Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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O'reen OOC

That ya go. Akio did not provide much when I said we'd invade. Here's what I told him.

  • PVP focused
  • Not at the same time as Atrisia - don't want ya'll screwed.
  • No fleeting - we start on the planet so as to not get bogged down getting to it. As that just distracts and delays PvP which determines the thread. Why wait?
  • No objectives - as a caveat, given the simple way the planet looks I could make a map (mostly symmetrical for balance purposes) with multiple plateaus to fight over. Republic starts on two as landing areas, Atrisia has like four or six? Owning them won't determine the winner, but it gives a clear map of the fight making it easier to organize. Figure some would have bridges, but destroying them would be off limits (cause that can get super lame real fast). Yeah. Good times.

I intend to make that map as early as I can after work tomorrow.


Professor of Alchemy
I'll be joining in on the Fringe Side later tomorrow, I have a test at 2(Yay weekend classes!!!!! Not), but if any of y'all Jedi Masters would like a good fight I wouldn't mind figuring out who I'm dueling before I get into the IC.

Cedric Dorn

Valik said:
I'll be joining in on the Fringe Side later tomorrow, I have a test at 2(Yay weekend classes!!!!! Not), but if any of y'all Jedi Masters would like a good fight I wouldn't mind figuring out who I'm dueling before I get into the IC.
I'm not sure if i'm fighting Ashin, but if not. Fight me IRL Valik.

Askrut Fey'ra

I'm unarmed, unable to use the force to fight, only good at healing, and have no experience in he field.
Yup, perfect for an invasion.

Cedric Dorn

Hey guys, if you use technology in your posts that was submitted in the factory, please link it in your posts. Its a massive pain in the butt to go search through the factory and find the tech you're using, its easier if you just do it and link it in your post rather than making every single one of your opponents do it.


Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
@[member="Morna Imura"]

... if you are still in the fringe.....

I am tempted to join just to go.. "OI ... gah!.. wait a minute... I know you!!!" shakes fist
@[member="Rasu Gan"] It's an honor, I really enjoy fighting you. @[member="Asher North"] This is personal buddy besides I got someone helping but you can stay and help fight her with me but this is a deep plot line between the two characters

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