Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pink Perplexity (The past)(complete)

[SIZE=12pt]“Well then I will have to show you how much it would mean to me to see you again” Words would not describe what she did next. The telepathy that she carefully guarded she left drop to see if she could impress upon him images, while her fingers touched him intimately, and lips murmured softly gentle urgings of want.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Time would stand still Inside the Palace there was only Breanna and Jericho. She shared the lightest of kisses upon his skin until he reached a point where his skill and experience would override her eagerness to please. He knew where to touch, when to touch. Her skin was flush taking on deeper hues of magenta from expending such energy with him that even the cool water of the bath could not hide.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]This night was not done yet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She coaxed him gently from the tub to the elaborate pillow filled couches. A simple toe touch placed on the foundation of the couch slow laid the back down the soft silk pillows gently fell backwards. Bree walked backwards until she rested on her knees on the couch holding his hand to bring him a place of comfort.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She could have asked him to take her home but the look in his eyes told her he was tired if the act of wielding the element had not drained him most definitely their activities within this room had. She promised him he could stay here with her as long as he wanted that the Palace would open later.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A knowing look as she nudged him to lie on his stomach, she straddled the small of his back and began to work the muscles in his shoulders.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Would you care for something a bit more substantial to eat, I can go and cook something, you can come help” She smiled looking down at his broad shoulders. The thick muscles told her that he worked out but in her mind she saw it as he carried the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“My father will probably wish[/SIZE] to thank you [member="Jericho"][SIZE=12pt] She had an idea of how he would react to that but she waited to hear his response to see if she was right. She wanted to know him better.[/SIZE]
Needlessly to say the passion amplified but her pheromones was more then exquisite, the taste of her flesh when he bit into her was more delightful then he expected from the average zeltron. It was a personal action of his when he really was able to enjoy himself, at first he was careful not to hurt or make her disengage but her voice when she cried out said otherwise. It'd had been a long time since he was able to truly enjoy himself and he had to admit that he was impressed that she was able to keep up with him in such a fashion, especially with all his pent up aggression. But then again she was a Zeltron and she was a worker here.

It took little coaxing for him to follow her lead as he did so the entire night. He laid on the couched and rolled over and allowed her to have his back, enjoying her touch on his skin. His eyes closed and his being felt as though he was in a deep meditation, he was feeling at ease, not like his usual cautious self. He felt every press she made on his back and he could not help but feel relaxed and filled with relief, he let out a pleasured sigh as he threw in the towel letting himself completely relax. Though that being said his guard was not down and he could switch to his primal instinct for battle again at any moment.

When she asked him whether or not he wished for food, the warrior merely shook his head. Admittingly, he was a bit hungry but he did not wish for her touch to end anytime soon. Also, he was far from a decent cook his main diet was meat he hunted and burned on a stick or with his bare hand. So he couldn't help her if he even wanted to. Then the mention of her father reached his ear; her father? He would be thankful for saving his daughter from a homicidal maniac? That was normal. Him receiving thanks? Not so much. He turned his head slightly and looked up at her from the corner of his eye. "Your father?"
Bree was still smiling quite content as she watched her fingers press into his skin, the feel of the skin under her hands. The power there it made her catch her breath each time, and each time she wanted more. She felt insatiable she as a zeltron was meant to enjoy intimacy on any level, but now with it so new in her mind she felt she had to have it, she leaned down placing a kiss on his heck tender lips touched the scar, then she licked it.

Sitting back up she caught his eye look up at her when she mentioned her father. "Yes Jericho my father owns the Palace he will be so pleased at what you've done for me,healing me, keeping me safe." She laid her body against his spreading her arms out to lay on top of his, feeling warmth radiate off him. She kissed his neck gently again.

"He may also ask you to check my apartment out to ensure that none of the Black Hand were able to find their way there" She sat up, her legs tightened around his hips as she felt lust creeping over her slowly, she growled low.

"Mmmmmmm" she couldn't help herself, "Come to think of it he might want you to vet my college professors too" She was rubbing his back as she slowly rocked. She wasn't thinking right now she was thinking on nothing but this night.
Fancy that, she wasn't some employee of this place but the daughter of the owner. It was funny how life tossed things at him, sometimes they were punches that he would have to roll with. Like meeting noblemen who openly mocked his presence for being more a brute than Jedi. Sometimes he would face with choice that he would have to live with such as the choice with mystic. Then there were the rare times like these where he can feel like a Lorrdian. Human, so to to speak. At first he thought nothing of the fact that her father was the owner, focusing his thoughts on his own relaxation. Then the thought actually hit him; she wasn't a worker here, was she? No good father, under his assumption, would allow their daughter to work in such a place beyond a receptionist of some sort. He turn his face over to onto the pillow to hide the look of a confused face, a look that he wasn't even aware he had himself. He had never been in this type of situation before though at least when they had bedded that this wasn't her first time doing the act.

It was then he felt her legs squeeze around his hips shaking on him. His first language was kinetic communication, being able to read into the emotions, among other things, though the slightest of movements. It was one thing to be lustful for one, as he knew how many felt after such an act. Her movements on his and the sounds she made it was easy for him to tell what he couldn't tell before with all the zeltrons in one place. He was he first. Like when he was an awkward teen who knew not how to speak to a person outside his master. His lips were shut for a time but as he lips continued to press on his own body and the sounds of her voice. He went back to his normal self, he raised her with the force and rolled back over and rested her once more on his body.

"I suppose it would be rude for me to leave so soon then." He said calmly as he lifted himself up and kissed her chest lightly.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[SIZE=14pt]He was thinking she saw it in his eyes yet his body did not tense, the muscles did not cord up under her fingers. The steady gaze upon her form.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Was he realizing everything now? Did he fully understand it all? She was not a worker, and in not being a worker she had come to him willingly. Not as someone who did this nightly but as one who chose who they shared their bed with, as one who came to him out of want for him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Did he understand the he was special to her. That she had seen in him such gentleness and caring that it drew her to him like a moth to open flame. Passion had burned her, and desire had melted any inhabitation away, even now as he looked at her with understanding of all things. That she had given to him a night that she could only give one time in her lifetime. That this one night had engrained him to her memory. Every sound, and touched would turn her crimson on recall.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]“It would be rude to leave” she whispered in agreement as he came up to kiss her she laced her hand into his hair. She kissed his forehead softly even as she wanted to crush him to her, how she wanted to ravage him again before allowing him to sleep. She dropped her right hand to his shoulder.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]She leaned down to kiss his cheek, “Jeriiiiicchooooo” she purred to him. “One more time, then I will make you a steak..You’ll need to regain your energy” She rubbed her cheek against his. “hmmmm”[/SIZE]

He let out a sigh, only a fool would decline someone so willing. Her warmth, her heat, her fire began to match his own when he conjured flames. She called out his name, offering another time with the promise of food after. But that didn't matter her passion alone was reeling him in close to her to understanding what intimacy really meant. In retort, he pulled her close their heat mixing together, he placed his hands on her hips and took control flipping her over and leaning down to whisper in her ear. "As much as you want, [member="Breanna Volsh"]."
She grinned real big reaching for him. "I want it all" time passed ardour rose and fell covering them in a thin sheen of sweat. She felt sated and worn.

She curled into his side resting a hand on his chest tracing the scar once again. " Jericho does it bother you that I am not a worker here?" He had taken the realization so well she felt she had to ask. "Does it matter that you were my first?" Had she made a cultural mistake with him.

She wasn't nervous or embarrassed all had happened as it was meant to, but perhaps there as something in his culture that dictated other actions.

The man bathed in the mixture of sweat made by both of them and looked to the window and saw that the morning was nearly here. It seemed that their little adventure took hours and left him to the point of exhaustion. It seemed her insatiable appetite was finally sated leaving him panted and resting back, that was technically a workout in itself. When they both had time to rest she spoke to him, her body curled lightly around his maintaining the warmth they had together this whole night. "No." He responded laying his head back and closing his eyes. Then when she mention he was her first, he was hesitant but responded once more. "No." The only reason for his hesitation was because he didn't know what to say in the matter and in truth, he doesn't even remember his first. The idea of sex for him was merely a primal need, a getaway from the life he was in. Though most Lorrdians didn't bare the same ideals as he. He lifted his head up and gave her a kiss on her warm forehead and held her close. If anything this was the first time he didn't aburptly leave after getting what they both wanted and seemingly needed. He had never been one to cuddle unless coaxed to the fullest extent.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She did not say anything at first she had been warned that these things were of more importance to women than men, and her asking well she regretted it now. "Rest, the dawn is coming and I promised you food" She smiled at him, rubbed his chest lightly and then slipped from the bed. She found a different robe and pulled it on. She looked back at him and nodded.

Then barefooted she walked towards the back kitchen, they kept food because it was a delight to the taste buds, they cooked it as fresh as they could to keep the tastes clean to the palette. She pulled the steak from the walkin, and headed over to the stove. She sighed slightly, looking up at the time she had classes in a few hours. So it wasn't all the special to him, it had been for her and for that she would treasure it.

He had thought he was getting a prostitute not a wide eyed female, so she could not fault him there either. He had expected nothing but sex, which she provided. She stopped thinking as she placed the steak onto the flat top.

OH, she had asked him to come again. She probably should not have done that, it was...let's face it clingy. She half laughed she bet Zara never did that, asked for a return visit. Bree laughed to herself. Oh you think too much.

She flipped the steak and gathered two eggs cooking them beside the steak, many would like it rare, some liked it medium she went for inbetween, she plated the steak, and then once she flipped the eggs, she went and got some juice, and a cup of stimcaf placing it all on the table she then got a rolling tray. Back to the flat top she gathered the eggs on top of the steak. She put the condiments that many asked with such a meal. And then she began pushing it back towards the room.

She smiled as she pushed it was still good yes, he had removed a threat to her life, saved the palace. He deserved everything he got. She pushed the curtains and came into the room, pushing the cart next to where they had slept.

"Breakfast is served" She lifted all the lids, and stood proud, "Cooked all fresh, and I did it by myself no droids" She laughed now and looked over at him.
Jericho let out a sigh when she walked out from the room to make him food, the warrior let out a sigh, unknowing what to do at this point. The fact was he was there and having someone make him food? He knew not the mannerism what he could do for her in thanks for such kindness she was showing him. After all she wasn't a worker but a woman who happened to be outside that palace. The warrior let out a sigh and wonder if it was right for him to stay, despite all the good is trying to do darkness plagued his mind. Then the smell of steak entered his nose and his body quickly responded with a rumble of hunger. He ignored it he put on moved to put on his robe and his body fell over to the ground. "Damn....My body has yet to recover..." He thought to himself as he lifted himself and pressed himself against the couch. Then the enticing smell came closer and closer and he became hungrier and hungrier. He sighed a sigh of submission.

He looked as she walked in with her big smile and prop up her body with pride as she exclaimed that she made the food herself. The warrior did his grin and patted the ground next to him for her to join him. This was nice, very nice. The warrior used the force to bring the food to the ground next to them and began to eat quietly. "Ah,,,,Thank you for the food [member="Breanna Volsh"]. You are very kind to do this for me." He said calmly.

"Oh no it was my pleasure to be able to do know I never did thank you for saving my life. That is what you did last night. I didn't think really that someone would ever do that for me. She sat down next to him, she was close to him. "I will be honest Jericho, I'm not sure what to do." She laughed nervously now.

"Part of me is reminding myself that you wanted a nights' pleasure, but the other part of me is saying I'd like to know more about you, and see you again, more. I know that" She sighed some, "your life takes you to dangerous places, and that you may not be here a lot. But." She did not want to sound desperate but aside from spending the night with her he had touched her, the scars he bore, the tattoos of his friends and loved ones this was, "you're complicated Jericho but I really think there's a lot to know about you, I'd really like for you to visit me again. Here at the Palace, or even at my apartment, you'd be welcome."

She watched as he ate, "And I'll even cook something else for you, just tell me if there is something you don't like" She bit her lip and then put her hand on his forearm, "Am I acting foolishly, some small might like to see me again."

Whatever he said she hoped he would be honest for she had been so with him.
Jericho looked over to her dropping his fork and knife after he had finishing chew and swallowing his food. He knew not what the future had in store. He knew not whether or not he was going to live tomorrow or the next day or even til the end of the week. But the eyes of [member="Breanna Volsh"], so innocent and light. He wiped his mouth and pulled her in close holding head against his chest, for her to hear his heart beat. He didn't make promises easily nor take them lightly but the words came out of his mouth. "I cannot promise, Breanna, that will see you everyday nor can I promise you that I will protect you with every fiber of my being. But I can promise I will come and see you as much as I can and protect you the best I can. That is all I can offer."
She snuggled against his chest listening intently memorizing the sound she closed her eyes the words he spoke were enough, it was more than she expected. She looked up, "It is more than I expected you to say I will take that offer and treasure it"

What could she say her heart still swelled that he would offer that it had to be hard to offer her this, she pulled up for a moment and then kissed him briefly, "Thank you for such a gift" She laid her head on his chest again and enjoyed these last moments together.

Whatever the future held she did not know she only knew that at this moment she had more than she dreamed of. He stayed a month with her she went to class, and he came for dinner.

He met her friends, and her family. She learned more about him just as he learned more about her. Whatever was ahead the time together had bound them tightly.

Zara had a fit for over a month, poor Jericho. But her father now, he was pleased to see a man with some honor that took his work as serious.

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