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Approved Lore Order of the Eternal Flame

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  • Intent: I wanted to expand upon my own character's backstory and provide insight into her beliefs and customs. I don't expect it to be a prominent or popular religion, merely a plot device for myself.
  • Image Credit: First Image, Second Image
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Religion Name: Order of the Eternal Flame
  • Religion Type: Fire Worship
  • Influence: Interplanetary
  • Influence Area: Phenex
  • Symbol:
  • Description: Fire is creation, it is destruction, it is home, it is hearth, it is everything.

    The Order worships the “Mother Flame.”, or as others call it, “The Force.” said to be the first spark of life within the galaxy, they believe it to be the universe's heart pulsating with warmth, and if it was ever to be put out, the galaxy as they know it would be consumed by black; reduced to nothing as opposed to its current everything.

    Only the pure are capable of keeping the flame, anyone sullied would darken the fire and no one wants to worship a tarnished blaze. These pure women, all force-sensitives, are known as the “Red Priestesses.” and it is considered an honor to hold the title.

    While the religion is scattered throughout, there are only three temples of worship, with every new temple erected containing a piece of the so-called mother flame, having been carefully transferred from the previous temple to the next by a Red Priestess via lantern.

    The Three temples are hidden in secret locations throughout the galaxy but all three are located on light-side vergences, which allowed the temples to be more difficult to locate but also allowed the members of the temple to draw on the natural power around them.
  • Founder: Legend speaks not of a single founder, but of an ancient vision. Force mystics witnessed a colossal fire erupt from a newborn star, believing it to be the galaxy's first spark of life - the Mother Flame. They became the Order's first Red Priestesses, tasked with keeping it pure and bright, for its light was the galaxy's heartbeat.
  • Membership: The flamekeepers are often referred to as Red Priestesses due to their traditional garb. These crimson robes symbolize the fire they tend and the passion they hold for their faith. They are typically Force-sensitives, trained from a young age to understand the flame's connection to the Force and maintain its sacred burn. These Red Priestesses are assigned to one of the three temples of worship within the galaxy, where they spend the majority of their lives serving the flame whilst occasionally going on religious missions.
  • Sacred: While they believe the Mother Flame to be their God in a religious sense, they find every fire originates from the mother whom they worship. It is for these reasons that members of the order refuse to extinguish any flame, no matter how dangerous or threatening. It is simply the mother flames will.
  • Dogma:
    • Followers dedicate themselves to acts of creation and preservation, fostering life and warmth wherever they go. This can manifest in acts of healing, construction, or protecting the innocent.
    • Maintaining emotional and spiritual balance is paramount. Anger, greed, and hatred are seen as pollutants that diminish the strength of the Mother Flame within oneself. Meditation, selflessness, and acts of compassion are highly encouraged.
    • The Red Priestesses act as spiritual leaders and interpreters of the Mother Flame's will. Followers are expected to respect their guidance and teachings.
    • Pilgrimages to the three hidden temples are considered sacred journeys that strengthen one's connection to the Force. These pilgrimages often involve trials or tests of faith.
    • The Order keeps the location of the temples secret to protect the Mother Flame's fragments. Members are expected to be vigilant against those who might seek to extinguish or corrupt the flame.
  • Reputation: It is considered an archaic belief, though it is far from a dying practice. A dangerous faith to worship that most often leads to self-immolation, while some hold the faith in high regard and respect the Orders dedication, others scoff at its existence and are quick to point out its rather troubled past.

  • Red Priestesses:
  • Believers:
    • An assortment of people on at least three planets.


The Great Burning:

The Order's origins predate recorded history. Legends speak of a celestial event witnessed by ancient Force mystics - a colossal fire erupting from the birth of a star. This "Great Burning" wasn't just a spectacle; it was seen as the galaxy's first spark of life, the Mother Flame. The mystics, touched by this vision, became the first Red Priestesses. They believed the Mother Flame wasn't just fire, but the very heartbeat of the galaxy, pulsating with the life-giving Force.

Eternal Vigil:

The newly formed Order understood the consequences of a dying Mother Flame. Darkness, they believed, would consume the galaxy if the flame ever extinguished. With unwavering devotion, they dedicated themselves to tending the flame and ensuring its purity. This meant not only keeping it physically burning but also guarding it from the corrupting influence of the dark side.

Purity and the Three Temples:

The Order revered purity. Only those deemed untainted by darkness could become Red Priestesses. A darkened flame, they believed, would lose its connection to the Force and become a beacon for the dark side. Their rigorous selection process ensured only the most pure Force-sensitives were entrusted with tending the flame.

Scattered But Connected:

The Order's history is marked by both secrecy and expansion. While scattered across the galaxy, a sense of unity remained. The three Temples of the Mother Flame, each containing a carefully transferred ember from the original source, served as anchors for the Order. These temples were built on powerful light-side vergences, hidden to protect the flame and allowing the Red Priestesses to draw on the natural Force energy for their rituals and meditations.

Memories and Trials:

Generations of Red Priestesses have passed down stories of the Great Burning and the Order's sacred duty. The Order has fended off dark side incursions, protected the temples, and maintained the purity of the flame. These memories both inspire and caution the Red Priestesses, reminding them of the galaxy's precarious balance and the consequences of failing in their sacred mission.

An ancient religion steeped in reverence for the life-giving Force. The Order of the Eternal Flame stands as a testament to the delicate balance between creation and destruction, light and dark, and the unwavering dedication required to protect it.
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I'd say make at least one planet where the Priestesses gather unless they're nomads, in which just say they wonder around.

There are three temples, one if on the planet of Phenex, and the other two, I didn't feel like finding names for if we're being honest!

I can totally flesh that out and come back, but the Priestesses are assigned a certain temple, and occasionally they go on missions assigned by said temple's head priestess.

Do I need to find two other planets? Or can I leave it open-ended for now? Sorry, I am used to a different format of roleplay where it is more so figure it out as you go.

But I can do it either way!

You can mention that the priestess are assigned to a temple! A planet isn't necessary just say that it depends on where they're stationed at.

Awesome! I edited this information in.

"An assortment of people on at least three planets."

"Membership: The flamekeepers are often referred to as Red Priestesses due to their traditional garb. These crimson robes symbolize the fire they tend and the passion they hold for their faith. They are typically Force-sensitives, trained from a young age to understand the flame's connection to the Force and maintain its sacred burn. These Red Priestesses are assigned to one of the three temples of worship within the galaxy, where they spend the majority of their lives serving the flame whilst occasionally going on religious missions."

Hope this does the trick!

Thanks so much for the help.
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