Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pink Perplexity (The past)(complete)

That was amazing and frightening he could produce fire from his finger, and then he wrote her name much to her delight.

"Oooo "She had never had someone do that it was personal, she kissed his cheek and hugged his neck. "I've never had anyone do that, and I've never seen that done" She smiled still quite amazed by it, and still a little afraid. What else could he do?

She did not sense any malice from him, she only sensed great relief. As if this time was one of a kind in a long time. She kept one of her hands on him at all times, she wanted him to always feel her near. She didn't want him to feel alone. There had been pain already in his life she wanted to do everything she could to show him about life.

Ironic because when he had found her she had wanted to burn this very building down. She had seen it as a source of hurt. She did hurt the stitches made it almost impossible for her to do much that she would normally be able to do.

Before answering him she reached over for the chocolate at room temperature it had already become soft, one gentle push on its outer shell and it would break.

She held it up, and then offered it to him.

"I like games of chance, watching the fights, and smash ball. I go to school too studying how to help others and not just by touching them. But really being able to help them" She was sitting up so that she could give him the confection when Zara whispered from the door.

"Breanna I must speak with you"

Bree put her finger to Jericho's' lips offering the confection in the other hand she smiled and once she was able to glide it past his lips she nodded to Zara. She wasn't sure what was up, "Excuse me for a moment [member="Jericho"] I'm sorry we are interrupted" Bree got up and went to speak with Zara.

The girl was near beside herself, "Everyone tried to say no. No one wants to"

Bree gave her a look, "explain please" Zara was confusing, and there was an odd feeling of anxiety.

Zara turned and pointed. There he stood the Calen Gaar, the attacker from Zeltros. She had described him perfectly to the authorities, or so she thought. She bit her lip hard. As Bree started to speak to Zara, his eyes were on her. She stiffened.

It might have been in her head but just then pain shot through her. She stepped back and held herself.

"Don't serve him" she whispered.

Zara looked down, "He has chosen Ella." Bree shook her head, she knew her species was gullible but must they also add stupid.

"He's not to be trusted, and I want the authorities called. And my father."

Just then the attacker lifted his arm and pointed at Bree, his gaze bore holes into her. Bree quickly retreated back to Jericho. She smiled as she came in looking at him.

"Where were we, yes what do I do. I also paint it relaxes me. I like being active so much things like swimming, walking, hiking are exquisite for me" She sounded breathless but it was her nerves. She had to get them in control or she'd be reflecting them onto Jericho.

She moved to get back on the couch sliding on with her knees. Breathe she thought.

She would not ask him what he did that was obvious. He was a warrior. She breathed again, she was safe in here. She was.

She smiled gently, "You are human but there is more I am trying to figure it out." She was fantasizing in her head that's what zeltrons could do. Romanticize everything. There was a lot to be romantic about when looking at Jericho. Whether he realized it or not.
"Fire shaping was a dying form of art in his opinion, to be better explained there are alot of fire shapers but what they are best at just shooting bolts of fire." He said passionately while waving his free hand around with fire shaping around his fingers then to one and made it dance around the spaces between his fingers and thumb. Then forming into a small kindled ball of flame in the palm of his hand before clenching his fist and making it disappear once more as he did with her name. A part of him wanted to shoe he how he could shape the other elements, water, ice, wind, and earth, but he knew better. The was far from being able to create art with them like he could with fire, with the rest of the element he would more than likely bring these building down on accident, possibly even the block if he didn't concentrate enough.

He continued to feel her hand in his warm body, that for him was a good feeling. He reached over her hand and place his own on top gripping onto her palm gently, his palm sizably larger than her own. But her delicate and soft fingers gave a good contrast to his larger and gruffer fingers, a warn match up. He ate the chocolate and couldn't enjoy it to the extent that he wanted to, due to the fact that the one who had fed it to him had to make an abrupt leave when her younger assistant called for her. He waited for her for a moment and rested, gathering himself and his senses, he noticed that she was taking a considerable amount of time. He began to wonder whether or not she was coming back.

When she entered, he quickly anaylzed her out reaction, in case she had some sort of intended motive. He had bounty hunters come after him before and he could tell when people were going to attack other otherwise just from the slightiest of movements of the body. He looked at her shoulders and the sway of the hip and they were as have been, there was no subtle move that would show her attempt to take his life. But the from they way she spoke and listening to her breath, something was off. He made sudden moves and didn't want to needlessly stress her out and merely rested his head on his hand as he laid propped up. The gently guided her over and wrapped his arm around her, the lorrdian way, of showing others they are safe around them.

"There isn't much to me, Lady [member="Breanna Volsh"]." He said calmly, using his hand to move her hair then gliding his lips from her jaw down to her neck ending with a light kiss on her shoulder.
She was fascinated by the fire. "Fire so beautiful but deadly. When it burns it consumes everything" She was wrapped in the safety of his embrace.

"I'm supposed to make you feel warm and safe" his lips on her skin sparked sensation that ran the length of her body. Her toes tumbled from such tenderness. She lay to where she could be close and look up at him. "You are wrong Jericho there is more"

Her hand went up to his cheek. "I see great gentleness, caring" her other hand went to his chest to the shield, "devotion, and ability to love in you. Only this little time with you, and you reveal so much."

She lifted herself up and gently pressed her lips to his she lingered there enjoying the sensation. Slowly she pulled away a gentle smile curved from her full lips.

She could use telepathy to show emotions and use pheromones to enhance the feeling. But she did neither she wanted him to see her for what she was with his own eyes, not through the haze of induced emotion. She slid her hand to the nape of his neck stroking lightly his skin.

"Have I earned another story about your tattoos?" Bright eyes filling with adoration looked at him.

"Indeed it can." The warrior whispered to her, when he said that part he thought of the people had burned to death in order to save so more lives. More recently Zeltros, so many lives and so much hate and anger there. If there was one thing he could do, one thing he had to do, was stop the sith as best as he could. "But..." He said placing his a hand on her stomach and heating up to a nice warm temperature and guiding his fingers upward to her sternum then back down to her side. "It can warm you in the cold and it's light can save you from any darkness if needed." He continued to whisper into her ear giving her a nip on her earlobe, obviously getting a bit more intimate.

Then she spoke to about a lighter side to him a more caring side to him a side he never really thought about. All this time he basked in darkness and hate when it came to his job, he knew enemies more than his allies. But at this point he was just so used to battle and small treats like this, well, this wasn't much of a small treat. It was then she took the lead and pressed her soft lips against his own for an intimate amount of time. The sensation took hold of his body and cause him move over her to increase the intensity of the kiss, a rare thing for him to do. Normally, when he went to places like this he merely sat back as he did in the beginning and let them do their job. But [member="Breanna Volsh"], seem to do the trick for him.

Then she asked for another explanation for another tattoo, he let out a sigh and pointed to his forearm, with lines marking up to twenty five in sets of five. He lightly guided her hand to placed it at the last set showing her that it was very recent and fresh. He rested his body on her, his head on her chest using to force to lightly left him but keeping his body on to hers. That way he didn't use his full weight on her, if anything he probably was like a feather. "For every loss." He said calmly and quietly. Again thinking about Zeltros as that was the most recently loss against an old ally who ended up stabbing him and cutting his neck with her saber. A fight he should of easily won but loss due to her being an old friend.
His mind was wandering something that pained him she could see the change in his eyes. She put her other hand to his cheek, "Jericho stay here with me in this time" gentle and soft she kept her voice her touch to counter the thoughts he was having. He laid upon her and yet she felt no weight.

"You wandered away just then to some place dark." She was trying to ease his mind, but then she had to remember people came here not for connections of the emotional kind they came for the pleasure aspect. Perhaps he needed to remember these things perhaps he found comfort in it.

He took her hand and placed it at the last set of five. "For every loss" she repeated. She twisted over to where she could kiss each set of five, "May they rest easy" She turned back to him. Their combined injuries might prevent a deeper intimacy. Perhaps she should call Zara to join him.

She pushed his hair back with her free hand, she could not help but to kiss him again. "You're hard on yourself it seems." She looked again at the artwork, " so many reminders a warrior must bear." She smiled again the music still played softly. The incense burned, but she had gotten lost in the romance. "My injury may present problems for a deeper intimacy as well as it is not pleasing to see. I can ask another to take my place if you wish."

It was about the client. While she may find great interest in scars and ink, others may not.

"Jericho stay here with me in this time"


He said raised his head and light kissed her chest. After doing so she leaned in and kiss him again, telling him he was hard on himself. That was a truth that he denied. In his opinion, he felt like he needed to be harder on himself, so that it would help him keep on going. He needed to go to the dark places as she stated in order to do the necessary things. But it wasn't time for that, it wasn't time for a fight, at least not now, he was going to enjoy himself and [member="Breanna Volsh"] as thoroughly as someone could. It would seem she would find herself a regular after this visit. He gentle moved her clothes that covered the scar she had on her hip. He endowed his fingers with the force put a healing touch after quickly analyzing the wound but scar would stay but hopefully her hip would feel a touch better. He leaned down and kissed the scar as he would anywhere else. "Your scar is beautiful." He said moving up to kiss her once more much more intimately than before.
Bree watched Jericho as he removed her clothing revealing the cut given to her by Calen Garr. Jericho's use of the force quickened her healing removing the discomfort that it would seem would be the answer to whether she should find another to take her place.

To Bree that was a tender act and the kiss that followed one filled with desire whether it was just her own, or a combination of them both. She felt her own needs flare with the heat of passion. She tried to hold back but could not deny the desire that had been slowly building. Bree's pheromones rushed out as if a damn had broken saturating the room, and Jericho in them. The images that she saw of the things they could do flashed in a slide show of color and emotion. Desire and passion radiated from her as she pulled Jericho to her. The lights of the room dimmed further.

[member="Jericho"] had assumed that she was an employee of the Pink Pleasure Palace she in actuality was the owner's daughter, a student studying medicine. She knew the arts practiced in the palace she had watched to understand the use, the purpose, and what were the actual outcomes.

The Palace was supposed to show that pleasure was not only sex. And yet ultimately everything that those who worked in the Palace did, it still led to the ultimate pleasure gained between two.

When Jericho had found her outside of the palace as she thought of her injury and how she would ever trust or understand the actions taken against her. How one man could mark her in such a manner that seemed to speak volumes to everyone around her except those that truly knew her.

Whatever had brought Jericho to the square that night, it brought them together at that moment it came when Bree needed affirmation the most.

Affirmation in a man whose life was war, and fighting. But in the deepest regions of his soul was a good man. Bree saw it was there in his eyes, his unassuming attitude towards her, way his skin felt beneath her fingers, the smells of the sandalwood, the tones of his voice as he explained such pain, all of this reached into her and touched her in a way she had not experienced before. It was then that she knew she would not turn away from him this felt right, she would not turn from him as she had others. Jericho would be her first the one that all would be compared to, the one that she remembered all her life.

In the moments when the light was at its dimmest when she wrapped her body around his he would know.

Meantime in the main reception area

Calen Garr had given her the cut trying to mark her as prostitute after she had seen him selling the names of Zeltron officials to a sith informant just before the Sith invasion of Zeltros. Calen Garr was not only guilty of attempting to murder of Breanna, he was also a traitor to his people. The law was on his side on Zeltros right now the Sith had left their mark and that was why he was now on Nar Shaddaa. He could not have her telling the story to the escaped officials of Zeltros. How could a zeltron betray his own? It was an unheard of act, perhaps if he had been born of two zeltron parents but Calen was only half zeltron. No one knew the other half and no one dared to ask the man who skulked about.

Calen was on Nar Shaddaa rallying the forces of a gang known as the Black Hand their task to eliminate Breanna. She was to never be able to tell her side of the story of what happen.
The very moment she wrapped her legs around him; he knew it was time he took lead. He kept, leaned up and pressed against her, their body heat mixing even more so than before. The only thing keeping them cool was the wind brushing against the seat from their skin. The sounds of both their passion echoed through the room. After significant amount of time, Jericho felt a disturbance, not though the force there were too many voices calling at once and would take time to focus of a specific threat. This feeling he was coming from his gut, he pulled his lips from hers and turn his head ever slightly hearing the door open once more.

"Bree...." Zara called out to her quietly her voice shaking, it was obvious the young zeltron was frightened when she called out to [member="Breanna Volsh"]. But by her tone and by her movement when she entered, she wasn't frightened for herself. Noticing at this point that Breanna was pinned against the wall, Zara looked down. "I apologize....But that man you mentioned; He's....He's....." Without other word, Jericho looked to Breanna and back to Zara and knew what was going on. He was has been in a situation similar one too many times. He lightly rested Breanna on the couch and gave her a reassuring kiss on her forehead.

The warrior quickly put on his upper robes to hide his tattoos and wounds, then out the room brushing gently young Zara to the side. "Sir!" She called out and reached out to warn him. Jericho merely turned over and faced her, Zara felt the flurry of darkness roaming around his being and looked into his now jet black eyes. It caused her fall to her knees and place her hands to cover her mouth. He then used force speed to move to the reception area, as it was where the commotion was coming from. In the time he made his movement, he look distinguishing marks and notice the mark of the gang, the black hand. They were there for sometime and already terrorizing the place, Jericho would of heard them earlier through the force if the city wasn't so crowded, but then again that was why he was there.

He placed his masked over his face and it hid a smile on his face, it was time for punishment for him and all the bad guys. He gave them no time to even comprehend what happens in the next few seconds. Jericho charge in when a black hand member tries to grab and forcibly pull a zeltron over to him and that was all the reason he needed to take out gang members. The warrior grabs his wrist and pulls it down slamming his knee into the man's elbow before the man could even let out a scream he used the force to pick up ten men at once and threw them outside to the front. Simultaneously the warrior chopped the now screaming man's throat not to where it killed him but due to the strike and lack of oxygen it cause him to pass out. He contcentrated the force to his body and mainly his fists.

"Who the fe---?!"

One man called out only to get punch and knocked out after a punch.


Another called out only to get cut off again by an elbow to his temple.

The men gathered naturally around Calen and prepared themselves for a fight. "Dirty and battle torn robes....Black mask.....Jet black eyes...." One man said. "Silent..."

Jericho clenched his fist tightly the smile under his face disappear from his lips, knowing that there wouldn't much of battle despite their numbers. The men outside pulled out the their blaster, Jericho raised his hand without even looking at them and clenched his fist. This caused the guns be crushed while still in the hands. The ten men screamed with pain and fell over, the pain so intense by a few cause them to pass out. The rest attempted to run but again raise and forced to smash into each other making them unconscious. One of the black hand members began to shake his death stick fell from his mouth. Though the man whispered, every word was heard. "And merciless.....Its...

...The Ghost."​
Breathless her body covered in a light sheen of sweat, her lavender hair damp clinging to her neck she clung to him with all her strength she called his name. Sounds that she had never made escaped through parted lips, all driven by the unquenchable need he ignited within her.

Just as a scream of growing release neared there was a whisper. Bree looked to the doorway. "Zara?" She was pinned against the wall at a most intimate moment. She listened but it was [member="Jericho"] who answered. Setting her down giving her a reassuring kiss to the forehead he dressed and made his way out.

She could not tell what had frightened Zara so bad. Bree got up pulling a robe from the wall wrapping it around herself she stepped out and watched from the shadows as Jericho began systematically removing the threat from the Palace. She knew she should be afraid. Disturbed by what she watched.

Part of her tried to look away. But. She couldn't she heard the words uttered by the frightened and the dieing. She felt a bit detached. These men had come to kill. They thought nothing of right or wrong. They knew only to destroy and hurt. She held her breath the relief combined with pain she felt like crying. Was it over?

Would Her tormentor be gone? The betrayed dead screamed from their graves Bree covered her mouth. She shook from emotion there was nothing she could do but pray for Jericho to be unharmed.

The Black Hand would not take this lightly they would seek Jericho life. The Warrior. The Ghost. Bree would add another title to him The Avenging Angel.

Bree knew she needed to check the others but not until it was safe. Blue eyes welled up with tears she wiped them quickly away. She took a step revealing herself with the shadows someone was moving towards her. She so enraptured by watching Jericho did not see.
The black hand was one of his many targets in Nar Shaddaa. It bustled with bandits, thieves, mercenaries, and many other kinds of people. They were, along with all the other gangs in the city were an ever growing tumor corrupting everything it touched. Street vendors showed people things anything from rugs, to blades, to food, to possibly illegal gems and jewelry. But there was still good here; The civilians, the kids that played in the streets that called his planet; home. It was the good lives and innocents in the galaxy that helped moved him to fight.

At a distance, Jericho stared at the looming men in front of him. Among there was always one fool though he could take him, an upstart in the gang charged at Jericho. The man was quickly dispatched, when the man charged all Jericho did was raise his fist. Bad enough he was outnumbered and only one attacked.

Cowards, the lot of them. But then he noticed a man, seemingly the leader, stood firm with a smile look passed him. "Well there she is." Calen said, his wicked smile focused on [member="Breanna Volsh"]. Looking over his shoulder, caught off guard, Calen threw a knife and Jericho moved to get in the way hitting him in shoulder. He looked to the knife then to Calen and slowly pulled the knife out and threw it to the ground. Blood dripped light from his shoulder as he stared straight into the man's eyes. Jericho's eyes darker than before. Seeing the other men and their hands crushed by their own weapons they didn't attempt to pull out theirs.

They stood frozen by his act, that gave him time to concentrate and demonstrate is power in the force. With a raise of his hand Calen and his men rose. As the ten men before them he threw them out. In fear the Calen and men tried to run. Tried. He walked outside quietly and looked back to her once more as if he were apologizing for something he was about to do. Face them once more and pulled them back. All grown men screaming for their lives. "WHAT KIND OF JEDI ARE YOU?!?!?" They cried.

"I am no Jedi."

After he said that, the earth around them rose around and crushed their arms and legs. Every. Single. One. He walked over to the now crying Calen. Jericho picked the near lifeless man. Calen screamed with pain from the loss of his limbs. Jericho stared into the dying man's eyes and tossed him over the rail, to fall to his death sending a piece of rubble to tear through his heart giving him a quick death. As he walked back the earth revered back to its original state and stood quietly at the entrance and looked around..
Bree's hand stayed at her mouth when Calen looked towards her she dropped it to her side. That evil smile he wore that night. He had wanted to kill her. It was only by Grace that she lived.

Bree walked quietly towards the door it was done. She had never seen such things. She pulled the robe tighter soon she was beside [member="Jericho"] at the door. She looked out. There was little remaining of what had happen. She reached for his hand curling her fingers around his palm.

"You're injured again, let me dress it, please" She tugged gently to lead him back to the room. She looked up were his eyes still so dark they matched the night sky. She was speechless in some respects what she saw. That was why he bore the scars and reminders. Now she saw first hand.

She began to step backwards, "everyone ok?" She looked at the staff. There were some injuries but thank God Jericho had stopped them before something worse happened. She nodded to them. They were sitting in shock. How was Bree so calm?

There weren't a bunch of questions this time, she only tried to get him to come with her. A soft gentle hand holding onto the hand that could wield death with a mere wave. The wound to the shoulder bled more and there was concern that the other may have opened.

"Please come with me" she held tight to him asking waiting.
He clenched her hand lightly, not thinking about his wound but his earth shaping. It was still sloppy it was far from art, his skill was still lacking and had to train that. He looked at her, his darkened eyes changing back to his lighter hazel, normally he would ask for the help but from her shakened voice. It moved him to stay a bit long, so he followed her lead and walked to their room. It was her turn to lead once more.

[member="Breanna Volsh"].
She relaxed as he relented coming with her. She led him back to the room drawing the curtains closed leading him to sit she gently pushed to get him to a seated position. She reached for the mask and removed it. She began removing his robe her eyes darting up to his she smiled at him.

She could see blood she bit her lip from under the couch she pulled a drawer open withdrawing a first aide kit. Opening it she brought out the bacta pads. Bandages. Saline. And a soft cloth to clean the wound.

She began cleaning the stab wound, she let out her breath that she'd been holding. She dabbled it gently pressing the cloth to it to stop the bleeding. "I've never seen anything like that. First time for everything huh." She removed the cloth and placed the facts pad against the wound. It adhered to his skin.

She looked into his eyes. There was the man who had so delicately gently driven by deep passion only a short time ago in this very room taught her about passion and the intricacies of sex.

For a moment she got closer stepping into his personal space her arms she out around his neck. She leaned over and kissed him fully on the mouth. She pulled back, "thank you [member="Jericho"] " Bree reached down to the other bandage, "it's bleeding lay down I will redress it"

She hesitated to release him but knew she had to.

"Will you hunt them all?" She finally asked as she gathered bandages.
He nodded, the one thing he lacked was a sense of humor especially after a fight. He could just heal himself but it was his day off after all might as well continue to enjoy what was going on. He looked into her eyes as she did his and their lips locked once more, this time, he didn't kiss her as warmly as he wanted to. His mind was on his shaping and the fight and what he could of done better even though he was already quite efficient. He took a breath, wanting nothing more to continue where they left off but it would take a little bit of time to get to that level to relaxation. He followed her order, showing her that level of trust, laying down to let her dress his wound.

"Every single one. Lady [member="Breanna Volsh"]." He said calmly.
[SIZE=12pt]Bree was still shaken the events had happened quickly within moments Jericho had removed, killed all of the Black Hand that had been inside the Palace. How he did it should have made any zeltron in their right mind turn and run. But Bree had never been the typical Zeltron, she studied medicine. She had seen things in class the prepared her for such things, though she had not seen it until then.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The body of Calen Garr it looked like a rag doll by time Jericho had finished with him. He was thrown out the door like yesterdays’ trash. She should have wanted him to stand before the law, to see justice done to him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But he had tried to kill her, he had marked her for life she would never forget what he did and part of her took delight in his demise. Another part of her was just relieved. The pressure of him doing anything further was gone. She could give her statement without fear of reprisal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As Bree called for Zara. The poor dear came to the opening her tear stained face, her eyes red from crying. Bree took pity on her, and the others as they nursed their wounds, “Go home everyone, get some rest, we’ll open late tomorrow” She smiled hoping it would help.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Bree returned her attention to Jericho, “would you like a whiskey? I wouldn’t normally say to have it, as it thins the blood. But you might like to have one” She swallowed hard again, remember how calm he sounded Every last one.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“The wounds will heal, this one” She touched his stomach, “is older it’s been healing for a little bit. I’m going to cover both of them in something that will make them water proof. I think..your body needs time to heal. And relax. Let me go get something.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Bree disappeared behind another curtain the gentle squeak of a door opening and then the umpf sound from Bree. From behind the curtain came a large tub big enough for two she hoped. She angled it to a specific spot on the floor in order to hook into the water system of the club. She could hear the tub seal to it when she finally got it right. She turned the water on wisps of steam rose up from the water.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Please get in [member="Jericho"] I have sponges, soaps, and other things that will hopefully relax you” She smiled she had only used the tub for herself to bath in. But the slope made it easy to sit, and the edges made it easy to prop a leg up. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Bree looked for the other items she might be able to use.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She turned and looked at him, “I understand why you must get them all. But I will ask if I am following the right path. Is it because they seek to do harm to anyone? They have no regard for laws?”[/SIZE]
Jericho shook his head when she offered him whiskey. "No." He said calmly, he wasn't a fan of drinking, only doing so on the occasion. Drinking excessively would ruin all the training he put his body through. A sigh was released from his lips thinking about the difference between Zara and [member="Breanna Volsh"]. The fear and tears from her young eyes radiated at him, he didn't need the ability to tell emotions of others to tell that she was frightened and scared by the whole ordeal. Again another sigh was released from his lips, he merely nodded to the woman and stood up, following her to the bath tub. He removed his robes and bandages from his torso and applied the items she gave him. He stepped lightly into the bath tub his legs lounging about. He waved his hand signalling her to join him and slowly he closed his eyes and for a moment release himself leaving the physical world. Until she asked him why he was chasing all these criminals down.

"Sometimes..." He started off. "People get away with things they shouldn't. I tried to take bandits and gang members like them to jail or prison only for them to get released or not have to serve at all for what they did." He clenched his fist. "Is it fair? Is it fair that innocents get used? Abused? Hurt? Only for scum to like them to live easy and do what they do?" What he was doing was sort of a crusade; what he was doing many would frown upon; what he did made others think that he was above the law. But that wasn't the case, where there was light there was shadow. He was willing to be that shadow and take as much as he dished out.
[SIZE=12pt]Bree waited she instead walked around the tub to where she was behind him again she picked up the soap and began in slow steady circles to wash [member="Jericho"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Jericho began to explain to her so that she would understand she listened not only to the words but the way he said the words. The sense of injustice that rolled off him she understood. She saw him clench his fist, anger? Was it fair? She asked herself that question, was it fair?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]“It’s not fair Jericho.” Her words were a bit detached, “why should those that prey on the weaker, or the nonviolent go unpunished? “ [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She nodded her agreement, “Calen suffered no consequences for his actions because he served a higher purpose making friends, and I say that term loosely who could give him a free hand to do what he wanted, as long as it benefited their goals. These people that hide in the shadows, the ones that form those kinds of networks that allow them to hurt people, “she thought of her wound,” those people. They should be punished.” Harsh words coming from a Zeltron.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Bree reached for the shampoo and with a skilled hand she began rubbing it into his scalp her fingers massaging the scalp.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“How do you get to them Jericho, the ones that aren’t street thugs they’re positioned, influential,” she shook her head, “powerful” She shifted slightly picking up a cup to rinse the shampoo away. She knew the more she understood about Jericho the more she could do to help him find peace within these four walls with her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]At the same time though she had to deal with her own inner turmoil, “I don’t know how to react to all of this part of me is relieved, another is morbidly curious, and the pleasure loving zeltron part of me is hiding in a corner waiting for it all to stop” Bree rinsed Jericho’s hair. Did she sound to much like someone with rose colored glasses on? Or was she seeking answers to why things happened to good people, and it seemed only the good people suffered never the one had had hurt them.[/SIZE]
"Start from the bottom and climb the ladder, Lady [member="Breanna Volsh"]." He said as she continued to bathe him and wash his hair. He closed his eyes and rested back on the tub. When she rinsed he felt the flow of the water dipped from the top of his head to his chin fall to his chest and flow back into the water. The warrior rest and let out another relieving sigh. "There is always a trail and everyone gets sloppy." He said, that statement includes himself as his body was covered in scars even his neck had a scar meaning at one point, he was seconds away from death. He lifted his arm and placed it on her shoulder and his fingers rode up to her neck. He then pulled her down closer to him and gave her a kissed lightly on her lips. "Stay relieved for it helps you keep peace of mind. Get rid of your curiosity for it will get you killed. Stay loving for it is who you are and makes you beautiful. But never, ever, allow yourself to hide again and become strong." He whispered quietly into her ear before giving her another but deeper kiss.
"Start at the bottom, ok" She smiled the water washed away the oils from the evening, the warm water should sooth his injuries. She started to reach across when his chin went to his chest, this was a good sign he was relaxing again.

She smiled, she touched the tips of her fingers to the nape of his neck and drew them down the center of his spine, she could not help but to notice the scars. Inside her heart hurt to know he had endured such pains, not only the loss but the physical pain that came from battle, or ridding the galaxy of one evil or another and protecting the weak, He had shifted his position his arm across her shoulders drew her closer to him. The gentlest of touches his lips brushed hers, he was capable of great gentleness.

She had experienced his gentleness earlier he had been gentle until passion rose up and the need to feel more ruled she remembered moving from the couch to the wall. She smled at the thought as her cheeks turned a deeper pink.

He was whispering into her ear, the warmth of his breath caressed her skin as he spoke the sensation it created made her catch her breath, until he drew her in for a deeper kiss, she slid from the side of the tub into the tub her arms encircling his neck. A single touch could speak a volume of words. "I promise you Jericho I will always be this way will you continue to come see me?"

Whatever happens with us, your body
will haunt mine - tender delicate
your lovemaking
the live insatiable dance
your touch upon me, firm, protective, and searching
Whatever happens
this is
Bree pressed against him seeking his warmth and letting him lead to wherever he wanted to go, to do whatever it was he wanted to do, she was his to do with what he pleased, and she enjoyed every touch, every spoken word whispered.
"If you keep this up..." He said quietly pulling her ever closer to him his warm breath brushing pass her cheeks followed by his lips gliding down to her neck. "I will do so." He then placed a hand on her hip, gripping tightly while the other did the same tracing her wound lightly giving another warm healing touch.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]

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