Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Our Last Night (Republic Dominion of Attahox)

Corvus walked to the exit ramp, watching it descend as she approached it. Almost immediately the smell of the city invaded the ship - a lingering, acrid, sooty stink that didn't appeal to anyone who had a nose - or even knew someone who had one. Last time they'd assumed that the city must draw some of its power needs from incinerators if the smell was to be believed.

The picture that greeted her as she disembarked was no more appealing - and remarkably unchanged. The city, if one where to call this place a city, was bathed in a sickly yellowish tinge; a product of the sunlight filtering through the gases which were being released into the increasingly noxious atmosphere. The rubble strewn landing site on the outskirts of the city could have been mistaken for a war-zone on any other planet, were it not for the guidelights and barely recognizable marker beacons. On one side sat the dirty mismatched buildings of the city and behind them a shallow lake of a clear yellow liquid that shimmered like an oil slick in the light.

Corvus still didn't like this planet. On the horizons there were no trees or hills - just trash. Old wrecked ships corroding in the open air, ruined structures the size of city blocks just deposited here, tons upon tons of refuse left to rot and decay.

But she was a Jedi - and she had a duty to perform...
As the Dorin Run glided above, Kian couldn't help but look down and be amazed at the sheer amount of garbage and waste strewn about below. This was Kian's first trip to a "garbage" planet and he had to say that it lived up to its name. Bringing the freighter around, Kian settled it down in a clearing outside the main city. He couldn't land it in the spaceport, as there was no power the place. That was the task Kian had been assigned, restoring power to the spaceport.

While it seemed like it would be easy enough, Kian got the sense that the lack of power to the place wasn't an outage.....but rather a strategic decision made by combatants on the ground.

"Are you two ready?" Kian asked over the comms as he stood and left the cockpit.

"Yes sir." "Yes Sir!" Replied Jedi Koras Qual and his padawan Soli Baris in unison.

"Good, you know the plan, let's try to stick to this one." Kian said, emphasizing the words and aiming the reply at Soli more than anyone. The girl had a tendency on missions to go a bit off track.

"Understood." Jedi Qual said as Kian entered the hanger where they were and saw the stern but non-malicious look he was giving Soli. Nodding to them both, the three Jedi exited the ship and began their trip to the spaceport. Kian wasn't sure what they would find there, but he had a pretty good guess in mind.......they'd find trouble.
Another drop ship touched down in the city. The soldiers ran out the commander at the head shouting at them, "Alright men, set up a perimeter and find as many civilians as you can. Take a tally of any that might be injured. Move out!" Uri stood on the ramp looking out at the buildings at the dingy and dismal surroundings. He had been to more planets here recently that he had been in his six years at the academy. He hated how the planets were mangled and beaten. He spent so much time on Agamar and Ossus that he assumed all planets were like them. He realized now that this thought was a lie. He could see how the galaxy really was now and it made his heart hurt. He felt he was sheltered for too long. The truth hidden from him. In this moment he no longer wanted to claim the title of monk. The monks stayed hidden away in their monastery oblivious to evil.

"Aureleos!" The commanding officer shouted bringing Uri back from his thoughts. "Move out... And don't get yourself killed!"

Uri nodded his eyes focused on the commanding officer,"Roger that."
[member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Werdla Dardalab"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Caleb Brolen"] | [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] | [member="Tålamod Shapochka"]

The comm inside Kayleigh's battle armor went off. Diverting her attention for a moment as she took cover behind one of the many tanks now advancing on the ground through the city streets she was able to reach Captain T'ane, as well as their new Mandalorian guests. "Roger, T'ane. Appreciate the additional support." Switching over to speak with Strider Kayleigh smiled, she'd welcome the help taking the capital with the Mandalorians. "Our forces are planetside, field marshal. We're forming a T flank on the palace to subdue enemy lines but resistance is high. You are welcome to drop where you see fit. The line behind is clear, otherwise you can attempt a landing from the opposite end of the palace, and we'll have the entire building surrounded if you succeed. I leave that up to you."

The comm cut as a stray rocket slammed into the ground several feet away, fired from rebels located on various positions atop the palace roof. General Trasten ordered the heavy armor division to fire upon the turrets first, to allow the gunships safe passage. Kayleigh broke away from the main forces to a blown out building to take up a sniper's position. Intent on clearing the rebels from their positions along the rooftop of the palace she began scanning the area through the HUD of her helmet. Adjusting the rifle a bit she slowly began to eliminate target after target, clearing the way for the infantry to safely advance. It was likely that there would be heavy resistance inside the palace, but securing the outer perimeter would be of top priority for now.
Stormfire-class Assault Frigate Audacious, in orbit via Attahox

"Shields at 73%," reported Seic'lar, "but we're recharging as normal."

Could be worse then. Gir turned his attention back to the holo-tank with the unfolding battle. he spotted one snubfighter frantically veer away from the defensive fire of the Audacious's quad autoblaster batteries. He sighed and ran a hand through his blonde hair. Just have to keep them occupied for a little bit then. The man turned his gaze to the swarm of hostile starfighters. They had finally breached through the scattershot volleys of the 1st Beta line to fly around the inner zones of the fleet. Such close quarters combat was typically the forte of the starfighters, especially since the larger guns of his warships had to cease fire so that they didn't risk the chance of hitting their own ships. Still, the smaller guns of the Audacious and her sister ships were busy swatting away the interlopers or the warheads they were launching. More importantly, the Republic's own menagerie of starfighters had now entered the fray, adding more chaos to the mix, though their presence was decidedly in the Republic's favor. Swept wing Narra and Dodonna interceptors flitted around the fleet, harassing the rebel starfighters even as they attempted to make attack runs on the larger Republic vessels. Other Incom and Rendili built fighters mixed it up too, often providing heavier firepower and staying power compared to either of the previous interceptors.

"They're concentrating their fire on us again," noted Herson, glancing up to the Commodore.

Gir nodded as he looked over the map, "Let's pull the Boreas to our portside. Their quad lasers should be enough of a deterrent to allow us to fully recover our shields."

After relaying that order to the repair corvette, Herson snorted, "So we're playing pass the corvette?"

"No one ship can fulfill all the roles," mused Gir, rapidly scrawling through a holo-map of the world, "and no ship is without its weakness."

Herson frowned, "What are you doing sir?"

"I'm about to exploit the weakness of the ground-based starfighters."


"They have to have a base to come back to, right?"

Herson rocked his head back in understanding, "We're going to take or destroy their base, aren't we?"

Gir nodded, "Let's prep an assault force."

[member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Wedla Dardalab"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Kayleigh Tyven"] | [member="Caleb Brolen"] | [member="[COLOR=rgb(235,235,235)][URL=""]Tålamod Shapochka[/URL]"][/COLOR]
Watching two of the rebels on patrol he smiled noticing no one else was around and with a flick of his wrist a stone caused a noise off to their right inside and alley. Solan himself pushing off as he smiled and let a knife drop into his hand as they disappear into alley themselves. He followed them wordlessly and came up behind them before sending the blade of the knife throught the throat of the an on the right and placing a hand over the mouth of the one on the left, flames consuming his hand and burning the skin around his mouth before pulling the blade from the neck of the first man before slitting the throat of the left man before sighing and igniting flames on the bodies of the men before leaving the alley and wiping off the blade on the inside of his cloak and moving on down the street.
Location: Aboard Drop Ship
Objective: On Stand bye
Team: Ori'ramikade [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Strider Garon"]

Even with the force Mumbojumbo Ana felt most comfortable with her Vode. She enjoyed the Jedi temple well enough but she would never forgo the opportunity to fight with family or be apart of the famous Ori'ramikade. It was an honor in of itself to be invited or just lumped in with them. Ana was happy either way to be on this drop ship.

As they awaited orders of where they were to be let loose leaned her head back against the drop ship and sighed closing her eyes slightly. She normally was patient but she was itching for a good fight. Her visions of the brewing storm had her itching for a good fight with the Sith and Primeval. This for now would do.

A second reason that she may have been a little ancy was that Strider was leading the charge. It wasn't that he wasn't a good leader it was just that most recently she had kissed him without any explanation. She blamed the kiss out of the loneliness she felt from failed relationships and missing Azrael. It wouldn't happen again nor was it something she wished to talk about.
Location: Aboard Drop Ship
Objective: On Stand bye
Team: Ori'ramikade [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Mallory Pryde"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Allies: [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]

"Commander Tyven, My team will hit the palace from above. Aggressive entry VIA rooftop" Strider would inform the Republic's Supreme Commander. Though he was honored with the option to hold up the rear of the palace but with a ten man squad of commandos, they were better suited with quick and decisive violence which such can be provided with breaching the palace where their numbers can hold in close quarter combat.

Strider would look to his pilot and he would raise a finger thrusting it upwards "Get us to 35,000 feet vod and open us up over the palace" The mandalorian marshal commanded his drop ship. He would then turn his focus on his highly skilled squad of the legendary Ori'ramikade. If he could see their faces now, they would all be smiling for they all knew what Strider was asking for. At 35,000 feet and doors open only meant one thing. A high Altitude low opening (Halo) Jump was in the works. And by the design of the palace it was best course of action to avoid AA action as ten mandalorians would be just specs on their radar, free falling till the last moment before igniting their jets for a controlled precision landing.

Strider would walk the tight corridor between the warriors bench seats, checking them all personally, visor to visor as he would molest their armor with his grushgaunts to make sure all is secure and ready for action. At the same time he got comms from Mallory Pryde. Rambozo? who the hell is this woman? "Cyar'ika! Your comm etiquette needs improving!" He would reply with as much humor as he could muster. "Make it fast, we are about to get into the thick of it"

Strider would then make his way to the hatch where they all would shortly be jumping. Looking back, he can recognize Anna and La in their individualized armor and give them both an affectionate nod of respect before getting on with the the task at hand. "UP!" His voice boomed his demands for all the commandos to rise out of their seats "Stack up!" was the next order for them all to prep to jump. Now they just waited for the green light from the pilot.
chuckling as she continues to watch the city she smirked and placed the binocs to her eyes and focuses in on the area nest is clear for now, altho I am sure you're going to meet opposition.. make sure to bring lots of medical stims.. you will need them she said in a simple mocking tone, an air of malice swept over her and she rose, threw the binocs down and checked her dual sabers she brought on the mission.

It was simple, secure the city.. funny thing is taking people alive wasn't exactly her idea of fun, yet she was a jedi if even a rogue one, so she had a duty to perfom, checking the surroundings she began her trek toward the city.. unlike other planets she went to she wouldn't dress to be seen or noticed, rather to kick the crap outta others.. so her armor was more for athleticism rather than actual armor, she didn;t need it... the bigger the danger the more the thrill and the higher the rush. Besides, she highly doubts those crack pot rebels could effectively shoot the door off a barn from close range anyway.

As usual her shotoh is secured on her hips, with a new one she acquired, this time a normal length one This should be fun her mind beamed as she slowly crept up to the city, the main teams would be her distraction..

[member="Strider Garon"]

(OOC: sorry forgot to state her weapons in my original post)
Location: Aboard drop ship
Objective: Prepare to Jump
Team: Ori'ramikade [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Welp. Jet-packs. Awesome. This was a piece of equipment La was trained on, but had not actually used very often. The one she had just made sure was properly adjusted wasn't even hers personally, and that made her a bit antsy. Probably her vod would not give her faulty equipment. It was just that caring for her own gear and not trusting it to anyone else had been engrained into her for.. Well, as long as she could remember. Normally, if she was just hired on as a merc, pirate, bounty hunter, body guard, whatever, she'd be jumping out the ship and whooping on her way down, because even if the jetpack failed and you died, at least it'd be a hell of a ride first. Of course normally one didn't have the legendary Ori'ramikade to keep up with and try not to look like an idiot in front of. It was an issue.

Well, maybe her jetpack would fail and she'd wind up a splat on the palace roof. Maybe she'd go all the way through and crush some unsuspecting bugger. That'd be a right good way to go and then she'd not have to worry about it. Either it would be fine or it wouldn't. Gallows humour to cheer her, La was grinning within her helmet. Adrenaline starting to pump as it always did before a fight.

She was on her feet the moment the command was given, and in line the next, triple checking the straps on her gear. Every muscle was tense waiting for the 'Go'. Waiting to be unleashed at yet another enemy. Or enemy of an ally. Whatever. Anyone stupid enough to raise a blaster at her or any of her vode.
As bad as the city smelled, Corvus had faced worse. And she made every effort to hide her distaste. Nothing upset the locals more than immediately telling them their planet stunk!

Not exactly the stuff of picture postcards, she thought but then, if anyone deserves our help, it’s people that have to live in conditions like these.

Corvus took in the buildings and the rubbish. And more rubbish. And then trash as far as the eye could see. Aware her eyes were starting to water due to the noxious fumes, she fumbled in her pockets and pulled out a pair of nose-plugs and inserted them into her nasal passages. Invisible to the eye but a god-send to the olfactory organs.

What the locals don’t know won’t hurt them, she mused. She knew her voice would sound slightly nasally but unless you knew her well you’d assume it was normal, or she had a slight cold.

Looking around, Corvus saw nothing that had a sign that declared it was a temporary headquarters of any self-appointed freedom-fighter leadership, but she did see a building that looked well defended to her left, so she pulled up her hood and strode purposefully forward.

As she walked she was distracted by the oily surface of the nearby lake, the faint rainbow of colours seemed oddly out of place in a place as dreary as this one.
Stormfire-class Assault Frigate Audacious, in Attahox's atmosphere

The commodore's flagship lumbered into the atmosphere, trailed by the Boreas and the Brazen. A constant swarm of starfighters harassed the trio of warships, but the Boreas's quad laser cannons swatted away most of their major assaults. Many of the rebel squadrons still swarmed the Republic fleet above, but Gir knew that their numbers were beginning to dwindle under the intense fire. Even if the starfighters weren't destroyed, they would likely be running out of heavy ordinance to threaten the big ships, and in probably less than a few hours, fuel. Gir stood by one of the marine officers as they planned out the last stages of their attack. One of the marine captains shook his head as he pointed at a fuzzy feature on the map.

" really think that's a fuel cylinder?" questioned the man, "what if it isn't, or it's empty? They might actually put people there."

"Then the landing parties are going to have to be really careful," replied Gir, "I know it's not ideal, but it's what we've got right now. If you feel strong about it, we could divert one of the gunships from sector eight here to ensure that there's nothing there."

"That's Jokar's call," said the first man, turning to face an armored Twi'lekk.

"We can do that," said the marine officer, "but I want to be able to recall it if there's nothing there."

"All right, it's settled then," said Gir, glancing at his wrist chrono, "we're less than ten minutes from launch, and you all need to be in your ships. And remember-"

"Fire support's a call away," repeated two of them as they hoisted up their weapons.

The jarheads began to shuffle out of the bridge and off to their dropships and gunships. Gir turned his attention to the bridge viewport, watching the clouds pass as their ships plunged through atmosphere. Soon this will all be a distant memory...
Orick looked over at Captain Rovins, " I hate this part of the job. I mean if there was something for us to shoot at I'd be fine, but I am not a fan of coordinating things and watching other people get the dangerous work."

" This is the perfect opportunity to get some extra training in, Captain T'ane. Soon enough you'll get your wish and you'll be on your own, and every decision will put someone's life in danger, regardless of how you feel about it. You're a commanding officer now, you don't get the luxury of going it alone anymore." The older man replied.

Orick frowned and turned back to the holotank, and the ground battle in progress. " Lieutenant, the Mando strike team is making a move for the palace, have gunship delta-1-1 provide fire support." He rubbing his chin he began to see how the overall battle for the palace was taking shape. The Republic forces were pushing forward, but the fighting was fierce. At least the extra gunships are helping. Shouldn't be long now before most of the heavy weapons the enemy were employing were out of commission.

[member="Gir Quee"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Mallory Pryde"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]
Location: Aboard Drop Ship
Objective: Ready to Fly
Team: Ori'ramikade [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Strider Garon"]

On command Ana stood up and lined up as everyone else did. If there was one thing that Ana was good at, it was taking orders. Her Masters told her to do something and she always did it no questions asked. It was probably why now she made such a good solider. She loosened up somewhat out of command situations but here no. She would do exactly as she was told and when without an objection. In this situation it wasn't her place to do so.

As she waited in line Ana checked her jet pack for any last minute adjustments. She had checked it before and was sure that nothing was wrong with it but checking again didn't hurt. Taking a deep breath she waited for the green light to go. This was a test, at least in her own mind, if she was truly ready for this. She firmly believed in herself. It was time to rock and roll.
Corvus’ eyes returned to the more obviously reinforced building some distance from the landing site. It was the same as the last time they were there – windows that seemed somewhat blocked, rugged yet corroded vehicles parked where they might be used as makeshift barricades and a small group of nervous looking locals in long acid resistant over-cloaks that would ordinarily be used to work in the toxic environment of the garbage heaps.

They looked bulky and misshapen, whether the cloaks were hiding battered armour or weapons was anyone’s guess. And amongst the group was someone who looked up and broke away from the bunch, a tall chunky looking woman with misted goggles covering her eyes, chewing something dark and sticky looking.

She didn't speak, just placed herself in Corvus’ path and looked her up and down with what appeared to be an unimpressed frown curling the edge of her lips. The woman suddenly lurched forward and grabbed Corvus in what could only be described as a bear-hug.

“Jedi, you’ve come back.”

“Warden Hulla,” Corvus managed through the wheezing noises she was making as she tried to speak.

“Your cold’s no better,” the warden said and now slapped Corvus on the back, “I’ve got something for that, but first a brew eh?”

Corvus smiled, “I wouldn’t want to put you out, but a cup of tea sounds wonderful, thanks. And you can fill me in on what needs doing around here, yes?”

And the unlikely couple walked to the local headquarters and reminisced about old-time’s sake before moving to the matter in hand.
Stormfire-class Assault-class Frigate Audacious, Attahox

What was it that he use to say?

Command was always one of those things that people wanted until they had it.

Through the bridge viewport, he watched the vivid light of blasters, lasers, and a countless other ground weapons he had never heard of weave an intricate display of light that might have made an entertaining spectacle if he hadn't known what was truly going on: Dozens of deaths and some thousands, maybe millions, worth of credits of damage to what should have been their base. He watched as one of the Audacious's own guns, not a large mass driver cannon, but a point-defense gun, sputtered a dazzling array of bolts onto what had been a concealed repeating blaster nest. The red light kicked up a storm of dirt and dust which concealed the demise of the rebel gunners. As the dust dissipated, Gir could only see charred metal standing defiantly out of dozens of micro-craters. Even then, he watched two fire teams of Republic marines sprint from their cover to take refuge in the charred pit as sporadic fire emerged to attack them from the base's hangars. A familiar voice interrupted Gir's brief observation.

"There are more incoming fighters," reported Herson, "looks like we've caught their attention again."

Gir turned his attention the bridge's central holo-projector, which displayed a hazy, real-time image of the battlefield. He quickly assessed the relative positions of his larger ships, trusting the gunship pilots to take care of themselves. The Audacious hung just outside and above the main hangars, ready to intercept any craft which might attempt to escape the hangar. Her sistership, the Brazen, hovered a mere four hundred meters away, overwatching another group of smaller hangars. But perhaps the most effective ship of the group, the Boreas, cruised around the perimeter of the base. The corvette's quad laser cannons were easily chewing out of the guard towers and base's few active perimeter defense. The Boreas has probably done more damage with its assault than both of the assault frigates. He shook the thought from his head and flicked a couple switches on his headset comlink.

"Commander Sned," said the commodore, "move your ship to intercept those incoming fighters. I'm instructing my gunnery crews to support the Boreas with cannister shot as per the orders of your tac leader. Questions?"

"Yes sir, we're on it."

Gir turned to Herson, but the lanky man was already relaying Gir's orders to the Audacious's tac and gunnery crews. He turned his attention to the holo-map, watching the tubular Boreas rise up from its trail of destruction, through the billowing smoke, and into the sky above. Godspeed, Commander Sned.

[member="Kayleigh Tyven"] | [member="Orick T'ane"]
[member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Orick T'ane"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"]

"Acknowledged, Strider. We'll link up once the perimeter is secure." As the tanks knocked out the last of the outer turrets the gunships moved in to provide aerial support against the limited remaining resistance from ground forces. Kayleigh returned to her team as they advanced on the palace. She noted the drop ship holding the Mandalorians as it approached the rooftop of the palace. Aerial drops in the middle of a battlefield. That's one hell of a gutsy tactic. A smirk was on her grin as she watched the scene unfolding while they continued eliminating the resistance. A few rebel squads surrendering as they cleared through the streets, clearly outmatched and destined to lose the battle.

Once the North, West, and East flanks were secured the tanks were ordered to hold a defensive arch encircling the palace to ensure that no further enemy activity could be had, nor any heavy armor brought in. With this stage of the operation complete, the army began to advance on the palace itself, spreading out to encircle the building while the remaining forces secured the area and surrounding streets. It would be time to breach the front gates.
After I sliced the last droid into three pieces I returned to the group of commanders that were still up kicking. As I walked I saw four or five men being treated for serous injuries sustained in the last fight. There was droid scraps and rubble everywhere and the worst part was that we lost a lot of men just trying to get down here. I asked one of the commanders "Status report". He replied with "They bloodied our noses but we are still in the fight.."

He brought up a relay map of the area and continued with "[member="Kayleigh Tyven"] and her battlegroup hit the ground hard and are making their way to the palace". A few blue blimps appeared on the map and he said "That is a mando team inserting there...we have a dropship ready to take you to the Admirals position then on the signal we strike". I nodded then made my way onto the gunship.

As it flew I noticed explosions going off all around the city. This was going to be very bloody.
Location: Aboard Drop Ship
Objective: On Stand bye
Team: Ori'ramikade [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Mallory Pryde"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Allies: [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]

"Happy hunting!" The mandalorian field marshal would reply back to the supreme commander of the republic forces. The troop hold with in the drop ship would light up green and the hatch would fly open exposing the Commandos to the rushing air. Yes, gravchuting into direct combat was suicidal for any airborne troops. The difference was, the Mandalorians were not using gravchutes, they were equipped with Jet backs that gave them complete control and mobility with in the air and pin point accuracy to where ever they wanted to land.

"OYA! Slanar!! Slanar!! Slanar!!!!!" The Grizzled warrior barked just moments before he dumped himself out of the drop ship and into the air above the palace. Free falling was a rush, free falling into combat was heavenly. All around bolts of lasers could be seen upon the ground where enemies and allies engaged and in the air as AA emplacements desperately tried to defend their locations. Flak explosions would also light up the skies adding to the effect of war. This was what Strider was created for, this was what he trained his entire life at. He like all mandalorians were Battleborn, for war was in their blood, it was the wetstone to their beksar clad will, always thirsty to test their might against deserving challenges. War, this was life.

The free would feel like forever but in realiting it was only moments and in those precious moments Strider had his HUD targeting system peg out their first victims of the day. The palace rooftop was well defended, it had two nests of sharp shooters with a spotter each. To ward off a rooftop breach they had a squad of ten grunts heavily armed and prepped to repel the invaders. They would easily pick up upon the falling Mandos and would open fire with a mixture of small arms and heavy weapons.

The commandos would return fire in kind. Strider being the tip of the falling spear would raise his hand out and let loose a mini rocket at a two man E -web mounted location. The Explosion would tear the weapon apart and from the few of his HUD it seemed to kill one of the operators and injure the second.

The rest of the Commando squad would do the same, sending a barrage of ordinance to pin down the enemy with suppressive fire. Their jet backs would all ignite in unison and the ten man team of Ori'ramikade would break down into two five man squads, one Landing directly on the rooftop and the other flew in formation using their flamethrowers to dust the rooftop with burning liquid death.

Strider lead the team that hit the roof first. He would with panther like reflexes draw his EE-3 carbine and lay down covering fire for the rest of his team to land and take control of the rooftop.
Location: Rebel Headquaters
Objective: Show them who is the true Rebel

Solan whistled as he walked into the command room and listened to the frantic panic of some unsavory men around a table, his hand resting on the hilt of the Krath War Blade he had picked up on a previous adventure while his scythe rested on his back. Around him there were five men, and no guards on the inside like the amateurs that these people were. It was itching not to just kill them all but he needed one alive to face trial for what he and his buddies did. So with a slow glance he looked at each man before speaking. "I suggest we surrender, you can't fight the Republic this way..." With that he only got laughs from most of them, infact only one seemed to hear the reason in his words... he would live.

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