Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pirates and Terrorists!

Well-Known Member
Not as... classy but I suppose it has it's.................................................................................... I don't think charm is the right word, lol. Usefulness perhaps?

Alli Wren

hey it only needs 2 people to pilot it :D and it can fit all of our toys :D and you can attach small fighters to its underside :D
Well-Known Member
Hmm, I like those ones better. But how would we get access to an ancient Military Prototype vessel? Perhaps we could put an unclassified version of this Stealth Ship that has been upgraded since 800+years ago?
Well-Known Member
Oh! Splendid idea! Perhaps we could use that flying turd (no offense to you personally alli) you suggested earlier and then do a swap. We go in, blow people up, and go out with a brand new fancy spancy space ship :D
Well-Known Member
Meh, I'm actually fine with whatever. And I'll agree that the Crarack is a good ship... despite its reminesence to something else :D

The Crarack it is then! We should wait and see if anyone else joins tomorrow. The more the Marrier after all!
Well-Known Member
Nah, IC he probably won't be. He'll be the pessimistic bastard trying to kill everyone probablly.

OOC I'm all for it. Let's blow some shit up!

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