Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Plagiarism and Characters

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I find this most distressing, here I was looking at characters, and suddenly I came across a problem. I have been shut down for plagiarism with characters, and yet this guy is running around free willy, AND I have reported it. Obviously it was ignored. So. I will show face, and say this.

That isn't right, it's not fair, why the hell is [member="Jack Sparrow"] running around Chaos with Jack Sparrow as a avatar...yet nothing being done? So can I make a Mickey Mouse, and run around with the name Mickey Mouse and a avatar of Mickey Mouse, and be a sith?

That is all. :)
[member="Razer Sin"]

I've got the feeling this should've been done via PM rather than call out another member publicly.

Since this is tagged Feedback, that's my feedback.


Oh no..I sent a report a month or two ago. That was discreet, I will NOT be discreet when members have RPed with this person, and done nothing about it.
[member="Mallory Pryde"] You are far too hostile, friend.

[member="Razer Sin"] Yes, as dear Nephew said it is a parody. Why? It looks like Jack. It sounds like Jack. But if you look at his bio and information, does he ride in a ship called the Black Pearl on the mystical high seas of Earth? No he does not, thus: not really plagiarism.

However, I would like the indicate that it is a slippery slope, and certain lines should not be crossed. I just wanted to let you know that I value this opinion, but it is not at such a severity as to call it plagiarism in my opinion. Especially since this is a long standing character without any other notable infringements to my knowledge.


Your demeanour and behaviour has got a lot to do with it.

If you're a decent person that's easy to get along with and well-liked then you're going to have an easier time with greater leniancy. I, frankly, have heard nothing but good things about Jack Sparrow's writer.

If you are a notorious member known for poor behaviour, attacking others, taking an LOA every week and starting your own splinter board then nobody's going to have leniency for you because you're already a troublemaker.
Zambrano the Hutt said:
[member="Razer Sin"] Also if you want to do the mickey mouse thing by all means :p
Here, I'll get you started:
Evelynn said:
Your demeanour and behaviour has got a lot to do with it.

If you're a decent person that's easy to get along with and well-liked then you're going to have an easier time with greater leniancy. I, frankly, have heard nothing but good things about Jack Sparrow's writer.

If you are a notorious member known for poor behaviour, attacking others, taking an LOA every week and starting your own splinter board then nobody's going to have leniency for you because you're already a troublemaker.
We're getting warmer.



Lets look at this're saying I can make a power him his actual name, and use his actual no I will make it the PINK power ranger...and I haven't crossed that line?? Pffft okay...Ima go make the Pink Power Ranger now guys.
What are the odds that someone in the star wars universe looks like Johnny Depp and so happens to have Jack Sparrow as a name? I would guess the odds are cosmic.




  1. of or relating to the universe or cosmos, especially as distinct from the earth.
    "cosmic matter"


    extraterrestrial, in space, from space

    "cosmic bodies"

He's not hurting anyone, is a good writer and cool person (from what I have seen). What's the issue, again?
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