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Approved Planet Plantis

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Art from:​
Name: Plantis

Region: Yuuzhan Vong galaxy​
System: Machina Mortem​
Suns: One, Stella Vitae, Super Giant​
Orbital Position: Within the habitable zone​
Dies Secundus, due to the brightness of the sun, the nights are only slightly less bright than the days.​

System Features:​
The asteroid belt, Sol Praesidio, is between the planet and the sun. This belt is made of a highly reflective metal, which gives the appearance of stars during the day.​

Coordinates: Unknown​
Rotational Period: 18 standard hours​
Orbital Period: 862 local days​

Class: Terrestrial​
Diameter: 10,761 km​
Atmosphere: Type I (However the deep Jungles and Forests are Type IV)​
Climate: Heavily Humid with small areas of incredible dryness​
Gravity: 2x standard gravity​
Primary Terrain:​
Heavy Jungles and Forests, small locations of Deserts, small Seas​

Native Species: None beside plantlife​
Immigrated Species: Unknown, presumed extinct​
Primary Languages: Unknown​
Government: Anarchy​
Population: Current: No sentient Historical: 1000 at peak​
Demonym: Plantisians or Dead​

Major Imports: (Historical) Everything but water (Current: None)​
Major Exports: (Historical) Rare plants (Current: None)​
Affiliation: Unknown (Independent)​

Major Locations:​
There are three locations of note on the planet: The Forest’s Soul, The Desert, and Heart of the Jungle​

Forest’s Soul:
This area is the deepest Forest on the planet, it is filled with plant life and the spore concentration is so high that it practically guarantees that it will stay that way. The trees here seem to exhume a palpable anger towards anything that enters it.​
The Desert:
The Desert is the largest area of open ground on planet. It is also not the only desert, but it is the largest at about 10 kilometers across. It is the location of one of the Rest that had fallen onto the planet. Its death caused much destruction to the forests. The machine has mostly disappeared, slowly sinking into the sand, as if the planet were devouring it.​
Heart of the Jungle:
The Heart is home to the largest trees on the planet. This place is not as closed in as the Forest’s Soul, but it is just as overgrown. The place has the same concentration of spores as the Soul. Also many of the plants in this area are actually part carnivorous as if they were the guards to this place.​

The people of Plantis were only just colonizers and therefore had not fully created their own culture. The people feared the deep forests and jungles and tended to stay towards the least wooded areas. They often also lived next to one of the many small seas that covered the landscape. Their life would be short and death was very common due to the hostile environment.​

Plantisians were basically without technology, as the planet’s contact with others was soon lost after it was found out how worthless the planet truly was.​
Plantis’ only native life forms were and still are plant life. These plants seemed to have evolved to be incredibly hostile to other life forms. The planet was supposed to be a good launch point for ships to mine the asteroid belt; however it turned out that the planet would not submit to other beings on it. The actual amount of metal they were hoping to mine was so small that the cost was more than the potential gain. The planet became a simple colonization effort.​
The people who had come tried to survive by collecting what fruit grew on the trees and what they could get from other planets. They found that the fruit of the trees was not very good food, it did not provide much sustenance and actually cost the body more energy to digest than it gained from the digestion.​
They also soon learned that the plants seemed to react hostilely towards other life forms. There were strange spores in the deep jungles and forests that killed people. The spores reacted to anything that was foreign from the planet, as if the planet itself was against outsiders. The spores contained a poison that ate away at anything it touched, practically an acid; however it didn’t have the other properties of an acid. The poison was not diluted by water and did not weaken over time. During the first year more people died from these spores than any other cause on planet.​
The colonizers were still on planet when the Abominor came and began setting up their own bases. The Abominor soon realized that this planet was hostile against them as well; the spores were capable of burning through their metals and caused malfunctions in circuitry. By the time the enemies of the Abominor found the planet, the Abominor were much weaker and were centralized into a number of small areas. Only one large battle occurred on planet, where one of the Rest was slain and fell to the planet, burning the land it fell upon. The large droid’s destruction left kilometers of forest turned into desert.​
The Yuuzhan found the planet with only a few surviving people. They exterminated the people, burning large portions of the planet’s forest, which would turn to desert. The Yuuzhan tried to colonize this planet, but they found the jungles and forests to be oppressive to even them. The spores killed more of their people than the survivors that had tried to fight.​
The planet was left alone after the Yuuzhan left. It is difficult to tell if the planet is sentient or not. One thing is for sure though; the plants on that planet are alive and deadly.​

Notable PCs: N/A​
Intent: Netherworld event​
Edited the sentient planet note, all gone now, I think.

In regards the import/exports. There was a colony at one point on planet. They had imports and exports. That colony no longer exists.

I changed the import/export list to the following (To hopefully clear any misunderstanding I may have caused):

"Major Imports: (Historical) Everything but water (Current: None)​
Major Exports: (Historical) Rare plants (Current: None)"​
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