Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Parricidal Misgivings

"Quieten him down, Princess," came an over-the-shoulder command from one of the Officers aboard the transport vessel, who proceeded to leer down at her. One of her Uncle's most loyal, he felt a similar disdain towards the girl which was enhanced by staunch loyalty to his Lord. In her arms Ebiah fussed as any newborn babe would when made to travel within a noisy, turbulence-ridden shuttle for hours on end. The cabin was stuffy, and there was no place for the child to rest save against his mother's chest.

Being that Servelus resided far from the Capital, within his own estate, Saeth had known that the transition would be tough; gently bouncing her son in a soothing fashion, and humming a soft melody to try and calm him down, she tried to appease the man who had been tasked with keeping a watch over her. He would return to his Master once the exchange was made, and truthfully Saeth would be glad to see the back of him. For now it would not do to make an enemy, especially since the man had despised her even as a child.

When Ebiah finally calmed the woman closed her eyes and began to pray to the Pantheon of War, unable to do so in her usual manner due to the confines of the ship. She remained that way until the shuttle touched down in the Panathan Capital. "On your feet, it's time to meet your delinquent brother." Holding back a cringe at the way he spoke of his King - or was it Emperor now? - she rose up, swaddling the baby to her chest, and followed the man down the ramp of the ship. Before her, for they had landed in the plaza as opposed to the spaceport, the Palace towered overhead.

Relieved to be in the open air again, and knowing that she would never have need to see or hear from the man who led her up the steps and into the grand entrance again, she leaned down to kiss the delicate head of her son - whose features starkly matched her own - and hid a smile. She had no doubts that she would miss Servelus, who had acted as her Father for the majority of her life. But pages were often turned over, and this would mark a new chapter in her life.

Once inside she followed him down a long hall, Guards lining each side. Some peered at her curiously yet none stepped from their post upon seeing the insignia of the Officers who escorted her. Finally she was swept into a high vaulted throne room, and peering up as she often did when entering a new place she found that she could not even see to the ceiling in the dim light. "Wait here" the Commanding Officer said, before slipping off in search of [member='Darth Vornskr'].

Standing there nervously, the youngest of Ramses' brood mulled over the events which had brought her to this place. How would the murderer of her parents take her coming here? Would he welcome her back into his Household, or would it be as Servelus had always thought and her life was about to come to an abrupt, unceremonious end?
The Emperor's palace was a grand sight to behold, massive and dominating it rose high above the skyline of the city around it to graze the sky's underbelly, and was all together modeled after ancient Sith fortresses whose ruins dotted the old Sith worlds all the way across the galaxy. Towering spires were connected by wide arching walkways where the officials of the despotic government moved back and forth in an almost mindless haze as they went about their business while guards armored in cobalt wielding blasters tipped by vibro-bayonets stalked the labyrinthine innards of the palace on their futile effort to root out any malcontents that had infiltrated the Emperor's domain. The pathway leading up to the palace entrance was grandiose and paved with exquisite marble, and the statues of past rulers looked down upon travelers with judging expressions as they made their way up and up.

The inside of the palace was dark and dismal, dark tapestries adorned the walls while obscene works of art were spread about meticulously, and upon entering the throne room Saeth would be greeted by towering pillars that dominated the sides of the room while a pathway cut through the middle of the 'forest' leading up to the throne made of jagged black iron. Right now no one sat upon its commanding seat, but to each side stood a gold-plated guard referred to as the Crownguard. The Crownguard was a royal cadre of soldiers specially bred to protect whomever was their master, and right now that master was Saeth's elder brother, and so they were used to protect the Emperor and the royal family. Kaine had acquired them from Kära Vi'dreya through her will, and since then he could hardly been seen without at least two of these golden mutes trailing behind him with their vibro-axes.

Suddenly a noise would alert Saeth to one of the side doors near the throne, and through that particular door emerged her brother clad in the royal vestments of his office. A flowing robe of red, blue, black and gold silk was draped over his powerfully built frame, and the weapon of his order (his lightsaber) dangled from his left hip. His face betrayed no emotion, and in several quick steps he closed the distance between himself and Saeth. His eyes, cold and brooding, analyzed her almost instantly, and the corners of his mouth curled into a dark grin. "When news had come I hardly thought to believe it, but here you stand before me and my eyes do not deceive me. It has been so long, Sae." His brow furrowed in thought and remembrance, "Nearly thirty-seven years... Why has Servelus sent you to me?"

Saeth had not been stood there for too long before a sidedoor opened and in waltzed a formidable individual. Protectively clutching Ebiah, the woman took one slight step back as he approached. It took her a moment to realise who it was, she had never seen Kaine before. Not in person, or as a holo-image...

But there was something in the man's gaze that told her it was him. The man spoke in recollection, as though he sincerely remembered her, yet she could not share the same courtesy. Relaxing her hold on the babe in her arms she lifted him up and settled his head to her shoulder, one hand upon the back of his head for support. He always preferred to lie that way.

At first she had no desire to answer; their Uncle scorned her because of the life she held in her arms. And Saeth refused to acknowledge her son as an issue. But she wasn't stupid enough to think that silence would go down well with the brother who had killed his parents for... Well, she didn't even know why that was.

"He believes that I tarnished his name, and yours." She did not address her brother in any specific manner, she didn't quite know how she felt to be in his presence. Part of her was elated, was he not carrying out the work of their Gods? But she also felt dread, for what if the same fate which had befallen her mother and father was also in store for her, too?

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
"Bah." the God-King waved his hand in a derisive and dismissive manner, a subtle snarl of disdain marring his features. "That louse only tarnishes his own name, for all of his bluster he has done nothing but sit in his hold and wither away like a disease. He should know by now that she's never coming back." The hate in his voice was nigh palpable, the snarl widening to make his face ugly with loathing, but as quickly as it came it disappeared beneath the cool and calculating visage of the Emperor. He chuckled joking and laid a single hand on his sister's shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly with a smile that seemed warm on the surface but the fire in his eyes belief the falsity of any facial expression he gave save for the basest of anger. "But enough about the blemishes on our legacy, dearest Sae. Come! When I heard of your arrival I arranged a feast to be held in your honor, and the grandest room besides my own to be prepared to house you and your child." Perhaps for the first time since they met he actually glanced down to give a curious peek at the bundle of newborn life swaddled in the comfort of his mother's arms.

He chuckled again, and turned his eyes away from the child to lead his long-lost sister down several dizzyingly labyrinthine corridors to the royal feast hall situated in the center of the massive palace. It was a grand chamber, unfathomably tall and decorated to the brim with works of art imported from all over the galaxy, and there were elements of Chiss, Hapan, Corellian, and of course Panathan sculptures and paintings placed tastefully all around. At the very center of the room was a massive wooden table carved from the wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk, the lumber was acquired during the brief period the Wookiee homeworld was under Imperial occupation before the Akala incident threw everything into disarray. Already there was a great banquet set upon the table by the busy servants as they scurried around like bees to make sure everything single detail was exquisite for the returned Princess.

The only ones beside Kaine and Saeth that would be dining were, of course, the sycophants and bureaucrats minions that sniveled and shrunk in the presence of such a malefic being as Kaine. However; they would not be speaking or even making eye contact with Kaine or Saeth, and some of them wouldn't even touch the food placed in front of them so great was their fear in the immediate presence of their Lord. Kaine paid them no mind, and escorted Saeth to a seat set right next to the head of the table (Kaine's seat) while a servant brought forth something similar to a high chair for the baby Ebiah. "Feast little sister, feast. You must be famished after such a long journey from where our uncle has hidden himself away. I would also assume that your child is hungry as well?"

The abrupt dismissal of her wrongdoings and the mention of Maria caught the girl somewhat off guard. "She was all he had, in his mind" Saeth offered with a slight shrug, it had always angered her deep down that she had never been enough for her Uncle - Maria had fled where she had stayed, yet he did not scorn her. The moment he had a chance to remove his ward from his protection, however, he had been more than happy to do so. Family was odd sometimes! Then came the mention of a feast, and as if hearing her stomach rumbled lightly; she had not eaten in a day, maybe more, so food sounded like a very agreeable concept at this stage. "Thank you, brother; you did not have to go to all this effort, although I appreciate it." She was glad that Ebiah was going to be safe, more so than anything else. But she did not want to sound ungrateful if she were to say that aloud in the wrong manner.

When Kaine peered down at the babe he coo'd and reached out slightly from his swaddling. Saeth held back a smile, though it warmed her slightly to see the exchange, and was soon following the older Zambrano down the halls; her eyes soaked up the decor that was on display. It would take her quite some time to get used to the labyrinth which was to be her home, no doubt. As they entered the dining hall she was greeted by all kinds of sights and smells, though the awkwardness of the table did not go amiss either. It was clear that Kaine held the respect and fear of the Panathan Nobles - and whoever else was around the table - though their empty plates struck her as odd. Usually it was a sign of good faith to break bread with your Lord.

Taking the seat which was offered, at Kaine's side no less, Saeth kept ahold of her son who was not yet of an age to hold up his own head and politely - yet silently - declined the highchair. Part of her did not really wish to relinquish her child just yet, but moreso than that he was no burden to her despite what their Uncle might have thought. His tiny body fit snug in one of her arms, and he made nary a sound nor did he really move too much. A very pleasant and peaceful child, he would be keeping no one up at night even if they had shared a shack let alone a Palace. "Ebiah fed on the way over" she said, "but thank you." She offered Kaine a small smile and with her free hand she began to eat what was on offer, her hunger bidding her to try some of the delicacies she had never before eaten.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Kaine smiled back (struggling to bring some semblance of warmth to his cruel features) and then began to eat, in reality he was nearly at the point of starvation due to lack of nutrition for a long period of time. It was a common occurrence with him, he was gone for so long embroiled on multiple fronts of war bereft of food or drink and had to sustain himself by feeding off of the Dark Side (specifically the negative emotions of others, along with the death and destruction he and his band of ruthless brigands wrought) to survive. So, when he actually had a chance to eat for the first time in weeks it was glorious, and despite his dignified approach to eating in front of his sister and subjects he was inwardly ravenous. Each bite was pure bliss, and he guzzled down his drink whenever he had a chance, but always made sure not to appear too barbaric at the table, and did so by taking a small break from his feast to converse with his sister.

"You'll be treated right here in the capital, Sae. You won't have to be subjugated to the same treatment our uncle tends to dispense, and your son will be raised as a Prince. He'll mingle with my child, Erebos. He's six, but already proving to be a talented child, he's learning rather quickly." Kaine then descended into gorging himself on some of the meat presented before him, occasionally pausing to take a great drink from his gilded goblet.

"On the 'morrow I shall give you a tour of the Kingdom, show you the wonders of the capital."

[member="Saeth Zambrano"]
Gently rocking the child as he lulled in and out of sleep, Saeth allowed the silence to settle over the siblings as they are their fill; she hadn't ate such rich foods since before Ebiah's existence was acknowledged, so she found herself stuffed far quicker than she knew she ought to have been. Best she ease herself into it, anyway. She noted how hungrily her brother also ate and could not help but wonder why... Perhaps he had been journeying? It was difficult to eat much more than rations when aboard a vessel, there were only so many perishables able to be stored afterall.

Taking up an empty goblet Saeth filled it almost to the brim with fresh juice instead of wine, for obvious reasons, and drank a hearty amount; the flavours were refreshing to her pallet and thus she tried a little bit of another dish. It couldn't hurt after all! "You are too kind, Brother"... Was kind the right word to use to address Kaine? Likely not, she had heard of his deeds. He pleased the Gods as well as she served them! Still, it was fitting in her circumstances. "I did not know that you had a son" she mused, being that her uncle never chose to speak of her siblings. How amusing it would be when she found out just how many nieces and nephews she has and had in the past...

"I'm sure they will get along just fine" she added, smiling down at her babe; it took all of her willpower not to plant a kiss atop his head, where locks of hair already grew. Doing so would wake him indefinitely, she knew... And that would be rude while sat at a table. "And a tour sounds wonderful, I've never visited the Capital before." It was nice to be back among family who cared, she hadn't experienced anything like it since her aunt died and her cousin fled.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
"Never? That's practically criminal, little sister." He said before digging back into the food laid before him, surprisingly nimble fingers tearing the tender flesh from bone before plopping it into his insatiable maw. His cracked lips parted in another smile as he chewed, swallowed, and then opened his mouth to speak again: "Yes, little Erebos. My wife, Invicta, gave birth to him sometime after I had secured the throne and our marriage. She may not be Epicanthix, but she has the spirit of one... willful and strong, violent to a degree." He took a sip of his drink, frowning when he realized that it was quickly disappearing, and motioned to one of his many servants to refill it before continuing. "She's a noble from Alderaan. A family of Vampires, Energy Vampires... Who would think they'd mill about on Alderaan, eh?"

He chuckled, "They were never very loyal to the Republic, and they were influential in the Empire's acquisition of the planet. Sadly, our grip wasn't as iron-clad as we hoped, and the world slipped away during the Akala Crisis, but it was a small loss." His face was alight with mirth, "We managed to take so many other planets in the Core, worlds begging for Imperial liberation from their Republican jailers." He laughed again, "Oh, but I am rambling now little sister. Such talks of distant front lines should be saved for later, this is supposed to be intimate. A reunion of siblings who have not seen each other in decades! Ohh, if only Mordecai had stayed around long enough to witness this day, but alas our fair brother has gotten himself lost in his wanderings. He never was one to stay in one place for too long, but I pray that he will return him soon."

[member="Saeth Zambrano"]
Saeth listened intently when Kaine spoke of his wife and child, his tone was so fond that she could see he truly cared for them. Then again, how could she act surprised given the way he was treating her? Had her Uncle been wrong all this time? Saeth truly hoped so! Still, best she not utter some of the things he had said to her concerning Kaine, the few things he had told her had been most unpleasant. "If she has the spirit then that is what matters" she remarked, thinking to their Gods. Yes, they would accept a Lady like Invicta, no doubt, especially considering who she was married to. Kaine currently led the Epicanthix, this put him above all save the Gods themselves. And it also meant that his direct kin' were held with the same esteem.

"I haven't been told much of Galactic affairs" she confessed, with humility, "Uncle did not like to speak of it, especially not concerning your endeavors." As a result it was nice to hear all of this, perhaps she could learn more while around Court, provided Kaine permitted her to be present for such things. "Speaking of Mordecai, how is he do you know?" Saeth could not remember the last time she had seen either of her brothers, though Kaine she had heard more of than her other brother. Mordecai was an enigma, not even her Uncle spoke of him but not for the same reasons as Kaine... There was simply very little to say. Still, Saeth wouldn't have minded learning about him all the same.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
"Our uncle is foolish not to throw in his banners behind the war effort, the Republic is practically on it's knees awaiting the swing of the ax. We just need to a push a little more, and chop..." Kaine broke a leg of exotic lobster for emphasis, one that had been imported from some far off ocean world, maybe Dac or Manaan; Kaine couldn't quite remember the specifics, only that it was tasty beyond measure. He broke the shattered carapace to his lips and quickly drained out the juicy meat hidden within, chewing silently and swallowing before finishing his sentence. "They will be rent asunder, little sister." He proceeded to feast on the shellfish for a few moments longer, occasionally dipping the succulent crustacean flesh into a batter of sauces and spices that added an extra zing to the flavor, enhancing something that Kaine already though perfect.

If such a thing truly existed.

"As for Mordecai... I truly do not know where he's run off to, but he's taken his wife and child along with him. He was a part of the war effort for a time, several years, but he disappeared out of the blue a short time ago and no one has seen him since." He shrugged; "Such things are not too uncommon among the Sith, we come and go as we please and many don't question where we go or what we do while we're away. As for me I find the front inescapable, and when the call of battle is sounded across the void I am one of the first to answer the call... readily." He took a drink, a quick swig of his dark wine that washed down the remnants of the food that had lingered. "But other times I'm remapping the Unknown Regions for the Dark Lord and the Empire. The original charts had been lost for centuries, and most of that vast space is unknown and dangerous, but that's why they sent me."

"There's not much more dangerous than I."

[member="Saeth Zambrano"]

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