Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The roar of the crowd could be heard even miles away from the Morpho Sports Complex. Game day at Morpho was a highly anticipated event for all citizens of Lok as well as nearby galaxians who traveled to see their favorite sports teams play in the giant, newly constructed arena. This day was no different. A Shockball tournament was underway between the Eriadu Patriots and the hometeam of the Lok Revenants. Glimmik played in the background each time a player was rendered unconscious by the small, electric ball.

In a large VIP booth high above the stadium, Tmoxin Temi had reserved a luxury seating area, open bar and catering spread with the best food and drink that Brightstar Catering had to offer. She had visited Eriadu recently to visit with The First Order, a small, but growing military cadre. The leaders of the First Order were familiar to her, some more than others. What the Hapan executive, and ex-Imperial officer, had in mind was the molding of an agreement of sorts. Whether trade or diplomatic remained to be seen.

Once the First Order contingency landed in a private hangar outside of the Sports Complex, they would be greeted by a small security detail, including a Mirari droid and taken via hovercraft to the stadium and desposited into a VIP area where they would have the best views of the Shockball game below. A round sports-betting droid whirred over to Tmoxin, and pressing a few buttons, she put five thousand credits on the Revenants. No doubt the Imperials would be rooting for Eriadu.
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