forward with his green glow rod. He brought his electrostaff to his front with his other hand, not activating it, but keeping a tight grip in case someone was lurking. Zhar confronted a large boulder, but around it was another path. He grunted and raked two clawed fingers against the stone wall to leave trace markings. The green light could not stretch all the way down this new tunnel, but the Whipid could have sworn he saw the silhouette of a female humanoid form.

"I think there is a woman running around these tunnels." The Whipid said aloud for his masked companion to hear, wondering if this was still a trap. Zhar did not follow the female figure [member="Aveira Dax"] into the tunnel, he waited for [member="Ballen-Ist"] to catch up to him.
"There are more people in this place than you know. We are going to the core of this crystal cavern," the Sith spoke, still walking calmly at his own pace. He knew where he was going, for the force was able to guide him. [member="Z'Zharen"] had withdrawn his electrostaff, making him look like quite the formidable foe. He was probably dangerous, though if he was able to control the force he would be an even greater combatant.

"You can put that away," Ballen-Ist spoke, tugging his cloak closer to his body, concealing his own weaponry that he had considered wielding earlier. He could not sense any hostility so far, though the fact that [member="Aveira Dax"] had ran was suspicious. Either way, they were all headed in [member="Kriel Firin"] and [member="Spencer Varanin"]'s direction, so it mattered little.

The footsteps of the Knights plated boots would echo audibly through the tunnels as he marched, not really caring for anyone else that he encountered in particular. After a few minutes, he neared the crystal caves main chamber, and spotted the duo within.

The masked man confirmed Zhar's suspicions. There are more people lurking in the cave. But who are they and why are they here, is it about these crystals? Is this some nest of religious cultist the young Whipid stumbled into or a coincidence to see different treasure hunters.

When the masked man caught up to him, the duo continued down the tunnel where the woman had ran, the masked man told Zhar he could sheath his electrostaff...that was not going to happen.

Zhar permitted his companion to walk ahead of him again, the width of the cave was getting a bit narrower for the two to walk side by side. The masked man stopped at a wide entrance in the stone walls, inside Zhar saw two more figures. Another masked man...that was to be expected and a woman. This woman did not seem to be the same one he saw running off before, she seemed calm and comfortable where she long have these two been in here?

The Whipid shun his green lantern's light on the two, "Who are you people?" He said aloud and to no one in particular Kriel Firin, Spencer Varanin. The masked man was still in front of him, but Zhar maintained his tight grip on his staff, just in case any one of these strangers made a move to attack, including his mysterious guide.

Aveira Dax

Weapon of The Dark Side.
A voice called out towards @Z'Zharen and [member="Ballen-Ist"] as they passed by noticing Aveira from her boulder in the far corner on their way towards the main chamber. "Oh thank you...umm..I'm Sir?" he asked while eyeing the masked Sith then looks over towards his companion, Zharen. "I've been stranded here for weeks, I came in here seeking shelter. "Are you..two here on your own free well?" she said while coming up with a believable story. The Zeltron's appearance remained calm and collection as she took a few steps following them while keeping several feet behind.
About to enter the main crystal chamber where [member="Spencer Varanin"] and [member="Kriel Firin"] remained, Ballen-Ist would suddenly come to a halt, as [member='Z'Zharen'] continued. "Good luck, Whipid. I will join you shortly," the Red Sith spoke, watching as his temporary companion called out to the duo. There was definitely some wisdom to be learned here, maybe even a test of sorts to attain a crystal.

Though, Ballen-Ist already knew that Z'Zharen did not seek one of the saber crystals. [member="Aveira Dax"] was still about, and she now called out to them while keeping her distance. Smart, given how little she knew about what was going on.

From what she said she sounded frightened and lost, but her thoughts betrayed her. Not that it really mattered, unless she was trying to snag a crystal like everyone else. She appeared otherwise calm despite the situation, which was unusual. "The crystal cavern is just up ahead. If you need transportation, you will find it here most likely." Ballen-Ist spoke, knowing that the cave was a ways out from most outposts.

Aveira Dax

Weapon of The Dark Side.
Aveira swallowed slowly as a bit of fear peeked out from her wall of calm exterior. A few moments passed before she lowered herself to a knee and bowed her head. "I...assume by your attire you are Sith. May I accompany you ?" She pleeded.

A shrill and brief laugh would erupt from the Sith's mouth, caught off guard by the boldness of [member="Aveira Dax"]. This woman claimed to know what he was, yet dared to ask to accompany him. A satisfied smirk spread across Ballen-Ist's lips, as he lifted an arm from beneath his cloak and waved upwards at the Zeltron. "Rise, rise," he spoke in a nonchalant matter, as if this happened everyday. It definitely didn't, and the Red Sith was still a bit suspicious of the woman. What did she have planned, and what was she after?

"You may follow me. I warn you though, beyond this point is potential danger," he spoke, glancing over to the main crystal chambers entrance. "The attire doesn't make a Sith, lady," Ballen-Ist spoke, his thinly plated sleeved arms lifting from beneath his cloak. The Knight's gloved hands would grip at the metallic helmet upon his head, pulling it from around his neck and lowering it to his side. His black hair was slightly long though slicked back, his smooth red skin almost glowing in the dark as Aveira's own did. There was, however, a single scar upon his face that was slightly noticeable. A lightsaber wound, no doubt. "What do you hope to gain?" He questioned cryptically.

Aveira Dax

Weapon of The Dark Side.
[SIZE=10.5pt] Aveira meant the term "Sith" as in one who was a follower of the Dark Side. However, she never expected in a million years to see what [member="Ballen-Ist"] revealed, a actual pure blood Sith. Her expression shattered like a panel of glass[/SIZE]. The dark red lips moved a little as if forming words, but nothing released from her mouth. Finally, she swallows slowly.

“A pure…Me? I..lied..I was paid to take the crystal and bring it back to a crime lord. Although…now I see that is no longer possible. May I still accompany you Master Sith.” She said not knowing what else to call him, little alone his name. The aqua blue and green pale eyes still lingered on him for a few more moments before she took a non-threatening step closer towards him as she mutters softly but loud enough for Ballen-Ist to hear her.

“’re stunning…”

[member="Aveira Dax"]'s reaction was common to most who had never seen a Pureblood Sith before. There were only a few truly powerful ones out there, Ballen-Ist being still a Knight. Even so, he was extremely experienced, having been trained by the Dark Enforcer of the late New Order. Everyone had a story, and the Sith was mildly surprised to find that the Zeltron was actually a hired criminal. Most people from Zeltros were too hedonistic to care about anything, especially not crime and lightsaber crystals. "It is still in the realm of possibility," Ballen would say, not seeing why she couldn't leave here without a crystal.

It all depended on how the others handled their encounter with the other woman, hopefully things went smoothly. Remaining still as Aveira stepped closer, the Sith would arch a brow as she muttered quietly, a slight smirk crossing his lips once more. "I would say the same to you, if I could see," the Knight replied, his vision affected slightly now that he had removed his helmet. Though, the Zeltron's skin was a bright glowing shade of pink in the dark, and so Ballen had little trouble examining a vague outline. Not bad at all. "I am Ballen-Ist. Do you know what these crystals are for?" The Sith questioned.

Aveira Dax

Weapon of The Dark Side.
Aveira shook her head slowly while remaining still; she knew sudden movements could be taken wrong. "No..just that they where valuable and they wanted to pay heavily for them."

[member="Aveira Dax"]

Sith? Zeltron thieves, crime lords and pure bloods?

Zhar had sensed this place was to reveal to him something...more about himself. Instead so far he has been shocked by this assembly of strangers in a secluded cave.

"It would appear...Darth Mask," Zhar said holding his tone as a matter of fact. "That all I needed to do, to learn your name was to display pink curves." Zhar set his green lantern down on the rocky floor, then gripping his electrostaff in two giant hands. He fell into a defensive pose. Yet, he did not activate the staff, the other two beings...remained to be seen. Even if this masked man and his now love-sick Zeltron groupie were aligned with the Sith....that order never did any personal harm directly to the Whipid. He heard stories of the Sith, but he also heard stories of the Jedi and how some were taking up territories and annotating themselves as conquerors.

The Whipid would not strike first, patience he told himself. They both are after crystals...the woman who seemed to be meditating within this main chamber, was she some sort of guardian for the crystals? A Jedi? Another Sith?

Zhar had not fought a Force sensitive opponent to his knowledge yet. He did not know what powers these wizards could wield...right now if he was lucky he could probably go down with mortally injuring one of them and possibly taking the Zeltron out...foolish to give into suicidal thoughts so soon. Patience.

Why am I here? What am I supposed to do?

The Whipid fought for focus over the hear and now, but this was dangerous. "I bare no ill will towards your kind, masked ones. Nor you ladies either. If you intend to attack or capture me, I am prepared to defend myself." The glow from his green lantern reflected off of each being in the chamber.... Should I run?....No....Patience.
Within the main chamber of the cave, many crystals were visible. Ballen-Ist had stopped just before stepping into the light cast by their shine, deciding to remain in the shadows for the time being. If [member="Aveira Dax"] were to look closely, she would be able to see some of the fully grown sets that glowed brightly with power. "These crystals are naturally grown through the force, and can be used as power sources," the Knight began, truly fascinated by the wonders of the force. He could talk about it for days, but he didn't want to bore the Zeltron.

Upon hearing [member='Z'Zharen']'s comment, Ballen-Ist couldn't help but laugh again, finding merit in the Whipid's words. It was probably the Zeltron pheromones, or his own free will. Both. The Sith's laugh would fall short though, as he watched the Whipid move into a defensive stance. Having yet to step into the chamber, the Red Sith would remain still, as Z'Zharen began to back pedal. It was another typical reaction, and one of the reasons he preferred to keep his species a secret. "I promise you that any violence here will not end well for any of us." The Sith spoke quite seriously, his glowing golden eyes looking towards the center of the chamber.

Aveira Dax

Weapon of The Dark Side.

The Zeltron's eyes move from the Sith to the Whipid, studding their interactions and responses. Aveira steps back more away almost giving the Sith enough room so that if a fight started, he wouldn't have her in the way; nor she would be in the middle of the combat. "They are beautiful." she said softly in response to Ballen-Ist finally while taking a quick second to look at a cluster of them near her.
He wasn't the most patient of men - but then he wasn't precisely holding enough cards to press the matter. So he waited for the woman to act, or react, or even just acknowledge his presence). But the longer he waited, the more his attention spread. He gave her a healthy dose of his conscious thought but also scanned the area for the crystals. Some seemed brighter than others - more in tune with him. Perhpas they were like this for everyone - simply the most powerful ones on offer, or maybe - as he had read - they had the strongest connection with him. He spotted two that seemed most attuned to his connection to the Force and committed their positions to memory. If he had to make a swift getaway, he knew where to grab them from.

[member="Spencer Varanin"]

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